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In Seera texts we can read a love story happened in this period . Imam Turmudi quotes this from Abdullah bin Amr. Marsad bin Abi Marsad al-Ghanami was a healthy companion. After migration to Madeena he undertook a very different mission. The mission was to liberate the people who had been held captives by polytheists. This task was carried out by jumping in the dungeons at night with great skill. When the Quraish lost their prisoners, they were confused as to who was behind this . Then one night Marsad reached near a prison. It was a moonlit night. Marsad himself says. ‘While I was standing there, a shadow came towards me. I was scared. Who is coming? When it got closer, I realized that it was a woman. she asked. Aren’t you Marsad? I said, yes. I looked carefully. My ex-girlfriend Anakh was standing in front’. She was also a prostitute . She was very interested in Marsad. She did not know anything about his acceptance of Islam, Islamic morals and beliefs and the changes came to Marsad. She talked enthusiastically. Finally she said. We can spend this night together. There is no way for a third person to know this. She has come there willingly. But Marsad’s heart is decorated with faith. The thought that the creator will see, is deep rooted in him . He said. Oh, Anakh. Allah has forbidden adultery. I cannot do it because of that. She got angry and shouted loudly. ‘Ya Ahlal Qiyam. Hey guys! Here is the man who take away your captives. The natives gathered there . Marsad says that they came running thinking that they had found the culprit whom they were searching . I ran with all my strength and they followed me. Finally, eight people followed me without leaving me. I rushed and climbed to the top of the ‘Khantama’ hill on the Meccan border. They followed me. I sought refuge there in a cave . Even those who followed me came near, but Allah covered their eyes. They could not see me. One of them reached the top of the cave I was in and sat on it and urinated. It splashed towards me. However, I escaped without being seen by them.
After some time they returned . I was still there. I thought of the person who is in the prison hoping for my help. I determined to go there and to rescue the person in prison. At night I went down the mountain. Went to the prison and approached the prisoner. He was a well-built man. But I carried him on my shoulder and continued my journey and reached ‘Idkhir’ on the border of Mecca. Seeing that it was safe, I untied his shackles and slowly continued my journey. I reached Madeena and approached the Prophet ﷺ. He was very happy .
Still there were memories of old love in Marsad’s mind. The beloved Prophet ﷺ is a leader to whom the followers could share any personal matters openly. They could tell him about their hopes and worries. Marsad disclosed what was in his mind. He told about his earlier love affair with Anakh. He described what happened the yester night. Then asked. Can I marry her? The Prophet ﷺ did not say anything. He repeated it three times. By that time, the divine message came. The first part of the twenty-fourth chapter of the holy Qur’an was revealed. The content of the third verse was the answer to Marsad. The idea can be read as follows. “A fornicator shall not marry any but fornicatress or idolatress and (as for) the fornicatress, none shall marry her but a fornicator or an idolator ; and it is forbidden to the believers” . Then the Prophet ﷺ called him and informed the decision. Marsad welcomed Allah’s decision-
There was one more context for the presentation of this verse. There were some prostitutes in Madeena who were very wealthy. They had placed special flags on their houses. Some poor believers had enquired of marrying them for financial security. The revelation of the verses was an answer to them also.

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We are reading the important events after Uhud. One important event that should be mentioned here is the prohibition of alcohol. We have learned from many chapters that how much the influence and importance for alcohol in the life the Arabs of that time. Drunkenness was an integral part of their celebrations and mournings. Alcohol was the main subject matter of literature and expressions. Meanwhile, there were few people who did not touch alcohol as a great blessing. Sidheeq,Ali and Uthman are examples.
Alcohol was not banned immediately after the declaration of prophethood. The prohibition was made possible step by step. Umar (R)was the one who proposed the idea of the prohibition of the alcohol. It can be seen in the hadith quoted by Imam Turmudi that he prayed to Allah to give a clear and comforting decision regarding alcohol. The first revelation on this matter was the verse 219 of “Al Baqara”.The idea can be read as follows: “They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say: There is a serious evil in both of them. There are some benefits for people. But the evil in them is more than the benefit. They ask you what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you, the communications, that you may ponder”
As soon as this verse was revealed, the Prophet ﷺ called Umar and recited the verse. Even then, Umar repeated the prayer he had made earlier. O Allah, give us a decision that gives us relief! Since the complete prohibition was not implemented, some of the Companions had not abstained from drinking alcohol at that time. Meanwhile, there were some incidents. People who pray drunkenly, recite the verses of the holy Qur’an incorrectly. It is on this occasion that the Holy Qur’an reveals the forty-third verse of the fourth chapter of “Al Nisau”. The content may be as follows: “O you who believe! , do not go to prayer while you are intoxicated – until you are (well) aware of what you are saying, nor when you are under an obligation to perform a bath –until you have bathed and purified yourself – unless you are a wayfarer. Or, you are sick or on a journey; or one of you come from the privy ; or you have had intercourse with women; and you cannot obtain water; then betake yourself to pure soil, then wipe your faces and your hands; Indeed, Allah is the Most Pardoning , Most Forgiving”.
It is a beautiful picture of how a community was gradually transformed. First the harm of alcohol is inculcated in them. Some people started giving up alcohol right away. Later, when it was ordered not to get drunk during the prayer, they took care to be free from alcohol for the five times of worship. Then there was only a short time in the night and a short time between dawn and midday. But even when this verse was revealed, Umar was not completely relieved. He repeated the old prayer.
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A complete prohibition of alcohol comes when the Prophet ﷺ was waiting for the continuation of Allah’s rulings on alcohol. The verses ninety to ninety three of the chapter Al Ma’ida were revealed in this context. “O you who believe! intoxicants and games of chance and sacrificing (to stones) set up and (dividing by) arrows are only an uncleanliness, the satan’s work:shun it therefore that you may be sucessful. The satan only desires to cause enmity and hatred to spring among you by means of intoxicants and games of chance, and to keep you off from the remembrance Allah and prayer. So are you ready to desist from those evils? Obey Allah and His Messenger. And be careful. Or if you turn back, know: Our Messenger’s duty is only to convey the Divine Message clearly.”
The word ‘Khamr’, derived from the word ‘Khamara’, is used in the Qur’an to refer to alcohol. It does not mean only the liquor or alcohol of that time, but it is a broad term to denote anything that distorts the intellect and mars wisdom. The Prophet’s ﷺ words describes alcohol as ‘the key to all evil’ . Current events convince us how accurate this expression is. The World Health Organization estimates that every year thirty million people die due to intoxication. This is 5.3 percent of the total death rate in the world.
As soon as the above verse was revealed, the Prophet ﷺ called Umar as usual. ‘Are you ready to abstain from those evils? When the part came Umar said; Here we have kept away .! Intahaina…’
A Jew who witnessed this and went to the streets of Madeena. He said; ‘Here alcohol is forbidden. Liquor is forbidden. The liquor was poured away from the shops. Those who were drinking threw away their cups. A river of alcohol flowed through Madeena . Total prohibition evolved into total abstinence. No enforcement of law or military intervention was necessary. There is no other example of a change in world history by such a simple and silent method.
It can be seen in the narration of Imam Bukhari on the authority of Anas bin Malik. He says that at that time there was a type of toddy that we made from dates . It was the best type of toddy. When I was pouring it to a man, messenger came and told me that it was forbidden. Immediately, all the liquor that was collected, was poured away. We didn’t think of keeping even a small quantity or seeking any excuse.
