The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 15

Admin June 10, 2024 No Comments

The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 15

Mahabba Campaign Part-431

From among the Jews a man named Yeusha came outside the fort. He called out and asked if there was anyone for an open fight . Hubab bin Al Mundir took up the challenge. Yeusha was killed in the ensuing duel. Then a man named Sabal came to the scene. Umarat bin Uqba confronted him. He jumped straight down and defeated the enemy. He talked proudly about his victory. The companions told him that it was not good from his part to remark like that. The Prophet ﷺ enquired the matter and declared that he will have reward and glory .
Muhammad bin Maslama says. I watched as the Prophet’s ﷺ arrow hit the target. He smiled at me. With that, the enemies who came out retreated into the fort. Ten Jews and less than ten Muslims were killed that day. Natwath Fort was conquered. Then the Jews turned to the fort of Shiqq, where they had settled with their weapons.
It was actually a group of several forts. First we went to Ubayu fort. Then to Samoan square and conquered it. A fierce fight ensued. Later that fort was also conquered.
After conquering all the aforementioned forts, the Jews moved to Qutaiba square. It was the strongest fort. The Prophet ﷺ was unable to be with the army as he felt uneasiness. As the defense was strong and the fort was difficult to conquer, the siege had to continue for 20 days and the two-day battle led by Umar was intense. But the Muslim army could not win it. Finally the Prophet ﷺ said that tomorrow this flag will be given to one of you. We will be able to win through him. It is said among the Companions who were with us. We all spent the night hoping to whom the Prophet ﷺ would give the flag. Who would get the good fortune to conquer Khaiber? Everyone wished he could. Each one thought of a great fortune and a blessing to be attained. Abu Hurairah reports that Umar said. I have never wished leadership like that day.
Buraida says: When the Prophet ﷺ came to us , I raised my head to get his attention. But to the surprise of all of us, the Prophet ﷺ sought Ali. Ali was not there as he was suffering from red eye. One eye was covered with a piece of cloth. Moreover, when Ali finally reached the audience, the Prophet ﷺ called him closer. According to another report, Ali was invited by the Prophet ﷺ. When it was said that Ali had a red eye, at least some people thought that the decision might be changed. But the Prophet ﷺ invited Ali and entrusted the flag. The Prophet ﷺ called Ali near and applied his saliva to his eyes. The disease has completely changed to the extent that it was not previously affected by the disease.
After handing over the flag, prayed specially for Ali . He advised how to be on the battlefield and how to move. Do I have to fight them until they become like us. Ali asked. The Prophet ﷺ replied, ‘Go ahead and may Allah give you success’.

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For what I should go to the battlefield?. Ali asked. “Invite them to the faith. Inculcate in them the true basic belief that there is no one worthy to be worshipped except Allah. Teach them that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Once they accept it, then there is no reason to fight them” . The Prophet ﷺ replied.
This is not compelling one to religion. It is a primary step in forming an alliance with the enemy. There is only one power that creates and maintains this universe. He is Allah. He is the One Who begets us, sustains us and does everything. Islam teaches that life that denies Him, is fundamentally unjust. It is also taught that there is salvation in the Hereafter only when one comes to this correct belief. Religion does not teach that if other religions or ideals arise here, they should be exterminated. They must constantly be invited to goodness. As long as they do not encroach on our worship and ways of life, we should live in friendship with them. The believer should have the conviction that inviting them to truth is an act of benevolence.
Muslims had to go to war with the Jews and other religions when they were not allowed to live according to their faith. The enemies also tried to kill the highest leadership, the Prophet ﷺ. The ruler of any country will suppress internal polarizing forces for the sake of national security and we have to see such an action in Khaiber and other conflicts. The famous saying of the Prophet ﷺ to his followers on the battlefield is that, ‘you should not wish to meet the enemy’. He also taught the followers to defend bravely if the enemy come . It is necessarily the qualification required for a ruler and military commander.
Ali moved towards Khaiber fort. A Jew was watching the arrival from the top of the fort. He shouted and asked who is it? Ali replied that ‘I am Ali’. Immediately the Jew responded that you will defeat us. By the Lord of Moses, you will win. Abu Nu’aim says; ‘They must have learned from their previous scriptures that Ali’s army would defeat them. That is the reason for such a reaction’ .
Murahhib’s brother Haris was the first to come out of the Jewish fort to confront Ali. But Ali subdued him within moments. Next came Amir. He was tall and well built. Ali used his sword at him several times. There was no result. Finally his leg was cut and he fell to the ground. He was also defeated. His weapons were seized. Then Yasir came to the scene. He came out singing poem. The idea of the first part of the poem was that; ‘Khaiber knows who I am’
Zubair also came to the scene thinking that Ali alone should not be left to fight like this. Due to the seriousness of the situation, Safia asked the Prophet ﷺ; ‘will he kill my son’? The Prophet ﷺ replied that her son will kill him. Apparently there was no hope of thinking so. Physically Yasir was far more superior than Zubair. Yasir was so brave, pwerful and mighty.
Soon Yasir fell dead before Zubair’s weapon. There is also an opinion that it was Ali who confronted Yasir.

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Murahhib came to the scene. He challenged the Muslim side and recited poems expressing his courage and power . ‘Khaiber knows who this Murahhib is. Who is there to face me?. After all, Aamir took up the challenge. Prepared for duel . A fierce fight took place between the two. Finally, Murahhib’s sword pierced Amir’s shield and reached on Amir’s body. Amir fell to the ground.
It was not long before Ali himself armed again and recited poems in reply to Murahhib. “If you are Murahhib, I am Haider,” he shouted. The lines that evoked fighting spirit and calibre were sharper than a sword. A fierce fight ensued between the two men and finally Ali’s sword fell on his head. Murrahhib was defeated forever.
Some reports say that Murahhib was killed by Muhammad Bin Maslama. In other narration it is like this that Muhammad bin Maslama cut off Murahhib’s legs then Ali killed him . But the most dominant opinion is that Ibnul Asir says; Ali killed Murahhib.
Abu Rafiu reports. I was with Ali on the Day of Khaibar. We went towards the enemy’s fort. From there they came out and started fighting with Ali. Ali threw away his shield and took hold of the door of the fort and held it up as a shield. It was very surprising. With that, the Muslims stormed inside the fort. Ali stayed at the door until the flag of victory was hoisted. There were seven or eight of us. But we were not able to raise the door . 40 people raised it but did not rise and 70 people raised it but did not rise. Scholars have observed that the reporters of 40 and 70 are weak as far as the credibility is concerned.
A beautiful incident during the Battle of Khaiber is seen quoted by Imam Baihaqi and others. Anas says. An Ethiopian slave who was herding at Khaiber. He was a shepherd in a Jewish household. He asked his countrymen who were on their way for conflict; where they were going?. They said they were going to war against the person who claimed to be the Prophet. The word prophet stuck in his mind. He went out to pasture with the sheep. The Muslims caught him and brought to the presence of the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ had a friendly conversation with him. Finally, he asked to which idea the Prophet ﷺ was inviting people ? . Then the Prophet ﷺ said, “There is no god but Allah and believe that I am the Messenger of Allah. “I am inviting to this idea”. What will I get if I believe in this idea. “You will get heaven as a reward” . He embraced Islam. Then he said I am black, ugly and poor and I have a bad bad smell of my body. If I join you in battle and killed, will I also get heaven? The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘yes, you will get it too’. Then he asked what should I do with these goats entrusted to me. Send them away from the army circle. They will reach their destination . When the flock of sheep came up without the shepherd, the householder said that our shepherd must have become a Muslim.
The shepherd joined the army and fought against the enemies of Islam. It was not long before he fell to the ground under the attack of his enemies. After becoming a believer, he did not have a chance to pray or prostrate for a single moment. His body was carried to the camp. The Prophet ﷺ advised to take his body in to Prophet’s ﷺ hut. Then the Prophet ﷺ entered and said. Your friend’s faith is good. As I entered I saw two celestial women serving him. In another report, Anas himself reports that the Prophet ﷺ looked at him and said. Allah has made your face bright. The body is blessed with fragrance . I saw two celestial women trying to tend him.

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Let us come to Khaiber once more. The reality is that the 20,000 soldiers of Khaiber who were armed with maces and other weapons, could not resist a mere 1500 Muslim soldiers led by the Prophet ﷺ .
Food items were also obtained as spoils of war from inside the forts. It was a great blessing for the Muslims who were running out of food. Once twenty to thirty donkeys came down from a fort of Khaiber and caught by the Muslims. They slaughtered them and began to cook . When the Prophet ﷺ passing that way, he saw it. The Prophet ﷺ told them that donkey meat is not permissible in Islam and asked to avoid cooked donkey meat.
When the people of Khaiber surrendered, the terms of the truce were brought into force. According to it, ‘there will be no threat to their lives. There will be no harm to family and property. At the same time the people of Khaiber should hand over their lands, money, arms and clothes to the Prophet ﷺ and leave the country. They can have only clothes they wore. The main point of the truce is that everything should be told openly to the prophet ﷺ. But Abu Dawud’s narration is slightly different; ‘During the Khaiber campaign, when the Prophet ﷺ occupied the palm groves and other farms and besieged the forts, the Khaiberites appealed for a truce. The terms were: They would hand over their gold, silver and weapons to the Prophet ﷺ. Of the rest, they can take as much property as animals can carry. But nothing should be hidden. If it is revealed that something has been hidden, then there will be no protection and no security left.’
Even so, when Khaiber was completely conquered by the Muslims, it became necessary to create a new system to prevent the oasis from becoming a desolate desert. Because the Muslims did not have the workers to carry out the agricultural work there, according to Abu Dawud’s report . So the Prophet ﷺ instructed the inhabitants of Khaiber, who were told to evacuate, to work there until there is a new system. It was decided that half of the total agricultural produce should be given to the central administration in Madinah every year. Then, at harvest time, a representative from Madinah would arrive in Khaiber to assess the produce. In the meantime, some people tried to bribe him, but after that there were no major problems. Not only did they like the new tax system, they themselves used to say when they saw the fair calculation and division, ‘It is because of such things that the sky does not fall on the earth’.
After the Khaiber Pact, the defeated Khyberites were given all civil rights. The Jewish community complained to the Prophet ﷺ of some Muslim soldiers that they entered the palm groves and other farms in Khaiber and tried to seize the produce without paying any price, thinking that it is their conquered territory. The Prophet ﷺ strictly forbade his followers not to touch any of the produce of the people. He also ordered that all Torahs, captured as spoils of war be returned to them. During the siege of Khaiber, when some Muslims entered into temporary (mutah) marriages (with Jewish women?), the Prophet ﷺ forbade it. The Prophet ﷺ also took the initiative to improve relations with the Jewish community. It can be seen that the Prophet ﷺ married a young woman named Swafiyyah, a widow. This lady was always at the forefront of helping her non-Muslim relatives. Historians say that at the time of her death, she bequeathed one-third of her wealth—which would have been worth one hundred thousand dirhams—to her niece, who remained as a Jew.

