The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 2

Admin July 14, 2022 No Comments

The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 2

Mahabba Campaign Part-31/365

Fatima (RA) is the fifth child of the Prophetﷺ. She is the youngest of the daughters and the most famous among the children. She was born in the thirty-fifth age of the beloved Prophetﷺ. It was the time when the Quraish were reconstructing the Ka’aba. History also has the opinion that the Prophetﷺ was forty-one years old at that time.

Fatima is the daughter who was lucky to be closest to her father. The Prophetﷺ used to share all the secrets and sorrows with his daughter and sometimes intervened in the role of a mother. For that reason, she got the special name “Ummu Abeeha” as her father’s mother. The Prophetﷺ used to say that Fatima is a piece of my liver. There was an opportunity to see and experience first-hand the trials of the early days of preaching. Beloved Fatima (RA) was married to Ali( RA), son of Abu Talib, the paternal uncle of the Prophetﷺ. Five children were born to Ali-Fathima; three sons named Hasan, Hussain, Muhsin and two daughters named Zainab and Ummu Kulzum.

The Prophetﷺ introduced his dear daughter Fatima as the “queen of the heaven. The Prophetﷺ used to call his daughter by many special names. The name “Batul & Zahra” and famous among them. The most common name given to girls among the Muslims, is Fatima. Six months after the death of the Prophetﷺ, Fatima (RA) also departed. She passed away in the eleventh year of Hijra. The family line of the Prophetﷺ continues through Fatima (RA).

Son Abdullah is the sixth child of the Prophetﷺ. His son was born after the declaration of prophecy. But like Qasim, Abdullah also died at young age. This son was also called by the special name”Twayyib” and “Twahir”. None of the leading historians have accepted the view that the names Twayyib and Twahir belonged to two other sons.

The then prevailing custom of Arabia was to give new born babies to foster mothers for up bringinging. But the beloved wife of the Prophetﷺ, breastfed all her children. Once she shared her grief with the Prophetﷺ on the death of her baby, and her breasts filled with milk. If the baby hadn’t died, I would have been able to breastfeed. The Prophetﷺ said, “There are heavenly women breastfeeding the baby in the heaven. He consoled Khadeeja (RA) by asking if she could hear the soft voice of the departed baby slurping breastmilk.
Every time a child was born, the Prophet ﷺ offered the aqeeqah and distributed it. Aqeeqah was two goats each for male children and one goat each when female children were born.

When the two sons of the Prophetﷺ died in infancy some have accused the Prophetﷺ of being a “person with a broken lineage”. It was Aas bin Wa’il, a prominent Quraish, who came with the accusation. The holy Qur’anﷺ. No who have no lineage. This is the idea of ​​the one hundred and second chapter of the holy Qur’an, ‘Al-Kawsar’. The family members of the Prophetﷺ live in the world with a clear lineage history. No other person in the world can claim such a precise family tradition and history.

A new guest came to the family life of the Prophet ﷺ and Khadeeja (RA).

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A new person enters the family of the Prophetﷺ as a member of the family. It is none other than the slave Zaid bought from the Ukaz market. Here is another incident that illuminates the character and life of the Holy Prophetﷺ. Let’s see how Zaid came into the life of Prophet ﷺ

Harisa is the son of Shuraheel of the famous tribe of Kalb in Arabia. His wife is Suada, the daughter of Sa’alaba of the tribe of “Tway”. Zaid is the beloved son of Harisa-Suada couple. Their’s is a rich and wealthy family. One day Suada went to visit her uncle’s house. And son Zaid was also with her. It was a time when Banul Qain bin Juzr, a notorious band of robbers, was on the prowl. On the way, Suada and Zaid were captivated by the armed robbers. The mother and son (Suada and Zaid) pleaded the robbers to free them. They freed Suada and took the son with them. Their intention was to sell Zaid in the slave market.

Suada, who escaped by luck, reached home and informed the family members. Harisa and his brother Ka’ab searched all the places. The mighty tribe used all possible ways in search of Zaid. But the result was disappointing; Zaid could not be found.
The robbers took Zaid as a slave and sent him to other country as soon as possible. Harisa became nervous because of his son’s absence. He wandered around and searched. He hoped to find his son someday. He decided that he would find him out at any cost. He vowed to abstain from enjoying life until his son was found. His tribe did not stop searching. Finally, Harisa became gloomy that he did not get any information whether his son was dead or alive. It became a rare example of a father’s love for a son. Harisa composed many poems lamenting on the loss of his son. Disappearance of Zaid and poems of Harisa are still read in the history today.

Zaid had already arrived at the famous Ukaz market in Mecca as a slave to be sold. One day the Prophet ﷺ came to the market for some purpose. He saw Zaid with his facial features among the slaves. His appearance and manner attracted the Prophetﷺ. He went home and shared the matter with his beloved wife Khadeeja (RA). Let’s buy him .Let’s raise him as our son. I see a good future in him. “The wife agreed. The interest of the beloved Prophetﷺ is always more important to her than her own. The wife immediately called her brother Hisam’s son Hakeem. She gave him the necessary money and sent him to the market to fetch Zaid. Hakeem quickly reached the market and bought Zaid for four hundred dirhams. At that time the age of the Prophetﷺ was twenty-eight,as reported by Ali Al Khuzae; before 12 years of the prophecy.

Henceforth, Zaid’s master is Muhammad ﷺ and his mistress is Khadeeja. He adapted quickly to the new environment. Khadeeja was very happy that she could present a good gift to the Prophetﷺ. The Prophetﷺ happy to have a good servent and a beloved son together. Zaid became happy as he got a father and mother who love him more than his real parents do.

Constant association with the Prophetﷺ brought certain realizations in the heart of Zaid. “My master is not an ordinary man. There is something great to come to him….

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Zaid, the servant of Al Ameen, the grandson of Abdul Mutalib become enough acquainted with the natives. Zaid was happy to be with Muhammedﷺ. He has no grief of homesickness. He got every affection and care of mother, father and brother. from his new home. And he felt some miraculous touches around his owner, Muhammadﷺ.
Time passed. The season of Hajj Pilgrimage started. From different parts of the world, people began to reach Mecca. Among them, some are from the tribe of Kalb. They met Zaid. He also realised them. They asked him about his new household and owner, and spent time with him. Zaid had given to the people of his tribe a poem containing his satisfaction with the new household, his owner, and asking his family to be not worried of him. Saying this, he went to his owner, the Prophetﷺ.
The letter reached to Harisa, father of Zaid, and his family. They became happy to know that their son is alive and is satisfied. But they cannot think their son being a slave. Harisa thought of releasing his son from slavery as soon as possible. Harisa called Ka’ ab, his brother, a respectable personality in Mecca. With a huge amount of money, he set off to Mecca with his brother and reached there. They visited Muhammedﷺ, Zaid’s owner and began to say: “O respected man, O the grandson of the Abdul Mutalib and Hashim! We know that you are the proud to this land. The Quraish are those who accept the guests of the Almighty and the guardians to His house. We know you are one who helps the affected and emancipates the enslaved. And, we are here to liberate our son Zaid, and are ready to give you the ransom money so much as you wish for. You are requested to be kind towards us.”
“Whom are you talking about? ” The prophetﷺ wondered. “Your servant Zaid is my son” Harisa explained. ” Myself is Harisa. This is my brother Ka’ab”. The prophet behaved to them with respect. The prophetﷺ told them that if he is the father of Zaid, he can take him to his home, with no ransom if Zaid is ready to go with his father. But if he is not willing to depart the prophetﷺ, they should not compel him to go with them. That is right. We do not expect more than this.

They agreed to the direction. Zaid was called. He has seen the guests, and became very happy by seeing his own father and uncle. Harisa became very happy. From the agony of absence he absorbed in the joy of meeting . Dear son, who he thought he would never meet again, stands there healthy and cheerful. Indeed an unbelievable reunion. The prophetﷺ asked Zaid who they are and he answered that they are his father and uncle. Then he was told the intention of the visitors to take him back to his home if he is ready. If he is not willing to go with them, he can continue there with the Prophetﷺ.

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leaving you and going anywhere. You are everything to me; mother and father.
Harisa and his brother were surprised to hear the answer, they never expected. What !! they asked. What are you talking about? Do you prefer to leave your mother and father and live as a slave? Choosing slavery over your home and family. What a surprise! Yes my father, I will never leave this person. I am expecting some miracles from this great person in future. Zaid finished. How can I take my son away from someone who loves him so much? Harisa realised.
Once again convinced of Zaid’s hope and obedience, the Prophetﷺ hold his hand and walked to the courtyard of the holy Ka’aba. Harisa and Ka’ab followed them. In the presence of the Quraish leaders, the Prophetﷺ made this announcement: “Dear people… Quraish family. This is Zaid, the son of Haritha. I declare him as my adopted son. He will inherit me and I also will inherit him. The important announcements of that time used to be made in the shadow of the Ka’aba. The leaders of Mecca used to gather and discuss matters in the courtyard of the holy Ka’aba.

Harisa and Ka’ab are relieved that Zaid is no longer a slave and is the son of ‘Al Ameen’. In any case, they cannot separate their son from Al Ameen. They have realized the depth and extent of love between them. Harisa and Ka’ab left their son in Mecca and returned to their country. The Prophetﷺ and Zaid sent them off to their country. Although they could not take their son with them, they reached home with the comfort that he is in safe hands. Went to the family and shared the information. Those who heard had nothing else to say. Later the family of Zaid often came to Mecca and visited him.