In 1920s in the United States, the Prohibition of Liquor Act came into effect and remained in force until 1933. During that time, crime increased alarmingly and illegal alcohol sales increased. Thirteen years later, the law was withdrawn because of the adverse effects of this prohibition.
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Now let’s come to the political condition of Madeena . After Badr, the enemies were hiding in the burrows . When they heard that the Muslims suffered a little damage in Uhud, some of them started to come out. The first group to prepare was the tribe of Banul Asad. The Prophet ﷺ came to know that they were preparing to attack Madeena under the leadership of their tribal leader, Tulaiha bin Quwailid Al Asadi. Tulaiha was a strange person.
The Prophetﷺ observed that it was good to go there and defend them before they reached Madeena . Accordingly, the Prophetﷺ appointed a small group there under the leadership of Abu Salama. He was foster brother and close relative of the Prophetﷺ. He was the husband of Ummu Salama . He accepted Islam at an early stage and migrated to Absinia. They became Abu Salama and Ummu Salama after their offspring Salama was born there. The real name of Abu Salama was Abdul Asad.
Ummu Salama belonged to the famous tribe of Banu Makhzoom in Mecca. The migration of Abu Salama along with Ummu Salama and Salama was very emotional. On their way to Madeena the tribesmen blocked them.They said to Abu Salama,
‘You can go if you want, but you can’t take your wife and child with you.She is a member of our tribe.’ Finally he had no choice. He had to move forward alone. The people Asad tribe intervened. They said,
‘ How can you block the child, who belongs to the tribe of Abu Salama?!. Finaly , they took the baby from Ummu Salama. Umm Salama, who lost her husband and baby, burst into tears. Later, the tribesmen intervened and handed over the baby to the mother. Soon, Ummu Salama took care of the baby and walked to Madeena without anyone else for help.When she reached Tan’eem, she met Uthman bin Twalha.
He asked. Where are you going? To Madeena . Does a woman go to Madeena alone? I’ll reach you there. He served as escort. We have already read what Ummu Salama herself said about the meticulousness and purity of personality that Uthman bin Twalha maintained even if he was not a believer at that time.
Ummu Salama, who came to Madeena, led a happy family life with her husband. They had three children besides Salama. Abu Salama made a brave presence in Badr and Uhud. He got fatal wounds in Uhud. Ummu Salama took good care of her husband. After regaining good health, Abu Salama was appointed with a mission in the fourth year of Hijra. Many prominent followers were in the group. Like Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas and Abu Ubaidah, those who received the good news of heaven.
The tribesmen ran for their life seeing the group that unexpectedly arrived in the Asad tribe. Abu Salama’s old wound festered again after returning from the fight. He aaid to Ummu Salama, ‘I have heard the Prophetﷺ says that ‘if any calamity befalls you, you should say, ‘Allahumma Ajirnee Fee Musweebati Wakhluf Nee Khairan Minha.’ The meaning of this prayer was that ‘reward me for the calamity tht has befallen me and grand me something better’.
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Abu Salama said to Ummu Salama. When a calamity comes you have to utter the prayer words that I just said. Then you will get greater blessing than the present one. There was no idea for Ummu Salama of what would happen or why it was being taught to pray like this.
Days passed. The bond between them increased day by day. The unity between them was famous among the locals. Then one day the wife said to her husband that, ‘I have heard that, if the husband does not marry after the death of his wife, both of them will meet as spouses in heaven! Similarly, if a husband dies and his wife does not marry again, they will meet in heaven as spouses. So what if we make a vow that whoever one of us dies first, the remaining one will not remarry?
This words of the wife has a special dimension when the husband is on the sick bed. Even if you die , I cannot accept another person and live with him . It means that I will live in the sweet memory of the gone days . This is the expression of the deep love between them. Abu Salama smiled. Then asked if I tell you something, will you accept it? Why not ? . Haven’t we been the like for so long? Abu Salama continued. If I die, you and your children should not live alone.
You should remarry soon. Then he himself prayed. ” Oh Allah ! Grand Ummu Salama someone better than me after me! Bless her with one who won’t trouble her at all” .
Before more days passed his illness worsened. Prophet ﷺ came home to visit. He came to the patient, said comforting words, stroked the body. The words of testimony, ‘La ilaha illallah’ was reminded once more. Abu Salama breathed his last. The Prophet ﷺ and the followers witnessed his last moments . His eyes were open..and they were closed by the Prophet ﷺ. He said.If soul is caught from a person, the eyes will follow it. On this occasion, the Prophet ﷺ taught that practice of closing the eyes of the dead soon after his death .
When the death was confirmed, laments arose from inside. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Do not pray for your own destruction.” Pray only for good. Angels say “Ameen” to your prayers. Or they say the words, ‘please accept the prayer’.
The Prophet ﷺ himself bathed Abu Salama with his blessed hands and led the funeral prayer. It is also mentioned in the narrations that it is not strong. In prayer, he recited Takbeer nine times different from usual practice . Thinking that perhaps the Prophet ﷺ had forgotten, the disciples inquired of the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophetﷺ said. “A thousand takbeers are not enough for Abu Salama. It was a unique response to show his greatness. The Prophet ﷺ also led the burial. Then the Prophet ﷺ offered a special prayer for him.
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The meaning of the words prayed by the Prophet ﷺ can be read as follows: “O Allah, shower blessings on Abu Salama ! Upgrade his status. Forgive his sins and shed light on his grave. Include him among those who achieved right path. Make up for what his descendants have lost! Forgive us and him. Widen his grave.”
What a great blessing Abu Salama received !. The presence and leadership of the Prophet ﷺ just before the death and after death , and heartfelt prayer. Best wishes for the Hereafter.
The prayer for the deceased and the prayer over him are the good deeds done for the salvation of the deceased. They are the benefits that the deceased receives from other believers who are alive . There are more prayers in the holy Qur’an to that effect. It cannot be said that the dead only have the reward of their deeds. There is only what they have done to claim it as their own. That is the praying over the deceased is, in a sense, an offering by believers to Allah for the deceased. When those who have great spiritual status make dua, the deceased will get more reward. Those who have received the prayer and the funeral prayer led by the Prophet ﷺ, are the ones who have received the recommendation of the best personality . They are the blessed ones who received the most hopeful prayer for Allah to accept.
The Prophet ﷺ also shows us the prayers for the deceased near the graves. These are not mere rituals. The approach of the Prophet ﷺ also teaches us that we have to do something for the deceased without avoiding them.
Let’s come to Ummu Salama. In grief of the death of her husband, She remembered his words and kept repeating the prayers taught by him. ‘Oh Allah, reward me for my patience . Please give me a better protector . Ummu Salama says ‘ as I recite the second part of the prayer, I will think about what I can get better than my husband. Anyway, I am alone in a land. I kept crying because of the grief I could not bear. The locals recognized her grief as she was known as ‘Ayyimul Arab’ or the widow of the Arabs. In such a situation, the Prophet ﷺ advised her. What the Prophet ﷺ intended that she should never go to evil thoughts avoiding spiritual thoughts.
In the social environment of Madeena at that time, especially widows did not have to stay widowed for long. Others will marry them and protect them .
