The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 1

Admin June 23, 2022 No Comments

The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 1

Mahabba Campaign Part-1/365

The Quraish are the noble family of Makkah. Abdul Muttalib is the prominent Quraish leader .Abdullah is one of his thirteen sons. A handsome, well-mannered young man. Abdullah was always with his father. He was as dear to the Meccans as to his family. Abdullah kept aloof from a society in which ugly practices were rampant. But he was totally blind to that age of ignorance and superstitions.Naturally,
the ladies of Makkah desired to have this young man as their life partner. Some expressed the desire while others proposed him directly. But Abdullah did not agree. Some of the noble ladies shared their ambition with seductive promises. But to no avail.
According to the then prevailing custom, when Abdullah reached the age of marriage, his family began to face marriage proposal. Here is a good proposal; Amina, daughter of the noble Wahab. The family was verymuch pleased. A well- suited virtuous girl for Abdullah in every sense.They mutually agreed at first glance.
Indeed it was a remarkable marriage. The celestial wedding tookplace with the magnificent presence of the audience. There were no orchestras or noises. Prominent people,, from the families of the bride and groom gathered and shared mutual respect. The marriage contract is complete.
The Meccans were amazed to see the married life of This unique couple.The unity of the couple made anyone jealous. The couple’s life was full of happy.
Amina became pregnant.
By then, it was time for the merchants to leave Makkah. Abdullah left his wife alone and joined the business group.
The Lord of Judgment has certain plans. The Lord has the sovereignty. No one can tresspass it.
No one can change His plan. Yes, on the way back, Abdullah fell ill in Madinah (then Yasrib). And then attained the Hereafter. The wife, Amina was saddened by the news.The bereaved Amina regained her composure and took care of growing fetus.
A.D. 571,On the morning of Monday, April 21 (Rabiul Awwal 12), Amina gave birth to a cute baby boy. He is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) It was the birth that the world was waiting for.An epoch making event in the history…..



Mecca has been an urban area since ancient times. Boys born in the town were sent to the villages for breastfeeding. That was the custom in those days. It would help to get fresh air and prevent contagious diseases. Life in the desert was an opportunity for children to achieve a lot of good values.

Some families excelled in raising the children. The most famous among them is the tribe of Banu Saad . They were part of the Hawazin clan who lived in the south-eastern part of Makkah. Amina(R) also wanted the Banu Saad tribe to breastfeed her son. Amina ( R) waited eagerly for a lady from Banu Sa’ad for her child. It’s not too late. Groups began to arrive. Among them was Halima, the daughter of Abu Duaib with her husband, Harris and son Abdullah (Lamrath), who was in infancy.

Halima’s thoughts became a unique part of history. Haleema ® describes her memories like this.”It was a drought-hit time. All our resources are empty.We thought of going to Mecca and taking a baby for breastfeeding as soon as possible. We were very much in need of a baby for breastfeeding expecting the benefits to be derived thereby. We have a gray she donkey and a lean camel. My baby was crying non-stop because there was no milk in my breast. However we went to Mecca along with a family bound for Mecca. My fellow travellers were tired waiting my weak donkey. I wished to get a rain. But the sky didn’t favour. Everyone of my fellow travellers went down to the kids. They visited the house of Amina(R) also. Many of them were reluctant to receive the child because the father had died. The expectation of the stepmothers was the gifts and reward from the child’s father. Breastfeeding was not a direct wage job. Rather, it was a relationship for a long term future and the benefits that come with it. It was also part of an existing system. The relationship between a rural family and an urban dweller had many dimensions. Needs of the either families were fulfilled mutually.
Lack of profit was the reason for not receiving this orphan.Anyway I resolved to see the baby. Others were already ready to leave Mecca with their adopted children. I went to see Amina’s baby . Let us take this cute baby and may God bless us.I shared my feelings with my husband.The husband also agreed.I Just took the baby and hold it to my chest. What a miracle !.My breast filled with milk. My son and foster child sucked the breastmilk until their stomach was was full. What a miracle! The udder of my camel was also full. The donkey also jumps energetically. My husband said, “Surely the baby you have chosen is a blessing indeed. ‘Yes, that’s all I expected’: I responded. We returned to the village. The new baby and I got on the ass. The vehicle has become energetic and began to move rapidly. The friends were all behind. They told us to wait. ‘What
a miracle ! Halima is so lucky’: Friends began to say.

Yes, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) started his journey from Makkah to the village …..



Halima continues, and we reached the village of Banu Saad. Our baby entered the hut. What a joy !. The arrival of Muhammad Mon blessed everyone. The nature of the village itself was changed. It was a wasteland and now it is green. Cattle have adequate meadows. Udders always full with milk. Our animals have milk even when the neighboring cattle do not have milk. Some people would say that ‘they can also graze in the place where Halima’s sheeps are tied. But that was not the only reason why our sheep are always milked. (It was because of the blessed child that we adopted).

I breastfed Muhammad till the age of two. His growth was extraordinary. Now is the time to return the mother. I am unhappy to leave him. The joy and prosperity bestowed upon
us by the arrival of this baby is indescribable. I thought of telling Amina ® once more about my reluctance to depart him. At that time there was a plague in Makkah. Amina(R) reluctantly gave her son once again because of our compulsion and plague. We returned home with ecstasy. What a relief for my daughter, Shaima. She is the one who sings the lullaby to baby Muhammad (PBUH).Often she would carry him and Walk together. Months passed. The two children were playing in the meadow. The place was right next to our house and suddenly my son Lamra came to me running. He began to say with trembling. Our Quraish brother was taken away by two men who came there wearing white dress. They stretched him out there. The chest is split open and the two men inserted their hands inside his heart. My husband and I were terrified. He quickly ran to the place. There stands Muhammad as if nothing happened. But there was a change of expression on his face. Suddenly I picked him up and put him on my chest. What’s wrong with you? I asked. Baby Muhammad(PBUH)said “Two men in white robes came and stretched me out, opened my chests and pulled something out from inside, I don’t know what was thing. My husband and I looked together unbelievably.We two searched the area fully. Didn’t see anyone. No injuries or bleeding were found on the body. During the physical examination of the child, another miracle was noticed. Here is a mark of seal on his shoulder …



It is the sign of Prophethood which is called Khatham Nubuwwa in Arabic. It was there right from the prophet’s birth. But at this time, it became more attractive and invited the attention of the fostering mother. It is, according to the Hadith, a swallowing of the body in a shape of a pigeon’s egg, and covered with hair.
Halima and her husband deeply contemplated on the issue. The abnormalities surrounding their child, Muhammad had been frightening them. They can’t afford returning Muhammad to his mother having some wound or injuries. So, with enough pain of departing, they decided to return to Makkah at early hour, and to describe the strange things that are happening to her child. Reached to Makkah, they returned to Hazrath Amina (Peace be Upon Her) her beloved child and narrated the events in detail. Halima (Peace be Upon Her) expected from her some notes of amusement or fear. But, the mother Hazrath Amina was pretty cool, as she was expecting these all. She really knew how special her child was; she had met many odd and bizarre events throughout her pregnancy, during her child birth and after. She shared those with the visitors. “Great position is waiting for my son”; being fully calm and quiet, the mother Hazrath Amina (Peace be Upon Her) replied. The reply made Halima and her sweetheart happy, they yearned for going back with the child Muhammad; it was not easy for them to part with the child. But, Hazrath Amina (Peace be Upon Her) refused the idea. The foster mother had bid them adieu.
Those days with mother and the child were warm. There were children of his same age in the family, his uncles, and children of his uncles. Of them, Hamsa and Safiyya were more attached with him. The child was the centre of everyone’s life in the family. They all knew that he was special, witnessed wonderful events in his life. And he was given special consideration. For instance, Abdul Muthalib, who was the leader of Makkah, had a special chair near the Ka-ba where he led the tribes meeting, solved the disputes, made important decisions related to the holy Kaaba, and Makkah. No one, even his own children, was allowed to sit there, but the child Muhammad. When the elite Qurish asked him the reason, he replied: “ I had witnessed many miraculous things in him.”
It was when the child became six years old, Hazrath Amina (Peace be Upon her) wanted to visit her relatives in Yathrib (Madina). The mother and child, with their maid Ummu Ayman (Baraka), set off to Yathrib with a caravan of traders, reached there, spent some memorable days with them, visited the grave of her husband Abdulla (Peace be Upon Him). Those days were often– the moments of swimming in the pools of the Khazraj Tribe, flying kites with fellow children, etc… – recollected and said by the Prophet.
The time to set off arrived. They bid adieu to Yathrib. When they crossed some distances from Yathrib,
Hazrath Amina became sick….



It is difficult to continue the journey anymore. It is good to take rest somewhere. And so rested at a place called “Abawa”.Abawa ‘is located at a distance of 273 km from Madinah on the way to Makkah. The disease flared up again and again. Amina (ra) departed this world. Father departed during the pregnancy and now the mother also separated. Muhammad (PBUH) became a complete orphan at the age of six.
The last-minute conversation between mother and son was very thoughtful and emotional. ‘My dear son I’m leaving you. I’m leaving with a lot of goodness in you. The dreams I had will come true. If so, you are the prophet for all mankind. Hot kisses were given to the beloved son. Amina (RA) reminded Baraka to take good care of her son.
Baraka is also known as Umm Ayman, one of the luckiest attendants in history. Amina (RA) who was assigned to take care over the Holy Prophet. Witnessed his childhood, adolescence and youth. The preaching and migration were experienced firsthand. She became a believer in the early stage. She cared for the children of the Prophet and later for his grandchildren. The blessings received by Ummu Aiman (R) during the time of migration can be seen in the Hadith as follows. On the way to Madinah, she became isolated from the group and wandered in the desert without knowing the way and withuot drinking water. Then, a bucket came down from the skywards and she drank until her thirst was quenched. Never felt thirsty till her demise.
The gladtiding of her entering heaven was received directly from the Prophets(PBUH).She became the wife of the Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) servant, Zaid ibn Harith(R), became the mother of Osama bin Zaid, the man who was very much loved by the Prophet (PBUH). This is the story of the pious Ummu Aiman(R).
Hazrath Amina (R)was laid to rest in Abawa’. Painful heart and tears of love witnessed for that departure.The pain of deprivation experienced at the age of six sank deep into his heart. It was there in core of his heart even at the age of sixty when he visited mother Amina (R) along with his followers. Baraka and her son continued their journey to Mecca. Grandfather Abdul Muttalib was already informed. He was waiting to receive the beloved grandson. He decided to take care of Muhammad (PBUH) without causing him any kind problems as an orphan. Always walked with him . Every moment he recognized his grandson’s abnormality.
Shared it with others. Sought the opinion of the Prophet (PBUH)in public discussions. Used to dine only with the Prophet (PBUH. Even if his own children and grandchildren all arrive, he would wait to arrive the grandson. There was no peace for Abdul Muttalib without the presence of Muhammad (PBUH). Occasionally would call Ummu Ayman and say “Umm Ayman Don’t miss my son “. I saw the son standing with the children in the Sidra tree. Ummu Aiman(R)said. In every sense the grandfather protected the grandson with great love and affection . The Prophet (PBUH) also enjoyed that shade.
The days went by……..