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Khaiber was given full autonomy. Al Hakam ibnu Sa’ad was appointed governor of this region, known as Qura A’arabiyyah – which included Khaiber and Fadak among other regions. Ibn Sa’ad says that the best city in the region was Khaiber. The harvest there was mentioned even in proverbs. Ibn Hambal writes that the Prophet ﷺ sent Mu’adh bin Jabal there as a tax collector. This may have been after the death of Abdullah ibn Rawaha, the previous tax collector. Land tax (hassul arz) is to be collected. It can be one-third or one-fourth depending on the quality of the soil. Young Muadh is a bankrupt due to excessive almsgiving. He had to sell his house to
The Prophet ﷺ. That is how Mu’adh becomes a member of the ‘Suffa’ of the Madinah Masjid .
Mu’adh was given the job of guarding the basket of dates given by the rich as alms for the poor; This way the Prophet ﷺ helped Mu’ad to fulfill his daily needs. The Prophet ﷺ appointed Mu’ad as a tax collector in Khaiber to enable him to start a new life. After Khaiber, Mu’ad was appointed as the governor of Yemen by the Prophet ﷺ . It is believed that some of the Jews sold their property and went to other regions. This may be because some of the plots there were in the name of Umar. There was land here in the name of the Prophet ﷺ. The land came in the name of the Prophet ﷺ as the government owned land which have no heirs. During this time a Muslim merchant was killed in Khaiber. But the culprit could not be found. The Prophet ﷺ sent a letter to the people of Khaiber asking them to pay compensation to the relatives of the deceased. Everyone should find that amount together. As the people swore that they were innocent, the Prophet ﷺ paid compensation to the relatives from the public treasury.
Many tribes lived in Wadi qura, not far from Khaiber. Among them are Arab tribes and Jewish tribes. In Baladuri’s account, it is said that after leaving Khaiber, the Prophet ﷺ went to Wadi qura with his army. The Jews were inside the fort called ‘Utum’. After a short resistance of only one day they came out and announced that they had surrendered. The conditions were same as in Khaiber . That is, the people here must give half of the produce to the central government in Madina. The Prophet ﷺ appointed Amr ibn Sa’ad as its governor. This prompted many Jewish tribe to accept Islam. For example, the Jews of Banu Udra. The Prophet ﷺ had given a big portion of land to Hamza who was a resident of Wadil qura when he braced Islam. It is also reported that a woman had a lot of land in this area in the ninth year of AH.

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Let’s read some more incidents related to Khaiber. One of the most important of them was the incident in which Zainab, the wife of Sallam bin Mishkam, a Jewish leader in Madina, poisoning the Prophet ﷺ in a slaughtered a goat. The Prophet’s ﷺ favorite part of goat meat was its leg. As soon as the Prophet ﷺ tasted the meat, he spat it out and said that it was poisoned. She was avenging the killing of her husband and father in Khaiber.
Bishar bin al-Barau, who had already eaten a little part of meat, died of food poison . She was interrogated at the presence of the Prophet ﷺ. She said, I did so to know that if you are a prophet, you will recognize the poison and be saved or if you are just a claimant who wants to rule, this will end your life . The Prophet ﷺ pardoned her. Some narrations say that because of Bishar’s death, his family members brought her before the law and she was punished.
After the matter was ascertained, the Prophet ﷺ said to eat the said meat by reciting Bismi or reciting the name of Allah and the followers ate it. No one had any trouble. Although a narration is found like this in the Seerah texts, it is not an authoritative one.
Another important event related with the conquest of Khaiber was the arrival of Abu Talib’s son Jafar. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari, a prominent Companion, narrates. We knew the mission of the Prophet ﷺ when we were in Yemen. Then we set out to reach the Prophet ﷺ. My brothers were in the group. Me and my brothers were there. The names of the other two were Abu Ruh and Abu Burda. I was the smallest person in the group. We were with a group of 52 or 53 people. Our caravan reached Makkah and left for Madinah. Though we travelled in two ships, we reached the shore together and reached near the Prophet ﷺ just after the victory of Khaiber was over . We were also given the share of the wealth obtained from the Khaiber. We were the only group that did not participate in Khaiber. The Prophet ﷺ came to such a decision after consulting his companions. Asma bint Umais was in that group. She had come to meet Hafsa, the Prophet’s ﷺ wife.
She was a member of those who had fled to Abysinia earlier. Asma was nearby when Umar came to see Hafsa. Hafsa asked ‘who is this’?. He said this is Asma’ bint Umais. Umar said. “We are the ones who migrated before you. We are closer to the Prophet ﷺ than you”. Asma could not bear this. ‘By Allah, what a pity !. You stayed with the Prophet ﷺ and he fed you and taught those among you who were ignorant. At that time we were in a very distant place; somewhere in Ethiopia. There was nothing to feed us or no one to teach us. We endured all problems in the way of Allah. I will ask the Prophet ﷺ about what you have said. I will not add anything to what you said’. After some time, the Prophet ﷺ came near. Asma said to the Prophet ﷺ. Some men boast before us. They say that they are better than us. They say that we are not among the first Muhajirs. The Prophet ﷺ asked; ‘who said all this’?. None other than Umar. She replied. The Prophet ﷺ heard all the remarks of Umar and replay of Asma’. After hearing everything, the Prophet’s ﷺ response was as follows. “They are no more indebted than you: you and they are equal before me. Umar and his companions only performed one hijra. But you have made two hijras, or two migrations.
When Jafar and his group reached Khaiber, the Prophet ﷺ said. ” For what I should rejoice more; at the arrival of Jafar or at the victory of Khaiber. The Prophet ﷺ received Ja’far with a kiss on his forehead.

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The arrival of Abu Huraira and his group was an important event in Khaiber. Abu Huraira himself says. ‘We came to Medina 80 families of Aus tribe. We performed morning prayer behind Sabba’ bin Urafutwa al-Ghifari. Al Maryam chapter in the first rakat and Al Mutwaffifeen In the second rak’at were recited. The second verse in this chapter was about justice in weights and measures. Then what came to my mind was the two scales that my uncle had. If it is measured for him, the measure shall be perfected. A smaller scale was used when measuring to others.
When we performed prayer some one said that the Prophet ﷺ was in Khaiber. We were also told that if we stay there, the Prophet ﷺ will come there to meet us. Then I said, “We have set out to meet the Prophet ﷺ . So we reached Khaiber.
Afterwards, Abu Huraira spent all time with the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
Let us read another incident like this. When the Prophet ﷺ and his followers conquered Khaiber, Uyaina bin Fazara came to the Prophet ﷺ. The demand was for a share from the war savings. His group was with the enemy during the khaiber war. The Prophet ﷺ had sent a message that if they part with the enemies, they would get war property. But then they were not ready to mind it or cooperate with the Prophet ﷺ . When the Muslims were victorious in the war, they asked for their share. Then the Prophet ﷺ asked, ‘what should be given to you’?. Okay, you take “DO”. It is the name of a mountain in Khaiber. When Uyayna and his followers came to Khaiber, this was an expression they used against the Muslim group , indicating the failure of the Muslims . But the Prophet ﷺ had no way of knowing this in normal way. Uyana was convinced that the Prophet ﷺ made such a response through supernatural wisdom. Realizing that it would be bad if he stayed any longer, Uyayna left the place with his group. It is seen in some narrations that he then remembered the references of many of his predecessors testifying to the prophethood of the Prophet ﷺ .
A number of historians are of the opinion that Islam reached Taima Province during this period. Before reading we should have some basic knowledge about “Taimau”. Let’s start like this.

The city of Taimau is the northernmost point of Arabia. There are many imprints of Taima in Arabic literature. Most of them date from the 6th century Christian heritage. But through archaeological explorations, it has been confirmed that they date back to the post-Christian era. In any case, no evidence of Jewish influence has been found here.
Northern Arabia was conquered by Tiglath Pileser (745-727 BC), founder of the Second Assyrian Empire. Historical texts mention that he received gold, camels and spices as gifts from Thalamasha or Taimah and the Masai and Sabai tribes in 728 BC. The area regained prominence two centuries later when the last Chaldean king, Nabonidus (559-539 BC), built an entrance garden here. A cuneiform inscription records that King Nabonidus killed the prince of Thymau and then settled in this oasis. The Taima Stone inscription in the Louvre Museum in France has beautiful illustrations, believed to be from the 5th century BC. Written in Aramaic. It tells about the new shrine called Hajamsalam that was here. A priest came forward with this deity. He built a temple for it, dedicated offerings, and the duty of maintaining that temple
assigned to the people traditionally.