Because of that, just after the waiting period, many prominent people came to Ummu Salama with marriage proposals. As Makhzoom is a high-ranking tribe, those who are interested in making a connection with the said tribe also came with proposal. But she was not ready to accept anyone. Abu Bakr and Umar also came forward. Ummu Salama, who praised the greatness of her husband so much that no one was equal to Abu Salama. She did not agree to any of those plans. At that time the Prophet ﷺ came with proposal .
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When the proposal of marriage came from the Prophet ﷺ, Ummu Salama felt proud and happy. But she could not give her consent at once. It was her sense of responsibility that prevented her . She sent one to the Prophet ﷺ and said. ‘I have three matters to inform you and I will give my consent only after getting reply to them. One: I am afraid that something unpleasant may happen from me . Because I am a person who gets upset easily. Two, I am a little older. Three, I have four children. The Prophet ﷺ listened carefully to these three matters . Then he said, “I will pray to Allah to solve the first thing.” Second, the problem of age applies to me as well. The third, the children, are’t they the same as my children? Ummu Salama was very happy and relieved that all three matters had been taken into consideration. It is now clear that who would be better than Abu Salama. Going to be blessed with the presence of the best person in the world.
The old name of Ummu Salama was ‘Hind’. Or Hind bint Abu Umayyah. At the beginning of the 4th year of Hijra, she entered into a new life with the Prophet ﷺ.
We have already understood how many reasons are behind this marriage of the Prophet ﷺ. This becomes more clear when we add the part that she was saddened by the feeling of being alone in a foreign country. The Prophet ﷺ was the only recourse for Ummu Salama who rejected even Abu Bakr Sidheeq and Umar al-Farooq.
We also need to read the benefits achieved in the field of preaching through this marriage. The strict attitude shown by Banu Makhzoom, a leading Arab tribe, towards the Prophet ﷺ and Islam, was lessened . It was then that Khalid bin Waleed, a prominent person in the said tribe, began to think about Islam. Soon after, he came to Islam.
Ummu Salama lived a happy life with the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ treated her well. The Prophetﷺ once held Fatimah’s children, Hasan and Husain together and prayed for the Prophet’s family. Then a shadow of grief fell on Ummu Salama’s face. The Prophet ﷺ asked her about it. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ took Ummu Salamah and her children together and prayed for them.
Ummu Salama was also the intellectual gateway from the Prophet ﷺ . It has been recorded that about three hundred and fifty hadith are reported on the authority of Ummu Salama . She has raised questions that many others have not been able to ask and has obtained solutions. Once she asked the Prophet ﷺ that the Qur’an does not refer to women as it refers to men. The Prophet ﷺ listened to the question. But did not give any answer. The next day, when the she was combing her head, the Prophet ﷺ taught the companions the Qur’anic verse that had been revealed while he was in Mimbar. It was the answer to the question raised by Ummu Salama the previous day. The concept can be read as: “He has prepared forgiveness and a great reward for men and women who embody devotion to Allah, truthfulness, fear, patience, humility, charity, fasting, and sexual purity, and who remember Allah abundantly.”
Women are also mentioned in each of these features. Although the address, “oh believers !,” is verbally masculine, the address includes both men and women. But the answer given to Ummu Salama became a special reference to be read till the last day.
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The world received a lot of good things from the life of Ummu Salama and the beloved Prophet ﷺ. At the time of the Treaty of Hudaibiya, she gave the Prophet ﷺ very relevant instructions. There is a message from the Prophet ﷺ: “The best of you are the best to your families. I am the best to my family.” Ummu Salama said to the Prophet ﷺ that ‘what you said is true’ . After the demise of the Prophet ﷺ, she used to cry remembering this. These are also references to read for those who criticize the marriages of the Prophet ﷺ. These are the words of the wife who entered the life of the Prophet ﷺ relatively late. It is not necessary to do much research to understand that the marital life of the Prophets ﷺ had some special dimensions for the ordinary people and the world. It is enough to read the eventful life of the Prophetﷺ without any prejudice. The Prophet ﷺ said that “the best among you is the one who is good to his wife”. It is usually said that a person who has received a good certificate from his wife, he will get good consideration from anyone.
Ummu Salama left this world in the year 61 of Hijra. She was eighty-four years old at that time. She was the last of the Prophet’s ﷺ wives to die.
After the demise of the Prophet ﷺ, the believers would constantly visit the wives of the Prophet ﷺ who lived for decades. They would ask about the life of the Prophet ﷺ. But no wife had to quote a bad remark about the Prophet ﷺ. Not only that, none of the wives was able to describe the personality traits of the the Prophet ﷺ fully .
Now let’s come to Madeena itself. We were sharing the threats that arose after Uhud. Many tribes are preparing to raise their swords against Islam hoping to supress Islam . Hudail was an important tribe in the the front . They lived between Mecca and Madeena . They were among the Bedouins. Khalid bin Sufyan Al Hudali was the head of the tribe. People were afraid of him as he was a gigantic person . They used to say about him that he was a man for a thousand men. According to his insistence, they camped at Nihla near Madeena. They started military training and so on. The Prophet ﷺ came to know about this. Many people in the enemy camp were not in agreement with this action. They themselves conveyed the information to Madeena . The Prophet ﷺ observed the situation. The Prophetﷺ understood that most of the tribesmen were innocent and that Khalid bin Sufyan was the only person making problem . If he is killed, the tribe and the Muslims will be saved. How to deal with him!? .
The Prophet ﷺ called a brave follower named Abdullahi bin Unais and entrusted this great task.
Such choices of the Prophet ﷺ are a great miracle. Quickly determines who is the most capable person for each situation and task. They handle the matter beautifully.
The Prophetﷺ called Abdullah bin Unais and told him the matter. Although it was a very difficult task, he took it up. Abdullah requested the Prophetﷺ to describe the person whom he has to face. Even though the Prophet ﷺ had never met him, he began to explain. “When you see him, you will be afraid at first glance. Then Bin Unais said, ‘I have never afraid seeing anyone’.Well, but if you see him, you will feel afraid. In another narration, it is like this. If you see him, you will be afraid of him as he has a demonic look.
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After listening to the explanations given by the Prophet ﷺ, Abdullahi bin Unais asked. O Prophet, would you allow me to use some tricks to accomplish the task? The Prophet ﷺ agreed. The Prophet ﷺ had already said that “war is a trick”. The Companions left. He reached the resting area of the Hudayl tribe. It was in Nakhla . He observed the scene from a distance. When Abdulla got a distant vision of Khalid , it was shocking. Bin Unais called out that what the Prophet ﷺ had said was true.
When it was time for prayer, he was in dilemma that how he would pray . He thought that if he , a stranger, prayed in public in this country, it would be detrimental to the task to be performed. So he performed it by walking. There is a chapter in Islamic jurisprudence on how to perform prayer at such times of fear. Technically it is called “Salaatul Khauf”. There are about 10 forms of such prayers in battle fields and others. 101& 102 verses of the fourth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Al Nisa, refer to this kind of prayer. The concept can be read as: “If you fear that the unbelievers will endanger you while you are traveling on earth, then the prayer may be shortened. It is not your fault. Surely the unbelievers are your clear enemies. If you are among them and lead them in prayer, let a group of them stay with you . And let them take their weapons. After they have prostrated, they should stand back and let the group that has not prayed come and pray with you . Let them also be alert and armed. If you’re a little careless with your weapons and supplies, the apostates are ready to pounce on you and launch a lightning strike. You are not guilty of laying down your arms if you are afflicted or sick because of the rain. Still you have to be very careful. No doubt; Allah has prepared for the disbelievers a shameful punishment”.