Zaid grew up in the shadow of the Prophetﷺ. Zaid also climbed the ranks along with the status of the Prophetﷺ . Zaid came into history as a good witness who knew all metters related to the Prophetﷺ; family and public matters. Zaid declared Islam in the early days of the prophets’ preaching. Father Harisa also came to Islam. Zaid continued to follow the Prophetﷺ like a shadow and achieved blessings. He was bestowed with the position of being the only Sahabi (companion of the Prophetﷺ) whose name is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an

Zaid was one of the rare people who was close to the Prophetﷺ before and after his declaration of Prophecy. He was one of the authentic sources of knowledge about the character, life and behavior of the Prophetﷺ. On occasions, along with the blessed moments of the Prophet’s ﷺ life, in the days of trials, Zaid was a witness, present and sometimes a party. In the historical reading of the Prophetﷺ, this lucky follower will come many times. He had a place in the beauty of family life and bravery on the battlefield. Such an event would be rare in the history of the world to mark the greatness of a personality. Later we will read how far Zaid reached. Now we are moving to another chapter of the Prophet’s ﷺ’ intervention in public field.
#اللهم صلى الله عليه وسيدنا محمد عليه وصحبه وسلم

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The beloved Prophet ﷺ was leading life as a youth accepted by all in Mecca . There were many occasions that proved his acceptability . Among them, the rebuilding of the holy Ka’aba was important.
The incident is like this. A woman lit fire for cooking or something else in the premises of the holy Ka’aba. The spark came and fell on the “Kiswa”( the enormous cloth of the black brocade) of the holy Ka’aba. The building of the holy Ka’aba was also damaged by the fire. It was impossible to go forward without rebuilding. Historians note that there were two other reasons for the sudden reconstruction.
One. Damage to the the Ka’aba due to strong water flow . The holy Ka’aba is located in a place surrounded by mountains. The mountain water that gushed many times had damaged the walls of the holy Ka’aba.
Two. Robbery in the holy Ka’aba. Thieves stole many valuables from inside the holy Ka’aba. Two gold sculptures of deer kept in a well inside the holy Ka’aba and other gems were recovered from the house of Duwaik, a man from tribe of Khuzaa. He claimed that some thieves had left it in his compound. But from a comprehensive interrogation, it was revealed that ,Duwaik was the real robber. He was punished by amputating his hand. To prevent such attempts from happening again, the reconstruction of the the holy Ka’ aba became necessary.

Meanwhile another favourable situation arise. A ship belonging to the king of Rome was traveling through the ocean. It was full of valuable building materials . The ship was traveling to Ethiopia with stones, trees, and iron. When it came near Jeddah, the ship had to go ashore due to a strong storm. So the ship anchored in the port of Jeddah. Along with the materials, a sculptor named ‘Baqoom’ was also on board.
The Quraish came to know that the ship with the goods had anchored at the Jeddah port. A group led by Waleed bin Mughira went to Jeddah port thinking that they could take advantage of the opportunity. They met and talked to the ship officials. It was agreed to buy the building materials and the supervision of sculptor Baqoom was also offered.
All set for reconstruction of the holy Ka’aba . They can start the reconstruction immediately. But first they have to demolish the existing part . But none of them dared to remove any stone . At last one stone was removed . They waited for three days to see if any calamity would happen to the person who threw the stone. Nothing happened. Considering that as a good sign, they decided to demolish the existing building.
Prayers and supplications were performed under the leadership of Waleed bin Al Mughira and Aaid bin Amr Al Makhzoomi. In the meantime, an incident occurred. Aaid removed a stone but the same stone slipped from Aaid’s hand and stuck on to it’s original position. When he thought about the reason, he came to a conclusion. It is a reminder from the Creator; they must use only lawful wealth for the reconstruction . It was decided not to use such property, acquired through adultery, gambling or robbery. According to the decision, the Quraish did not have the pure property to build the entire basement that Prophet Ibraheem (A.S.) had built. Therefore, the semicircular part on the north side of the holy Ka’aba had to be kept as a foundation only.
The construction of the holy Ka’aba proceeded at a rapid pace. The construction activities were organized by assigning each family to each part

#اللهم صلى الله عليه وسيدنا محمد عليه وصحبه وسلم#

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According to the decision, the construction of the entrance of the holy Ka’aba and related parts were assigned to the Banu Zahra and Banu Abdu Manaf families. The Prophet’sﷺ service was for the construction of this part. The part from Hajarul Aswad to Ruknul Yamani was to the Makhzoom family and its sub-parties. Bu Zaham and Banu Jumah were in charge of the construction of the top part. Construction responsibility on the part of “Hajarul Aswad” was for Banu Abdu Daar, Banu Uzza, Banu Asad and Banu Adiyy.

The construction work was carried out beautifully. The construction was under the supervision of the Roman sculptor Bakhoom and a carpenter of Coptic origin. The wall was made of stones quarried from the mountain not far from the holy Ka’aba. In later times, that mountain was known as “Jabal Kaaba”. The main service of Prophetﷺ was to carry the stones . The discussion of folding cloth and putting it on the shoulder occurred at this time.
After the completion of the construction of the Kaaba, a dispute arose. The dispute was about the restoration of the black stone or Hajar al-Aswad, which was in the southeast corner of the holy Ka’aba. It was the pride of each faction to reinstal the heavenly stone, famous for its purity. Each faction claimed it. Banu Abd Dar collected the blood of the citizens in a plate. They dipped their hands in it and vowed that they would reinstall the sacred stone. Banu Adiyy bin Ka’b accepted the same way and the problem became more serious. The scene turned into the verge of a conflict.
The Quraish leaders sought a solution. They gathered in the courtyard of the holy Ka’aba and discussed the matter. Abu Umayya, the most senior leader of the Quraish, entrusted it to Mughira bin Al-Makhzoomi. Mughira said ” O! Quraish I want to put forward one solution ; whoever comes first through the door, let him restore the Hajar-ul-Aswad. Everyone agreed to this opinion.
Everyone watched eagerly. It won’t be long before to know whoever comes in first. There comes a man. Everyone shouted in unison. “Hada ‘al Amin”- This is Al Amin or Muhammadﷺ. All said… we agree..
The Prophetﷺ had not participated in the discussions or decisions of the locals. He humbly came to the people. They informed the Prophet ﷺ of the decision. He came foreward humbly to solve the problem
Theyﷺ did not have to think. He instructed. ‘Bring a big cloth. They brought it. The Holy Prophetﷺ spread it on the ground. He called the chiefs of all the tribes. They all hold the corners of the cloth. They hold up the cloth to the level of the Hajarul Aswad simultaneously. Everyone congratulated Al Aminﷺ on his wisdom and smart decision.
The great poet Hubaira bin Abi Vahab. who was an eyewitness to the events, sang thus.
“Tasajaratil Ahiyau Fee Fazli Qutati…….. yaruhu biha rakabul Iraqi wa yagtadee Throughout this eleven-line poem, the greatness of the Prophetﷺ and the importance of this event are told.

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The Prophetﷺ is growing up in Mecca as the cynosure of all. At the same time, discussions about the promised-Prophet are increasing in many parts of the world. The whole world was waiting for a messenger of goodness. There was darkness everywhere. The whole world was expecting a ray of light. Let’s read about some of the testimonies that share the information that the Prophet ﷺ is the Promised- Prophet. Discussions about the coming
Prophet became active among the people of ‘Veda’. And soothsayers and pundits began to tell. Philosophers who lived in Mecca at that time began to investigate. Meanwhile, there was a festival in Mecca. The celebration of the festival was centered on the idol, named ‘Buwana’… it is a continuation of the rituals that take place every year. In the meantime, the four people gathered for a very private discussion. They mutually agreed that the discussion and decisions should be secret. The essence of their discussion was this. ‘The ideals or practices that the people follow now, cannot be justified in any way. They are worshiping and circumambulating mere idols which do no good or harm. This is never right. The four men vowed to seek the truth away from the general perception of society. Waraqat bin Naufal, Ubaidullah bin Jahsh, Utman ibnul Huwairith and Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail were the four persons.
Waraqath bin Noufal studied Vedas and travelled to many regions. Understood the paths of the Prophets; Moses and Jesus and lived according to their path. He became renowned Vedic scholar in Mecca. Accepted and inspired the Prophetﷺ.

Ubaiullah ibn Jahsh did not accept any particular religion. He Independently searched for the truth. It was at that time the Prophetﷺ started his mission. Ummu Habeeba (the daughter of Quraish leader Abu Sufyan), was his wife. She converted to ISLAM in an early stage. After his wife, Ubaid also accepted Islam. He witnessed the tribulations the Muslims underwent in Mecca. He migrated with his wife to Ethiopia with his group. But when he arrived in Ethiopia, he fell into the trap of some Christian priests. He accepted Christianity and joined them. Later, he died as a Christian. Ummu Habeeba, a strong believer, lived in Islam. Later, she was decorated with the title of Prophet’sﷺ wife. Ummu Habeeba(RA) became the mother of the believers.

The third, Uthman bin Al Huwairis started his search of truth before years. The incident is like this. During a festival. Uthman was present along with the three mentioned above. All the people were pleasing an idol. Drinking toddy and partying. But the icon they were worshipping does not stand firm. Whenever placed straight it fell upside down. Tried several times to no avail. What will be the reason?! There is some phenomenon. Uthman thought. What could it be? Later he was convinced that that night was the night when Amina (RA) gave birth to the Prophetﷺ.

He realised that the idol and concept of polytheism are meaningless. He sung a poem containing that idea. He heard a song from somehere that conveys the same idea.Why the images fell over was in that poem. This was the beginning of the separate thoughts of that group of four.

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Uthman Bin Al Huwairis continued his search of truth. He visited the Roman Emperor, Caesar. Caesar honoured the scholar who came from Arabia. Uthman converted to Christianity. He died before the declaration of prophecy of the Prophet ﷺ.

The fourth one is Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail. He was a thinker and a philosopher. He strongly criticized the evil practices that were going on in Arabia. He did not worship idols or accept polytheism. Disapproved of the votive offerings to the idols. He stood against the practice of burying girls alive and adopted girls who were taken to the graves. He did not believe in Christianity or Judaism. He received the true Tawheed (belief in one God) and the path of the Prophet Ibraheem(A). Asma'(RA), the daughter of Abu Bakkar(RA) shares an experience. Once Zaid bin Amr was speaking in a group and he said, “O Quraish, I am the only one in this group who believes in the religion of Ibraheem (A.S.).”

He often used to say, O Allah, I do not know how to worship you. Had I known, I would have done so. Then he would prostrate on the vehicle.

There is a description of his journey searching truth in Bukhari. Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar (RA). Before the advent of Islam, Zaid bin Amr came to Syria as a seeker of truth. He asked a Jewish priest about their religion. Finally, he asked him, “Should I join this religion?” The priest said, “Judaism today is totally broken.” If you join the current Jewish religion, you will incur the wrath of the Creator. You may also earn the displeasure of Allah. No I don’t. “I have come here to escape the wrath of Allah and gain His pleasure. Can you suggest any other way?” asked Zaid.