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The establishment of Jewish power in Taima began around 6th century AD. Some historical sources mention a Jewish prince named Samaulu bin Adiya. This Samuel or Samuel lived in a famous fort in Taima. He knew only Arabic. His poems have been collected. One can read in it the language and imagination of an Arabic original. Perhaps he was an Arabian who converted to Judaism. It was a stage when the Arabs wanted to get rid of practices like animal worship. This may be because it was at this point that the Dunwas also converted to Judaism to follow religious orders such as monotheism. In any case, it is this Samoual, or Samuel, who is remembered for the Arabic phrase ‘more honest than Samuel’.
The fort in which he lived was called ‘Al Ablakh’ the Many Colors or Al Ablakhul Fard the One Ablakh. This name may have come from the fact that it was made of many colored stones. At that time Taima, which was seven days’ journey from Madinah, had outer walls. It was situated on the banks of Lake Uwaira. According to the narration of Bakri, there were many caracas, fig trees and vineyards. He said that the fort here was built by Solomon. The famous poet A’sha’s lines are quoted as evidence for this. The most famous Arabic poet, Imru’ul Qais, was a contemporary of Samuel. Once Imrul Qais came to Taima and handed over his movable property and especially his weapons to Samuel.
He then returned to Ankara to meet the Byzantine Emperor. It is about AD. It is in 540. It was there that the poet Imrul Qais was killed. A grave known as his still exists in Antara. Alharizul Araj, a Ghassan, asked Samuel to hand over the possessions of the poet who had been killed out of jealousy. But Samuel did not accept it. Then Samuel was besieged by Haris. Unfortunately at this time Samuel’s son was outside the fort. Harris caught him and repeated his demand. He threatened to kill his son if he did not agree. When Samuel refused, Harris brutally murdered his son in front of him. This fort of Ablakh was so fortified that the enemy attacked it several times but could not conquer it. At last the enemy had to retreat.
The sources do not say exactly when Taima was conquered by the Prophet ﷺ. But historians are unanimous that the Jewish dynasty of Banu Adiyya, or Adiyya, the father of Samuel, ruled there.
Baladuri says that after the surrender of Wadil qura and Khaiber in the seventh year of the Hijra, a delegation of the inhabitants of Tayma’ came to the Prophet ﷺ and informed the Prophet ﷺ that they would pay tribute and the Prophet ﷺ accepted. This may be in the ninth year of hijra when the Prophet ﷺ set out for Tabuk with 30,000 soldiers. According to another report, the Prophet ﷺ appointed Yazid ibn Abi Sufiyan as the governor of this region. Historians have cited the document of the Prophet’s ﷺ agreement with the Tayma’s. It can be seen as the best example of diplomatic writing of the time.
“In the name of Allah, the Merciful and the Compassionate . It was written by the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad ﷺ , to Banu Adiyy. Those who pay per capita taxes, will have full protection.. The terms of the contract should not be breached and they should not be deported. May the conditions be blessed with the length of the night and the strength of the day” Written by Khalid bin Sa’eed.”
Since the Banu Adiyy, ruling clan is specifically mentioned in this document, it can be understood that this was applicable not only to Tayma’u but also to their entire territories.
During the reign of Caliph Umar al-Khatwab, the Jewish people were relocated to other parts of the Islamic State in their villages.

Ibnul Qayyim writes that the reason was that they constantly attacked the Muslims passing by. The Jews of Yemen had no trouble either. It should be due to their good behavior. At the same time, Christians in Yemen were also displaced. Umar transferred them from Najran to Iraq.

Mahabba Campaign Part-439

The Holy Prophet ﷺ and his followers are returning from Khaiber and reached almost near Madina. Time is getting closer to Subah prayer. Everyone is very tired. It is decided to stop and rest for a while and move forward. The Prophet ﷺ asked. ‘Who will keep awake and call us for Subah prayer. Bilal said, ‘I will ‘. The Prophet ﷺ and others drifted off to sleep. Bilal prayed for a while. After that, he sat leaning on the camel waiting for time of Subah. But Bilal also fell asleep . No one knew until the heat of the sun hit. As soon as he woke up, the Prophet ﷺ called and asked, ” Bilal, why did you do this ?” .Bilal said that ‘just like you had fallen asleep, I also fell asleep unknowingly . “Well, you are right”. They immediately continued their journey from there. Before long, the vehicle stopped again. They performed ablution and offered prayers. All the Companions engaged in prayer. Then the Prophet ﷺ said, “Perhaps if you forget the prayer, make it up when you remember .
Now we have also seen a good picture of how the religious laws come into effect and the behavior of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The 23 years of the Prophet’s ﷺ life, the days and nights, travels and rests in between, are all the backgrounds for the religious laws.
How gently the Holy Prophet ﷺ responded to his follower, Bilal. What a fine freedom the Holy Prophet ﷺ has reserved to respond in the same way. If you want to know the spirit of Islam and the importance of the rituals in Islam, you must read the life of the Prophet ﷺ

Abu Musa al-Ash’ari explains. When the Prophet ﷺ and his followers approached Madina, the people of Madina waited and received them. As soon as they saw the Prophet ﷺ and his group, they sounded the Takbeer. When the sound of their takbeer increased, the Prophet ﷺ said: You are not calling the One who cannot hear or see but He, Who sees and hears. You don’t have to take that much effort”.
I was in the back seat of the vehicle and was chanting La Haula…… When it was noticed, the Prophet ﷺ called me. I said, ‘Labbaik… parents are under your service..…then the Prophet ﷺ responded like this. May I introduce you to a text from Heavenly Treasures? I said ‘yes’. Then he recited it. “La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyyil Azeem”. Or all abilities and movements are from Allah alone.
When the Holy Prophet ﷺ came to Madina after a few days of absence with victory songs, he said this when he saw the mountain of Uhud. “This mountain is very dear to me and I love this place very much. I declare the place between the two hills of Madina as sacred place”.
When the followers returned to Madina, they distributed the gains they had received. The Answars gave gifts to the Muhajirs who had helped them in the past. This was a good opportunity for the Ansars to repay their past debts.

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After Khaiber, believers gained confidence and mental strength to go anywhere and face any crisis. Naturally, this caused fear in the heart of enemies. Enemies everywhere were convinced that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his followers had the power to withstand and survive any situation. Thus, two tribes have a desire to attack the Prophet ﷺ and Madina. They are the Banu maharib and Banusa Alaba tribes of Ghatfan. Their residence is near Najd in Saudi Arabia. When the Prophet ﷺ came to know about their intention to attack, he decided to go to their place and defend them. So 400/700 members set out. Abudar al-Ghifari was entrusted with the responsibility of Madinah. It is also said that Uthman bin Affan. On hearing the arrival of the Muslims, all of them climbed the mountain.
The Muslims suspected that the enemy had retreated with the aim of an organized lightning attack. The mentality of the enemy was that they could not hold back after the victory including the Khaiber. The ensuing conflict is known as the Datu Riqa Military Movement. It is a white and black rocky terrain. There are opinions that the name Datu Riqa comes from the nearby mountain and because many of the Prophet’s ﷺ followers had bandaged the wound due to leg injuries during the arduous journey.
There are different historical views about the timing of this event. It is seen in the books that it was the fourth year of Hijra and was immediately after Khantaq. But the dominant opinion is that it followed the Khaiber.
The entire military movement out of Madina had two main objectives in mind. One: To build confidence in our team . Two: Madina should not be subjected to an attack. So many, who were ready to attack Madina, had to retreat .
Datu Riqau military move was full of miracles. Because many miraculous events took place during this period. A famous incident is this.
Jabir bin Abdillah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports, I went with the Prophet ﷺ to fight the Najd. On the way, the Prophet ﷺ rested beneath a tree hanging the sword on the tree. Then we slept. After a while Prophet ﷺ calls. When we reached there , saw a man sitting there. The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘this man snatched my sword while I was sleeping. When I woke up he asked me with the drawn sword, “Who will save you from me? I said. “Allah”. With that the sword fell to the ground and he sat down. I took his sword and asked him back. “Who will save you now? He said, “you must be the best of the armed men.” The Prophet ﷺ released him without taking revenge.
This incident has been reported through narrations. There are slight differences in text and concept. But these are the general things that all reports cover. One: The confident and courageous attitude of the prophet ﷺ. Two: The miraculous security provided by Allah. Three: Compromising attitude of the Prophet ﷺ. Four : The change brought in the enemy due to the prophet’s ﷺ unique approach. Five: The scene where the sword miraculously falls from the hand of the enemy. According to the context, the Prophet ﷺ faces the adversary very skillfully. Above all, the faith of the Prophet ﷺ in Allah, is the most important aspect of this incident.

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Another incident during Datu Riqau can be read as follows. Imam Tabrani quotes. Jabir says; ‘we were going to Datu Riqa. When we reached a place called Hirrah, a village woman approached the Prophet ﷺ . She had a son with her. She complained to the Prophet ﷺ that her son was afflicted by the devil and needed to be cured. The Prophet ﷺ opened the child’s mouth and served his saliva and said .”I am the messenger of Allah and you, the enemy of Allah, will be defeated”. This was repeated three times. The Prophet ﷺ then said to that lady , “You need not be afraid of this. Allah will protect him”.
Prophet ﷺ who prescribed medicine for healing and advised to take medicine, also taught spiritual healing methods. Allah the Creator is the one who heals the disease whether by medicine or mantra. He himself has created various means of healing in the world. Common physical medicines that we take are only one of them. It is not true to say that cure is only through medicine. And the belief that cure can be obtained only through mantra, is also not true. The basis of Islam is that the disease, the patient, the medicine and the cure are all under the supreme control of the Almighty Allah. It is from this belief that medicine and mantra are approached by religion and religious people.
We have read experience of many people who were cured by the saliva of the prophet ﷺ. The Creator, who has invested blessings in all blessed things in the world, has placed a soothing power and fragrance in the saliva of His beloved servant, the Messenger ﷺ . There are also many historical records where the followers had the opportunity to experience it directly and they shared their joy.
The saliva of the Prophet ﷺ should not be discarded like the excrement of the ordinary people. Many of the medicines we take from nature are the remains or by-products of many living creatures . It is Allah, the Creator, Who has bestowed cure in almost all things in nature . Then it is illogical to state that Allah has not blessed His Holy Prophet ﷺ with such peculiarity. The fragrance from musk deer and the honey from bees are their remains or wastes . But it is true that the Creator of the universe has placed in them the healing, or fragrance.
We should always be ready to study and analyze facts as facts. Mistakes creep in when we read or interpret with prejudice and from our limited knowledge.
Here Jabir has also told a story. ‘I approached the Prophet ﷺ with three eggs which I got from a cage. There was no bread or anything else with it. I came back to the Prophet ﷺ with the cooked egg. Even though there was nothing to eat with it, the Prophet ﷺ and his followers started eating. Finally the vessel reached Jabir. Even though everyone who was there had eaten, there was full food substance as before. I also ate from it and we continued our journey ‘.
We have read many miracles from the Prophet’s ﷺ life related to increase in food . Such chapters and occasions are an important part that took place in the Prophet’s ﷺ life. That is why many poems can be read with this idea.