One more background of this verse can be read right here. The scene is Hudaibiyyah. The Muslims and the enemy met face to face at Ghazfan. Then it was time for mid-day prayer or Luhr. The Muslims prayed together. After this, Khalid bin Alwaleed, who was on the enemy side that time , said, “We have missed a good opportunity. We could have make use of the time when the Muslims were praying. We could have jumped down up on them while they were prostrating. No problem, when the next morning prayer is performed, we will attack them as they love prayer more than all their possessions. They waited for the next prayer . By the time, between Luhr and Asr, Gibreel approached the Prophet ﷺ and presented the verses. The enemies did not know. The Muslim army lined up for prayer. The enemies waited for the Muslims to go into prostration. That’s when the Muslims used a special mode of prayer in the battlefield. Those in one line would prostrate and the next line would remain stationary. Seeing this method, the enemies became gloomy and their ambitions became ineffective .
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The prayer seen on the battlefield was also an incident that made Khalid bin Waleed think about Islam. There is another relevant remark made by Khalid bin Al Waleed after he came to Islam. “I have often tried many tricks to trap the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but I felt that an impenetrable security shield was protecting him. Because all strategies would eventually fail”.
Let us come to Abdullah ibn Unais. The mention of the person who first performed ‘Swalatul Khauf’ has also been mentioned about him. He is moving towards the head of the Hudayl tribe, Khalid bin Abdilla Al Hudali. He approached him with a little fear. He was showing places to the women who were with him . He looked at Abdullah with a fierce expression and asked who are you? Abdullah said: I am from the tribe of Khuzaa. Why did you come? . I knew that you are preparing a war against Muhammad (ﷺ). So what? I’m a warrior and I want to join your army . It was for this strategic talk that Unais sought the consent of the Prophet ﷺ.
Anyway, Khalid was very happy. He was very excited to have a warrior join his group at such a time. Abdullah persuaded him with his attractive conversation.
Those who were with him moved to their tent one by one. Finally Khalid and Abdullah were left alone.Abdullah decided not to waste the opportunity. He picked up his sword and killed him . The mission was accomplished. With that, that cruel traitor was removed forever. Then Abdullah left the place in the utmost secrecy. He returned to Madeena successfully by hiding during the day and traveling at night. He went home, changed his dress and reached the Madeena Masjid . He set out to meet the Prophet ﷺ When he reached the masjid , the Prophet ﷺ was there and greeted him. Aflahalwajh….’may your face win’. Abdullah replied in the same sentence. ‘Aflaha wajhuka ya Rasoolallah’… Then he came to the Prophet ﷺ and explained the whole incident. The Prophet ﷺ listened happily. He praised the bravery of his companion, then took him by the hand and took him to home. The Prophet ﷺ gave him a stick as a reward. Abdullah immediately asked what is this? The Prophet ﷺ replied that this will be a token between us on the Day of Judgment. Abdullah took care of this sacred stick until he left this world in 14 Hijra. He never forgot to keep it with him at important moments. Finally, at the time of his demise he advised that this stick should be placed with him in the grave. It was carried out according to his will . The great man died in Sham during the time of Muawiya.
We need to bear in mind some relevant convictions.
One. Khalid bin Abdullah Al Hudali was killed as part of an operation which was essential for security and welfare of the state . If he had not been killed many people would have been killed and a country would be torn apart.
Two. How great was the importance and respect that the Companions expressed to anything that related to the Prophet ﷺ.
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We have read the political thoughts and the situation after Uhud. Many opponents who were hiding, came forward expecting something. There were those resonances in and around Madeena . The method adopted by the Prophet ﷺ was to defend many of them in their own centres before they reach Madeena. Khalid Bin Sufyan Al Hudali was killed by Abdullahi Bin Unais as part of such a defence.
After that, a new atmosphere was formed in the Hudayl tribe. Those prepared to attack the Muslims under the insistence of Khalid, slowly left the scene. But those who aimed to take revenge against this action turned against Islam and Madeena by using some tricks and tactics. They took the neighboring tribes of Hudayl, the Udal and Qarra tribes, and gave them big promise. They made some plans together. As part of that, some of them entered Madeena pretending to be Muslims .They approached the Prophet ﷺ and asked for a group of preachers from among the Companions. If they asked for a group to preach Islam, the Prophet ﷺ would have enthusiastically accepted the request. They recognized it. Such deceptions were a style of the Vedic people and the holy Qur’an mentions it. The idea of the seventy-second verse of the third chapter of “Alu Imran” can be read as follows.” A group of the Vedic people say: Believe in that which has been revealed to these believers in the first part of the day. And reject it in the evening. Then those believers may come back to us”.
In the month of Safar, the fourth year of Hijra, some people from the tribe of Hudayl approached the Prophet ﷺ and said, “Send a group to teach us about religion.” The Prophet ﷺ enthusiastically agreed and sent six members. According to some other
reports, the Prophet ﷺ assigned a ten-member group. The preachers were members of the Ahlus Suffah, who had been in company with the Prophet ﷺ for a long time in Madeena masjid. Marsad Bin Abi Marsad Al Ghanami, Qubaib Bin Adiyy, Asim Bin Thabit, Zaid Bin Dasina, Abdullahi Bin Twarikh, Khalid Bin Bukhair Allaisi(R) are six prominent people in the group. Marsad (R) was appointed as the leader of the group. He was the Companion who shared the turn of the vehicle with the Prophet ﷺ on the journey to Badr. We have described this companion in a love story while freeing the captives from Mecca.
It has been mentioned in other reports that there was a ten-member group under the leadership of Aswim bin Sabit, a member of the— tribe.
Representatives from the Hudayl tribe went with this group to an area called Rajeeah. This place is named after the name of a lake. According to the plan of the treacherous Hudayl, the preacher group that came to Rajeeah was surrounded by one hundred and fifty armed men of the Banu Lihiyan sub-tribe. It was then that the Muslim group realized that it was deception. The unarmed Companions ran helplessly to the nearby mountains. The people of Hudayl called out from the valley and said, “We will not harm you. By Allah, we will not kill you.” Immediately, Aswim called out and said, “We do not believe you. You have lied to the Prophet ﷺ.” You are not trustworthy..
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Aswim bin Sabit understood the seriousness of the scene. He took out the bow and arrow which he used to keep with him. There is no other way. Aswim bin Thabit (R) performed two prayers with self control . One. “O Allah, please convey this problem to the Messenger of Allah. Two. Do not give my body to the enemies, O Lord!
There is a reason why Aswim made such a prayer. Aswim knew the revenge that Hind had executed on Hamza in Uhud. There was another woman who vowed as Hind did . Her name is Zulafa. The name she remembers is ‘Aswim’. We can read that scene like this. Zulafa is traveling through the battlefield. She saw her husband is slain. Both sons, Muzafir and Kilab, are killed. Julas, the third son, on the verge of death. She asked her son, ‘who confronted you’?. He said, `Aswim bin Tabit ‘. Then she took a vow that ‘I will kill Aswim and drink alcohol on his skull. It is this vow that Aswim remembers now. Zulafa also announced that if anyone kills or captures Aswim, they will be rewarded with a hundred camels . Therefore, many people were waiting to receive the gift for Aswim’s head. It is in this context that Aswim performs this special prayer to Allah.