The scholar said like this. There is no other option but to accept the “Haneefi Path” or the ‘Straight Path’.
Which is the straight path? Asked Zaid. The scholar continued. ‘That is the path of Ibraheem (A.S). He was neither a Jew nor a Christian. He followed the Haneefi path or the straight path. He worshiped only Allah the Almighty.

Zaid continued his journey again. His quests did not end. He met a Christian priest at that time . He responded in the same manner as the Jewish scholar. Zaid heard about Ibraheemi path and said, ‘O Allah! Surely I stand on the way of Abraham, you are the witness..

Another account of Zaid’s quest is as follows. Zaid embarked on a journey in search of truth. He wandered across lands. He wandered in Al Jazeera and Mausil- and finally reached the region of ‘Balqa’. He found a scholar who studied the Vedas deeply. He asked him to show him the straight path (Haneefi path). He said, “Brother…the path you are looking for cannot be found anywhere today. But the time is near for the true messenger to come to the right path. The messenger will arise in your own land. Go to the land quickly. The arrival is very near.” Try to join that holy messenger.

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Zaid was very happy. He left for his country. He traveled with the desire to reach the end of his search. He crossed many roads and knocked on many doors. Finally he reached the destination. He reached the area of ​​’Lakhm’. The assailants caught him. When death was certain, he prayed. I could not reach my goal. I could not reach the ‘Haneefi Path’. Do not block that path for my son Saeed, O Creator!. The wicked people killed him. His last prayer was accepted by Allah. Zaid’s son became a Sahabi (follower of the Prophet (ﷺ ). He was hailed as one of the ten prominent ones who received the good news of entering Paradise.
The news of Zaid’s death came to Mecca . Waraqat bin Naufal could not bear the death of the seeker of truth. Grief-stricken, he wrote elegiac poems. After writing about Zaid’s interest in the right path, he said in the poem. ‘Surely you will meet the Prophet Ibrahim. Even if you are under the earth in the length of seven valleys, you will receive the mercy of Allah. (Waqad Tudrikul Insana Rahmatu Rabbihee ..Walaw kana Tahtal Arli Sabe’ena Wadia..)
Zaid was also a good poet. Many lines are attributed to him in the scriptures that speak of the greatness of Tawheed (Monotheism). He should be considered as the true believer in One God. In later times the Prophet ﷺ praised him. It can be seen in the hadith. The beloved Prophet ﷺ said. Allah will bring him alone as a free community in the Hereafter. In another narration, the Prophet ﷺ said about Zaid . ‘I have entered Paradise. I saw there two gardens belonging to Zaid ibn Amr.
Wherever there is darkness, the bright lights of the straight path remain here and there. The whole world is waiting for the arrival of a prophet. Some are traveling to the promised-land of the Prophet. Some died on the way. Some arrived early and and hoped . The world itself is ready to welcome. All eyes turn to the valley of ‘Tihama’. Time waits for even the small movements in Thihama.
A place where the Banu Quraila tribe resides in Madeena . A Jewish priest from Syria came and settled there. The incident happened two years before the declaration of prophecy by the Prophet ﷺ. His name is Ibn Hayyiban. He was a material renouncer and learned in Vedas and spirituality. Gradually, he became accepted by everyone in Madeena. When there was no rain, the people of Madeena would approach him and say O ! Ibn Hayyiban pls come out and pray for us to get rain. Then he would say ‘donte a bit of date or barley or something like that. Soon people will arrive with alms. Then in an open place they would gather together. They would pray for rain under the leadership of Ibn Hayyiban. The rain would pour in before the group dispersed. The people of Madeena could witness such experiences many times.
Days passed and Ibn Hayyiban fell ill. Everyone visited him. He asked, O Jews, do you know why I left home country and home and came here?

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He asked once again. ‘Do you know why I am staying here after leaving all the comforts’ ? The people who heard this question, appealed him to reveal the reason . They they don’t know. He began to say. There is a reason for me to come here. This is the time for arrival of the Promised- Prophet(ﷺ) . This is the promised land for that Prophet (ﷺ) to enter. This is the land, to which he has to migrate. I came here thinking that if he arrives, I could join him. O Jews.. If the Prophet(ﷺ) comes, you should follow him soon . Become followers. Make no misunderstanding that when the messenger of truth comes, there will inevitably be some fighting and bloodshed. He will be the Messenger of Truth and the Last Prophet.
It wasn’t long before, Ibn al-Hayyiban departed. The pious man who was waiting to see and receive the final Prophet ﷺ passed away. But the words he spoke at the end remained in the memory of many people. Uzaid bin Sa’ad from the tribe of “Hudail”his brother Sa’alaba and friend Uzaid bin Hulair later followed the Prophet ﷺ by respecting Ibn Hayyiban’s final advice.
Later, the Prophet ﷺ migrated to Medeena and reached there. At first, the Jews turned against the Prophet ﷺ with hostility. But after the battle of Banu Quraila, their attitude changed. Then some people said like this. “There is no doubt that this is the true Prophet,foretold by our pious man, Ibnu Hayyiban.” So many people visited the Prophet ﷺ directly. They converted to Islam.
The declaration of prophecy of Muhammad ﷺ was not a sudden phenomenon. Time and the world were expecting a hero of renaissance.The Vedas and scholars had reminded that that a holy spirit would be appointed as the Last Prophet. That noble person was identified as Muhammad ﷺ, the son of Abdullahi. Muhammad ﷺ himself was moving towards the conviction that he was being led on a mission. The declaration of prophecy came at the moment when all the preparations were completed.
The dreams that the Prophet ﷺ saw were preludes to his mission. Aisha (RA) states that the Prophet ﷺ had good dreams in the beginning as part of the divine revelation (Wahy). His dreams were as bright as day. That is, his dreams used to come true.
During this time the Prophet ﷺ had many dream visions that presented him serious thoughts. The authentic records introduce that there was a period of visions of about six months preceding the declaration of prophecy . Among one of such visions there was vision in which one asked the next. Isn’t he the person we meant? The Holy Prophet ﷺ was shocked at this sight. The next morning the Prophet ﷺ told about his dream to Abu Talib . He told don’t worry it is only a dream . He comforted the Prophet ﷺ. The dream repeated. Information was given to Abu Talib. He took his nephew along with him and approached a famous physician. Then he said, ‘O Abu Talib, you need not worry. Nothing has happened to your nephew. He is a good person . A lot of good things are to come through this personality. Demon possession or anything like that will never happen to him. This is not a person who is prone to it. These are all signs that show that the coming of Namoos (Gibriel) to this personality, is very near.

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Self maturation was taking place in Prophetﷺ. Those who have seen and heard, expect the manifestation of God’s message in Muhammad ﷺ. Again and again the surroundings announce something to the Prophetﷺ.
In the hadith quoted by Imam Muslim(RA), the Prophetﷺ said, “There was a stone in Mecca. It used to greet me with ‘Salam’ even before I was assigned as Prophet. I still know it. It is not limited to a stone. Many other phenomena and objects greeted the Prophetﷺ. It can be seen as Ali (RA) saying. ‘While we were with the Prophetﷺ in Mecca, went together to some suburbs of Mecca . We walked through a province with hills and trees. Every tree and hill greeted the Prophetﷺ. Each one was saying Salam to the Prophet ﷺ. I could hear it clearly.

There are many such incidents in the hadiths and historical books. There is no need to doubt that such things can happen. There is no need to interpret them as metaphorical. Because such events were bestowed to the Prophet ﷺ as Muajiza (The Miracle) by Allah. As a part of Muajiza some inanimate objects behave like that. The holy Qur’an mentions the rocks that roll down in fear of Allah. The holy Qur’an also says that there is nothing that does not praise and glorify Allah. This is part of the explanation recorded by Imam Nawawi (RA).

Before the declaration of prophecy, the Prophetﷺ would hear many incorporeal sounds. Once he said to his beloved wife Khadeeja (RA) ‘Oh ! Khadeeja I hear some incorporeal sounds. I see some special lights. What woul be the reason? I am worried that something untoward would happen to me’ the matured dear wife, Khadeeja said. ‘There is nothing to worry about. By the God, nothing but good will happen to you. Aren’t you the one who follow and maintain honesty and family ties? Nothing dangerous will happen.

The Prophetﷺ kept changing. Preparations for taking on a great mission. Allah is preparing His Messenger. He is preparing to deliver a code of peace to reform the whole world. At that time, when the Prophetﷺ was traveling alone, someone from the desert would greet him and call adress him, “Messenger of Allah.”
And later ‘solitude’ became a craving for him. He would be alone thinking about Allah and worshiping Him. This solitude was not designed by the Prophetﷺ for any reason. Unlike the philosophers who chose meditation worrying in social evils. Nor was it like planned with certain action plans.The meditation of the Prophetﷺ came together as part of a spiritual urge from Allah. This is the solitude that Allah gave as a part of choosing him as the final messenger. The beloved Prophetﷺ found genuine pleasure in it. He was called upon to go and sit in the Hira cave on the top of “Jabalunnoor” in Mecca for a special solitude.

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The cave of “Hira” had some peculiarities. One. If you sit inside it, you can see the holy Ka’aba directly . Second. It was the cave where Abdul Mutalib, the grandfather of the Prophet ﷺ, used to meditate. There are some references that the Cave of Hira showed welcome gestures to the Prophet ﷺ . There is an explanation of Imam Kulai as follows. Every year, the Prophet ﷺ used to spend a month in solitude in the Hira Cave. There was such a practice among the Quraish. .This seclusion was known as ‘Tahannus’ or keeping away from idols or ‘Tahannuf’ or seeking the straight path.
The Prophet ﷺ used to give food to those who came there after a month of seclusion. After meditating, he would come straight to the holy Ka’aba
and circumambulate seven times and would go to his home.
There are different opinions about how many days he would stay in Hira once
reached there. The reports say three, seven, up to a month if it is Ramadan. There is no opinion that it is more than a month. After there, he would leave with necessary food. A kind of cake and olive oil were carried to the cave.
His wife Khadeeja (RA) whole-heartedly supported the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in his worship at Hira. When there was shortage of provision she climbed the mountain with necessary things. “Jabalunnur” is four miles away from the house. One has to climb a steep mountain eight hundred and seventy meters from the valley to reach the cave. Not even once did she say or show any dislike. The wife was always in service with full support. These events prove that It was a good luck that the Prophet ﷺ chose Khadeeja as his wife.
On some days, Khadeeja (RA) will also stay in the mountain range rendering services for the husband. Then come down to home.
In some occasions, she would send the Prophet ﷺ off to the cave and stay in the home counting the days. After that, she would look towards the Noor mountain for some time and then walk towards the Annoor valley. look towards the mountain from the bottom for a long time. By the time the Prophet ﷺ will have come down the mountain. They will meet happily and stay there that day. She would serve the food which brought from the home. In the morning, the Prophet ﷺ would go up to the top of the mountain. Thus, a masjid was built later in the place where they spent that night. That is the ‘Masjidul Ijaba’.
One day when Khadeeja (RA) climbed the mountain and reached the top, the beloved Prophet ﷺ was nowhere seen. She searched all around.called out loud. Then the attendants were sent to the sides of the mountain. At that time the Prophet ﷺ was seen sitting in meditation in a corner . The attendants Informed Khadeeja (RA). They conversed and went back.
Sometimes he comes down from the mountain earlier than expected because the food he took with him may have been donated to someone.
If there are any special experiences, will share with beloved wife . The matured wife will listen patiently. Talk in a soothing way…..