Abdul Muttalib was the leader of the nobles of Makkah. Guests came from all over the world to meet him. Among them were priests and theologians. Abdul Muttalib often noticed them observing his grandchild.Then they would say about the last Prophet.They would describe the signs they noticed in Muhammad ﷺ Then Abdul Muttalib proudly holds his grandson close to him.
Once a group came from Najran who have studied books.The priests in the group talked with the leader of Makkah for a long time. They specially mentioned of the Prophet who would be sent soon..The last Prophet would be from the lineage of the Prophet Ismail (A).Suddenly Muhammad ﷺ came in there.The attention of the priests turned to Muhammad ﷺ They noticed him from head to toe.Especially his shoulders, feet and eyelids. Immediately they cried out, “This is the man.”.Then they asked Abdul Muttalib “Who are you to this child? This is my son.” Abdul Muttalib replied.Are you the father of this child? It is not possible that the father still alive.This is my grandson. Well, it’s true. They agreed. They suggested that this son be carefully cared for. Abdul Muttalib summoned all his children and explained what the priests had said. ‘ Then he said.You should take special care of this beloved son.Always be careful.
Another day, Muhammad was having entertainment with the children of Abdul Muttalib . Some wise men from the tribe of Banu Mudlaj came to observe Muhammad.After a long time they called him near to them.They examined his feet and fingers.Then they advised Abdul Muttalib to take care of the child.’His footprint is like that of the Prophet Ibraheem(A).

Abdul Muttalib heard many good news about Muhammad ﷺ from many people . The King of Yemen hosted a reception for the Quraish dignitaries..After the royal reception, the King invited Abdul Muttalib to a private room.The king showed great respect for Abdu Muttalib as he was the grand father of an expected Prophet. Saif bin Seeyasen was the king.
The grandfather recognized his grandson’s status. He gave him a lot of respect and affection.Then there was a drought in Mecca.The drought and starvation alarmed the people of Mecca. They performed the drought prayer.But no result. A lady called Rukhaikha had a dream..That is, last Prophet had ascended in Makkah. The shape and attributes of the Prophet and his guardian were informed. ‘Pray with him ‘. The method of prayer was informed in the dream itself.
By morning, Rukhekha was panicked. Anyway, the dream was announced…



The Meccans heard Rukhaikha’s dream. The details of the dream were like this. I heard a voice from Nowhere. Someone is calling. Oh! Khuraish, ‘The Promised Prophet is from you. Going to be assigned soon. Prosperity and welfare are near to you. There is a person in you who is superior and noble. He is handsome with a white body. A person with long eyelids and soft body. Long nose and thick cheekbones. His children and grandchildren may line up. A representstive from each of the tribes of Mecca also stand with him. All of them may gather in the corner of the holy Ka’ba. After giving a kiss to the holy Ka’ba with respect, all should circumambulate the holy Ka’ba seven times. Then all of them should pray together on the mountain “Abu Qubais”. All should gather around the leader. The leader must supplicate to the God Almighty keeping the most reverent person infront of them. The others may say “Ameen”.

The poetess Rukhaikha had already taken a bath and reached the Ka’bah. The circumambulation of the Ka’bah was completed. Abdul Muttalib and his sons and other dignitaries from Makkah arrived. When Abdul Muttalib reached the summit, he took the seven -years old Muhammad, ﷺ and laid him on his lap. Abdul Muttalib began to supplicate God Almighty, “He who solves… O remover of troubles… We are in a drought in the courtyard of your holy house.. We are pleading Lord. Shower your grace up on us, rain of peace, prosperity and blessing..

Rukhaikha continues.. Abdul Muttalib’s prayer is over. The pouring rain started… The valleys were full and everyone was happy.All praised Abdul Muttalib. Rukhaikha recited a poem commemorating this event. The idea is as follows “Allah has given us rain through Shaybat al-Hamd (Abdul Muttalib’). After a long time of adversities this is a blessed year. The plants began to sprout. All the creatures got abundant rainfall. The dry vallies dressed in green.”
“This blessing is due to a messenger who is about to arise in the tribe of “Mular”
He is a unique personality in the human race.”
Each incident marked the personality. During this time, the Prophet ﷺ affected an eye disease. His grandfather used many medicines, but to no avail. At last Abdul Muttalib consulted a docter at the Ukkaz market. He was also a scholar of religious scripts. Abdul Muttalib and grandson went to the doctor’s house. After the examination, the doctor said, “This is not an ordinary child. This is the Promised Prophet. The people of Veda may try to follow this child. Always be careful.” The docter gave them medicine and bid them good bye
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is now eight years old. The aged Abdul Muttalib began to get tired…



Abdul Muttalib is now 120 years old. (there are opinions in history 82,95, 140,144 ) and he began to think that he would leave this world soon. Then he had a different desire. ‘I want to hear right now the dirge to be sung after my death. Usually funeral song is sung praising the dead. He called his six daughters who were poetesses. Their names are Swafiyya, Barra, Atika, Umm Hakeem, Umaima and Arwa. He shared his wish with his daughters. All the six performed their duty exactly. His eldest daughter Swafiya’s long poem made him very happy. He achieved the honor of listening his own dirge. The magnanimous leader of Mecca left this world.
Eight-year-old Muhammad ﷺ was deeply saddened by the demise of his beloved grandfather. He was all in all for for Muhammad ﷺ after his mother passed away. Abdul Muttalib was father and grandfather for Muhammad ﷺ as he had never seen his father. He also suffered the pain of orphanage. His eyes watered. Umm Ayman, the foster mother narrates the scene: “The Prophet ﷺ was eight-years old when Abdul Muttalib left this world. I saw the Prophet ﷺ weeping for a long time near the bed of Abdul Muttalib. and teaching to endure the pain of orphanage
Abdul Muttalib was thinking about his grandson even at his death-bed. Therefore, Abdul Muttalib made some special wills to his sons. He handed over the special responsibility of the Holy Prophet to his son, Abu Talib. Abu Talib was the brother of Abdullah, (father of Muhammadﷺ). There is another narration in this matter. Zubair demanded the guardianship of the Prophet ﷺ after the demise of Abdul Muttalib. Competed with his brother Abu Talib for the guardianship. Finally decided to draw the lot. Abu Talib won the lot. The Prophetﷺ was also more interested in his guardianship. However Zubair showed special care to the Prophetﷺ whenever he could. Zubair passed away when the Prophet ﷺ was at the age of fourteen. And later with Abu Talib.
Abdul Muttalib passed away in the year 579 AD. He was laid to rest at “Al Hajoon”. Near the tomb of Qusay.
Like his father, Abu Talib received the leadership of Makkah. But his economic condition was not so good. It was difficult for him to meet the expenses of a family having more members. But he was relieved by the coming of the Prophetﷺ. After the arrival of the Prophetﷺ small quantity of food would be enough for all the members of the family. Abu Talib would ask his children to wait until the Prophetﷺ arrived. Milk for drinking was first given to the Prophetﷺ, and then it was given to other children. He would mention the blessings he received after the coming of the Prophetﷺ. He always stood by the Prophetﷺ observing every movements and expressions of him. Abu Talib was very careful not to inform the Prophetﷺ the pain of orphanage.
However there would arise a doubt. ‘was the orphanage a misfortune’?
(To be continued..)


Orphanage is often seen as a misfortune. Orphans often do not get much. In particular, they may not get proper discipline. But none of this affected the Holy Prophet ﷺ. Moreover, the orphanage of the Prophetﷺ contains certain principles. Those who have studied this subject specifically ‘have documented it. Ja’far Sadiq (may Allah be pleased with him), the highest Imam of the Prophet’s ﷺ lineage stated, “It was to grow up in a state of no obligation to anyone”. Whereas obligation to parents are never fulfilled.
Another explanation is that all the glory and greatness of the Prophet ﷺ were directly from Allah, the Almighty. The Prophetﷺ said: “It is Allah Who disciplined me and that was the best discipline”. If Allah exalts, anyone will be exalted, and orphanage will not be an obstacle to it. A person who has grown up as an orphan will quickly realise the pain of the orphans. All the orphans till the last day will be comforted by the thought that his beloved Prophetﷺ was also an orphan. the talents and abilities of the prophets are God-given and not borrowed from anyone. Thus a lot of principles are hidden in this orphanage. Above all, the Creator decided to raise His Habeeb in His direct care. It is a privilege and a blessing. It is not a disgrace or a defect.The holy Qur’an reveals this in the chapter number 93.
The Prophetﷺ was living happily with Abu Talib. The diligence and vigor of the Prophetﷺ were notable. Abu Talib shared an experience. “Muhammadﷺ used to be with all time; when I was eating and sleeping. Abu Talib sketches some manners of the Prophetﷺ like this ‘Everyone wakes up in the morning with a yawn. But I hadn’t seen any signs of laziness or lack of vitality in him. There was always cleanliness and punctuality. The hair was always combed and clean as if oiled. Abu Talib Shares another experience. “Once, when I was about to go to bed, I told him, my dear son it is dark night, so remove your dress and sleep. (Remember, in those days the people used to circumambulate the holy Ka’ba nakedly) I could see dislike on his face. He couldn’t reject my opinion either. He asked me to look to the other side of the room. I don’t want anyone to see my nudity. I lie down turning to opposite side. Then he changed his clothes and lay down on the bedsheet. When I woke up at night I could see my beloved son sleeping wearing beautiful dress, which I have never seen before. The room was filled with the smell of good musk. I was surprised.
Abu Talib continues. He does not see his son in his bedroom many nights. panicked, I would call him. Soon he would appear before me, saying ‘I am here’. Many nights I would hear unfamiliar conversations. He would say ‘Bismillah’ before eating. Then “Alhamdulillah” after it. We were not familiar with such a routine before. His Grandfather recognized the peculiarities he noticed in Muhammad ﷺ at an early age. He was convinced that this was an extraordinary personality.
We will read more about how Aboo Talib sought the help of the Prophetﷺ in some critical conditions….