Aswim and his friends defended as best they could from the top of the hill. What can six people do to a hundred people? Not too late. Three people were killed. Those three were Aswim, Marsad and Khalid bin Bukhair.
Soon after Aswim was killed, people rushed to take away the body and receive the amount .By that time, a miracle happened there. A swarm of wasps came in a cloud and covered the dead body of the great man, Aswim . It is so safe that no one can approach his body . The holy Qur’an itself teaches that this is the special protection of Allah. “None knows of the armies of their Lord but He”. This is part of the message given in the seventy-fourth chapter, thirty-first verse.
Even though they tried all the tricks they knew, they could not drive away the swarm of wasps. The people waited, thinking that the wasp would go away at night. But at night another miracle happened. It started raining heavily. The rain was so strong that the elders said that there had never been such a rain till then. It was not too late. A large flood formed. The flood carried the body of Aswim. No one could touch the body . After hearing this news, Umar (R) said. ‘Allah will protect a true believer after death just as he protected him during his lifetime’.
After those who were killed, the remaining three people remained on the top of the mountain. The enemy kept calling them during the night. Finally, they were captured and handcuffed by the enemies . The three people were Abdullah bin Twarikh, Zaid bin Dasina, and Khubaib bin Adiyy. Abdullah ibn Tarikh told that this is the first betrayal. They are not to be trusted. He responded to them from the shackles. Before too late , they killed him. Only two people were left.
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They decided to hand over the remaining two to the Quraish of Mecca . Because there is nothing special to be gained by killing them. At the same time the Quraish may give huge amount if sold to them . Because both of them had killed the Quraish leaders at Badr. So their relatives will buy them to avenge .Thus the Hudayl tribe contacted the Quraish . Safwan bin Umayya bought Zaid bin Dasina. Because Zaid bin Dasina helped Bilal in Badr to kill Umayyad bin Khalaf. Safwan made this deal to avenge his father’s murder. Children of Harith bin Amir bought Qubaib. Because Khubaib was the one who killed their father directly at Badr. They got him by paying a huge amount. Though they wanted to kill them right then, detained them for the time being as the month was one in which the war forbidden. Their hands and feet were chained and they were kept in wild solitude.
Immediately after the end of the sacred month, they made arrangements to kill Zaid first. They took him outside the sacred land or Haram of Mecca, to Tan’eem. They decided to celebrate with a public execution. They were surprised by the courage they saw in Za’id on their way when they took Za’id with them to Tan’eam. Abu Sufyan was very surprised when he saw his courage despite knowing that he was on the verge of murder. Abu Sufiyan asked him, ‘can you imagine the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is in your position and you sitting safely at home? Do you like that ? Zaid said smiling without any hesitation. By Allah! I am sitting quietly with my family and at the same time the beloved Prophet ﷺ is hurt with a thorn in the foot from the very place where he is now. It is beyond what I can imagine . Hearing the answer, Abu Sufiyan was once again surprised. He said that ‘there is no leader in the world who is loved by his followers as much as the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was loved by his followers’.
The passages quoted here are the story of the unfathomable love shown by the believers towards the Prophet ﷺ.
Zaid was brought to the death stone by his enemies. Nastash, an evil person from the Quraish , ran up and stabbed Zaid with his spear. Zaid recited the testimony of faith aloud and departed. Many people who witnessed all these events became believers later. Abu Sufiyan , a prominent Quraish , and his son Muawiyah became the leaders of the Muslim side later . It was Muawiya who gave the detailed information of these events.
In no other faith community can we read examples of so much dedication to a faith and to it’s leader. It was the reality of faith in Allah and His Messenger that gave them peace of mind and smiles even at their last time . They were gifted with an unwavering spirit.
Everyone with them left. There is only one left; Qubayb bin Adiyy. Let’s ask Tan’eem and the valley about him.
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Khubaib is now in the prison of Banu Haritha. Haritha’s sons watch over him in prison. In the meantime, they saw a miracle. One day Hariths’ daughter looked into the prison and he was eating a big bunch of grapes. There was no way for Khubaib to get anything other than from this family. Then how did he get this? Moreover, it is not the time or season for grapes anywhere. They asked him; ‘where did you get it from? He said immediately ; ” It is Almighty Allah my Protector Who gives me food and drink”
This is part of the exceptional blessing or ‘karamat’ that Allah bestows upon His beloved servants. The holy Qur’an itself cites examples of Allah bestowing similar blessings to to his servants like that of Khubaib. Look at what the holy Qur’an says in the history of the great Mariyam. “Thus her Lord received her in a good condition and brought her up in a better way. He made Zakariyya her guardian. Whenever Zakariyya came near her in the Mihrab, he used to see food near her. So he asked: “Mariyam, where did you get this from?” She said: ” It is from Allah. And Allah giveth reward to whom He wills.” This is the essence of the thirty-seventh verse of the third chapter of Al-Imran.
They kept Khubaib in prison. On the day before the killing , Khubaib made a request. He asked for a knife for shaving. The maid of Haris’s house handed over it to Khubaib . Khubaib observed the custom of the Prophet ﷺ; removing hair from the body once in forty days, is observed in prison. Besides the thought that I am going to meet my Creator the next day, and must prepare for it, also influenced him .
While Khubaib(R) was sitting in the prison cell with a razor, a child from Haris’s family ran to him. Qubaib lovingly took the child and placed him on his lap. Seeing this scene, the lady came running and stood in front of the prison alarmed. The knife is with the prisoner, a baby from the house is in his lap, the child’s family members are going to execute the death penalty tomorrow. Seeing the face of the mother who saw the alarming condition, Khubaib smiled and asked her. ‘Are you afraid that I will kill the child? You don’t have to be afraid of anything. How can I do it? As a true believer, I cannot do that. Because the Qur’an clearly stated the seriousness of killing an innocent person. “Whoever kills a person except for killing someone or causing trouble on earth, it is as if he killed all mankind.” This is the message of the thirty-second verse of the fifth chapter of Al-Ma’ida.
The maid servant of Haris, who shared Khubaib’s prison life with the world, said this; ‘By Allah, I have never seen a captive as great as Khubaib’.
The Quraish are ready to take Khubaib for hanging.
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It’s morning. Khubaib was taken to the place of killing by his enemies. Their aim is to execute him in public. As soon as Khubaib came to know about this, he told them one last wish. It was nothing else. He asked them to allow him to pray two rak’ahs. He quickly completed the prayer. Then told them. I finished the prayer quickly only because I was afraid that you would accuse me of cowardice. And not because the wish or the enjoyment of prayer is over. The hadiths teach that Qubaib was the first to adopt the style of performing this kind of prayer before death. Later many people followed his path.