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What kind of worship did the Prophetﷺ perform during his stay in the cave of Hira? Scholars have recorded different opinions. One is that it was the worship of previous prophets. But they have not defined which prophet’s way. Eight views have been mentioned here. Ibnul Burhan says that it was the line of the forefather Prophet Adam(A). He is the father of all prophets. Imam Amudi observed that it was the way of Prophet Nuh(A). As he has the title of “Shaykhul Anbiya”. Another view that It was the way of Prophet Ibrahim(A). He is a prophet with the title of “Khalil of Allah”. And the Qur’anic verse suggesting ‘Ibraheemi path’ has been revealed later. The fourth and fifth opinions are that of Prophet Moses(A) and that of Prophet Jesus (A). They have the titles “Kalimullah” and “Ruhullah” respectively. Another observation is that it was a compilation of the modes of worship of the previous prophets. The next view is that the Prophetﷺ was given special spiritual modes by the Almighty Allah. Considering the aforesaid last point of view, Imam Ibn Hajar(RA) says the Prophetﷺ received some special spiritual directions from the Omniscient Allah and followed them.

The main worship at that time was thought and contemplation. Or thinking about the signs of Allah and His greatness. There are those who presented this period as a period of penance (Khalwat) to complete spiritual rituals (Riyala:). In other words, it is a time spent in contemplation (Tafakur) staying away from the worldly affairs of life. During his stay in the Cave of Hira, the Prophetﷺ was having different spiritual experiences day by day. One occasion was like this. Amr bin Shurahbil says. The Prophetﷺ said to his beloved wife Khadija(RA). When I am alone, special rays of light appear before me, and I would hear some sounds saying, ‘I am Jibreel…” Khadeeja what is this …. I fear something is going to happen. Khadija(RA) would say “Nothing to fear. Nothing harmful will happen to you”.
After a while, Abu Bakar(RA) came there. Khadeeja(RA) informed Abu Bakar(RA)about the incident. He said ‘You approach Waraqat bin Nawfal and discuss the matter. He is a great scholar of the scriptures’. Then Abu Bakar(RA) approached Waraqat along with the Prophet ﷺ. He told him everything in detail. When told about the voice refering to the name “I am Jibreel”, Waraqah said.. Subbuhun.. Subbuhun. The name “Gibreel”(A) is said in this land of idolators !!. It is Gibril, the archangel who conveys the mission between Allah and His Messenger. There is nothing to worry about…

Another time when the Prophet was walking alone at night, there was a voice. ‘Assalam’… quickly went home. Told wife Khadeeja(RA) about the experience. The response was like this. “Assalam” is a message of peace, only good things will happen, nothing to worry about.
Later, he shared his new experiences with Waraqa. Then he said, “Be happy, my son, be happy… It is “Namus”, who came to ‘Isa'(A), the son of Mary, is also following you.”

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Here is an account of the first phase of the official entrusting of the task to the Prophet Muhammadﷺ: At the end of Ramadan, Prophet Muhammadﷺ was worshiping in the Cave of Hira. On Saturday night and Sunday night, Jibreel (A.S) approached the Prophetﷺ. On Monday night, Jibreel and Michael (A.S)appeared together before the Prophet ﷺ. Michael (A.S) stood in the air between the heavens and the earth. One of the angels asked the other, “Is this not the one We intended?” Yes. ‘This is’. The next one answered. But let’s weigh this person with someone. Then the Prophetﷺ became better in weight than the other. There was an order to weigh ten people instead of one. Even then, the Prophetﷺ was ahead in weight. Same was the case when one thousand people were weighed. Finally, they said. By the Lord of the holy Ka’aba even if the entire community is placed on the other side of this person, he will outweigh them all.
Then a special mat decorated with pearls and jewels was made and the Prophetﷺ was seated on it. ‘Purify the inner side of this person’. One said. They did so. The clot of blood (in human nature) prone to demonic influence was removed from the body of the Prophetﷺ. One said: Wash inside thoroughly and purify it. Then the open part of the body was stitched. The Prophetﷺ was seated properly.
Later he was entrusted with the mission of prophecy . Then he was given everything necessary for gaining courage. Jibreel (A)asked the Prophetﷺ to Read…. The Prophetﷺ said, I am not a reader. Immediately Gibreel hugged the Prophetﷺ tightly.
The Prophetﷺ felt the depth of the embrace. Again Jibreel(A) asked to read…’ I am not a reader’.. the Prophetﷺ repeated this three times. Then Jibreel recited the first part of Surat al-Qalam. “Read in the name of your Lord who created you! He has created man from “Alaq” (blood clot).. Read…. Your Lord is bountiful. He has taught with the pen”
The phrase “I am not a reader” is significant because he did not learn to read or write from any teacher. But when he was told to read in the name of Allah, the Prophet did not refuse. Because then Allah had already given him the ability to read. In other words, everything that was given to the Prophet ﷺ was specially given to him by Allah. The Arabic word ‘Ummiyy’ means one who does not have the knowledge of letters. But in the case of the Prophetﷺ the word ‘ummiyy’ does not mean that. It means that he did not acquire knowledge in the normal way as others do. Everyone was amazed at the knowledge of the Prophetﷺ when he handled all the branches of knowledge without learning anything in practical way.
After receiving the holy Qur’an from Hira Cave, the Prophet walked home. The stones and branches on either side were saying Salam to the Prophetﷺ. The weight of the received-scripture and responsibility entrusted were great. His heart kept quivering. Rushed to home calling Khadeeja… Cover me… Cover me… Khadija quickly covered him . He has the conviction that he has received a great blessing. But the seriousness of the mission affected him. Khadeeja was near uttering comforting words.

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Beloved Prophet ﷺ began to explain. Khadeeja, I often told you about someone who comes in my dreams. It is actually the angel Jibreel. Today he came directly to me. My dear, I was very scared, what was happening?.He Described all that happened in the Cave of Hira. Immediately Khadeeja said, “You don’t have to be afraid of anything.” In any case, only good will come to you. Because you connect family ties. speak only truth. Entertain guests. Keep securely the things entrusted for keeping . Support refugees. Alleviate other’s grief and burden. By God , He will not denigrate you . So accept what come from Allah. It can only be truth’.
She comforted her beloved husband and made him rest. Then Khadeeja came out. Met Addas, the servant of Utba. He was a pure Christian from the land of Ninevah . Khadeeja asked him, ‘O Addas, will you give a definite answer on a matter? Do you have any knowledge of Gibreel ? Immediately Addas said Quddusun..Holy, Holy. What is the matter with Gibreel in this land where idols are worshipped?. He wondered. Can you tell me who Gibreeel is with the information you received ? Khadeeja asked. Addas explained . ‘The faithful messenger of Allah. The angel who conveys His message to the prophets. The close friend of the prophets, Musa and Isa.(A). Addas stopped. Khadeeja (R) returned home . Visited Waraqat ibn Nawfal with the Prophet ﷺ .Everything was presented clearly. After hearing everything carefully, Waraqa responded like this. ‘You should be happy. You are the messenger, foretold by Jesus ,son of Mary . It is the same ‘Namus’ or Jibreel who came to Prophet Moses also approached you.
Undoubtedly, you are the prophet who will be entrusted with the mission of preaching. You will be ordered to wage war/jihad . People will criticize you. You will have to flee from this country. You will have to face crises. If I will be alive then ,I will give you strong support. ‘ Will I have to leave this country? .The Prophet ﷺ wondered. Yes ,Waraqa continued. All the prophets who came with truth,have been criticized. have been subjected to harassment. Then he got up from his seat and touched Prophet’s (ﷺ) head with respect. Prophet ﷺ and Khadeeja returned home.Before long Waraqa left this world.
The Prophet ﷺ stayed at home for three days. Thoughts about the greatness of his responsibility increased. His fear of meeting Jibreel changed to the level of ​​desire of seeing him . Fear and anxiety of the meeting are over. Now the time of expectation. Came out of the house.Walked to the vale near the holy Ka’aba. Heard a voice. Who could it be? Looked all four directions, there was no one to be seen. Ya…Muhammad..O Muhammad..The Prophet ﷺ raised his eyes. That is the angel Jibreel seen in Hira…a wonderful sight. Jibreel’s sitting place was a proud one. Seat that was filled the atmosphere without touching anywhere. Once again a mild fear appeared in the Prophet ﷺ . A natural fear when the sky embrace the earth. He walked home.