Abu Talib was well aware of the merits of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. He realised that his presence was a blessing in times of crisis. Jalhamath bin Arfatwa reports. ‘I went Mecca at a time of great drought. The Quraish said; Dear Abu Talib, the valleys have dried up and families are starving. Please come forward and pray for rain. Abu Talib was ready. He has a beautiful boy with him. The boy’s face looks like a full moon shining in the clear sky. Possessor of beautiful expressions. There are a few young people around him.
Abu Talib carried the child on his shoulders and approached the holy Kaaba. He placed the child against the wall of the holy Kaaba. He held the boy with his own hand. After few Moments, what a wonder ]! the clouds rolled in from all directions. The blessed drops showered. Makkah and its valleys became wet and cold. Pointing to this great incident, Abu Talib sang a beautiful poem. The Prophetﷺ was very much pleased to hear that poem.
Decades later, there was a drought in Madeena. The Prophetﷺ prayed for rain. The blessed rain poured in. Tears welled up in his eyes. In this happy ocassion, the Prophetﷺ remembered Abu Talib and said. “If Abu Talib alive now, he would have delighted a lot”. Then he asked the people who gathered there. ” Who can recite the poem which Abu Talib recited before years. Ali(R), son Abu Talib was there. He recited the poem. The Prophet ﷺ became happy.
The wonders of Abu Talib’s life experience did not end there. Amr bin Saeed narrates from Abu Talib. Abu Talib says “I was in ‘Dul Majaz’ with my nephew, Muhammad.ﷺ. I felt unbearable hunger and thirst. I told my son. “Son, Iam very thirsty,” he asked me ‘do you feel thirst? Yes my son I replied. What a wonder! Suddenly, he kicked the nearby rock softly with his foot. Surprisingly, pure fresh water gushed out, a good stream of water. I have never seen such a spring from the rock. I drank from it until my thirst was quenched. Then my son asked. “Is your thirst quenched ? I said yes. Then he touched the rock once more. The rock returned to its former state. The water flow stopped”. It has been narrated by Imam Ibn Sa’d (R).
Abu Talib became more and more cautious about the Prophet ﷺ as he became the cynosure of everyone in the community. He kept Muhammad ﷺ away from the deception of astrologers and other opponents. Once , a fortune-teller came to Meccah. He was from the tribe of “Asad-Shanooa”.His name was “Lahab bin Ahjan”. Some of his predictions have come true. Some superstitious people of Mecca, used to visit him with their children. As soon as Lahab saw Muhammad ﷺ, he started to observe him thoroughly .That look disturbed Abu Talib and he diverted discussion to another subject. Where is that kid? Lahab kept asking. Let me see that boy once again! That child has a bright future.
Abu Talib was a lifelong supporter of the Prophet ﷺ and a responsible guardian who used all his power to guard the Prophet ﷺ from every possible dangers. The Prophet ﷺ was a constant companion of Abu Talib even in his long journey. That also presented him with many memories….


Abu Talib did not want to leave his dear son as well as Mecca, but could not avoid business trips due to financial crisis . The main source of livelihood for the people of Mecca, was trade.
For the time being, the son can be entrusted with others. There is only one way. Those responsible have been entrusted with the guardianship. Preparations for the trip were complete. At that moment, his son’s facial expressions began to change. He clutched in the bridle of his uncle’s camel’. Are you leaving me with someone else. I am going to be alone here without my father and mother. Can’t you take me with you? His eyes are wet: Abu Talib realized the pain of his son leaving him. He recognized the painful wound of separation. Compassion and love overflowed. He said, hugging his son. ‘By God! I will take you with me. I cannot leave my son. No, I will never leave’.
A continuation of four years of inseparable life. Twelve-year-old Muhammad ﷺ decided to join the caravan with his grandfather. The trip was to Sham (modern Syria).
The caravan would rest at resting places during the journey. After some time ,resume the journey.This was custom of the groups. The caravan reached the town of Busra (Houran in modern Syria). The caravan tented under the tree where the Quraish caravan used to rest.
Next to the tree there was a monastery of a priest whose name was ‘Jurgis’. He was one of the foremost scribes of the time. Jurgis was the sixth person in series of spiritual masters after Prophet Jesus(A). ‘The sequence of the lineage can be read as follows: Easa (A), Yahya (A), Daniel (A), Daseekha-Priest, Nastura,and his son Mouid- Jurgis. It was recorded by Abdullah al-Isbahani. This Jurgis was known as ‘Bahira’. Bahira means a profound biblical scholar. There are opinions as to whether he was a Jew or Christian.The consensus is that he was first in the way of Prophet Moses and after that in the way of Jesus. Georges was watching the Quraish caravan, noting some of it’s peculiarities.
Bahira thought. For whom in the group, the cloud was moving with this group? How I can meet that particular person for whom the cloud cast shadow? Usually I do not go out. Many travel groups used to pass near my monastery. But I do not care. Finally an idea dawned. Why not prepare a feast and invite this group? OK. The caravan accepted the invitation. They arrived just in time. Everyone was received with respect. ‘Respect and happiness increased for the visitors. It is the greatest scholar of Busra invited the caravan to the feast. His glowing face, noble demeanor and aristocratic behaviour evoked surprise in guests. But Bahira was looking for that particular person. That particular person has not attended the feast.
The pastor said to the group’ I have invited everyone in your group to the banquet. Didn’t everyone attend ? Someone asked Bahira ‘How many times have we passed through this way to Syria! This is something unusual that you prepared a feast today !. It is true. You are guests. So I desired to treat you. But someone is yet to come.


Yes, the youngest among us is resting below the tree with our luggage. All the elders have come. Bahira intervened. That is not fare. Call him too. Then someone from the group said. ‘ It was not right from our part that we avoided Muhammadﷺ, son of Abdulla. When Bahira heard this, his mind filled with joy. It was as if he felt chill in his mind when he heard the name Muhammadﷺ. The name has a resemblance with the name , “Ahmad” prophecied in ‘Tora’. Soon one among the group brought Muhammadﷺ. As soon as he saw the child, his insight opened up and the sight of the boy walking in the shade of the cloud came to his mind. He asked the group. ‘Why did you bring this child along with you in this difficult journey? Moreover, you left the child alone with the goods? Without waiting for an answer, he began to observe the child closely. This is the person endowed with all the signs of the Promised Prophet!. The seal of prophecy is also mentioned in the scriptures. But how I can ask him to open the shirt and examine the shoulder? While thinking like this, the Quraish got up and started to return to thier tent. Abu Talib was a little late. Abu Talib wanted to ask the pastor what he was observing in this son. Then the pastor started talking. ‘I ask you by Latha and Uzza. Do you answer honestly? The child immediately intervened and said. “Don’t ask anything by Latha and Uzza” ⁇Well, let me ask by God. “Yes you may ask”. Bahira asked some personal questions. Clearly answered it. The seal of prophecy was examined. Bahira was convinced. Abu Talib was surprised by the change in Bahira. He asked. Why are you dealing this matter with great importance ?! Oh Quraish! this is the prophet sent by the Ruler of the universe to have mercy on the world. Bahira replied. The conversation continued. How you can believe that this is the promised prophet? Yes’ I could see your group coming from a distance. I noticed the trees and stones on either sides bowing to this person. Only a prophet can receive such respect from inanimate objects. Moreover, I also checked the prophetic seal on the shoulder. I noticed for whom the cloud shades in your group.
He then conducted an interview with Abu Talib.
Who is this?
My son. That is unlikely to happen. The father of this child is unlikely to be alive.
Yes it is true this is my brother’s son.
Where is the father?
His father left this world while he was in his mother’s womb.
Allah… All the signs of the Promised Prophet have been put together in this child.
Oh, Abu Talib… I have a request to you.
Return home quickly with your nephew. If the Jews recognize this child, they may try to harm. This is the Prophet, who was foretold by the Vedas and the possessor of great glory. Jurges, who identified the Prophetﷺ died before the Prophecy. Departed with faith, hoping for victory in the Hereafter..
The demise was the culmination of half a century of exploration… Bahira, who was marked in the history of the Prophetﷺ, became part of an endless memory.