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Here is an incident quoted by Imam Hakim in Mustadrak. Jabir says. A man came there wearing dirty clothes. The Prophet ﷺ asked if he did not have any other clothes. Then the people said that he has two good clothes in his bag. The Prophet ﷺ told him to take them and wear them. He obeyed. The Prophet ﷺ said, “How attractive is it now, isn’t it?” If only he could have become a martyr”. When he heard this, he asked the Prophet ﷺ, “Isn’t it in the way of Allah?” The Prophet ﷺ said ‘yes’. Later he was killed in the Battle of Yamama.
Let us read another incident that happened when returning after Datu Riqa. Jabir himself narrates. ‘We were descending the valley of Harrah. There comes a camel to the Prophet ﷺ and complaints about something. The Prophet ﷺ waited to hear the camel’s complaint. The Prophet ﷺ asked the companions , “Do you know who owns this camel?. It complains to me about its owner. The camel has been under their ownership for years. Now that it is not able to work, when it is tired, they intend to slaughter it. That is the camel’s complaint about the owner”. Jabir replied that he did not know who the owner of this camel was . The Prophet ﷺ said that the camel will show the owner . Thus Jabir followed the camel. The owner was brought before the Prophet ﷺ.
There is another incident related to camel. Jabir himself says that when the Banu Sa’alaba military movement was over, I moved forward very slowly. When I came late, the Prophet ﷺ asked, ‘why are you late’ ?. I said, my vehicle is not moving at all. As if it was very tired. Then the Prophet ﷺ controlled his vehicle and came near my vehicle. Then took a cup of water . Sprinkled on my camel after chanting . Then the vehicle started moving fast. I felt embarrassed when I overtook Prophet’s ﷺ vehicle too. When I sat on my vehicle and talked to the Prophet ﷺ,he laughed. He also gave me a piece of blessed stick.
Another incident that we can read on the way back to Madinah is narrated by Imam Muslim. Jabir himself narrates this incident. He says. We were traveling with the Prophet ﷺ, when we reached the valley of Afyau, the Prophet ﷺ went a little far to relieve himself . I followed with a bowl of water. The Prophet ﷺ could not find a place where he can relieve himself . There were two trees standing in two directions. The Prophet ﷺ walked towards one of them and asked the tree to stay close to the next tree. The trees walked on the ankles and formed a screen in front of the Prophet ﷺ. I stood a little distance away with the water. I realized that the Prophet ﷺ don’t like standing there. So I moved to distant place . After a while I saw the Prophet ﷺ coming back. And I behold, the trees return to their former position.
This incident has been stated beautifully in many places in the poems eulogising the Prophet ﷺ.
The Prophet’s ﷺ companions had the opportunity to experience many miraculous events on each of his journeys. We are narrating a journey where we got special views and scenes.

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The incident of sticking tree branches on two graves was during this trip. The Prophet ﷺ saw directly the condition of those who inside the grave. Since they are being punished, the Prophet ﷺ advised to place pieces of date palm on each grave one by one in order to get relief from their punishment.
All the vessels of water with people became empty. There was only a little water in the vessel of a follower. The Prophet ﷺ brought the vessel closer and when he lowered his fingers into it water flowed from between his fingers. Sufficient water was thus obtained for the entire needs of all the people in the group. All of them praised Allah and fulfilled their needs.
Read another scene from this journey where the followers were traveling with the Prophet ﷺ. When one of the group hunted, a nestling fell infront of them. The hunter took it. Everyone noticed the mother bird’s acts for getting the baby. At that time, the Prophet ﷺ asked his followers, “Doesn’t it surprise you the mother bird’s performance for her baby? But Allah is more Merciful to you than this”.
The journey with the Prophet ﷺ on every occasion was full of good advice and lessons. It was an enjoyable companionship that the followers experienced with the beloved Prophet ﷺ.
Ibn Ishaq quotes from Jabir. A woman got lost in the garden of polytheists. Her husband was not there at that time. It was only after returning home that he came to know about the military campaign and the success of the Muslims . He vowed that he would not take rest without confronting the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his followers. He set out in search of the Muslim army.
The Prophet ﷺ and his followers were nearing Madina at that time. When night fell, the Prophet ﷺ asked the army. Who will guard this team today? Abbad bin Bishr and Ammar bin Yasir volunteered. When the Prophet ﷺ and his army rested the two guards talked to each other. Who among us will keep vigil the first part of the night? Who will guard the last part. Ammar chose to rest for the first part of the night. Abbad decided to stay awake for the first part. Abbad started prayer, thinking that why he should not worship while guarding . It was on this occasion that the husband of the aforesaid woman came in search of the Muslim army. As he looked, an army guard was praying. He took an arrow from his quiver and aimed it at Abbad. It hit Abbad’s body. The enemy did the same a second and a third time. After the third arrow was shot, Abbad called Ammar. When the enemy saw the next person coming up, he realized that the army was well guarded, the enemy retreated. Seeing the scene, Ammar asked his friend. Why didn’t you call me earlier?
Then the answer was like this. I was reciting Surat al-Kahf and praying. I did not want to interrupt the prayer or stop the recitation. I woke you up when I saw that if we continue like this, our group will be under threat.
Here we read a bright example of the dedication of the Prophet’s ﷺ followers and the strictness they showed towards their deeds and responsibilities.
In the morning, the Prophet ﷺ and other followers came to know the matter. Again the group moved forward. Soon they all reached Madina.
Datu Riqau, which marked the great journey of miracles and the comprehensive steps of survival, ended here.

Mahabba Campaign Part-444

7th year of Hijra. The month of Dhul Qa’ad. It’s been a year since the Hudaybiyah Treaty. Those who intended to perform Umrah returned, returned after the historic agreement. It was agreed that after one year they can come to perform Umrah. Now is the time to think like that. The Prophet ﷺ is preparing to go for Umrah. The Prophet ﷺ suggested that all those who participated in last year’s Hudaibiyyah should be present for Umrah this year. During this time there was a group of martyrs in Khaiber who had gone last year to Mecca for Umrah. The Prophet ﷺ once again announced that everyone should come to perform Umrah this year . Everyone got ready enthusiastically. About 2000 people prepared for Umrah. The Prophet ﷺ instructed that everyone should do charity. Each one donated according to one’s wealth . The followers obeyed the call of the Prophet ﷺ to perform the charity even with a piece of date . The Holy Qur’an Chapter Two Verse 195 further instructs: “Spend in the way of Allah. Do not endanger yourselves with your hands. Do good. Indeed, Allah loves those who do good.”
When this was said with such importance, the followers enthusiastically performed alms.
Holy Prophet prepared for the journey. Abu Ruhum was entrusted charge of Madina. There are opinions that it is Uwaif or Abudar. Najiyat bin Jundub walked before the Prophet ﷺ leading the animals to be slaughtered in Mecca. 60 camels were marked by the Holy Prophet ﷺ with his own hands and 100 horses and necessary weapons were with Muhammad bin Maslama. On reaching Dhul Hulaifah, the horses were led in front and Bashir bin Sa’d was given charge of the weapons. Then some of the followers asked the Prophet ﷺ .’ Didn’t we agree to go to Meccaa unarmed? Then why do we carry weapons with us? The Prophet ﷺ said; ‘we will enter Mecca unarmed. But we should have weapons within arm’s reach in case the enemy makes a lightning strike. We have now kept weapons for that purpose only. None of you need to carry any weapon beyond what you normally would keep on a trip.
On learning of the Prophet’s ﷺ arrival and the weapons, some people hastened to Mecca and detailed the matter to the Quraishi leaders. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is coming to Mecca armed. If there is an agreement between us, then what is the reason for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to come like this? They engaged in discussions.
The Prophet ﷺ performed Ihram from the steps of the masjid. The Talbiyat was sounded. The followers also said the same. Reached Marru Lahran. Arms were kept in an area called Yajaj near the borders of the Haram. By that time, Mikrus bin Hafs and a group of people came as messengers of Quraish. He came to the Prophet ﷺ and spoke to the Prophet ﷺ in the valley of Yajaj. They said ‘Oh Muhammad…..we did not know that you cheated anyone when you were young or at your adulthood. What has happened now? According to the agreement between us, you must enter Mecca unarmed. What a change it is! . The Prophet ﷺ said. We enter Mecca only unarmed. Mikrus was relieved. He quickly returned to Mecca and detailed the matter to the Quraish. The Prophet ﷺ entered Mecca on his vehicle called Qaswa. When he reached the place called Du Tuwa, the Prophet ﷺ got down from the vehicle and sounded the talbiyyah. Followers also enthusiastically followed. Then he traveled through the area of ​​Hujun to Mecca through the province where Jannatul Mu’alla situates today. According to the earlier agreement, three days were to be completely freed for the Muslims . Accordingly, the Quraish moved to the top of the surrounding hills. The Prophet ﷺ and his followers entered into ‘Umratul Qaza’, that is the redemption of the Umrah that could not be performed last year.