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The Prophet ﷺ called Khadeeja. My dear, please cool me down. It is very hot. As if I have fever. The wife prepared cold water to take a bath. After the bath, went to rest again. Just after a while, Jibreel (A) arrived. Sat at the head of the Prophet ﷺ and called out. “Oh .. you who are clothed on the blanket.. Arise and warn (the people)…And Glorify your Lord .And your garments do clean…And Uncleanness do shun… And bestow no favours that you may receive again with increase . And for the sake of your Lord, be patient.
For when the trumpet is sounded, that at that time, shall be a difficult day. Seventy-fourth chapter of the Holy Qur’an (Al Mudassir)was recited.
Imam Zaini Dahlan’s account of the conversation with Jibreel in the Cave of Hira can be read as follows. ‘Jibreel appeared in a beautiful form having fragrance and called. Oh! Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Allah has greeted you. Then He said, ‘ You are my messenger to the human and demon races. You invite people to the faith ; “There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is His Messenger”. Then Jibreel (A) kicked the earth with his heel. A fountain sprang up there. Jibreel performed ablution (wuzu) from that water. Prophet ﷺ stood watching it. Then he told the Prophet ﷺ to do so. He was teaching the method of purifying the body for the prayer. The Prophetﷺ did so. Then Jibreel stood facing the holy Ka’aba. Said Prophetﷺ To stand together and follow the worship .Jibreel (A) performed prayer. The Prophetﷺ also performed the same. After the prayer, the angel ascended to the sky. The Prophet ﷺ returned to his house. Stones and twigs greeted the Prophetﷺ along the way. “Peace be upon you , Messenger of Allah..” He walked from there and came to Khadeeja. He narrated the events that happened. Khadeeja was very happy after hearing the events. Taking the hand of the Prophet ﷺ , both of them walked to the well of Zamzam. Showed the form of taking ablution. She also did the same. Then the Prophet ﷺ prayed and Khadeeja also performed the prayer same as the Prophet ﷺ did . Thus, wife Khadeeja became the first believer and the first person to perform Wuzu and prayer after the Prophet ﷺ.
By the time all this happened, discussions started outside. The news of the Prophet’s (ﷺ) appointment became a topic of discussion in many places. The people of Mecca began to observe the changes in the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Meccans were sought out in many places and searched for details. The Meccans who were abroad returned to their homeland to confirm the news. Some sent messengers to know more.
Discussions arose in the marketplaces and in the pastures alike. In addition to humans, even demons and quadrupeds conveyed certain messages. As if all living beings were waiting for a great soul who will shower mercy on the whole world. All areas, where justice and fairness are absent, were waiting for a messenger of justice. Humans sold in the slave market and animals which were compelled to carry more than they could bear , were crying for their rights. They all began to feel a kind of relief for some days. They are hoping that someone has risen to give them release. Let’s read the stories of the announcements of the Prophet’s ﷺ long-awaited appointment in different parts of the world……

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Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, the paternal uncle of the beloved Prophetﷺ says: ‘We came to Yemen for trade. Abu Sufiyan, a prominent Quraish, was also with us. He received a letter from Mecca. It was sent by his son Hanzala. The content of the letter was as follows. ‘ Muhammad ﷺ entered the scene as a Prophet in the vally of Mecca. He claims to be the Messenger of Allah. And invites all of us to path of the Prophetﷺ’.

Abu Sufiyan shared the content of the letter with many people. And so the news spread in Yemen. An aged priest in Yemen approached us after hearing the news. Is it true that, the paternal uncle of Prophet ﷺ, who appeared in Mecca, is among you?. Yes, it’s me. Ok, but I want to ask a few questions and you must give only correct information. The priest said. I agreed and he started asking. Has your nephew ever told a lie? No, never lied or cheated. Everyone in Mecca calls him “Al Ameen” or the Faithful. The next question was whether the son was literate. I thought of answering ‘yes’. But I doubted whether Abu Sufiyan would correct it. So I said ‘No’. He did not learn to read or write. The priest jumped up on hearing this, took off his outerwear and shouted . ‘The existence of the Jews would be in danger.’ Abbas(R) continues. We returned to our homes. Abu Sufiyan immediately said, O! Abul Fazal ‘the news about your nephew made even the Jews tremble?’. Yes I have also noticed it. Oh! Abu Sufiyan do you also accept that prophecy? No I don’t agree. I will not accept it until the Prophet’sﷺ army come to conquer Mecca through Kudai valley. He said. Why are you talking like this? I asked him. I don’t know whether the army will come through Kudai valley, but I said what suddenly came to my tongue.
(Around two decades later, the victory over Mecca took place. The cavalry of Islam entered Mecca through the Kudai valley. Abbas(R) saw it and said to Abu Sufiyan who was standing nearby. The army you mentioned before is coming. Your time is near. Yes, I remember well, I have not forgotten the words of that day. I accept Islam. He proclaimed Islam on the day of the conquest of Mecca)

Another narration comes from Ibn Asakir(R). Abdurrahman bin Awf(R) explains. We went to Yemen just before Prophet Muhammadﷺ declared his prophecy . We lived in the royal family. Our host was an old man from the royal family named Askalan Al Himyari. Whenever I went to Yemen, I used to stay with him. He will ask about details of Mecca . He used to sit for a long time listening to the stories of Mecca. He would ask if anyone has come there with a new message. I would say ‘no’.
As usual this time too we reached the house of Himyari. His vision and hearing have decreased. He was leaning against the wall along with his children and grandchildren. I have just come near. He asked. Oh my brother Quraish. Stand near and tell me your name and family clearly. I told my name and paternal lineage.. Immediately he said. It is enough… You are from the tribe of Banu Zahra , aren’t you? But I will tell you good news. It is much happier than trading. But what is the good news. I asked…..

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Himyari began to say. ‘It is a very hopeful news. A very surprising news. A month ago, Allah has appointed a pious man as his messenger in your country. He is the best friend of Allah. He has also received a holy book. He will prevent idolatry. He will preach the truth. Will work against evil and invite to Islam. I asked. who is that? From which family is the prophet? Then Himyari said.
Not from Asad, Sumala, Sarv, Tabala tribes. That prophetﷺ has come from the progeny of Hashim. Then you will be among their uncles. O Abdur Rahman, hurry back to your country. Approach that personality with due respect. Become his closest friend. Do whatever help he want. Convey my greetings to him when you meet. Then he recited a poem saluting and welcoming the Prophetﷺ.
Abdu Rahman bin Auf(R) says. I memorized that poem without fail. I completed my business deals quickly. Returned to my country. Met my soulmate Abu Bakar(R) as soon as I reached my country. I shared the information. Discussed the matter in detail.. Then he said. Our beloved Muhammad bin Abdullah has announced his prophecy. So I went to the Prophetﷺ. I reached Khadeeja’s house. Muhammad ﷺ was there with a few followers. He welcomed me with a wide smile.
He continued. Haven’t you come with a special message to convey me? I was excited when I heard this. I narrated all the events and the message. Then he said. Al Himyari is a distinguished person. How many people believe in me without knowing me! How many people believe in me without even seeing me! They are actually my brothers.
Ibn Auf became a follower of the Prophetﷺ
Let’s also read the news from the city of Busra. Twalhat bin Ubaidillah(R), a prominent merchant in Mecca, says. I was in the city of Busra at the time of the Prophecy was announced.. I heard an announcement from the Jewish synagogue there. ‘To the attention of those who have reached here for the trade festival. Is there any one who came from the Mecca Haram’. I walked over there and said.’ I am from Haram. Why did you call? The Jewish priest of the temple started saying. Did the Prophet Ahmadﷺ enter the scene? Ahmad? Who is that?. I asked.

He continued.Ahmad, son of Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib. This is the month in which the Promised Prophetﷺ will enter the world. He is the last Prophetﷺ. Rise from the land of Haram. He will migrate to the land of date palms…. Hurry go back to Mecca. Follow that Prophetﷺ before others do…
Talhat(R) says. ‘Those words stuck to my heart. I finished the business needs quickly and returned to the country. The priest’s words were in my heart throughout the journey.

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Talha(R) continued. ‘As soon as I reached the country, I searched for details. The locals said that there is good news. Muhammadﷺ or Al Ameen, the son of our Abdullahi, has declared prophecy. Abu Bakar(R), the son of Abu Quhafa, has become the first follower. I approached Abu Bakar(R) directly.

We both went the Prophet Muhammadﷺ. Abu Bakar informed the Prophetﷺ of all the information I had told him. The Prophetﷺ was very happy. Twalha himself declared his faith. He later became one of the ten prominent disciples who received the glad tiding of heaven.

Let’s read one more news from Najran. Traditionally, Najran was the place where the sages lived. Every priest used to keep the documents that were sealed and handed over at the end of their life time. The priest who was there at Najran at the time of prophecy once slipped his leg and fell down. Immediately his son said. “Woe to the one who rises from afar”. Then the wise father said. ‘Do not say such things. The one who will come is the true prophet. The name and characteristics of that great soul are seen in our Vedas’.

After some days, the father died. The son studied the scriptures and ancient records thoroughly. He got enough information about the Prophet Muhammadﷺ from the documents. He accepted the Prophecy of Muhammadﷺ. He went to Mecca and performed Hajj. He went to meet the Prophetﷺ singing poems.
We have read sofar the announcements made in different parts of the world and the facts about the prophetﷺ ensuing the declaration of the prophecy. Now let’s go back to Mecca itself.
After the declaration of prophecy, the Prophetﷺ remained at home for a month. Those were days of constant worship. It was like a self-preparation for the mission. The solitude of the Prophetﷺ was discussed everywhere in Mecca. Al-Ameen, who was usually in the premises of the holy Ka’aba, is not seen at all now? Some people said that the leader of charity in our country, is not seen anywhere. They were imagining reasons for his absence. The paternal brothers and aunts of the Prophetﷺ started discussions in the family. By that time the order came from Allah “Wa Andir…” Warn your nearest relations.” It was an exhortation that clarified how to start and where to start. The beloved Prophetﷺ took readily accepted this announcement. He called all the heads of the families. A good feast was also prepared. Around forty to forty-five members were present. He addressed each one of the representatives of different families. He stood on top of the Safa hill and called out. Oh! sons of Abdu Manaf… O children of Hashim.. Abbas, the paternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad… Aunt Safiyyah… O family of Abdul Muttalib… my dear daughter Fathima… I have not acquired anything from Allah for you… ask for anything from my wealth.