They wanted to adopt the method of crucifixion, which had not been practiced by the Quraish until then. The records concludes that the method must have been seen and copied by the Arabs during their trade journeys to countries like Rome. He kept a calm expression even as he listened to footsteps of the death. The great man stood with undaunted mind . Even then he was reciting some lines of poetry. Among which are the lines “Wa lastu Ubalee Hina Uqtalu Muslima, Alaa Ayyi Janbin Kana Lillahi Masraee”
I will die in Allah’s way
By any way …..
If my death is in the way of Allah, then I have no complaint, no matter how I am killed. He was comforted by the fact that his Lord is able to bring together the scattered pieces.
When he was close to death, his eyes were raised to the sky. Then he prayed. “O Allah, I do not see anyone near me to convey my “Salam” to my beloved Prophet ﷺ . Please convey my greetings to the Holy Prophet! ﷺ”. See how precisely Khubaib is influenced by the sacred love for the Prophet ﷺ. He yearns for the company of the same leader at the time of his death for following whom, he is going to be crucified? It is not an expression that love has ignited the soul, but here love defeats death and makes the lover happy. In whose history can we read such a love story like this but in the history of the Prophet ﷺ?!.
At this moment, let’s turn our attention towards Madeena or to the beloved Prophet ﷺ. The Prophetﷺ is seen by his close followers as a little worried. A shadow of grief has cast a shadow on his face. Then heard him returning the salaam or greeting saying, “ Wa alaikumussalam.” The nearby followers were totally amazed as to who could have returned this salam. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ explained the matter. Khubaib’s Salam has been conveyed to me by Gibreel . Then he shared the information of Khubaib with his followers.
The enemies started killing Khubaib by inches . Khubaib, who endured with firm faith, surprised even his enemies. In the meantime, they asked him to tease him. Can you imagine the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in your place?. He immediately responded. “I don’t like the Prophet ﷺ being in this condition or even hurt by a thorn in his foot” .
Again he marked a unique testimony of love. When the last moment of his life approached, he crossed the peak of suffering and prayed like this, “O Allah, do not leave even one of these criminals without punishment” !.
After the death was confirmed, the Quraish returned to Mecca . But every expression of Khubaib was deeply imprinted in the hearts of many viewers. Those memories affected them for the rest of their lives.
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The body of that great person, whose soul was devoted to love, remained on the crucified tree. The Prophet ﷺ knew this through Allah’s revelation while he was in Madeena. Immediately two messengers were sent there. The dominant opinion is that those two persons were Miqdad bin Amr and Zubair bin Al Awwam. There is also an opinion that one of them was Amr bin Umayya Allamri. These two messengers came to the gallows in the dead of night. They took down the body of Khubaib and buried him . Today it is not far from the Ayisha Masjid in Tan’eem. The exact place where the incident took place was on the left side of the Masjid when facing the Qibla.
This chapter is completed only when we read the feelings of a person who witnessed Khubaib’s last moments.
Saeed bin Amir Al Jumahi was a witness to these events, but he was not on the side of Islam at that time. He was the one who came to see the scene from the enemy group. But the stability and attitude of Khubaib at the last time made him change his mind. So he accepted Islam and lived as a good follower. Years passed after the Prophet ﷺ left this world . Umar appointed Saeed as the governor of “Hims” in Syria. In Umar’s regime, the governors were strictly observed . People’s opinions about the governors were considered . As part of it Umar sought the opinion of the people about Sa’eed . They raised three complaints against Saeed. The Caliph came forward to question Saeed. The natives started raising complaints one by one. The first was that Saeed reaches the office very late in the morning. Umar asked Saeed for an explanation of this complaint. ‘I am compelled to answer only because I am in such a stage’. My wife is sick. There is no one else to do the housework.There are no attendants or servants. I myself take care of my wife and do the housework, that is why I arrive late in the morning. After this, they raised the next complaint as per the Khalifa’s instruction. The governor interact with the people only during the day. ‘Oh Ameerul Mu’mineen I also have difficulty in telling this in public. I have reserved my day for the people and night for my Sustainer. That’s why they didn’t get me at night. Sometimes he has a faint. At that time he will disappear from the public . This was the next complaint of the people.
‘What is this’ ? Umar asked Saeed. He started saying that…. ‘While I was a polytheist, I witnessed the killing of Khubaib ibn Adiyy. As the Quraish were cutting the flesh from his body, they asked; Don’t you like Muhammad ﷺ to be in your place? He said: ‘ By Allah, I do not like the Prophet ﷺ to be hurt even by a thorn while I am safe in my family with my children…’ O Allah, every time I remember that day I am haunted by the thought that Allah will not forgive me for not being able to help him that day’ .
Hearing this, Umar’s eyes also filled with tears. In some reports there was one more complaint for the people; One day in every month he does not come out at all.’
‘What is this, Saeed?’ Umar sought an explanation.
‘Ameerul Mu’mineen, I have no servant. I have no other clothes except this one. I’ll wait until it dries. I will be out at the end of the day.’
Satisfied by the replies, the the people of Hims were surprised to realize the greatness of their governor.
We have been reading Khubaib’s demise as a deep memory for ages
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We read about the incident of “Rajiu tragedy” after Uhud. “Bir Ma’una” is the incident that occurred after Rajiu in the month of Safar in the fourth year of Hijra. There is a detailed description in Sahih Al Bukhari . Let’s begin by reading the incident like this. A man named Abu Bara’ Amir Malik from the Banu Amir clan of Najd came to the Prophet ﷺ. He is a mighty warrior. ‘Mula-i-bussinna’: He is known as the one who uses the spear like toys. When he got to know Islam from the Prophet ﷺ, he became interested. But he did not declare his faith. Instead he made a request; ‘It would be very helpful if a group of the Muslims was sent to our Najd. Many people there are likely to accept this belief . The Prophet ﷺ was interested in this . At the same time the Prophet ﷺ also had a concern. He shared it ; “I don’t feel comfortable in the case of the people of Najd. Their actions are generally not very pleasant. Abu Bara’a then said, “I will give them protection. In general, those who come under one’s protection are treated well by others.”
The Prophet ﷺ had great interest in bringing Islam to a vast province called Najd. But the Prophet ﷺ was disturbed by the fact that the nature and culture of it’s people were not so good. But If the Muslims were under the protection of one among the tribe , there was no risk of danger according to the condition of that time.
However, the Prophet ﷺ chose seventy people who have memorised the holy Qur’an. They were profound in knowledge and highly systematic in their religious practices. Many of them were the members of “Suffa” who had their stay in the masjid with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ gaining knowledge and experience.
The strength and competence of this group is very important because there were 700 companions took part in Uhud. Here the the number is only ten percent. All of them are of high status. Mundir bin Amr was appointed as their leader. He was the military commander of the right wing at Uhud. Anas’ uncle Haram Milhan and Aamir bin Fuhaira, the freed slave of Abu Bakar who was the guide at the time of Hijra, was in the seventy-member group, appointed to Najd.
The group left for Najd. In the day time , they would fetch firewood and and sell them to have food . They spent more time for worship during night . They continued their journey and came near a well of Banu Sulaim tribe in Najd. The companion named Haram bin Milhan came to the head of Banu Amir tribe with a letter containing the message of the Prophet ﷺ. His name was Aamir bin Thufail. He was a relative of Abu Barain who invited the Muslim group to Najd.
Aamir bin Thufail had come to see the Prophet ﷺ before. He had put forward certain conditions for converting to Islam ; that he should be made the ruler of the province or the representative of the Prophet.