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Abdullah bin Rawaha held the reins of the Prophet’s ﷺ camel . As he proudly entered Mecca to perform Umrah, he recited some poems.
‘O disbelievers ! , turn aside
We will not leave you alone
To make the head remove from the body
A friend may lose his friend
Watch out, we’re coming
Allah revealed the scripture
To the beloved messenger
I accepted it as a true message’
These lines surprised Umar. Are such lines being recited from the sacred haram? He asked Ibn Rawaha. Then the Prophet ﷺ intervened and said. “Umar leave him! . Sometimes his lines that are sharper than a sword, causes fear in the enemy camp”.
And the Prophet ﷺ advised him to recite some adkars. They were words of prayer praising the oneness of Allah and seeking His help.
The Prophet ﷺ and his followers went down to the courtyard of the holy Ka’aba. Some people in the group had fever. When the Quraish came to know this, they thought that they could make fun of the Muslims. They began to say that they had come weak with fever. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ took some measures . When he was preparing for circumambulating the holy Ka’aba, he wore it in “Idtibau’ shape (insert one’s garment under one’s right arm and then throws it’s ends over one’s left shoulder) so that his right shoulder was exposed. And the first three circumambulations were performed in the form of brisk walking or “Ramal”. These actions were to convince the enemies that they were not sick or tired and that they had arrived rejuvenated. The Quraish who were watching this scene said; ‘Who said that they are sick and tired. Don’t you see how briskly they walk? How healthy people are they ! The Prophet ﷺ sounded Talbiyath until they kiss Hajarul Aswad .
There are opinions as to whether the Prophet ﷺ entered the Ka’aba after circumambulation. However , he told his beloved Bilal to perform Azan. Bilal performed it in a beautiful style. But this was not tolerated by those in Mecca . Ikrima, Safwan and Khalid said. Praise be to Allah who killed our father before he had to witness this scene. It is a fact that all the above people later accepted Islam later . But Bilal’s Azan was so unbearable for the enemies. Suhail bin Amr covered his ears so as not to hear it. He also accepted Islam later. After circumambulating the holy Ka’aba, the Prophet ﷺ went to Safa. Walked between Safa and Marwa seven times. In Imam Ahmed’s report that it was on his vehicle. Then the animals were presented. Animals were slaughtered in the vicinity of Marwa. It was taught that this ritual can be done anywhere. After the ritual of Umrah was completed, the two hundred people who were with him were sent to the place where the weapons were kept for security.
How precisely and wonderfully the Prophet ﷺ dealt with all aspects of control, worship, survival and spirituality. He had no difficulty in dealing with diversity.
After three days, the Quraish started talking to each other. Their topic of discussion was that the time allotted to Muslims had passed. Some said it directly to the Prophet ﷺ himself. The Prophet ﷺ intended to stay in Mecca only for the time allowed by the agreement and return. However, when the Quraish spoke, the Prophet’s ﷺ reply was very friendly. He asked in a friendly manner ‘if he could spend the night there’ . But the Meccans were not ready to accept even that. The Prophet ﷺ and his followers got ready to return.

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Barau bin Azib reports that when the time allowed for the Muslims was about to end , some notables of Mecca approached Ali . They asked. Why don’t your leader go back? Is time over? Ali conveyed this to the Prophet ﷺ . Immediately the Prophet ﷺ told Abu Rafi to arrange the travel materials. Let’s leave soon. All Muslims should leave Mecca before evening. All of them including Maimuna, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ, left Mecca . Reached nearby place, Sarif.
There was a discussion on with whom Umama or Umara, the daughter of Hamza, who was slain at Uhud to depart. Ali accepted with open arms and asked Fatima to take care of her . As the daughter of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ paternal brother, many people came forward to claim Umama through family and friendship. But the Holy Prophet ﷺ protected the daughter in every way.
Holy Prophet ﷺ expressed happiness to Ali, Jafar and all who came forward to take responsibility. ‘Ali, you are my brother and companion. Jafar, you resemble me more in appearance and character. Zaid, you are the one who manage our things’.
The Holy Prophet ﷺ considered the three youths . This is a great example of the amazing leadership and friendship of the Prophet ﷺ, considering each and every follower and individuals. We are reading about the virtues of a superior leadership.
The Holy Prophet ﷺ returned from Mecca to Madinah with 2000 followers, excluding women and children. That journey was creating a prelude to the fulfillment of historical missions. This was a dream come true as stated in the Holy Qur’an, Chapter 34, Verse 27 of Al-Fatah. “Allah has shown a true dream to His Messenger and made it come true. If Allah willed, you would have entered Masjid al-Haram without fear of anything with your head shaved and your hair cut. Indeed, He knew what you did not know. So besides this, He gave you great victory.”
A special event that happened during Umratul Qaza was the marriage of the Prophet ﷺ with Maimuna. Barra was her name. After her marriage with the Prophet ﷺ, changed her name to Maimuna. Maimuna’s father is Haris and her mother Hind. Haris had 16 daughters. Maimuna’s first husband was Masood bin Amr. Later she got married to a man named Abu Raham.
Maimuna was good-natured and intelligent. Followed the Shareea rule strictly. If she saw anything contrary to the Sunnah, she immediately corrected it. Maimuna, who was the embodiment of love, freed the slave women by buying them in large quantities. The Prophet ﷺ praised her good deeds and prayed specially for her.
Maimuna would never sit idle. She will be busy with household work, Sunnah prayers or any other work. Even Ayisha has said that Maimuna would have left them all behind in terms of piety and keeping family ties. 46 hadiths have been reported from Maimuna.
Maimuna passed away in 51(Hi). Maimuna passed away in Sarif where she had her first meeting with the Prophet ﷺ after her marriage. It was there that she was buried . Ibn Abbas led the funeral prayer. Even today, the tomb is preserved within a special wall adjacent to the public transport route so that it can be visited by the general public. Maimuna was the last wife to enter the life of the Prophet ﷺ.

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An important chapter in performing the Prophetic mission of the Prophet ﷺ is his diplomatic correspondence. The Prophet ﷺ was able to deliver the message directly to Mecca and Madinah. The pride and arrogance of the people of Mecca prevented them from accepting the truth. The pure-minded and innocent people of Madinah knew the sweetness of Islam and believed in the personality of the Prophet ﷺ from the very beginning and prepared a warm welcome. Then we saw the farmers of Madinah defeating the Mecca who were economically far ahead.

Many times preaching teams and letters of diplomatic importance were sent to places where the physical presence and direct preaching of the Prophet ﷺ not reached. The Prophet ﷺ sent messengers and messages to eight Arab and non-Arab rulers. Historians have observed this action with surprise. The Persian and Roman empires and their dependent territories were common then. Therefore, the Prophet ﷺ sent letters to both the centers of these superpowers. They were displeased or irritated by this . This situation will be exploited by Meccans and other malcontents. It can have serious side effects. However, the Prophet ﷺ did not worry about that and at the same time conveyed the message to everyone.
The messengers of the Prophet ﷺ went to those places when the two imperialist powers fighting each other. There were positive and negative reactions to the letter. Later, after three decades, all these regions have become Islamic lands. Some superior powers lost their power as the result of disrespect for the letter of the Prophet ﷺ. An example is the fall of Persia. The ruler tore the letter. The Prophet ﷺ prayed, “May Allah destroy his country too”.
The Prophet ﷺ said to his Companions: “Certainly! Allah has appointed me as a blessing to all people. So you must perform things for me. May Allah have mercy on you. Do not respond in a different manner as the apostles did to Prophet Jesus. Prophet Jesus (A.S.) asked them the same thing as I have asked you now. Those who were directed to go the neighboring lands accepted it and worked.
However, those assigned to remote areas were resentful. Because of the prayer of Prophet Isa , when the morning dawned, all of those obeyed the instruction of Isa, became taught the language of their community. Then Jesus said to them: This is the decision of Allah. So you do your duty.”

When the Prophet ﷺ finished narrating this, the Companions said: Messenger of Allah ﷺ, you appoint. We will fulfill the responsibility that you entrust us . Being a preacher abroad is naturally unappealing to many. However, for the Prophet ﷺ there was no concern that the followers would not take it. But it was an opportunity to know their reaction. Followers were also given the opportunity to express their consent with self-conviction. They were not familiar with the neighboring countries and their emperors and leaders. But that did not stop them from obeying the Prophet ﷺ. They took it with full heart.
Letters were prepared to be delivered to the rulers . When official letters are sent, they are sealed. This is to ensure the authenticity and formality of the letter. Any message must be sealed if it is to be considered by the kings. They were of the view that no one else should know the content of the message before they read it. So a seal was made. Rings were used as seals at that time. Such a ring was made for the Prophet ﷺ. In it, Muhammad, Rasool and Allah were engraved in three lines. The Prophet ﷺ forbade more rings with the same form to prevent it from becoming unrecognizable with too many seals.

The Prophet ﷺ sent messengers to Heraclius, the Caeser emperor of Constantinople, Muqawqis or Kairus of Egypt, Harisbnu Abi Shamril Ghassani of Syria (Haris and Kairus were representatives of the Roman Empire), the Persian emperor Khusru or Kusrus, and Najjashi of Ethiopia, to the ruler of Bahrain, Oman and Yamama, (relatively close regions Jazeeratul Arab).