Let me ask you something… ‘would you believe me if I told you that a cavalry is coming from behind this mountain? They said. Even till today, we have not had any experience of telling a lie from Muhammadﷺ, so we will believe. But I declare. I am a warner sent to you by Allah…

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None of the Arabs have given their families such a good as I am giving you. I assure you the best of both worlds. I invite you to the success. You should be with me on this path. All those gathered listened attentively to the statement of the Prophet ﷺ. But only Abu Lahab did not like it. He asked. Is this what we were called here to say. Woe to you.. Muhammad… He used the phrase Tabban Laka Ya Muhammad. The beloved Prophet ﷺ found it difficult. But Allah pacified Prophetﷺ. The holy Qur’an treated Abu Lahab in the same coin. ‘Tabbat Yada’… The hundred and eleventh chapter of the Qur’an was revealed. The idea goes like this. “Woe to both hands of Abu Lahab. His achievements and wealth will avail him nothing. He will enter the burning hell having high flames. And his talebearer wife. There will be a rope of palm fiber around her neck” (All this happened later). But young Ali professed his faith in the family gathering. He informed that he will be with the Prophetﷺ at any stage.
The beloved Prophetﷺ returned home and spent time in worship and meditation. The result of the preaching could be seen clearly.
Anywhere in Mecca discussions about the new method. ‘Nabi’, ‘Rasul’, ‘Revelation’…….
What will this revelation be? Who will this prophet be? Let’s try to learn.
The primary meaning of the Arabic word ‘wahy’ is divine teaching and divine revelation. But the general meaning is to convey information in an indirect way. The unique way in which Allah, the Lord of the universe, conveys messages to His prophets. This is technically the purpose of Wahiy. There are limitations for ordinary people to understand Wahiy in its full sense. One of the reasons is that we do not have the opportunity to experience or understand directly from those who have experienced it.
There are different methods of revelation. One is the special messages received through dreams. Every dream of the Prophet ﷺ would come true like the dawn. Prophet Ibrahim(A) received the message to sacrifice his son through dreams.
Two: Convey the message to the prophet’sﷺ consciousness or thought through the angel. Then the angel does not have to appear on the scene. Similar expressions can be found in the hadiths. Once the Prophetﷺ said, “The Holy Spirit conveyed a message in my heart. ‘No body dies without completing it’s predestined food. Therefore, be pious and gather your resources in lawful way. When discomfort comes, do not follow the methods that the Creator has not allowed.
Three: The angel comes in his own form and then conveys the message. It is sometimes accompanied by a ringing of bells. It is seen in the hadiths that it was the most difficult method of ‘Wahiy’. The belling is only a mere translation and we cannot understand its correct form or expression. In such conditions there is no other way than to accept the narrations.
Four: The manner in which the angel came in the form of a man and delivered the message. Then the audience could also see Jibreel. But the Prophetﷺ himself had to introduce the comer as Jibreel. In the famous hadith which enumerates matters of faith and Islam, there is a description of Jibreel coming in human form. The said hadeeth is also known as Hadithu Jibreel (the hadith of Jibreel). Many times Jibreel has come in the form of a prominent companion named “Dihyatul Kalbi”(R).

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Five: Jibreel(A) appears in his true form and conveys the message. This happens very rarely. Among the prophets, only the beloved Prophet Muhammadﷺ saw the true form of Jabreel. It is said in the records that he had visions like this only twice.

Six: Allah delivers the message directly without intermediaries. The message will be received from behind a curtain. Allah’s conversation with the Prophet Moses(A) was like this.

Seven: Allah’s conversation without an intermediary or a curtain. This is how Allah spoke to the Prophetﷺ during the Mi’raj. On that night, the Prophetﷺ saw Allah directly and received the message. This is what the holy Qur’an itself states in the “Al Najm” chapter.

Eight: The method of conveying messages from Allah to the Prophetﷺ in sleep. It is a special method of communication that is not a dream. This message can be found in an important hadeeth quoted by Imam Ahmad(R) . Ibn Abbas(R) quotes. ‘The Prophet ﷺ said. My Lord came to me in the most beautiful form. (I think that, the Prophet ﷺ said that ‘in a dream’ ) called me. “O Muhammad”. ‘I answer my Creator with whole soul’. I said. Allah asked. Do you know what is being discussed in the heaven?. I said, O my Lord, I don’t know. Then Allah showered upon me special graces , and then I knew everything between sunrise and sunset.

Nine: The method of feeling like the buzzing of bees and receiving a divine message. This experience was shared by Umar (R) in a hadeeth quoted by Imam Ahmad (R).

Ten: The decisions that come to his heart and the decisions that are stated when approaching a certain topic in a research method.(There is scholarly debate as to whether ‘Ijthad’ falls under Wahiy.) But whatever he utters is based on Wahiy. There are other methods of divine messages. Most of them differ based on the manner in which the message is delivered. It has been mentioned in the hadith that there are forty-six types of revelation.

The Qur’an introduces the greatness of the messages received by the Prophet ﷺ. (Chapter 53). The concept of verses one to five of “Al Najm” is as follows: “I swear by the star when it goes down. Your companion (the Prophetﷺ) does not err, nor does he go astray, Prophetﷺ does not speak out of desire, It is naught but revelation that is revealed, The Lord of Mighty Power has taught him”. The source of the knowledge and statements of the Prophet ﷺ is Wahiy . Imam Abu Dawud narrated a convincing hadeeth. Abdullahi bin Amr(R) says. ‘I used to copy everything I heard from the Holy Prophet ﷺ. I did that to memorize. Then some Quraish forbade me. They asked . Did you write everything tht the Prophetﷺ said. Isn’t he a man who speaks when he is angry and when he is not? Hearing this, I stopped writing. Later, I shared this matter with the Prophet ﷺ. He said, “You write… The Lord of my soul is the truth, there is nothing from me that is not true.”

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We have read about the revelation or the divine message. Now let’s see who the ‘prophet’ is. Prophecy is not a title that is acquired in any way. It is not a result of deeds, enlightenment or educational qualification. “He is a man who has received a special message” (Wahiy). This is the essence of the expression ‘Nabi’ or Prophet. If he is entrusted with the mission of preaching along with the message, then that person is called ‘Rasul’. All Messengers (Rasul) are Prophets. But not all Prophets are Rasul. All the qualities that a prophet should have, are already bestowed by Allah in that person. Before and after the declaration of prophecy, they will be safe from sin. There will be no small or big sins from them. Their sight, hearing and lives will be glorious beyond the ordinary. “Allah best knows where He places His message”. In the one hundred and twenty-fourth verse of the chapter Al-An’am, this idea is taught. The essence is that, Allah has prepared the most worthy and suitable persons to appoint as Prophets.

There are different opinions about the number of prophets. The most famous one is one hundred and twenty four thousand. A hadith quoted from Abu Dharr (R) can be regarded as evidence for this. I asked, Messenger of Allah.. How many prophets are there? . ‘One hundred and twenty four thousand’. How many of them are Rasool? ‘Three hundred and thirty-three’. Who is the first among them? ‘Adam’. Is Adam a messenger and Prophet? ‘Yes’. The Prophetﷺ gave answers. There are reviews about this hadith. But many scholars including Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R) have narrated this hadith.

Prophet Muhammadﷺ is the last person in the line of Prophets but the leader of all. Five of the Mursals have the special title of ‘Ulul Azm’. They are Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad ﷺ. This title was given in the sense of possessing extraordinary patience and determination. Muhammadﷺ in physical birth and assignment of the mission, he is the last prophet. But he is the first in spiritual level and the leader of all other prophets. All prophets were appointed only for a particular time, land or nation. The Qur’an teaches that Prophet Hud(A) was appointed to the communities of Yemen, ‘Aad’ and Swalih (A), was to ‘Thamud’. But Muhammad ﷺ is a prophet appointed to the whole world. To express this concept, The holy Qur’an used the expression, “Kaffatan Linnas”. Muhammadﷺ was also assigned to the demons in addition to the human race. The jinn or demons heard the holy Qur’an from the Prophet ﷺ and expressed wonder. The chapter of the Qur’an that contains this idea is called ‘Surat al-Jinn’. The famous Masjid al-Jinn in Mecca is built on the spot where the Jinn heard the holy Qur’an from the Prophet.

All the prophets had a beautiful voice and a beautiful face. All of them declared prophecy in the country where they were born and raised. They were from well-known holy families in their respective countries. Or their names were not unknown to the people. The family of the Prophetﷺ is the most famous in the world.

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We are familiar with ‘wahy’ and ‘prophecy’ . But what is the purpose of appointing prophets? The answer is simple. Allah, who created and takes care of man, decided to deliver what ‘He’ intended to mankind. For that purpose, He sent messengers from among humans. They are the prophets. Allah has the supreme power and ability to accept any way to guide man. For conveying His messages to the mankind, He appointed exemplary men as Prophets and revealed holy books. He also made man special in nature and character among creations. The Creator has set a special way of life for the mankind.
Well, how can we logically understand that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a messenger, appointed by the Lord of the Universe. Let’s think about it. Muhammad ﷺ was born in a noble family in Mecca. His parents were of high social status and eminence . He grew up in the same land and among the people of his birth. He lead an exemplary life in his adolescence and youth . The community called him ” the faithful or the honest”. He never told a lie even jokingly. He did not violate anyone’s rights. He did not commit any crime or have bad character. He lived in his own country for forty years. During that time, he became the keeper of valuable things including of the dignitaries of Mecca. He was appointed as a mediator in crises. A peculiar person who has all these qualities, declared prophecy In the same people . How can a person who has never lied for the last forty years tell such a big lie about such a great mission ? Can we agree this even with our normal sense?. No. So this argument is not likely to be true. Let’s think again, when he argued that ‘I am God’s messenger, did he present any evidence or testimony? Yes, he presented a great book called the holy Qur’an. He also claimed that it was the words of the Lord. Is it possible that such a book was written by himself and claimed to be from Allah? How come this person who has not received any formal education .There was no instructor who imparted any class to him. Could it be plagiarized from somewhere? There is no possibility of that either, because there is no known scripture in the world in the same language, content or style as the holy Qur’an. If we think about the present day, a book has been so widely read and discussed and recited by billions of people in their daily life. What can be said other than that, such a book is different? Even if all the questions that can be asked in this way are presented in the mind, the answer should be brought to the divinity of this book. It can also be read that even the critics have not been able to present an equivalent book.
Any other evidence? Yes, let’s think about it. Well, the prophecies of the Prophet ﷺ are a document.Many prophecies were presented which cannot be told by any material conclusion. It all dawned like day. Such a list can be prepared.
Now if someone ask a more serious question like this: ‘ Did a person named Muhammad ﷺ live 1400 years ago? Or is he just an imaginary character?
Here again the answer is simple. The strongest evidence that can be presented in the world that a person lived in history, is recorded only in the case of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . From Muhammad ﷺ to this day, there is not a single person whose line of knowledge and lineage has been recorded other than the Prophet ﷺ .Not a single link has been left out. The history of those who recorded them, is also recorded.
It is also possible to check all these by the criterion propounded by the Gnostic.