The incident of meeting the priest ‘Bahira’ is very famous. It has been quoted by almost all the historians who have recorded the history of the Prophet ﷺ .This memorable meeting gives us some important informations. One, the world was waiting for a Prophet .Two, the scriptures contained information about the to be-appointed Prophet.Three, the scholars who knew about the promised- Prophet ,was alive there. Four, They revered the Prophet ﷺ after identifying him with the signs.
Later distortions in the Vedas changed many of these facts. However, there are still many passages in the Bible and other scriptures that have attributes that suitable only to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ .There are several studies available on this subject. The holy Qur ‘an says about the people of the book. (2:89)” And when there came to them a Book ( holy Qur’an) from Allah verifying that which they have, ( they didn’t agree) and aforetime they used to pray for victory(by the promised- Prophet) against those who disbelieve , but when it came to them ,they disbelieved in him; so Allah’s curse is on the unbelievers.
Discussions about the last prophet were widespread among the Jewish and the Christians. This is what the Qur’an says. “They knew the Promised Prophet as if they knew their own children”. The people of the book used to say this fact when they discourse with the polytheists. The last Prophet will come and we will follow him. But when they heard that the Prophet had arisen from among the Arabs, they could not control themselves .Because They were mainly controlled by some vested interests. They refused to follow the Prophet fearing some material ﷺ losses.
We have been telling about a trip to Syria with Abu Talib. Here is another brief description of the journey of the Prophet ﷺ When Abu Bakr (RA) was eighteen. ‘ He set out for Sham with Muhammad ﷺ .The caravan rested beneath a tree in Syria. Abu Bakar (may Allah be pleased with him) visited a priest named ‘Bahira’ who lived nearby. Abu Bakar (RA) visited the priest to enquire some personal matters. The priest asked Abu Bakar (RA) , ‘who is that person resting beneath that tree ‘ Abu Bakar ( RA) said. It is Muhammad ﷺ son of Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib.The priest continued. ‘He is the Prophet to this nation. No one has rested beneath this tree since the Prophet Jesus (A).Ibn ‘Abbas (may God bless him and grand him peace) narrated this incident. But this journey is not mentioned in important Seera Texts. But many modern and reliable scholars are of the opinion that the incident not to be neglected.
There is another such reference in the history books. During a journey of Abu Bakar(RA), he visited a priest and the priest informed him of the Promised- Prophet.
Many historians have narrated the story of the Prophet’s ﷺ journey to Yemen with his paternal uncle , Zubair. But the reporters are not so strong.
The adolescence and youthfulness of the Holy Prophet ﷺ was exemplary. He lived in a filthy environment without affecting any blemish . He worked hard for a livelihood .Let us read more about the hard- working nature of the Holy Prophet ﷺ…….
-ഡോ. ഫാറൂഖ് നഈമി അൽ ബുഖാരി-



Trade was one of the main sources of income for the Meccans.Like wise shepherding was an integral part of life. The Shepherding of sheep was very different from the Shepherding of other cattles.It is the most common activity in the world. Shepherding was familiar for the Prophet ﷺ right from an early age. The Prophet ﷺ once recalled the experience of shepherding the sheep when he went with the children of Banu Sa’ad. He used to pasture the sheep of his family for free and for the other people of Mecca for a small amount of money . Jabir (RA ) says ‘They used to pluck the ripe nut of “Arrack” with the Prophet ﷺ.Then he would say “Pluck the good- coloured. It will be good”. I asked him, ‘did you have pastured the sheep .? Yes , all the Prophets have shepherded the sheep. Yet another time he said with self respect “The Prophet Moses (A) was sent as a prophet and he used take care of the sheep. Prophet Dawood(A) did the same. I was sent. I used to pasture the sheep of my relatives in ” Ajiyad”. It was narrated by Abu Saeed. (may Allah be pleased with him).
Shepherding has many other benefits besides sustenance. It is the training for a leader to lead a large nation in future. The Prophet ﷺ had the opportunity to acquire all these qualities. It is necessary that those who take care of the sheep, always should have care. Sheep are vulnerable creatures. Utmost care is needed to breed them. There is the possibility of going astray. Must be careful not to get caught by the wolf. Beware of being robbed by thieves. All this can be done with great patience. The Prophet ﷺ got the opportunity to achieve all these qualities. World-renowned scholar Imam Ibn Hajar (may Allaah be pleased with him) explains :Even after his prophecy the Prophet ﷺ used to remember the shepherding. It is the great example for his demureness. That modesty sprang from the thought that what is received is only the bounty of Allah.
This is the chapter that teaches the financial purity of the Prophetﷺ. It contains the value of the laborer. Allah could have given wealth to His beloved Prophet ﷺ without bothering him. But He set an example for mankind here through the Prophet ﷺ. Can undertake any work that is permissible. Shepherding is comparatively regarded as a low work. But he proudly mentioned It occasionally. He would say that the sheep is the sign of prosperity and the camel is of proud. The best food is that we get through self-effort. This was the advice of the Prophet ﷺ.
It is only when one interacts with people that his personality is truly convinced. It is only then one can experience the virtues of honesty, loyalty, justice, etc. His dealings were also an opportunity to mark his personality. Live with the society, mingle with the people in the day to day affairs, collaborate with each other for the good and keep aloof from the evil. This was the life of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
The society experienced first-hand the unique qualities of the Prophet ﷺ. So with consensus, they endowed him the title “Al-Ameen”, the Trustworthy”. Historian William Moore writes. “The fair character and honorable bearing of the unobtrusive youth won the approbation of his fellow citizens: and he received the title, ” Al Ameen the Trustworthy”by common consent. (Life of Muhammed)
Areas marked by the youth of the Prophet ﷺ are to be read as role model forever.



The society that lived in Mecca in the sixth century was very immoral. We read of a bright youth among them. A society which do not view lying and stealing as evil. A young man who does not lie even for joke. People who use alcohol as holy water or drinking water. One who has never ever tasted alcohol. A community with all sorts of immoral activities. A person who has never even looked at any filth. This is how the Prophet ﷺ grew up in Mecca. We can find a special care of Allah, The Almighty ,behind this ideal life.
We can read an acceptable narration like this, The Quraish are rebuilding the holy Ka’aba. The Prophet ﷺ was among those who carrying stones. Paternal uncle Abbas (RA) was with him. The prevailing custom was to roll their robe and put it on their shoulder for carrying stone. But the Prophet ﷺ was carrying stone on his shoulder without removing his cloth. Compassionate, Abbas (RA) asked “Why don’t you just carry stone on your naked shoulder” ? (He refused.) When they were two alone, considering the opinion of his uncle , the Prophet ﷺ began to remove the robe. Immediately fell unconscious. The eyes of the Holy Prophet ﷺ raised towards the sky. He said, “I am forbidden to walk naked. No such attempt was made later.
This incident is also a proof that the Holy Prophet ﷺ was protected from sin even before the proclamation of the prophecy. Imam al-Bukhari also reported this Hadeeth. Before this incident, once he carried stone with children. Then also such an attempt was made. “Wear your clothes,” he heard an admonition. Someone from behind hit him hard on the back. But he did not feel any pain or see anyone. Then he carried the stone on his shoulder and finished the work.
Ibn ‘Abbas (RA ) narrates another incident. “Once Abu Talib was doing maintenance work of the holy Zamzam well. His nephew Muhammadﷺ was also with him. A person who felt compassion for the boy tried to cover his shoulder with the robe .Soon the Prophet ﷺ fell unconscious. When it became clear, Abu Talib asked, “What happened?” My dear uncle a handsome man came to me and said, “Cover your body.” The scholars have considered this particular incident as a great event in which the Prophet ﷺ received the revelation before the Prophecy.
The Prophet ﷺ lived as a symbol of morality and continued to make corrections throughout his life. Ali (RA ) cites as the Prophet said. ” I hadn’t even thought of committing any evil practices that the Jahiliyya people used to. But there were two occasions when Allah guarded me on both occasions.One day it was time to shepherd my goats with my friends. That day I told them, “Can you take care of my sheep today? I want go to town and have fun with the young men.” They agreed. I reached in the town .I heard noises from a house .I enquired. There was entertainment in connection with a marriage .Soon after entering the place, I fell into deep sleep. I woke up in the morning after the program ended. I did not enjoy any entertainment. Then I went back to my friends. They asked about entertainment. I shared with them what happened. There was another similar incident. I never wanted to go for such an entertainment in all my life.
The Prophet ﷺ had an unparalleled care in beliefs and customs . In many cases it is clear….




Idolatry was the most serious sin prevailed in Mecca. It was widespread. Different sects had different gods and idols. The holy Ka’ aba was built for worshipping the One, the Almighty Allah. But idols were installed in and around the holy Ka’aba. Monotheism existed only among a few people in Mecca.From the beginning of mankind, only Allah was worshiped in Mecca.Idolatry first arose in the society of the prophet, Nooh (A).The first idol to be erected in Arabian Peninsula, was by Amr bin Lahiya. The people of Mecca , who did not receive the message of the Prophets, were attracted to it. The followers of the prophets, Easa and Moosa (A) adviced the people not to follow idolatory. But to no avail. youth of the Holy Prophet passed through such an insecure nation, but he never once indulged in polytheism. The Prophet ﷺ had a special protection from the Creator. He neither worshipped an idol nor bowed before it. Let us read some incidents.
1. Ali (RA) narrates. A person asked the Prophet ﷺ. “Did you ever worship idols? No. Ever been drunk?’ No. I knew that what they were following was disbelief (kufr)”. The Prophet ﷺ explained.
2. Zaid bin Haritha, the attendant of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, states. The Prophet ﷺ never bowed to any idol. ” I hated it even before the prophecy” . The Meccans in those days when circumambulating the ‘Kaaba’ used to touch and bow to the idols of Isafa and Naila. But the Prophet ﷺ did not even do that.
3. Foster mother Umm Ayman(RA) narrates that the Quraysh used to worship an idol called ‘Buwana’. Every year a festival was organized in its presence. Sacrifice is performed and head shaved. The people spend their time in meditation till the night of the festival day.
Abu Talib used to participate in the festival with his family members. Though Abu Talib invited the Prophet ﷺ many times to participate, he refused and kept away. Abu Talib did not like it. The aunts said, “Why are you staying away from this ceremony in which all our family members gather? Are you rejecting our God?” Are you staying away in this situation where we need to show our strength?
Reluctantly, he thought that he would go out with them. The Prophet ﷺ walked in the direction they were walking. Umm Aiman ​​ says . ‘ For a moment, Muhammad ﷺ was disappeared.Then he came running to us trembling with fear. The aunts asked what was wrong with him?! “I feel something wrong,” He said. They( aunts) continued. “No, you will never be subjugated by any demon. Because that is the way you behave and lead your life. Now tell me what happened .” ” I started to go the place where the festival was conducted. Just before I reach near the idol, a white-clad man appeared there and said oh! Muhammad (ﷺ) turn back and do not approach the idol.
Since then I Never went to such a festive place again.
4. During the honeymoon, the groom Muhammad ﷺ said to his beloved wife Khadijah, I will never worship or bow before Lata and Uzzah.
Signs of piety even before the declaration of prophecy . A young man named Muhammad ﷺ who walks with golden light in the midst of dark surroundings. We will read more about his intervention in social problems and justice and courage………