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It was Hatwib bin Abi Baltaat who was sent to Muqouqis, the ruler of Egypt. Muqouqis received the messenger and the letter with great respect and had a friendly conversation. Then a message was sent to the Holy Prophet ﷺ with Hatwib. Muqouqis said that they had been waiting for the coming of the Prophet ﷺ .
“The King’s gift consisted of one thousand gold coins, a slave lady Mariyyatul Qibtiyya and her sister Sireen, a horse known as Duldul, some clothes, honey and a doctor. The Prophet ﷺ accepted all gifts except the doctor. The doctor was sent back with the message, ‘ we won’t eat too much .So we don’t need a doctor’. .
The Prophet ﷺ accepted Mariyya and gave Sireen to Hassan bin Thabit as a gift. A slave woman became the wife of the Prophet ﷺ and the mother of the believers. Apart from his wife, Khadeejah, the Prophet ﷺ had children only with from Mariyya.
100 gold coins and five clothes were also gifted to Hathwib. After giving this, Hatwib was sent away saying, “Go quickly and leave.” He was told not to speak to anyone of the Coptic sect. A group was sent to travel to the borders of the Arab continent. When he reached there, he saw a caravan going to Madeena.
He reached Madeena with them. The meaning of this response was that Muqouqis accepted and understood the content of the message sent by the Prophet ﷺ. But he never had the opportunity to publicly declare his faith or announce his acceptance of Islam. The gifts sent by him were distributed to the companions of the Prophet ﷺ.

The message was sent to the Roman Emperor Heraclius with a companion named Dihiyatul Kalbi. The order was to hand over to Kaiser through the local chief of Busra. Adiyyi bin Hatim was sent away with Dihyatul Kalbi as a representative. The letter was delivered to the Kaiser. The Messenger of the Prophet ﷺ did not indulge in any practices that were forbidden in the Islamic faith. The ruler who received the letter read it, then respectfully placed on his head and kissed it. He stopped the conversation for the time saying that he will study about it later. Qaiser was at Baitul Muqaddas at the time of receiving this letter. He came to Masjid al-Aqsa as part of thanksgiving for conquering Persia. After understanding the content of ​​the letter, he informed that he would consult with the prominent people. He inquired if anyone had come from Mecca to trade in Quds.
Accordingly, a group including Abu Sufiyan was invited. Although not a believer at that time, Abu Sufiyan was compelled to tell only the truth. After listening to the information, he realized that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the promised prophet, mentioned in the scriptures. Realizing that he might lose his power and possibly be killed, the ruler did not dare to reveal the truth he understood. He might have believed in the Prophet ﷺ at least by his heart. The respect he had shown for the letter, the messenger, and the contents are examples enough.

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The Prophet ﷺ sent Abdullah ibn Hudafatussahmi (R) to the Persian Emperor, Kisra. The letter was delivered to Kisra through the leader of Bahrain. On reading the letter, he became angry and tore up the letter. Then he said to his retinue: ‘who is the one who writes his name over my name in the area of ​​my authority’. Then the king wrote a letter to the governor of Badan, his representative in Yemen, to send two strong and brave men to Muhammad ﷺ in Hijaz and bring before him. He sent two soldiers to Madinah soon after he heard the order. The two men shaved their beards and extended their mustaches and approached the Prophet ﷺ . The Prophet ﷺ did not want to face them. Their expressions were so unpleasant. He said: What an ugly form is this !? Very bad appearance . Who appointed them? They said that: ‘our Lord’ they meant their emperor. The Prophet ﷺ said: “My Lord has ordered to grow a beard and trim the moustache”. Then they clarified their mission: ‘If you do as instructed, Badan will write to the emperor in your favor. Otherwise he will destroy you and your people’.
The Meccans were very happy when they heard that the Persian delegation had arrived in Madinah. They exchanged happiness with each other. We need not fear this anymore. This was the conversation of the Meccans, but what happened was a different thing . The next day the Prophet ﷺ called the Persian messengers and informed them. Your emperor has been succeeded by his son. My authority will extend beyond the limits of Kisra.’ Go and say to Badan who sent you: “Become a Muslim, so he can continue in power ” Then the Prophet ﷺ gave Badan some more gifts. Badan was still unaware of the emperor’s death. When the messengers informed him, he said: “This is not the word of a king. I think he is a prophet. So let’s wait to know the truth of what he said. Then the decision was reached, and then a message was received that the emperor had been killed and his son had seized power. The letter contained instructions such as the reason for killing his father and urging Badan to accept him instead of his father and stop Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. On receiving this information, Badan and a large number of Persians believed in the Prophet ﷺ and accepted Islam. The prophecy of the Prophet ﷺ dawned that Allah has torn the authority of that despicable person.
Najjashi was another important ruler to whom the Prophet ﷺ sent a message. It was Amr bin Umayyatullamri (R) who was sent with the letter to him. Najjashi was already a believer in God who was willing to protect the Muslims. Those who came as refugees including Ja’far (R) were still in Najjashi’s protection at the time of receiving this letter. Taking the letter, Najjashi kissed it and got down from the throne. Accepted Islam infront of Ja’far (R). Then he wrote a reply letter to the Prophet ﷺ.

The letter begins by addressing the Prophet ﷺ as ‘Muhammadu Rasool’. After saying Salaam, Najjashi testifies that the Prophet ﷺ is the true messenger. It was conveyed to the Prophet ﷺ through Ja’far (R) that he believed and pledged allegiance with the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ wrote to send the Muhajirs living in Abyssinia to Madinah. When the Muslims were in Khaiber, they came to the Prophet ﷺ in two ships. After the battle of Tabuk in the ninth year of Hijra, Najjashi passed away in the month of Rajab. The Prophet ﷺ himself announced the news of his death in Madinah and performed funeral prayer over his body.

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Yamama was ruled by Howdatbnu Ali. The Prophet ﷺ appointed Salit bin Amr (R) as messenger to him, who was the local king. He read the letter sent by the Prophet ﷺ. But preferred securing his own country and power .So instead of accepting Islam, he sent representatives to Madinah to express his interest. Two men, Muja’at and Rajjal, came to Madinah as his messengers. His demand was “If the Prophet ﷺ ready to give him authority after the Prophet ﷺ, then he will come to Madinah as a believer and be a helper. Otherwise, he will come to face the Prophet ﷺ. On hearing this, the Prophet ﷺ said: “No, there is no such system here.” He prayed: “Oh Allah , stop him”. Soon he died .

Knowing this, Muja’at and Rajjal became believers. Rajjal wished to live in Madinah itself. Learned Surah Al-Baqarah from the Qur’an. Achieved more knowledge. But on his return to Yamama, he joined the group of Musailimatul Kaddab . A lie was spread that Musailimat was agreed by the Prophet ﷺ and made him his counterpart in Nubuwwat. He then tried to create trouble among the people of Yamama and the unlucky one who lost his fortune.
Alharisul was another king to whom the Prophet ﷺ sent a letter. Shuja ibn Wahhab (R) was appointed by the Prophet ﷺ to hand over the letter . When Shujaa (R) arrived there, the king was busy with some financial matters to send to the capital of Rome. Shujau had to wait for a few days. Shujau relates the experience he had from the sentry there. : “He was a Roman named Murri. He asked about the Prophet ﷺ. I told everything. Sometimes he would cry on hearing the details . He said: I have read the Bible. I have read about this Prophet ﷺ in it. I believe in the Prophet ﷺ. But I am afraid that Harris will kill me. He had received and entertained me well. Murri would say: Harris is afraid of Kaiser. So there is no hope in believing.’
And Haris came . When he received the letter, he became angry and said, “Whoever dares to dethrone me, I will fight him openly”. Then he wrote to the Kaiser asking for his permission to go to Madinah. But Kaiser, however, did not agree to it, moreover he discouraged a fight with the Prophet ﷺ.
Shujau’ (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “Haris called me when he got the Qaiser’s reply. He asked if I was going back. I said, ‘I will return tomorrow’. Then he gave me a hundred gold coins and Murri the sentry gave me clothes and food. He entrusted me to convey his ‘Salam’ to the Prophet ﷺ and inform him that he has become a believer.
Shujau reached Madinah and explained to the Prophet ﷺ what had happened. : The Prophet ﷺ said: ‘His authority is over’. When the Salam conveyed, the Prophet ﷺ said: His faith is true.
Each letter and the response received by those who received, was proof that the Prophet ﷺ was a true prophet. Everyone wondered who this person was to send such an authoritative letter. The kings communicated with each other. Eventually everyone had to recognize the uniqueness of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.

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During the time of the Prophet ﷺ, Bahrain was ruled by Mundir bin Samaw. The Prophet ﷺ assigned Alaul Hazrami (R) to this king . He believed in the Prophet ﷺ after receiving the letter from Alau . All the Arabs in the territory became believers with him. The non-Arab Jews, Christians, and fire-worshippers agreed to live there without making any problems . Bahrain is a region that has been peacefully converted to Islam. The second Jumu’ah or special Friday prayer in Islamic history was organized in the then province of Bahrain.
Oman is the next country where the letter of the Prophet ﷺ reached.
Amrubn al-Aasw(R) was sent by the Prophet ﷺ to Jifar and Asad of Julandi family, who were the rulers of Oman at that time. Immediately after receiving the letter, they also accepted Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his way of faith. Administrative affairs and life affairs started to be implemented according to the Islamic system. Asad stayed there for some period with preaching mission.
The Prophet ﷺ has also assigned many Companions to different dignitaries and rulers to speak directly to convince them. Messengers and messages were welcomed. Many who did not accept Islam treated the messengers with respect.
Those who had no understanding of the scriptures or the prophets, criticized the Prophet ﷺ and his message. They had no understanding of the earlier scriptures or the importance of the prophetic mission.
The Prophet’s ﷺ attitudes and approaches towards the rulers of other countries were very respectable, humble and exemplary. The Prophet ﷺ never treated them with hostility. Instead respected their status regardless of their religion. The lines in the letters inviting them are a clear proof of that. They stood for respect, reverence and politeness . In his letters, the Prophet ﷺ used words of honor and respect before the names of the rulers. The Prophet ﷺ dealt with every rulers in a dignified and humble manner .
To each country, the Prophet ﷺ appointed people who knew the conditions of those countries ,their languages, and who were capable of carrying out the mission with patience, eloquence and capability.
The Prophet ﷺ ever never feared in the path of the great mission of Islamic preaching. The message was conveyed to all types of people in the society. It included common people and rulers. Had it been anyone other than the Prophet ﷺ, he would have been afraid of the consequences of sending letters to rulers and kings. But the Prophet ﷺ had no fear of anyone in carrying out his responsibility honestly. These letters also show the Prophet’s ﷺ keen interest in bringing the Islamic message to the masses. Allah has appointed the Prophet ﷺ not as a prophet assigned to any particular community or a certain place, but as one who gives good news and a warner to all mankind, regardless of time and place, until the Last Day. The above mentioned letters were a reference to the twenty-eighth verse of the 34th chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Surah Saba. The idea can be read as follows: “And We have not appointed you except as bearer of glad tidings and warner to all mankind. But many do not know that.”