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Let’s go back to Mecca. It was the early days of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s preaching. Preached Islam among his family members. He Started telling them with preface like this: “No leader will lie to his own family. Even if I lie to the whole world, will I tell you? Even if I deceive the whole world, will I deceive you? By Allah, the One “I am the messenger to all people and especially to you . By Allah, you will die as you sleep. You will reborn as you wake up (from sleep). Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds. Bad deeds will be rewarded with punishment. Either an endless paradise or an endless hell..”
Criticisms arose from all sides. In the meantime, the fortunate people came near to the Prophet ﷺ and they were able to enjoy the music of the straight path. The holy Qur’an especially praised those who came to Islam at the very first stage. In Surah ‘Tawba’, “And (as for) the foremost ,the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars , and those who followed them in good deeds, Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in forever. That is the great victory”.
It is difficult to make a list of those who embraced Islam in early stage with chronological order. Many companions introduced themselves that they had come to Islam as the sixth or seventh member (for eg.) But that order doesn’t have to be exact. Because they would have said based on their knowledge and understanding. Let’s take Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (RA) as an example. He said ‘I was one among the only three members of Islam’. This statement was quoted by Imam Bukhari, but it is certain that historically Sa’ad (RA) will not be included in the first four. Then the number will be determined from the point of view of being the third among ‘men’. Or not counting women, children and servants. Otherwise it may be based on his own knowledge and information received.
The first four people who embraced Islam were Khadeeja, Abu Bakar Sideeq, Ali bin Abi Twalib, and Zaid bin Haritha (R.A.). If they are divided into four categories namely men, women, children and slaves, the first person in each category will be one of the four people. Hazrath Umar (R) is considered as the fortieth member who accepted Islam.
These are the seventy-three people who accepted Islam in the first phase. 1 Abu Bakr, 2 Khadija 3 Ali 4 Zaid bin Haritha 5 Bilal 6 Amir bin Fuhaira’ 7 Abu Fuqaiha 8. Shakran 9 Ammar bin Yasir 10 Sumayya 11 Yasir 12 Ummu Ayman 13 Khalid bin Saeed bin Al As 14 Uthman bin Affan 15 Amina bint Khalaf 16 Saad bin Abiwaqas 17 Twalhat bin Ubaidillah 18 Zubair bin Al Awam 19 Abdurrahman bin Auf 20 Ayyash bin Rabia: 21 Mis’Ab bin Umair 22 Suhail bin Sinan 23 Uthman bin Mazuoon 24 Miqdad 25 Arqam bin Al Arqam 26 Umm al-Fazl 27 Abu Rafi’ 28 Abu Salama: 29 Ummu Salama(Hind) 30 Abu Ubaydah: 31 Qabba bin Al Arath 32 Qudama bin Mazuoon 33 Saeed bin Zaid 34 Fatwima Binth Khattab 35 Utba bin Gazwan 36 Abdullah bin Masuood 37 Umair bin Abi Waqas 38 Ubaidat bin Haris 39 Mas ood bin Rabeeah 40 Abdullah ibn Mazuoon 41 Abdullah ibn Qais 42 Khunais bin Hudafa 43 Azmau Bint Sidheeq 44 Saleet bin Amr 45 Ibnu Khuzaima Al Qaarat 46 Utbat ibn Masuood 47 Amr bin Abasa 48 Aamir bin Rabeea al Anasi 49 Abu dar Al Gifari 50 Mazin bin Malik 51 Hatib bin Al Harith 52 Ja’far bin Abi Talib 53 Asmau bint Umais 54 Abdullah ibn Jahsh 55 Anees bin Junada Al Gifari 56 Al Mutalib bin Azhar 57 Saib bin Al Utman 58 Khatab bin Al Haris 59 Ma’mar bin Al Harit 60 Fatima bint Al Mujallal 61 Abu Hudaifa bin Al Mugeera 62 Hatib bin Umar 63 Ibn Mulaih 64 Nuaim ibn Abdillah 65 Ramla bint Abi Awf 66 Khalid bin abi Bukair 67 Aamir bin Bukair 68 Masuood bin Al Qari 69 Iyas bin Abdu Yaleel 70 Khalid bin Abdilla 71 Aaqil bin Bukair 72 Asmau bint Salaama 73 Fakha bintu Yasaar.. (Raliyallahu anhum).

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We have read the list of seventy-three people who accepted Islam in the first phase. We have only introduced an available list based on reports . The said list is not given in the order of conversion to Islam. That’s why the names of some well-known persons are not found in the list. Many people like Umar, Hamza (R.A.), and children of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ accepted Islam at an early stage.
The circumstance under which some prominent people came to Islam is an encouraging read. Let’s take a look. One. Wife Khadeeja(RA).

It was Khadeeja(R) who was the first to accept and believe in the beloved Prophetﷺ. Before that, no man or woman had come to Islam, introduced by the Prophet ﷺ. This is the unanimous opinion of the Muslim world, according to Imam Ibnul Atheer. That recognition does not mean that the wife blindly accepted the husband. She believed after studying and observing the life of the Prophetﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ was comforted not in the language that usually a wife comforts her husband. Rather, by enumerating the good and great things in the life of the Prophet ﷺ. Approaching the Vedic scholar, waraqat and asking Adas, were a part of her enquiry.

Khadeeja (R)made her own observation to see if it was angel who was approaching and giving information to her beloved husband. The incident was like this. Once in the early days of preaching, Khadeeja (R) said to the Prophetﷺ. Beloved… will you let me know when the companion who deliver the divine message, come here ? The Prophet ﷺ said. According to it, the next time Jibreel came, the Prophet ﷺ called his wife, O Khadeeja … Jibreel is now near me. She said ‘can you get up and sit on my right leg?’ Yes, the Prophet ﷺ did so. Khadeeja asked, do you see him now? Yes. Okay, can sit on my left leg? The Prophetﷺ sat there. Do you see him now? Yeah. ‘ok can you sit on my lap now? Prophetﷺ sat. Do you see him now? Yes. Then the Khadeeja(R) removed the veil a little, that she was wearing on her head and asked. Do you see him now? Nabi ﷺ said. No. Now Jibreel is displeased.
Khadijah(R) said, “Go forward with courage… Be happy… I am convinced that it is the angel who is approaching you”
Imam Halabi explained this incident as follows: “This was an incident that took place immediately after the announcement of Prophethood. This is the method adopted by Khadeeja(R) to clearly convince from whom the message is received by the Prophetﷺ. If you can understand it directly with proof, do so. This is the method adopted by the most intelligent. It is not because of doubt about what the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said.By being a direct witness, to be among the “Sidheeqs” or those who believe without a doubt.
Khadijah was the one who was lucky enough to give all her wealth to the Prophet ﷺ for the cause of Islam. She was also lucky to perform prayer first.

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Two: Ali (RA)
Secondly, it was Ali (RA) who accepted the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Ibn Ishaq’s report of Ali (RA) as the first ‘man’ to accept Islam and that of first among children are the same . Ali (R) had the opportunity to live with the Prophet ﷺ at a young age. The background was this. Abu Talib faced a financial crisis. The Prophet ﷺ was really aware of this and thought that something should be done to solve it. He found a way to help his uncle. Abu Talib’s brother Abbas was very rich. The Prophet ﷺ approached him and said, “O Abul Fazl, do you know that your brother Abu Talib has been facing financial crisis? The people in general are also in financial distress.
Abu Talib has a great responsibility with his children and other duties . I have come to find a solution. Why don’t we approach him and take over each of his children? Abbas said, “Why not!?. It is a good thing. I am very happy that you invited me to such a good deed”.
Then the two of them approached Abu Talib and inquired about his well-being. Then they said, “We know your living status. We have come with a relief. It is nothing else. We will take some of your children with us.We will take care of them until all these difficulties are over. What do you say?”
Abu Talib didn’t have to think much. He said ok. But don’t take my little son Aqeel, the rest can be as you wish. According to it, Abbas took Ja’far and the Prophet ﷺ took Ali. Both of them returned to their homes with the children.
By taking over Ali, the Prophet ﷺ was able to present a reward and a sweet gift to Abu Talib. In other words, Abu Talib lost the opportunity to tell the Prophet ﷺ that ‘ It was not I raised you’
Let’s read about the days when Ali (RA) came to Islam. The day after the declaration of prophecy , Ali came to the Prophet ﷺ. Then the Prophet ﷺ was praying with his wife Khadeeja, and Ali looked at them curiously and asked, “What are you doing?” The Prophet ﷺ said this is the religion of Allah. The religion, He preached through His Prophets…..O Ali….I invite you to Allah, the One. Worship Him. Reject Lata and Uzzah. Ali said. this is unheard of till today ? I would ask my father and decide .That is how it usually . Immediately, the Prophet ﷺ said, “If you don’t accept now, no, but don’t share this with anyone now!”
Ali stayed there that night. By morning, Allah showed the right path in Ali’s heart. He came to the Prophet very early in the morning and inquired about the details of Islam with interest. The Prophet ﷺ explained everything. There is no god but Allah. Declare that, he has no partner, like Lata and Uzzah. Ali (RA) accepted Islam completely. He did not inform Abu Talib about this because he did not know what his reaction would be…

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Ali(R) was ten years old at that time. There is also an opinion that it was eight. Since he was with the Prophetﷺ in his youth, he never even once bowed down to an idol or participated in the worship practices of polytheists.

In the early stages, the Prophet ﷺ performed worship in secret. Sometimes, the Prophet ﷺ would go to the mountains to worship in private. He would return to home on the dusk. The secret worship also had the purpose of keeping the uncles from knowing it. All the while, Ali joined with him and maintained privacy.
But once Abu Talib noticed that both of them were worshiping. He immediately asked. Oh brother… are you performing any religious rituals? what is this? The Prophetﷺ saw this as an opportunity. He spoke openly to uncle. O beloved.. This is the religion of Allah. The religion of His angels and prophets. And the religion of our grandfather Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.). Allah has appointed me to invite the people of the world to this religion. You are the person I should approach with the most good wishes. You are the most suitable person to invite to the right path. I invite you to this beautiful path’.