A young man who involved in social issues can be seen in the Prophetﷺ. There was an age-long ethnic riot in and around Makkah. It is known in history as ‘Harbul Fijar’ or the War of Rogues’. The Prophet ﷺ was fifteen years old at that time. On one side the Quraish and the Kinana tribe. On the other side were the Khays-Ayalan tribes who are the natives of Hawazin. The leader of the first party was Harb bin Umayyah. The cause of the war was a dispute over the granting of shelter to a man in Ukkaz, the famous market of Mecca, . Four wars waged. In the fourth, the Prophet ﷺ went to the battlefield along with his uncles. He did not directly participate in the war. Helped to collect the scattered arrows. He bowed many times in between. The Prophet ﷺ later shared the view that that (archery from his part)was not desirable.
In the first phase of the battle, before noon the Hawazin was victorious. Afternoon the Quraish won. Justice was also on the Quraysh side. Yet, the Quraysh themselves took initiative for peace. They wanted to end this bloodshed once and for all. Utbatbin Rabia, the chief of the army, came forward directly. Both parties made certain pledges. The scene was completely calm. By that time the Prophet ﷺ was twenty years old.
The Prophet ﷺ had the opportunity to experience some social realities. The people were convinced of his courage and ability.
In the following days a treaty was formed in Mecca. The name of the agreement is ‘Hilful Fulul’. It was prepared by a group of peace lovers. This was to avoid further war and violence. The following was the situation that led to the agreement. A man from the tribe of Zubayd came to Mecca with his merchandise. Aas bin Wa’il, one of the nobles of Mecca, fixed the price of the goods and bought them. But as he was an exploiter, he did not pay the price. He showed his arrogance and influence. The distressed merchant complained to many dignitaries in Mecca. But no one was ready to take back the right from Bin Wail. He was a symbol of capitalist exploitation in Mecca.
The depressed trader applied a strategy. The next morning, the merchant climbed on the mountain, “Abu Qubais”, situated near the holy “Ka’baa”. He recited his bad experience from Mecca in the form of a poem. It was the poem that contained his grief and the violence of a resident towards him. As the time was when all the prominent people of Mecca usually gather in the shadow of the holy Kaaba and gossip, everyone listened to this poem. The news that a Meccan cheated a foreign merchant, was a disgrace to all. Noble Zubair jumped up. Zubair is the paternal uncle of the Prophet ﷺ. He called the attention of others by saying, ‘Don’t leave him anymore’. All the prominent tribal leaders of Makkah were invited. A meeting was arranged at the house of Abdullah bin Jud’an.
“Whoever the victims are, they should get justice in Mecca. We should stand united for justice. We should have a firm pledge on this matter. This agreement should be there as long as there is a drop of water left in the ocean. The agreement should last as long as the mountains of Hira ans Sabeer do not move,” Zubair said. All the tribal leaders agreed. Signed the contract after eating. One by one they arrived at the house of Aas bin Wa il. Took back all thevmerchandise of the merchant. With that, the ‘Hilful Fulul’ peace alliance came into effect.
The Prophet ﷺ became the main organizer in this agreement along with his paternal uncle. A great person to establish justice throughout the world becomes an organizer of peace in his youth… (To be Continued)



The Prophetﷺ used to talk enthusiastically about the Peace Treaty. “When I was young, I attended the pact with my paternal brothers. It was worth more to me than getting herds of red camels”. Another report states that “I also participated in signing an agreement at the house of Abdullahi bin Jad’an. I would participate in such an agreement even if I were invited while in Islam.
A number of remarkable deeds were implemented in Mecca because of this agreement. Violence stopped. We will read an incident like this. A man from the tribe of Khaz’am came to Mecca with his family. They had come for pilgrimage. ‘Al Khatool’, the beautiful daughter of the man who was in the group, was abducted by an assailant named Nabeeh. The pilgrim was completely terrified. To Whom to complain to? Yes, complain to the signatories of the “Fulul Agreement”. One commented. So he came in front of the Ka’aba and called out those who signed in the pact. Come on! Help me! Those concerned with the pact came running. Assistance was assured to the complainant. They armed themselves in a group and came to Nabih’s house with the members of his tribe. Demanded the release of the girl. They reminded him of the pact of “Fulul'”. Compelled-Nabih agreed to release the girl on one condition. ‘Give her to me only this one night’. The leaders did not agree. They said. Do not keep her in your custody even the time for milking a camel. At last he let her go.
At an early age, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had the opportunity to shed light of justice on the cultural field of Arabia.
Each and every event elevated the Prophet ﷺ to the status of a prominent figure in Mecca. For many people of Mecca, a day without seeing the Prophetﷺ was a dull day. A meal without him was not enjoyable.
Prophetﷺ was not dependent on others for his own sustenance. He engaged in shepherding work for that purpose. The Prophetﷺ turned twenty-four years. Abu Talib invited Prophetﷺ to trade. The Prophetﷺ was entrusted with the business of Kahadeeja, a well to-do merchant in Mecca. From the pastoral beauty to the crowded marketplace. All these are some of the trainings that arranged by The Almighty Allah.
There are also some background to trading journey of the Prophet ﷺ. Khadija’s attendant ‘Nafisa bint Munya’ explains it. It was fourteenth day of the month, Dul Hajj. The Prophetﷺ was only twenty-five years old. Meccans call the Prophet ﷺ by the name ‘Al-Ameen’. Abu Talib approached the Prophet ﷺ. ‘My dear son you know our situation. We are passing through financial hardship. Trade or other sources of income are blocked. Now people are going to Sham for trade. Khadijah, the daughter of Quwaylid, sends many of our family members to trade in her merchandise. Please approach Khadija. She may not refuse your request. She will not be unaware of your reputation and status in Mecca.
Actually, I have much mental strain in sending you to Sham. I have dilemma about being noticed by any Jews and being put in danger. But we have no other options.
Quwaylid’s daughter was a well-known merchant of Mecca. Most of the camels of the caravans leaving Mecca, were belonged to Khadeeja . She will appoint representatives and send them to Sham with merchandise. Sometimes the reward is fixed,or sent on the condition that dividend will be paid.
Prophetﷺ accepted his stepfather’s suggestion. But the response was as follows. “If Khadeeja needs me, let her send someone. I will go to Sham as a representative. My dear son what we will do if she agree with someone else before you reach there ? Our hopes will be dashed. Abu Talib responded. This conversation somehow reached Khadija’s ears. Khadija sent a messenger with the message that she had not expected that Muhammadﷺ would lead her caravan. Khadeeja Invited Muhammadﷺ to her residence. The conversation started. I know your loyalty and personality.
I can pay you twice as much as anyone else if you ready to lead my caravan. The Prophetﷺ agreed. Then Abu Talib was informed. He was very happy. He said. This is a golden opportunity given to you by Almighty Allah. A livelihood that He arranged. The Prophetﷺ decided to take Khadija’s merchandise and leave for Syria…



Khadeeja (RA)sent her servant Maisara with the Prophet ﷺ. Khadeeja (RA) gave some instructions to Maisara. ‘You must obey him completely. You should not speak anything against what he says. Yes. Maisara agreed.
Abu Talib gave the necessary instructions and sent his son off in the caravan. The brother of Abu Talib, Zubair was also in the caravan. Zubair was assigned to take special care of Muhammad ﷺ.
Maisara followed the Prophet ﷺ carefully. From the very beginning of the journey, miracles began to be noticed. The cloud was moving along with the movement of the Prophet ﷺ.
In some occasions two angels provided separate shade from the sun. So they reached the city of”Busra” in Syria. There he camped beneath a tree and rested there . Near the tree there was a priest called ‘Nastura’ . Maisara had earlier acquaintance with him. The priest watches Muhammad ﷺ. Then asked Maisara. ‘Who is the man resting there ? It is one of the Quraysh. Lives in the Haram of Mecca. Maisara replied . Well, the priest began to say. “It is very likely that the person who reached here to be the last Prophet ﷺ. Our predecessors have said so. Have you noticed a red tint in his eyes? Yes there is. Does it be always there? Yeah, I haven’t seen that ever moved. So he asked Maisara about many signs. Then the priest said, ‘This is the last Prophet (ﷺ). ‘Had I been there when he was appointed!’
Another narration goes like this. Nastura was paying attention even before the Prophet ﷺ reached beneath the tree . He specially observed the movement of the cloud. When the Prophet ﷺ came to rest under the tree, he became more curious. Later he learned about the matter from Maisara. He came out of the hermitage and approached the Prophet ﷺ. He respectfully kissed the head and the feet of the Prophet ﷺ. Then he said, “I believe in you. I recognize that you are the true Prophet (ﷺ) mentioned in the Torah.”
Then he said, “O my beloved, I have realised all but one of the characteristics of the last Prophet. Please show me your shoulder. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ showed him the shoulder. He saw the seal of prophecy shining brightly. He kissed the Prophet ﷺ and testified to the truth. Then he said, ‘ You are the Prophet who has been foretold by ‘Easa (A), son of Mary . The ancient sages have taught us that the Prophet Easa (A) had prophesied, that one day you would rest under this tree.
Maisara came to Shaam with the Prophet ﷺ witnessing different experiences. The trade was better than expected. There was another remarkable incident during the trade. During the trade, there was a difference of opinion with one customer regarding goods. He said by swearing ‘Latha’ and ‘Uzza’ The Prophet ﷺ responded as soon as he heard it. “I have never sworn by them even once in my life. In my country, when I see them (idols) I usually turn away. The customer finding some glory in the words of the Prophet ﷺ approached Maisara and said privately. Maisara ! ‘he is the final prophet mentioned in our Vedas, Maisara..’
Maisara kept all the scenes in his mind. He traveled carefully with the Holy Prophet ﷺ. This season was more successful than usual. Maisara said to the Prophet ﷺ. We have often come to trade with Khadeeja’s goods. It has never been so good and so profitable.
Maisara’s heart was filled with infinite love for the Prophet ﷺ. He looked after the Prophet ﷺ like a servant to his master. He specially observed the cloud shadowing the traveling group on their way back to Mecca. The Prophet ﷺ was traveling at the front. Maisara traveled behind the group. In between, two of Maisara’s camels got infected and they could not walk at all. Finally, the Prophet ﷺ, who was traveling in front of the group, was informed. The Prophet ﷺ approached them. He chanted something and patted them gently. Miraculously enough the camels reached the front of the group with good health.