The Prophet ﷺ did’nt agree.
Aamir received the letter of the Prophet ﷺ bearing in mind the grudge that arose from the previous experience .
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Amir bin Tufayl took the letter from the hand of Haram bin Milhan. Soon he winked with his eyes to one of his followers, and immediately someone came running from behind with a spear and stabbed him and the spear pierced his body and reached the front. The name of the person who stabbed was Jabbar bin Salama. The great man fell on the ground after being stabbed, and then he called out, “Fustu wa Rabbul Ka’aba, By the Lord of Ka’aba I have won”. Hearing these words the killer became astonished; ‘ How death becomes victory! Doesn’t everything end with death? Those words uttered by Haram, made him think . An urge for inquiry sprung up in his mind. Finally he asked one of the Muslims himself, ‘what victory would be gained by death? The believer explained that it means heaven. Later he accepted Islam and became a true believer.
What a fascinating view this Seerah reading conveys to us ? Those who defended the faith through brave steps and went to heaven. The killers who saw the firm stance of the slain brought them to the right path. Later killers also fly to heaven where the slain have gone. How many like Hamza and Vahshi, now Haram and Jabbar? This is just a phenomenon that occurs when ideals become important and values take priority .
Let’s continue. The great follower, Haram achieved the double fortune of traveling to heaven at the same time and leading his killer to heaven.
What Amir bin Tufail did is the biggest offense if we look at the political system of all time. Because an ambassador has been brutally murdered without even reading the message. Moreover he was killed by the member of a tribe which sheltered him.
Aamir did not end his cruelty. He planned to kill the rest who were with Haram. For that he sought the support of nearby tribes. None of them who knew the matter, agreed with him. They considered the common etiquette of protecting those who came peacefully into a tribe under one’s protection. But some of Amir’s sub-tribes came to support him. We are reading here a political environment where mischief has grown beyond international justice.
Three tribes , ‘Ria’al’, ‘Dakwan’ and ‘Atwiyya’ came forward with him. An army of hundreds of these tribes came and surrounded this group of seventy
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The followers, who had come to impart knowledge without arms , were astonished to see this army. They became helpless. Despite a natural defense, the merciless gang slaughtered all sixty-four men.
Only three people escaped from this group. One of them was a man who was attacked along with his companions and abandoned by his enemies for they thought that he is dead . The name of that follower was Ka’abu bin Najjar. After the enemies left the field, he slowly walked and reached Madeena and spent the rest of his life in Madeena. Later he took part in the battle of “Khandaq” and was killed. The other two were some distance away with a camel at the time of the incident. When they saw eagles circling in the sky, they realized that something was wrong. They were Amr bin Umayyah al-Lamri of the Muhajirs and Mundir bin Uqba of the Ansars. When they saw the group of vultures, they talked to each other. Mundir wanted to go there . Because he came with them. Let me go and see what happens. Whatever happens to them, I want to join them. I don’t want to be the one who announce their demise. It is not logical that we just go near the enemies. Amr said. Finally, both of them walked towards the well together. As soon as the enemy saw them, they captured them both. But Mundir defended strongly. He too was killed soon after. Just what Mundir said a little while ago, happened.Amr bin Umayya was taken prisoner by his enemies and brought before Amir bin Tufail. Unexpectedly, Aamir released Amr. He stayed for a while not knowing what to do and then returned to Madeena . A journey full of unbearable sorrow. How great is the sacrifice of the sixty-nine people who came with him to go back as martyrs. It is not known whether there is any deception or lurking in this release. Anyway, he went ahead.
There are many reasons why Aamir let him go . It was to reach these incidents in Madeena . The second reason . He used this opportunity to fulfill his mother’s vow; to free a slave.
Amr approached Madeena with heavy heart and bowed head. He reached a resting place for common travelers. There are two people. Who will they be? Amr thought. Anyway, he asked them .
They said ‘ we are from Banu Kilab of Banu Amir. There must be something wrong with them because it is the same tribe that killed my beloved sixty-nine friends . Now these two people here should be here as part of some plot. They both slowly sat and fell asleep. Without wasting time, Amr took courage and killed them . When Amr checked the note with them, he realized that his observation was wrong because they had already received protection to enter Madeena.
Amr’s arrival was doubly sad news. He shared with the Prophetﷺ the massacre and the mistake he made. The Prophet’s ﷺ heart was deeply affected by the slaying of seventy disciples and nobles. During the ensuing forty days of prayers, a special prayer or Qunut was performed against the treacherous tribesmen.
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More people were killed in the “Rajee and Bi’r Mauna” incidents than were killed in a single war. The Prophet ﷺ and his followers kept praying to Allah. Meanwhile, Amir bin Tufail, the mastermind behind these atrocities, fell ill with an unusual illness. The disease started in the armpit and spread all over the body. An unbearable stench began to emanate from the body. With that, his relatives took him to a wild area. He left the world alienated and despised. As mentioned in the Qur’an about Abu Lahab, he became insignificant in this world.
The documents do not say clearly that Bara’a bin Malik, who took the Prophet’s ﷺ disciples out of Madeena on security, cheated them . On the contrary, we can only say that things had gone from his control. He engaged in an argument with his relative, Amir and prepared to use his weapon. Amir was only slightly injured as the people intervened and stopped Bara’u. After all the Muslims he had brought from Madeena were killed, he lost his mental control and soon left this world.
There is also a part of this chapter to read. It is the part about the two innocent people who were killed by a companion named Amr bin Umayya on the way.. The Prophet ﷺ did not justify the follower who killed them. He did not say that at least two people were killed instead of seventy people. Instead, he said that the action was wrong. The Prophet ﷺ ordered to give compensation for the two; six camels for the each one.
What a system of justice that the Prophet ﷺ implemented!. The Prophet ﷺ taught that the practice of killing someone from a group of accused persons, should not be encouraged and should not be accepted as legal.
Islam has gone through many testing stages. Islam encouraged us to uphold justice and fairness at any stage and to forgive. It is important to distinguish and understand that justice and fairness were considered very much in Madeena at a stage where any action could be taken.
“Surely you will be tested in your wealth and in your bodies. You will have to hear a lot of bad words from those who received the Vedas before you and from polytheists. If you are patient and careful then it is definitely a matter of determination”.
This is the summary of the idea of the Holy Qur’an, chapter three, one hundred and eighty-sixth verse.
There are those who concluded and wrote that the Prophet ﷺ did not know the unseen matters (“Gaib”) referring to the above events. But it is not factual. We will discuss that subject later Insha Allah.
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There was a clear provision in Madeena Charter for giving compensation from the public exchequer . Accordingly, all sections of the people of Madeena should cooperate for the compensation of this incidental killing . Necessary steps were taken to get cooperation from the people. The Prophet ﷺ went directly to the tribe of Banu Nalir, one of the prominent Jewish tribes. And there were notable followers also with him .
Banu Nalir was one of the three important Jewish tribes of Madeena . The other two were Banu Quraila and Banu Qainuqa. After Badr, the Prophet ﷺ expelled the Banu Qainuqa tribe from Madeena because of their constant violation of the agreement. This was a warning to the other tribes as well as a reminder of the importance of the treaty.