Abu Talib listened carefully to his nephew’s conversation. Finally he said, “I can’t give up my old religion. But I promise you one thing. I will be a staunch protector. I will not allow anything harmful to happen to you. As long as I live, my help will always be with you.”
Another time, Abu Talib asked his son Ali, “My son, what religion do you practice lately? I believe in Allah and His Messenger. I accept that whatever the Prophetﷺ presents is true… I pray with him.” Abu Talib said. ‘My son keep company with Muhammad, he will lead you only to goodness.

Once Ali (RA) ascended on the ‘Mimbar’/rostrum and laughed so much that his molar teeth were exposed. He laughed like that because he remembered a sentence of Abu Talib. Ali (RA) continued.. The Prophet ﷺ and I were praying privately in ‘Nakhla’, a suburb of Mecca. By chance, my father happened to be there. He looked at our actions. Then asked. What are you doing? The Prophetﷺ explained everything in detail. Invited him to Islam. After listening to everything carefully, he said this. ‘All these are good things. But I am not ready to raise my buttock anyway’. (He intended the prostration in prayer. It is really an act of placing face, the most important part of our body to the floor in humility) Son Ali(RA) laughed remembering Abu Talib’s statement.

How should we combine the opinion that Abu Bakar(RA) was the first among men to accept Islam and not Ali(RA)?. Ali(R) himself was the first to announce the truth but kept it secret for some time. When Abu Bakar(R) declared his faith, everyone knew it. Then the first known in the public was Sideeq(R) and in reality was Ali (RA).

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Let’s read a scene in which Prophet ﷺ and Ali (RA) engaged in worship in the early days. “Afif Al Kindi”, who was used to come to Mecca from Yemen for business, says. ‘I came to Mecca during a Hajj. I stayed with Abbas. We had business relations between us. If he comes to Yemen, he used to stay with me. One day we are sitting at Mina. At that time, a young man came out of a tent. Looking at the sky, he confirmed that it was midday. Then he started prayer. Right after him a woman came and stood behind that man. Soon a young man came and joined them and started prayer. I asked Hey Abbas who are they? What are they doing? He said. The first to come out was Muhammad ﷺ, the son of my brother Abdullahi. Then came Khadeeja , the daughter of Quwaylid: the wife of Muhammad ﷺ. Who is that young man? I asked Ali, the son of my brother Abu Talib. They are praying. Abbas continued. ‘Muhammad ﷺ says that Muhammad ﷺ is the Prophet of Allah. Only his wife and Ali accepted this claim. Now it is argued that they will conquer even the treasures of Kisra and Caesar…

Afif accepted Islam later. He said, “What can I say except that my luck is bad… If I had accepted the guidance then, I could have joined Islam as the second of Ali (RA).
Let’s also read a statement about Ali’s (RA) embrace of Islam. Umar (RA) says. A group of me and Abu Bakar and Abu Ubaidah (RA) were sitting in a group with the Prophetﷺ. Ali entered there. Then the Prophet ﷺ patted Ali on the shoulder and said, “O Ali. You are the first of the believers. You are the first of the Muslims. You are like Harun to the Prophet Musa(A)”
Salman al-Farisi (RA) says that the first person who will reach the Prophet ﷺ’s “Kawsar drink” in the Hereafter, will be the first person who believed in the Prophet ﷺ. That good fortune belongs to Ali (RA).
Narrated by Ibn Abbas. Once the Prophet ﷺ said. Only three people are known in history to have taken up what was suggested without hesitation. Yushau bin Nun in Prophet Moses(A), Habeebu Najjar (Swahibu Yaseen) in Easa(A) and Ali (R) in Me.
Constant companionship of Ali (R) with the Prophetﷺ made him a source of knowledge and a gateway to the city of knowledge.
He stood firm with the Prophet ﷺ in any difficult situation and risked his life to stand for the Prophet ﷺ. Ali (R) imbibed precise systems in spirituality and religious rituals in his life from the Prophet ﷺ. Taking his beloved daughter, Fatima as his bride, he became the Prophet’s son-in-law as well as his nephew. When he gained the status of the father of the Prophet’s descendants, he changed from being a step son to being his own son. Ali (R) has many unique features in the history of the world. Ali’s adolescence, youth and married life were all under the shadow of the Holy Prophet.
When the Prophet ﷺ accepted Ali, Abbas accepted Ja’far. He also accepted Islam in the first stage. Abu Talib wanted the two children to be with the Prophet ﷺ. He urged them for that. A report can be seen in the famous historical book, “Usdul Gaba”. Once when the Prophet ﷺ and Ali were performing prayer, Abu Talib entered there with his son,Ja’afar. Abu Talib Immediately told Ja’afar. ‘Do not wait join them in the prayer quickly’. Without wasting the opportunity, Ja’far joined the Prophet ﷺ and performed prayer.

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Abu Bakr(RA):
Abu Bakar(RA) is considered to be the first man of the Muslim community after the Prophetﷺ. Among the older men, the first to embrace Islam was the great man, Abu Bakar(R). The Companions of the Prophetﷺ and some historians do not count the close family members of the Prophetﷺ when counting those who first embraced Islam. The real name of the great man Abu Bakar(R) was Ateeq or Abdullah. He had a close contact with the Prophetﷺ from his youth. When the Prophetﷺ announced his prophecy, the Quraish said to Abu Bakar. Your friend rejects polytheism. He criticizes our traditional faith and argues that idolatry is nonsense. He immediately asked the Prophetﷺ. Is what the Quraish are saying true? The Prophetﷺ said. True. I am the Prophet of Allah. His Messenger entrusted with His mission. I invite you to that reality. Accepted as soon as heard it. Accepted it whole heartedly. The Prophet ﷺ recited the Qur’an. He accepted it respectfully. The Prophet ﷺ said. Whenever I invited anyone to Islam, they were worried or doubted. But Abu Bakar accepted me immediately. He did not hesitate or delay even a little.
Another time is the context of a judgment . There were many people in the audience, including Umar (RA). The Prophet ﷺ said, “Allah has appointed me. I declared it. Then many of you rejected me. They said that I was lying. Then Abu Bakar came with me and accepted me as the truth.”

Abu Bakar(RA) was already righteous and authority. He was a merchant, rich and generous man. At the forefront of public welfare activities. People depended on him in public affairs. He had deep knowledge about the tribes of the Arab land and their lineages. Father Abu Khuhafa’s eighth grandfather and Prophet Muhammad’sﷺ seventh grandfather was same, namely ‘Murrah’. Paternal lineages of the both were intermingled.

When Abu Bakar announced Islam, the Prophetﷺ was very happy. Abu Bakar(RA) was excited by the warning given by the priest in Syria and the dream vision he had there. He felt confident and proud of the Prophetﷺ who spoke here all the experiences Abu Bakar had in Syria before disclosing. Although Abu Bakar was three years younger than the Prophetﷺ, both of them were already in good friendship and love with each other. The families also shared that friendship. We have already read about the occasion when Khadeeja(R) sought an explanation from Abu Bakar(R) about the appointment of the Prophetﷺ.

Right from the day Abu Bakar(R) accepted Islam, he started preaching. He convinced his close friends and relatives. Many people who were wise and intelligent came to know Islam by his effort and brought them before the Prophetﷺ. Many of them accepted Islam. The first list in the said category is as follows.
1. Usman Bin Affan
2. Zubair Bin Al Awam
3. Twalhat bin Ubaidillah
4. Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas
5. Abdur Rahman bin Auf
6. Usman bin MazGoon
7. Abu Salamat bin Abdul Asad
8. Abu Ubaidah Al Jarrah
9. Khalid bin Saeed
10. Arqam bin Abil Arqam.
(Raziyallahu Anhum).

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Abu Bakar (R) follows the Prophetﷺ like a shadow. He will come through every chapters of the Prophet’s ﷺ life. Let us now come to Uthman (RA).
Uthman bin Affan(R) was one of the prominent people who came to Islam in the early stage . He used to say that I am the fourth of the four people who first came to Islam. A nice report about the acceptance of Islam by Uthman (R), can be read as follows. Uthman(R) was sitting in the shade of the holy Ka’aba. He knew that the marriage between Ruqiya, the daughter of the Prophetﷺ and Utbah, the son of Abu Lahab, had taken place. He had desire to marry Ruqiyya, the beautiful daughter of the Prophetﷺ. So he felt a little bit grief. ‘I could have proposed before Utba’ . Usman(R) said to himself . He returned home. His aunt Sa’ada bint Kurais inquired about his sorrow . She was a lady who knew astrology. The matter was told to her . She looked at Usman’s face and started talking. ‘You are lucky. Many blessings will come to you. You will get that beautiful fragrant flower as your wife . She is the daughter of a great person. Usman asked. What are you talking about aunt?
Yes, my handsome and eloquent Usman. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Messenger of Allah. The true Prophet. For proof, he has come with a book that differentiates between truth and falsehood. You approach that Prophet. Let idols not be an obstacle for you. Uthman(R) intervened. ‘Aren’t these things usual in this country?
Su’ada Explained. Muhammad ﷺ, the son of Abdullahi, is the Prophet appointed by Allah. He invites to Allah. Su’ada continued to tell the stories like that. I started to think about what was said. When I went out, met Abu Bakar (RA) and shared the informations with him. After hearing everything, Abu Bakar(R) started saying. ‘ Uthman; Aren’t you an intelligent and knowledgeable person? Mere stones without sight or hearing do no good or harm. I said. ‘That’s right’. Abu Bakar continued. What your aunt said is true. Muhammad ﷺ has declared Prophecy . How about visiting the Prophetﷺ right now ?.I agreed. Thus together we reached before the beloved Prophet ﷺ. The Prophetﷺ spoke with me . ‘Oh Uthman ! I am the appointed Messenger to invite you and all the people to Allah. So accept the invitation of the Almighty Allah’ . When I heard this, I could not hold back and uttered the sacred words of Monotheism.
Followed the Prophet ﷺ as a loyal follower. Before long Utba withdrew from his marriage bond with Ruqiya. That was before they live together after the marriage agreement.The Prophet ﷺ married off his daughter to Uthman (R) . After the death of Ruqiyyah(R) , Ummu Kulsoom(R) was also given in marriage to Uthman(R). It was part of Prophet ﷺ’s unique love for him.
‘Uthman had to face many difficulties because of his acceptance of Islam.
Later, his wealth and stance turned very useful for Islamic movements.

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