The caravan is about to reach Mecca. The miraculous incidents happened throughout the journey are preserved in the memory of Maisara. The incidents have already influenced him. The group reached ‘Marrul Lahran’ or ‘Wadi Fatimah’ after passing the valley of ‘Asfan’. Maisara approached the Prophet ﷺ and said.
Respected Al Ameen…. Please go to Khadeeja a little earlier. Inform the travel details officially. She will be very happy. According to the earlier agreement, the Prophet ﷺ should get two camels as reward. Maisara had the wish that the Prophet ﷺ should get more than the offered reward. For this purpose he adviced Muhammad ﷺ to meet Khadeeja .
The Prophet ﷺ accepted the suggestion. He headed towards the house of Khadeeja.
At noon, Khadija was sitting on the terrace with her companions. A red camel appeared in front of Khadeeja who was staring at the distance. It was the camel carrying the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ coming with cheerful and proud face. Khadeeja noticed a miracle.The cloud casts shade specially on ‘Al Ameen’. The cloud moves along. Khadeeja watched with curiosity.
Holy Prophet ﷺ entered the house of Khadeeja. Received with courtesy. Before talking about business matters, Khadeeja had to know one thing. It was nothing else. The shadow and movement of the cloud. She used a trick for that. Where is Maisara? He asked the Prophet ﷺ. ” He has reached the nearby valley”. Can you tell him to come quickly?” Khadeeja requested. It was the idea she used to confirm the movement of the cloud. The Prophet ﷺ mounted on the camel. Khadeeja again went up to terrace of her housec and watched the scene. Soon the Prophet ﷺ and Maisara returned. Khadeeja was in a hurry to know about Al Ameen’s journey rather than business matters. Maisara began to speak with a thousand tongues. The blessings received, supreme character, miracles and…
Khadeeja recounted the journey of the cloud that she had seen. Maisara had become familiar with that sight.. He specially mentioned that miracle. He mentioned Nastura and his foretelling.
History also mentions a trade trip to the ‘Habasha’ market in Tihama. (A name ‘Jurash’ is also applied to this place.) Each trade trip was rewarded with a female camel. Hearing all these, sprout of hope germinated in Khadeeja. Unlike usual, she presented Prophetﷺ four camels.
The wealth that the Prophet ﷺ acquired could not be used by himself. It was to help uncle and the family. Some principles are also included here. It was an opportunity given by Allah, the Almighty to repay the blessings that the Prophet ﷺ received from Abu Talib. When the Prophet ﷺ entered the path of preaching Islam there was no one in Mecca to whom the Prophet ﷺ was indebted to . Even Abu Talib, who did the most favors, became more indebted to the Prophet ﷺ. All these were the qualities that the Prophet ﷺ maintained throughout his life. All those who follow the Prophet ﷺ follow his characteristics also.
In the energetic youth the Prophet ﷺ is shining as the unique form of beauty. Now his age is twenty-five. The age at which marriage usually takes place.
What if we get to know the beauty of a person who is at the age of becoming a bridegroom ?



The beauty of the beloved Prophet ﷺ is beyond description. His beauty is beyond words . No other person’s beauty is read so much in the world. No other person’s beauty is written so much. Even today lakhs of students study about the beauty of the Prophet ﷺ and analyse with great importance as part of the academic syllabus. The physical beauty of the Prophet ﷺ is introduced through an unbroken chain from those who saw and interacted with him. And even after passing a millennium and a half since he was physically laid to rest, his charm and grace are curiously discussed. That unique beauty shines in the hearts of billions of people without a single statue or photograph.
How to describe with words the beauty of such a personality..! We can only read the references recorded in the authentic texts. Let’s try to understand the unique beauty only in a primary level. No writer would ever dare to write that the beauty of the Prophet ﷺ was ‘like this’.
Let’s simply read it.
He was the perfection of inner and outer beauty.
A perfect countenance like beauty and grandeur. It was unique only to him. There was nothing to say that something was more or less in his body. Reddish white color. And the luster of the body as polished with gold and silver. Light was emanating from all the hairless parts of his body. His very presence will light up the surroundings. Neither long nor short. But if sit in a gruop , the highest you can see is his head. If he walks in a group we can see that all others are shorter than the Prophet ﷺ. Dignity and glory always seen.
Body is not congested with flesh. You can’t say a fat person or a thin person. Solid nature. But the muscles did not sag or the body showed age. Neither time nor weather has diminished the beauty of the body. Always remained in perfect beauty.
A facial expression similar to a full moon. All those who described the Prophet ﷺ gave the example of the full moon. It is because there was no other example to introduce the color and expression of his face. Shining forehead. Cheeks that shed light.’ Jabir (RA) says. On a fourteenth night of a month, the Holy Prophet ﷺ came dressed in red . I looked intermittently at the full moon and at the face of the Prophet ﷺ . By Allah ,The Almighty I swear the face of the Prophet ﷺ was brighter than the moon.
Abu Hurairah (RA) used to say that if you look at the face of the Prophet ﷺ, it is like that the sun rotates through his face. ‘Barah’ (RA) was asked ” Was the face of the Prophet ﷺ like a sword”. He replied ,No , it was like the moon. Not unbearable like sun or oblong in shape. Instead there was a quiet glow. It was round. But not full circle. A perfect length and round shape.
His thoughts and feelings could be read from his face. The face turns red when there are serious thoughts. When filled with joy, it shines brighter. Symbol of dignity when seen from a distance. A sudden appearance of him fills the viewer’s heart with reverence. Love overflows when you are close. Love increases when you live together. Pride in the face at the time of orders. Gentleness during instructions. Smile during jests. Absolute demureness when talking about Allah the Almighty. A face that has all the necessary elements..



Wide open eyes. A bright red on the white part of the eye. Dark black on the pupils. Thin long black eyelashes. A thin red color on the corners of the eyes. Eyebrows full of hair. From a distance, it looks like there is no gap between the eyebrows. But there is a small bright gap. When anger comes, the nerve there will emerge. Then the gap will be visible to others. The look was mostly observational. Walks with humility looking down. If something undesirable is noticed, the eyes will be closed in a certain way with embarrassment. On certain occasions look towards sky for a long time thinking about the wonders of the sky.
A broad forehead. A special light radiates when sitting in an assembly. Sometimes it shines like a lamp. Soft cheekbones. The flesh is not drooping or thin to highlight the bones. There are mentions of the cheekbones in the scriptures. Those behind would especially notice those cheekbones when saying ‘Salam’ from the prayer. The cheekbones. It was a symbol of the beauty of the whole body if you look at it carefully. There were no wrinkles or swelling in any part of the body.
From a distance, it looks like a long nose. In reality, the tip of the nose was thin and bright. A small rise and light in the middle of the nose denotes majesty. The mouth was not narrow. It was wide. The structure and expression of the mouth determines the beauty and the clarity of speech. Long lips. Beaty, reminiscent of a trimmed plant with full of flowers. The part where the lips join is soft.Teeth like white snowflakes.Smile that casts pearls. Light come out from between the teeth. A fibrous gap between the front teeth. Sometimes a good light spreads from there. When the companions saw the light reflected on the wall, they realised that it was from the teeth.
What an eloquence for his silence!. It is thought-provoking. What a beautiful voice!. Speech that clarifies every letter and sentence. Big ideas packed into fewer words. It called ‘Jawami ul Kalim’ in Arabic. The audience would listen to his conversation without missing a single syllable. The followers sit as carefully as one is careful not to let the bird on his head fly away. This example is mentioned in the Hadith itself.
Doesn’t talk much. He was not interested in such conversation. He never uttered a bad word. If he had to talk about people’s private parts or something, he said it only sarcastically. Never blamed anyone. Never used curse word or abusive word.
Broad shoulders and nape. Width between the shoulders. Silver-like shining for the neck and nape. There are no wrinkles or folds found on the neck. When the shirt is not worn and the hair does not reach the nape,the nape is exposed.
The height of the chest and stomach was the same. The stomach did not protrude even a little. The lower fold was at the bottom of the waistcloth.



A big head. A characteristic shape that indicates intelligence. The hair is not matted or frizzy. It is like folding sand when it is combed.Sometimes up to the shoulder and sometimes down to the earlobe, it could be divided into two parts. Sometimes it is loose and sometimes it is combed. Even if it is not oiled, it will be just as beautiful as it is oiled.
Long and thick beard. A beautiful lower chin. When he thinks , he keeps stroking his beard. While performing Wuzu (Ablution), inserts finger among the beard hairs and washes.
The nails and hair are cut and cleaned at regular intervals. Generally, the hair is cleaned within forty days. The routine of cutting the nails in a week. When cutting the nails, the nails of the right hand start from the index finger and end at the thumb. The nails of the left hand are cut continuously starting from the little finger to the thumb. The hair is combed clean and oiled on alternate days.
He was not the type with excess hair on his body. He had hair on his wrists, on the side of his chest and on his back. There was a hair line from the chest to the navel. Other than this, there was no hair on the chest or abdomen. Armpit hair was there. The armpit was a radiant white whether there is hair or not.
Strong limbs. Healthy muscles. Strong bones. Big and strong limbs. Strong and wide elbows and knees. Broad inner arms. Solid and robust body parts. Palms as soft as silk. Later companions said that the palm was softer than any silk they had ever touched.
Firm feet. There were no folds or wrinkles on the outer side of the foot that would stop water when poured. The hallux was relatively long. Lean ankles. Ankles smelling like musk. When walking forward, as if coming down from height. Every step is brisk. No dragging of feet. Later, Aisha (RA) said that ‘each of his steps was one by one.
He had the power to beat any strong man. Later, prophetﷺ defeated Rukana, who was ready to compete and wrestle. Rukhana was a well-known wrestler in the Arab world. Hassan (R.A) said about the beauty of Prophet ﷺ.”The perfection of beauty is as if Allah had designed it as the Prophet ﷺ intended’.
Attracted by the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) the women of that time, cut off the fingers of the hand instead of the apple they were holding. If they had seen the beauty of Muhammad ﷺ, they would have cut their heart instead of their finger.
On one occasion the Prophet ﷺ appeared wearing a black turban. Wife Aisha (RA) asked whether it is his fair skin that highlights the lightness of his black turban or is it the intense black of the turban that shows his fairness. Prophet ﷺ was the essence of perfect beauty and had precise concepts of it.
The universal beauty that cannot be grasped by language and imagination. No matter how hard I tried to depict it. There is no way other than lying down my pen.