But the Jewish tribes continued their machinations. They lived in security under the agreement in Madeena and secretly spied with outside forces against Madeena. Banu Nalir supported Abu Sufyan in the “Sawiq War”. Though the Prophet ﷺ knew it he continued to pretend ignorance . When some individuals turned against Islam, they were suppressed and were given opportunity to think . But the Nalir tribe did not waste any opportunity they got and carried out secret activities against the agreement. It is recorded by people like Moosa bin Uqba that they were the ones who provided the enemy with much needed information during the Battle of Uhud.
After Badr, the Quraish were constantly in contact with the Banu Quraila. Then they gave a letter to the Prophet ﷺ. The content was as follows. ‘We will gather about thirty rabbis of our community at a place. Come there and introduce Islam to them. If the thirty people are convinced then we will also come and accept Islam. The Prophet ﷺ was interested. He thought that it was a good opportunity for preaching. It was agreed upon. The Prophet ﷺ prepared to leave with thirty followers. That’s when they got the information that it was a treachery. According to the information given by a woman from the Jewish tribe to an Ansari woman, they knew that this was an attempt to kill the Prophet ﷺ. He received information that they were waiting with hidden weapons. The Prophet ﷺ sent a group from among the Sahabahs and foiled that plan.
It is when such an environment exists that the Prophet ﷺ comes forward with such a step . Banu Quraila lived in a fortified settlement near the Quba mosjid . The Prophet ﷺ and his friends went straight there. The tribal chiefs saw their arrival and welcomed them. It was the first time that the Prophet ﷺ made such a visit. Told them the purpose of the arrival of the Prophet ﷺ. Help is sought in fundraising for compensation. They offered help. Then they went inside the fort. The Prophet ﷺ and his companions waited outside. The Prophet ﷺ was sitting in a shade leaning against the fort. It could be assumed that the hosts had gone to prepare a reception .
But the Jews who went in, talked among themselves inside. They shared some evil thoughts with each other. As someone said. This is a golden opportunity. We may not get an opportunity like this again. Now here is the person near us. They consulted; what if they kill the Prophet ﷺ .
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Yes, it’s a good opportunity. Such a suitable time may not come again. That’s right. But how do we do that? Finally found a solution. They decided to take a grain-grinding stone from there and bring it to the top to throw on to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Hearing this, one of them said. His name was Salam bin Mishkam. ‘By God, don’t do that . Perhaps the Prophet ﷺ will get information about this’ . This reference was also a proof that the Jews knew the Prophet ﷺ well .’And that would be a flagrant violation of the agreement we have made’ . The man added. But they didn’t agree . They wanted to go ahead. But who will do it? Then an unfortunate person came forward. His name was Amr bin Jahhash. He carried the rock and started climbing up.
The Prophet and his companions waiting for the hosts who have gone inside. Suddenly the Prophet ﷺ stood up and walked. He did inform his companions or tell them where to go. The followers were worried. Where did the Prophetﷺ go?
What happened there was that when the enemy began to climb to the top soon Gibreel approached the Prophet ﷺ and informed him their villainous plan. Told the Prophet ﷺ to leave there soon . The Prophet ﷺ obeyed and left for Madeena without informing anyone.
After waiting for a while , the followers got up and moved forward. They asked a person passing by if he had seen the Prophet ﷺ. He said. I saw him entering Madeena. The followers were relieved. They quickly reached Madeena and approached the Prophet ﷺ . He told them about the coming of Gibreel and the plans that the Jews intended to deceive. This event was the dawn of the security promised by Allah. “Messenger of God, convey to the people what has been sent down to you from your Lord. If you does not do so, you will become a person who has not fulfilled his assigned mission. Allah will save you from the people. Allah will not guide the people who deny the truth.” This is the idea of the Holy Qur’an, verse 67 of the chapter Five. Many people tried to kill the Prophet ﷺ but failed because of this security.
After this, Madeena was compelled to take some actions against Banu Nalir. Because apart from the treasonous activities, they have also tried to cheat the leader. They have committed unforgivable crimes. The Prophet ﷺ prepared for some diplomatic moves. His messenger was sent to them. The Prophet ﷺ sent Muhammad bin Maslama to them with a message asking them to go from there . He was a follower from the Aus tribe.
Banu Nalir was surprised when a man from the Aus tribe came with such a letter. They enquired in detail then Muhammad Bin Aslama said, ‘Times and conditions have changed. We have understood the Prophet ﷺ clearly .
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They were angry when they got the letter handed over by Muhammad bin Maslama. They asked. How dare you bring this message to us? Muhammad bin Masilama detailed the benefits of Islam.
There are different narrations about the plot of the Jews against the Prophet ﷺ. Abdubin Humaid narrates from Ikrima. When the Banu Nalir were planning against the Prophet ﷺ, one of the Jews came there. He asked what is their plan. They said. ‘We are planning to kill Muhammad ﷺ and harm his companions. Well, where is Muhammad ﷺ ? Here, next to us . Sitting outside. The followers also had gone in search of the Prophet ﷺ. How can that be!. That I have just seen Muhammad ﷺ in Madeena?. Huyyay bin Akhtab said to the despicable Jews, Abul Qasim or Muhammad ﷺ hastened and we were preparing to entertain him. In any case, the Jews were disappointed in their plot. Immediately, a man named Kinanat bin Suwaira intervened. He said. Do you know what Muhammad ﷺ got up and left? They said ‘no’. Do you know what? Kinana said ‘I know’. By Torah I say that Muhammad ﷺ must have been informed by Allah about your cheating. Don’t forget yourself. He is the Messenger of Allah. He got up and left after getting the information about your betrayal. He is the Last Prophet (ﷺ). You wanted the last Prophet(ﷺ) to come in the lineage of Harun.
Allah appointed through the people He liked. As stated in the unamended Torah and our other books that the birth land of the prophet(ﷺ) is Mecca and the land of migration is Madeena ? Isn’t this the Prophet(ﷺ) who has all the signs as mentioned in Vedas?.
But now I see you are traveling with your children crying. You lose all your wealth. This is your decency. But let me tell you something. Be believers. Stay here in comfort. Then they said, We will not ignore the Torah or the covenant of the Prophet Moses . We were asked to leave here. So we are going. I disagree with your decision . Said Sallam. However we were asked to go. So let’s go. Hearing this Kinana said. ‘As you like it’. He went out from there.
Ibn Utbah narrates. The eleventh verse of the fifth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, al-Maida refers to this context. The idea can be read as: “O you who believe, remember the favor that Allah bestowed upon you: a group was preparing to attack you. Then Allah withheld their hands from you. So be pious to Allah. Let the believers submit everything to Allah alone”.
Banu Nalir is preparing to leave Madeena . They are arranging their belongings. In the meantime, the leader of the hypocrites, Abdullah ibn Ubayy bin Salul, sent a message to the Banu Nalir tribe. Two persons named Suwaid and Dais came with the message. This was the content. “You don’t have to leave your land and property. I have two thousand members with me. You stay in the forts. We will also enter the fort. No one will touch you until the last of us has died. The tribe of Banu Quraila and the tribe of Ghatfan who are in agreement with you will not avoid you.
Then Abullah sent a messenger to Quraila. The aim was to meet Ka’abu Asad and win their support. But they didn’t agree . He insisted that he would not break the agreement.
Mahabba Campaign Part-364/365
Mahabba Campaign Part-365/365
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