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Madinah became a stronghold . The advance of Madinah disturbed the sleep of many. The opponents realized that it would not be easy to invade Madinah. The Meccans , who were in agreement with the Prophet ﷺ and his followers, were watching these movements. Those leaders among them were worried about how the days ahead would be.
Even when many parts of the world were accepting Islam and joining the Prophet ﷺ, some people in Mecca who were living in feud, could not tolerate this. They continued in their arrogance and predominance. In the meantime, some of the Meccans engaged in actions without considering the agreement.
When the Muslims made a treaty with the Meccans at Hudaybiyah, it was written that the terms of the treaty were applicable to other tribes already allied with both parties. “Ahabish” tribe was one of them. They are a tribe allied to the Meccans. Another tribe which was a part of the treaty was the Khuza’a. They had alliance with the Prophet ﷺ. These two tribes were at enmity. Though there were no major issues between them in the initial phase of the agreement, later there were occasional clashes.. Then the relationship started to worsen . A person from the Ahabish tribe who insulted the Prophet ﷺ with obscene words was killed by a man from Khuza’a tribe who was enraged on hearing that harsh insult. In retaliation, the Ahabites killed three Khuza’ people . This is only a local issue. It should end there. But the Quraish of Mecca came to know about it and made a very secretive campaign and attacked the Khuza’. The Khuza’s complained to the Prophet ﷺ. They also explained that they were attacked while they were praying.
This treacherous attack is a clear violation of the Hudaybiyah Pact. With this, the Muslims were not bound to abide by the peacekeeping clauses of the truce.
In any crisis, the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ interventions were by keeping the agreement in front. Even when the miserably persecuted believers came, the Prophet ﷺ emphasized on the covenant. At that time followers kept asking if we still need to forgive everything. All concluded that the Prophet ﷺ and the believers would have to break the contract, which many read as apparently a negative step . But the Meccans, who were completely in favor, have now come to violate the agreement, because the Muslims have had to sacrifice lives just for the agreement. Now if the believers wage war against Mecca, they cannot be blamed. But the Prophet ﷺ does not like a war. The Prophet ﷺ sent back the Khuza’a group that came with a complaint. Prophet’s ﷺ response was in the confidence that the victory announced by the Qur’an would come. The Prophet ﷺ consoled them . However, the Khuzaites happily returned to their homeland in the hope that the Muslims would march to Mecca.

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Twenty-two months had passed since the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. It was in the month of Sha’ban that both banu Nufasa and banu Bakar tribes had a conversation with the Quraish. They demanded weapons from the Quraish to attack banu Khuza’ who was in alliance with the Muslims.
Such a move was against the agreement signed at Hudabiya. Therefore, prominent people like Abu Sufiyan was against such a move. Therefore, the dominant opinion is that Abu Sufiyan, among the Quraish leaders, did not participate in the said discussion. It is also said that Abu Sufiyan participated in the discussion but opposed such a move.
It was agreed to proceed with operations against the tribe of Quza’a in the area of ​​Watir, which is in the vicinity of Mecca.
This sudden military move led to many consequences. Naufal bin Muawiyah even crossed the boundaries of the Haram and used weapons. Then people were shouting that he was fighting inside the Haram. Naufal was not in the mood to accept that. He said, ‘this day I have no god, or I do not respect or consider the Haram. This action caused the Quraish more suffering than expected. It was a clear violation of the agreement. Then the Holy Prophet ﷺ could take any action.
This is what Ayisha says about the incident between Banu Nufasa and Khuza’a. The Prophet ﷺ called Ayisha and said; ‘Something has happened in Khuza’a’. Then Ayisha replied. The Quraish have defiantly broken their agreement with the Prophet ﷺ. Then the Prophet ﷺ said. They did so in order to fulfill something that Allah had decided’. Is it for a good cause? The Prophet said, ‘yes, it is good’.
A statement of Imam Tabrani can also be read like this. ‘One night during the said period, the Prophet ﷺ was near his wife, Maimuna. The Prophet ﷺ was heard saying this at the place where he had gone for ablution to perform namaz; “I am answering you, help has been received” three times. After ablution Maimuna (R) asked, To whom you were talking? Was there anyone with you ? “I could hear a message from Banu Ka’ab. that Bakar bin Wa’il had the help of the Quraish against them.
The Prophet ﷺ had known the breach of contract spiritually and materially. The Prophet ﷺ regarded it as an auspicious sign.
Imam al-Tabrani himself quotes: Since the tribe of Khuza’a’ were in covenant with the Prophet ﷺ, they were obliged to inform the Prophet ﷺ of the movements. Amru bin Salim al-Khuzai, a representative of the tribe, approached the Prophet ﷺ with 40 people. They went in 40 vehicles. This group reached the Prophet ﷺ while he was in the masjid among the people. They detailed the matter to the Prophet ﷺ and counted the names of those who participated in the discussion among the Quraish. Then Salim recited some lines.
“Ya Rabbi Innee Nashidun Muhammada….
The idea goes like this,
“I swear to the Prophet ﷺ
We were at peace with him
Since the time of ancestors .
We the youth and you the fathers
How peaceful we were
Quraish violated peace and agreements”

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When the Prophet ﷺ heard the lines of Amr bin Salim, he felt emotional. The Holy Prophet ﷺ assured them that he will be there for their help in any case. After diplomatic talks, they prepared to leave. Then the Prophet ﷺ told them. Khuza’a’ has a great affinity with me and I also have with Khuza’a. Then he gave them an instruction; ‘When you return, travel through the valleys. Do not take the main route’. Budaiyl bin Warqa chose the coastal route. So they were traveling through different ways.
At the same time some discussions were taking place in Mecca. What to do next? What approach would Prophet Muhammad ﷺ take? We broke the contract ourselves. Now whatever action they take, we have to endure it. What can be done to avoid the consequences. The discussions took place under the leadership of Abu Sufiyan. Finally an agreement was reached; A group led by Abu Sufiyan would go to Madinah to request the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to reset the agreement. To ensure security and peace again. At last Abu Sufiyan had to take it up after negotiation.
He set out through the paths by which he traveled before as leader of the trade group as well as the commander in chief. This time it was a journey seeking compromise. It was a historic comeback. The music of the straight path often struck on his heart. Thoughts rushed through his mind. At that time he could not consider or mind it. Abu Sufiyan remembered many moments of the past days. Messages passed through his soul saying that like Khalid bin Waleed who went to Madinah and accepted ‘the faith’ a few days ago, you too should think about it.
Anyway, Abu Sufiyan and his friends are on their way to Madinah. The purpose of leaving was to reach there before the Khuz’aa tribe met the Prophet ﷺ and inform the matter. It was in anticipation of this that the Holy Prophet ﷺ diverted the Khuz’aa people and sent them on the other way.
But when he reached Asfan, Abu Sufiyan met Budhail bin Warqau. He asked; ‘Are you coming from Madinah? Did you inform the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the matter’? ‘We are traveling along the beach and trying to get other groups with us’. Budail replied. Abu Sufiyan asked again. ‘Did you not inform the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the matter? No, we didn’t talk anything like that. Abu Sufiyan was not satisfied. When Budail and his companions had set out on the road to Mecca, Abu Sufiyan inspected the place where they encamped, the same strategy was employed at Badr. He took the dung of the camel and examined it. When he saw the nuts of dates in it, he swore by Allah that Budail and his team are definitely returning from Madinah.
As if watching these scenes live, the Prophet ﷺ spoke to his followers in Madinah. “Abu Sufiyan seems to be coming to renew the agreement”.
Abu Sufiyan was moving forward, thinking as if he had despised himself. He was the leader of the Quraish and the last word in the army, and now he travels to the Muslim camp to prolong the truce. The decision is in the hands of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He may extend it if he wishes, or he may reject it if he wishes. When Abu Sufiyan considered the reality of things, he felt ashamed. But for saving the Quraish, there was no other way. Abu Sufiyan was in dilemma; ‘Where to go first and whom to see. It is then he remembered his own daughter. She is now the Prophet’s ﷺ wife. She is the mother of believers. In any case, the relationship of a father will never be broken. It is better to go there with that relationship.