Let’s come back. We have read about the beauty of the Prophet Muhammadﷺ. All the qualities that anyone can choose for his daughter, are combined in the Prophet Muhammadﷺ. The Prophetﷺ is the synonym of attractiveness that any woman can desire and fall in love with. Prophet Muhammadﷺ is the symbol of beauty that can be sought for the most beautiful lady in the world.
But the luxurious houses were being ready for certain missions. This is not an amorous betrothal. Nor does it mean that a man want a woman.
A betrothal that will change Mecca and the world. Khadeeja called her faithful Nafisa bint Munya. She expressed her interest in marrying Muhammadﷺ. Nafisa says: ‘I approached the Prophetﷺ secretly. I asked. Why don’t you get marry? Why don’t you think so? What’s the obstacle? He immediately said. I haven’t saved any money for marriage. Finance is not a problem. How about thinking of a rich and noble beautiful lady ? What if such a request comes to you. Can you agree? Who do you mean? The Prophetﷺ asked. In one word I said, ‘Khadeeja’. Oh how can that happen? The beloved Prophet ﷺ responded. No problem, that is alI up to me. I will manage it.
Knowing that the Prophetﷺ did not refuse the request, Nafisa informed Khadeeja. Khadeeja officially sent her messenger to the Prophetﷺ and also informed Abu Talib.
Another statement is as follows. After the proposal through Nafeesa, Khadeeja made an opportunity for a direct conversation with the Prophetﷺ. Khadeeja asked the Prophetﷺ ‘don’t you intend to marry’. The Prophetﷺ asked with whom? With me. How can that happen? The Prophetﷺ wondered. “You are a high-ranking widow of the Quraish. I am an orphan from the Quraish family”. That’s no problem. I agree if the proposal reaches me officially.
Another reading has a continuation like this. Khadeeja said. ‘Ya’ ibna Ammee! (Oh! my cousin) The reason for such a desire is your family status, greatness of character, honesty and reputation in the society.
Would you sent your relatives to my house tomorrow itself? Khadeeja asked. The Prophetﷺ informed Abu Talib about it. He came to Khadeeja’s house the very next day. Recieved him with all deserving respect. Khadeeja began to say. Oh ! Abu Talib , please talk to my uncle , that is your nephew to marry me off to Muhammadﷺ. Khadeeja! what are you saying? Are you joking? Khadeeja said ‘It is true’. Allah’s action is like this. Abu Talib made the necessary arrangements.
Engagement is over. The age of the Prophetﷺ was twenty-five years, two months and fifteen days . Khadija, wife was forty years old then. Let’s read more about the bride before we enter to marriage-related matters.
The “Asad” tribe is a branch of the Quraish ancestry. They are elite class. Qusayy is the fifth grandfather of the Holy Prophetﷺ. His son is Asad, the son of Abdul Uzza. His son, Khuvailid is Khadija’s father. He was the best friend of Abdul Muttalib. When Abdul Muttalib went to appreciate the then ruler of Yemen, Saif bin Di Yasan, Quwaylid was also with him. Khadijah’s mother Fathima. The daughter of Saedah in the lineage of Luay, the ninth grandfather of the Prophetﷺ. Fathima’s mother Hala. She is the daughter of Abd Manaf, the paternal grandfather of the Prophetﷺ. The family of Khadeeja is united in the third paternal grandfather of the Prophet ﷺ. Among the wives, Khadeeja has the nearest family relation to the Prophet ﷺ.


Khadeeja was born and raised in the house of his grandfather AbdulUzza. It was just nine cubits away from the holy Ka’aba in the courtyard of the Ka’aba. The shadow of the holy Kaaba in the morning falls on this house and in the evening, the shadow of the house falls on the Kaaba. Thus she was born and grew up in the shadow of the holy Ka’aba.
The house was in the same position during the time of Caliph Umar (RA). The branch of a tree in the courtyard of this house and other things made it difficult for those who circumambulate the holy Ka’aba. Umar (RA) cut it down and gave a cow instead. The place was added to the masjid.
After the adulthood, she moved to another house in the vicinity of the holy Ka’aba. The first marriage was in the house in ‘Jabal Khalah’ in “Ajyad”. This area has been today demolished as part of development.
At the time of her marriage with the Holy Prophet ﷺ, she lived in a house near Marwa.
‘Hind,son of Surath bin Nabbash was the first to marry Khadeeja. He was known as ‘Abu Hala’. He was a prominent person of the Tamim tribe. Two sons, Hind and Hala, were born in this marriage, but Abu Hala died in a young age. Khadeeja received considerable wealth as his inheritance.
She did not remain a widow for long. The next marriage came to her . The groom was Atiq, the son of Abid of Makhzoomi tribe. But that marriage did not last long. She left with a daughter named Hind.
There are differences of opinion as to whether Hind or Atiq came first in the marriage order.
A lady who is widowed twice and mother of three children, did not immediately think of another marriage. Because of Khadeeja’s nobility, beauty and financial security many prominent people proposed her. But she did not agree any proposal as if she were waiting for someone. Khadeeja was one of the rare ladies who lived as a chaste woman even during the Jahiliyya period. She was known as Virtuous or ‘Twahira’.
The intelligent Khadeeja spent her wealth in trade. Gradually, she became a prominent mercantile woman in Mecca. She was given the title of “Sayyidatu Nisai Quraish, or Leader of the Quraish Women”.
Khadeeja took good care of her children. The name Hind is for son, daughter and husband. This is an interesting fact. Hind, the son of Hind, the eldest son, lived with mother . Through that, he received the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ later . He accepted Islam at the very first stage. Hind was ahead in describing the physical and character features of the Prophet ﷺ. Later, even the children of the Prophet ﷺ would approach Hind to listen to the description of the Prophet ﷺ. He stood with Ali (RA) in the battle of “Jamal” and was killed.
Hala the son embraced Islam at a later date and came to Madeena. But no detailed history is available.
Daughter Hind also lived with Khadeeja . Swafiyy bin Umayya, Khadeeja’s cousin married Hind. There was a son named ‘Muhammad’ in this marriage .He became very famous in Madeena. It was his descendants who later known under the name of “Banu Twahira” or the sons of Khadeeja.
Information about Khadeeja’s other two children is not clear from the history.


We read the background of the bride and the groom. Why did each of them aspire for such a wedding? The history has something to say. What were the reasons for the noble, beautiful, intelligent and rich Khadeeja.
The nobleness, purity of character and reputation of the Prophet ﷺ.In addition to all these, as if some spiritual messages were received. As if she was made for the palace of the promised Prophet ﷺ.
Meanwhile there was an incident. A day of celebration of the Quraish. All the women of Mecca gathered around the Ka’aba. A place specially arranged for women. Khadeeja was also there. Everyone engrossed in the pastimes. A Jewish scholar entered there. He came to Mecca as a pilgrim. He turned his head towards the stage of the women and said: ‘O women of Quraish! A messenger of God will soon come to you. Who among you will share the bed of that pious soul? Who will be the lucky one? Give it a try if you want. The women burst out laughing after hearing this words. Some of them threw sand at the Jew. Some of them cursed the Jew. But Khadeeja did not respond. She was thinking about the words of the Jew.
After some days, when Maisara introduced the Prophet ﷺ to Khadeeja , she remembered the words of the wise man. The information received after the journey to Sham strengthened her hope. There was no more to think as she herself had seen the miracles firsthand.
Khadija grew up living in the courtyard of the Ka’aba for forty years. She had the opportunity to know every stage of the growth of Muhammad ﷺ. Abdul Muttalib’s prayer during the drought by Muhammad ﷺ. Because of all these, she lived in the world of experiences.
There is also a narration of Imam ‘Kulaee’ to read. The analysis of Maisara and the miracles that she saw firsthand, made Khadeeja think. To know the reality, she approached Waraqat bin Naufal. He listened carefully to everything and then said, ‘O Khadeeja… If all this is true, Muhammad (ﷺ) is the promised Prophet. I have already realised that such a prophet is about to be appointed. The time for the coming of that prophet is near. Khadija understood this explanation well. She wished for good fortune and a life together with the Prophet ﷺ.
Waraqat kept giving the details of the Promised Prophet(ﷺ).He used to compose poems on this subject and sent to Khadeeja. These poems are recorded in historical texts.
There is one more interesting narration to be quoted here.. It is narrated by Imam Fakihi. Anas (RA) says.. Khadeeja’s marriage proposal was received by Abu Talib. He quickly agreed. Muhammad ﷺ was sent to Khadeeja’s house for a direct conversation. Abu Talib also sent Nabah , the maid servant to talk some other matters. Nabah continues. ‘ We reached Khadeeja’s house. She came to the door and received us. With friendly regards, Khadeeja began saying.’ I dedicate my parents to you: I have reason to think about such a relationship. I hope that you will be the Prophet to be assigned to this community. If so, will you still accept me as a wife ? Will you pray for me to Allah, Who appoints you as a Prophet? The Holy Prophet ﷺ responded. ” If that person is me…we agreed to an agreement that will never be broken. If that person is not me…the Lord,on whom you have put your hope will not disappoint you……


Now let’s come to the beloved Prophetﷺ. Why did the Prophet ﷺ choose Khadeeja, who can get any world beauty? The primary answer is that it was a special choice by Allah. The childhood and adolescence of the Prophetﷺ came under special spiritual discipline. The marriage was also a continuation of it. Marriage to Khadeeja provided much support in later life.
This marriage is the answer to all the accusations regarding marital life that could be posed by the opponents until the last day. Twenty five year-old Prophetﷺ marries forty-year-old Khadeeja. The relationship continues with complete satisfaction for twenty-five years until the demise of Khadeeja. Even in the Arab society where polygamy was widespread, he did not even consider another marriage. A man’s age from twenty-five to fifty. He spends with his wife aged forty to sixty-five without even a word of resentment. People who accuse such a person of excessive female interest live in the world ?
The fault found here by the Orientalists was another. That Muhammad ﷺ married Khadeeja because of his desire for her wealth. This allegation has no historical basis. Because in the life of the Prophetﷺ, there is not a single incident one can quote in which financial desire is manifested. It is true that even Khadeeja’s wealth was useful in the way of propagation. He did not try to take over Khadeeja’s business. The palace and the throne were in his reach , but he satisfied with hut and simplicity. He gave all he got to the needy and encouraged generosity. He chose simple pastoral work as a young man. Later, he came to business because of his uncle’s advice. All the wealth accumulated through that was used for the comfort of the family of his uncle.
The marriage with Khadijah was not according to the plan on the part of the Prophetﷺ. There is no historical record that points to it. It was entirely an initiative from Khadeeja.
Wealth, body and interests were all used only for the mission. Thus, if you read the history directly, you can see in the Prophetﷺ a leader who rejected all worldly pleasures.
The Prophetﷺ can marry any virgin he desires. But he accepted a mature woman useful for the mission. A 40-year-old mother of three children who is widowed twice. How brightly history should read this decision.!
Those who wrote that the Prophetﷺ married Khadeeja for her money forgot some facts that they themselves recorded. Nothing else. Other qualities of the wife. Intelligence, beauty, efficiency, acceptance, life experiences, the list goes on.
Now to the days of the wedding. The discussions about the arrangements of the marriage. Abu Talib arranged everything from the side of the Prophetﷺ. The marriage is fixed at the bride’s house. Thus the two parties agreed upon.


Abu Talib invited all the prominent people . About ten prominent people from Mecca went to the bride’s house with the groom . The wedding venue was well arranged. Vedic scholar Waraqat bin Naufal has arrived as the chief guest. First of all marriage khutbah (special sermon) started. The khutbah was delivered by Abu Talib. The content of the khutbah can be read as follows: ‘All praise be to Allah. He has included us among the sons of Ibraheem(A) and the Ismail(A). We are in the ancestry of ‘Muadh’ and in the lineage of ‘Mular’. Allah choose us to be the guardians of His House and guardians of His Haram. He gave us a safe holy city and a holy place where pilgrims come. We have been appointed judges among the people.
Muhammadﷺ, the son of my brother Abdullahi, is a better personality than any young man in every field. No matter with whom he is compared to, Muhammad ﷺ will stand ahead. No matter how greatness, ability, intelligence you look at.. then wealth is sometimes a little short. Isn’t it a moving shadow, and a loan that needs to be repaid.?!
But I declare. My nephew has a glad tiding to come which surpasses all. An important matter is about to come to him.
‘My nephew is marrying your proud daughter Khadeeja. The dowry is twelve and a half Ounce of gold.’
Amr bin Asad got up from the bride’s side immediately after Abu Talib’s speech. He was Khadeeja’s paternal uncle. He replied to Abutalib’s speech. The young man you mentioned is unique personality and this request cannot be refused. We have given Khadeeja in marriage to Muhammadﷺ.
Then Waraqat bin Naufal started the talk. ‘All things belong to Allah. Allah has given us all the privileges you have mentioned. We are the leaders and elites of the Arabs. You also deserve it. No Arab will fail to appreciate your greatness. No one will question your greatness and glory. We want to establish a relationship with your greatness and family. O Quraish… All of you are witnesses: I declare that Muhammad son of Abdullah and Khadijah, daughter of Quwaylid were married with the above Mahar (dowry) .
Abu Talib intervened. OK, I want the uncle to announce the agreement too. Amr bin Asad said, “O Quraysh..All of you are witnesses that the marriage between Muhammad, son of Abdullah , and Khadeeja daughter of Quwaylid has been solemnised here.
Khadeeja’s mind was filled with joy. She has received the greatest fortune that a woman can get on earth. There is no sadness of widowhood or fatigue of motherhood. The bride is ready to receive the new groom in the joy of happiness. All the residents of Mecca are a part of the celebration. Khadeeja’s female friends sang Duff songs. “The leader of Quraish women has got a groom ‘Al Ameen’. Only happiness is everywhere . Poets wrote congratulatory poems. Fragments of poetry have been recited by many. A line can be copied like this “La Thazhadee Khadeeju Fee Muhammadi- Najmun Yuliu Kama Ala’al Farqadu”
‘Oh Khadeeja, enjoy from Muhammad with ecstacy (ﷺ), who shines like the “Farqad Star”
Don’t show hesitation (in enjoying)……


Abu Talib was very happy that the marriage was very auspicious. He praised Allah and said, “All praise is due to Allah, He has removed our difficulties. He has removed our adversities”.
There was a sumptuous feast at the bride’s house for the wedding. The food was prepared by slaughtering a cow. The food for the honeymoon/feast (Walima) was prepared by the Prophetﷺ. The feast was prepared by slaughtering two camels. The Prophet ﷺ gave the highest mahr (marriage value) to the wife Khadeeja. There is also an opinion that twenty camels were given as Mahr. The explanation can also be read combining the two opinions that the promised-Mahr was Twelve and a half Ounce but gave twenty camels of equivalent value to the promised-Mahr.
Through his marriage to Khadeeja the Prophetﷺ got more than just a wife. But also a mature companion. It was apparently the guardianship from the undergoing orphanage. They had mutual love, respect and care. After twenty-five years of married life, the Prophet ﷺ married others, including his virgin wife Aisha. Yet he kept his love for Khadeeja and his memories of his beloved wife, Khadeeja till the end of his life.
Prophetﷺ was involved in business even after marriage. There are some incidents to prove it. An incident is like this. Umayyat bin Abi Salt, a prominent man in Mecca, said during a conversation with his friend Abu Sufyan. I returned home from Yemen after a business trip. Everyone approached me and congratulated me. Everyone who entrusted me his merchandise,asked for profit share. Muhammad ﷺ also came in the group. Wished greetings . Enquired about my health and other personal matters. But he did not ask anything about trade profit. He returned from my house without asking for his profit. My wife Hind was near. She said. What a miracle.! Everyone came in search of their own profit. Only Muhammad ﷺ returned after seeking information about your well-being.
Abu Sufyan, who heard the story of Umayyad, said, “I also have some trading experiences with Muhammad ﷺ. I came to circumambulate the Ka’aba after a business trip. I met Muhammad ﷺ there.” I said. There were so many merchandise that you handed over to me. Got good profit from your merchandise. You don’t have to give me the profit share that I collect from everyone. Immediately he (Muhammad) responded. “The profit share that is collected from everyone should be collected from me. Only then will I send someone to collect the profit. I agreed. Sent the person .After collecting my share I sent it.
After marriage, he led a family life with self-sufficiency. He showed
justice and fairness of business affairs through his own life. Life with his wife Khadeeja improved the surroundings of the Prophet ﷺ. He led a happy married life. Khadeeja’s dreams flew from the world of widowhood and sought the big skies. She waited for new tomorrows of hope. She agreed to all the interests of her beloved life-partener. After getting the Prophet ﷺ as her husband, Khadeeja was highly respected in Mecca. Butterflies flocked to sip honey from the new couples. Time waited for beautiful flowers.


In the spring of happy married life the flowers began to bud. The beloved wife of the Prophetﷺ, Khadeeja became pregnant. The happiness of the couples doubled. According to the dominant opinion of history, six children were born to Muhammadﷺ and Khadeeja couple. Two sons and four daughters.
The first born son was named Al Qasim. Then the father of Qasim was also called ‘Abul Qasim’ﷺ. Qasim passed away when he was two years old. The Prophet Muhammadﷺ endured the pain of orphanage at birth and the death of his mother at the age of six. He also suffered the grief of the death of his eldest son at an early age. He showed in his own life how a slave of Allah should be satisfied with the judgment of his Owner. He comforted Khadeeja. History also has the opinion that Qasim’s death was not at the age of two but after he was old enough to ride upon a camel.
The prevailing opinion is that the daughter Zainab was born second. Ibn Abd al-Barr recorded that the Prophetﷺ was thirty years old at that time. Zainab grew up happily with her parents. When she grew up, she got married. The groom was Abul Aaz bin Rabeeu, the son of Khadeeja’s paternal uncle. They had a son named Ali and a daughter named Umama. Ali died at a young age. After the death of the daughter of the Prophetﷺ, Fatima (RA), Ali (RA) married Umama.
Zainab (RA) accepted Islam from the very beginning. But her husband Abul Aas did not agree. Zainab went to Madeena and joined father. Abul Aas was on the anti-Muslim side in the battle of “Badar”. He was captured by the Muslims during the war. After being released from bondage, Zainab was allowed to go to Madeena. Years passed. He accepted Islam. Lived with Zainab (RA) but not for long. He died in the eighth year of Hijra during the time of the Prophetﷺ.(History of Abul Aas will come later)
When the Prophetﷺ was thirty-three years old, his third child, Ruqiyya, was born. When she grew up, she married Utba, the son of Abu Lahab, but Utba divorced him before the honeymoon. It was on the insistence of his father Abu Lahab. Later she was married by Usman bin Affan(RA). Ruqiya(RA) accepted Islam in the early days and migrated to Madeena. Ruqiya-Usman(RA) had a son named Abdullah. Ruqiya (RA) left this world. She was twenty years old at that time. Utba, who married Ruqiya first, accepted Islam on the day of “Victory over Mecca”.
A daughter Umm Kulsoom was born as the fourth child of the Prophetﷺ. She got married to Abu Lahab’s son, Utaibat. He divorced her before the honeymoon. It was under the pressure of his father. Utaiba created many problems to the Prophetﷺ and later suffered its consequences. Ummu Kulsoom(RA) was given in marriage to Uthman(RA) after the demise of his wife Ruqiya(RA). It was Rabiul Awwal in the third year of Hijra. But that life did not last long. In the ninth year of Hijra, Ummu Kulsoom also left this world in Sha’ban. At this time, the Prophetﷺ praised Uthman(RA) and said, “If I had ten daughters, I would have given them in marriage to Uthman, one after the other.”

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