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Abu Sufiyan walked to his daughter’s house. When he reached in front of Madeena Masjid and looked inside, the Prophet ﷺ was sitting there. But fear did not allow him to look the Prophet ﷺ directly. He went straight to his daughter. The sudden appearance of father frightened her. The daughter was in dilemma as to whether to receive him as a father or avoid him as an unbeliever. However the father was welcomed. By the time he was ready to sit down, she quickly folded the special sheet that was there. Abu Sufiyan asked his daughter; why did you remove that sheet? Is it so that I have no right to sit on that sheet or did you take it because I don’t like that .? She said. Because you are a polytheist who is dirty in your faith, do not sit on the mat of my beloved prophet ﷺ . Did all your attitudes change after you left me? . The father asked. ” I worship Allah alone, the Creator and Sustainer of the world. You worship stones and gods. Allah has guided me. You worship things that have no ability. How can the leader of the Quraish and the wise man like you follow such faith? The daughter explained. Do I forsake the faith of my fathers and grandfathers? He responded.
When he lost the hope of talking to the Prophet ﷺ through his daughter, he went straight to the masjid. The Prophet ﷺ was sitting there among the Muhajirs and the Ansar. Meanwhile, Abu Sufiyan’s eyes fell on many prominent people who were sitting. Khalid, Amr bin Al Aas and Uthman bin Affan were there. He greeted them . They exchanged greetings in the way of Islam. Suddenly turning to the Prophet ﷺ, he began a conversation. ‘I was not at the Hudaybiyah Treaty. Therefore, it is now necessary to join the agreement directly. I also wish to suggest that the period of the agreement should be extended a little more. Then the Prophet ﷺ asked, have there been any changes among the Quraish ? It was asked to confirm whether they had done anything to break the contract. Abu Sufiyan could not admit it openly. He said the Quraish are still in agreement . He hid the violations that had occurred . The companions of the Prophet ﷺ look at him angrily as he hid the violations of the Quraish. The believers realized that he had come up with a new way to prevent the Muslims from coming to Mecca. The Prophet ﷺ responded; “We do not want to make any special changes in the agreement that we made earlier”.
Then Abu Sufiyan asked, what if its term is changed and renewed? The Prophet ﷺ did not respond to that. He lost all hope and dragged his dress over him and walked away. His aim was to find someone who could recommend for him. He went straight to Abu Bakar, praising and cheering him up with good news, expecting recommendation to the Prophet ﷺ . But Abu Bakar did not move even an inch. He also informed that it is not possible to talk to the Prophet ﷺ such matters. Abu Sufiyan thought that someone would respond favorably to the leader of Banu Umayyah. Then he came to Umar. Umar did not budge an inch. Not only that, he also said that he will be in defense at any cost. Umar asserted that we will stick to the agreement and that there will be no change from our side . Abu Sufiyan was worried.

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Thinking of where to go next, Abu Sufiyan walked through the lanes of Madinah. Finally reached in front of Uthman’s house. Uthman was there. Abu Sufiyan requested Uthman to recommend to the Prophet ﷺ for him. But Uthman was not ready either. He said. ‘It is not possible for us to say anything beyond the decision of the Prophet ﷺ in such matters. We are helpless. We fully support the Prophet’s ﷺ opinion. Abu Sufiyan was sweating. Thinking of the next shelter, he moved left side . He decided to meet Ali. Fathima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , is with Ali .Abu Sufiyan walked towards Ali’s house. Both of them were there. And their son Hassan was crawling and playing there. Abu Sufiyan said. ‘Ali, you are my close family member. I need a very big help from you. I hope you won’t leave me in the lurch. You must recommend for us to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. ‘If the Prophet ﷺ is firm on a decision, we cannot say anything beyond that’. Ali responded. Then turning to Fathimah, Abu Sufiyan asked, “Could you recommend something for me at least by your son who is playing there ?” Fathima also conveyed her helplessness . Abu Sufiyan realized that none of the Companions would recommend for him. Once again he understood the greatness and power of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. There is no other option but to return to Mecca. It was a return feeling helplessness and despair after staying in Madinah for a few days.
The Meccans were awaiting his return. As days passed, they became worried. They wondered whether he too had accepted Islam in Madinah . Abu Sufiyan reached Mecca at night and entered the house very secretly. His wife asked about the trip. He spoke openly about the issues he faced from Madinah. Abu Sufiyan felt shame in front of his wife. At the morning he shaved his head and sacrificed his camel before the gods; Isaf and Naila and anointed with it’s blood. It was to avoid misunderstanding of the Quraish.
Quraish approached him and asked. ‘Did you sign any agreement or covenant with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? He said, ‘No’. They have refused to renew or extend the contract. No one I approached in Madinah helped me. I have never seen any leader in the world obeyed by his followers as much as his followers obey the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Quraish were disappointed and silent. Abu Sufiyan himself spoke, breaking silence. Although I approached Prophet Muhammad ﷺ directly, he did not say anything special about the agreement. The result was disappointment when I approached Abu Bakar . Then I went to Umar and he was also strict in his approach. I also approached Ali. He was the one who treated me a little tenderly. Those who heard asked, ‘how his approach was’. He told me that ‘ I should seek protection of someone to travel in Madeena . I asked but to no avail’. Oh, so he was playing with you, wasn’t he? I feel like that now. Abu Sufiyan added.
The Meccans expected some further actions from Madinah. Calculating this situation accurately, the Prophet ﷺ spent time in Madinah arranging things necessary for a high victory.

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If the Prophet ﷺ intended a military operation, he would keep all its details in the utmost secrecy. Accordingly, a move to Mecca was kept with secrecy. The Prophet ﷺ also used some diplomatic tactics to divert the attention of the enemies and others. As part of that, the Prophet ﷺ assigned Abu Qatada and eight soldiers to Elam. It was to make everyone think that the Prophet ﷺ was now aiming at that region. During their journey, they were met by Amir bin Albat Al Ashjai.
A man named Muhkam bin Juzama attacked him and Amir was killed. The Prophet’s ﷺ group reached Elam safely. Abu Qata’s group returned to Madinah itself as there was no particular need for military operations there.
The Prophet ﷺ made preparations for the journey internally . Even Ayisha was not given exact travel details. But Ayisha’s father, Abu Bakar, entered there while preparing for the journey. He asked his daughter, ” Is the Prophet ﷺ preparing for any trip?” ‘Yes’, said the daughter. ‘To where’ ?. Ayisha said; ‘I don’t know’. Meanwhile, the Prophet ﷺ came there. Abu Bakar enquired about the journey . The Prophet ﷺ told his dear friend that the journey to Mecca aiming at the Quraish. It was also suggested that the information should be kept confidential. Abu Bakar asked. ‘ After all aren’t they our own people? Mean while Umar came in and he got the point. Umar understood that the Prophet ﷺ was planning a move to Mecca . Umar supported it. He explained that they were the leaders of disbelief who accused the Prophet ﷺ with various accusations.
The Prophet ﷺ instructed his followers to prepare everything for the journey. The destination was not announced. And the message was spread to the people living in the valleys and slums that they should be in Madinah during Ramadan.
There was some diplomacy behind this announcement as well. Even if the Prophet ﷺ and his followers leave Madinah, Madinah should not be empty. There was also a message in this announcement that the Prophet ﷺ and his followers would be in Madinah.
The Prophet ﷺ insisted that the journey to Mecca should be very secret. He prayed, “O Allah, control the ears so that the news of our entering Mecca does not reach there. Control the eyes too so that our movements do not reach there”. Enter Mecca suddenly and make victory possible. Avoid a war or bloodshed. This was the desire and plan of the Prophet ﷺ .The Prophet ﷺ appointed representatives at all the gates of Madinah. The Prophet ﷺ instructed them to check those who disagree with the Muslim from entering to Madinah. This step was to prevent the spreading of the news.
Some Companions who did not know about the Prophet’s ﷺ move to Mecca were with him. Therefore, they had some concerns. Although Abu Bakar raised the doubt about such a move, he did not have a different opinion after the decision of the Prophet ﷺ. But some other companions were not aware of all aspects of the move . One of them was a Companion named Hatab. He wanted to inform his friend in Mecca about the Prophet’s ﷺ arrival, intending to do some good for him.

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Hatab bin Abi Balta’a thought; If I go to Mecca with the Prophet ﷺ, how can I get consideration there? I don’t have enough family members there. So it might be helpful to let friends know the journey in advance. What is the way to inform them about the coming of the Prophet ﷺ’ ? Finally an idea dawned on him ; He thought of delivering a letter containing the information? He prepared a letter. The content was like this: “The Prophet ﷺ has set out to Mecca with a huge army . The army moving like flood. Even if the Prophet ﷺ comes alone, the Prophet ﷺ will have the help of Allah. What you have been warned about, will happen. Allah is the Helper and Sustainer of the Prophet ﷺ. Through this letter I want to show my affinity to you.” How to deliver this letter addressed to Suhail bin Amr, Safvan bin Umayyah and Ikrimat bin Abi Jahl. Finally he came to a decision. There is a woman named Sarah. She used to be a singer in Mecca. After Badr, the singing sessions ended . So she came to Madina and sought refuge. The Prophet ﷺ gave her the opportunity to live according to the customs of Madinah. That is how Sarah came to be in Madinah.
Hathwib offered her a reward of ten dinars and handed her the letter. She kept the letter in her hair and left for Mecca. Hathwib told her that she should not travel on the main road to Mecca as all the main roads had guards appointed by the Prophet ﷺ. Accordingly, she traveled by the way that ordinary travelers do not go. We can only imagine the consequences if such information reaches Mecca. All the secrecy intended by the Prophet ﷺ will be lost. The Meccans would raise an army of their own and cause bloodshed.
But Allah informed the Prophet ﷺ about this journey. The Prophet ﷺ called some of the leading men from among his followers. The Prophet ﷺ asked Ali, Zubair, Talhat, Miqdad, Ammar and Abu Marsad. Take the road to Mecca. If you reach the “Khaq” grove, there will be a woman walking through it. Get the letter from her and bring here. It is a letter sent by Hathwib to some prominent people of the Quraish. If she confesses and gives the letter, leave her . Otherwise, if she refuses , take necessary steps to get the letter . No need to compromise.
The companions quickly set off. When they reached the garden (the writer has visited this area which is between Mecca and Madinah) As prophesied by the Prophet ﷺ, there was a woman walking .. Ali approached her. She was asked to give the letter . What letter ! Which letter !? She pretended ignorance. I don’t have any letter, she said. But the companions were not ready to leave her. They know that what the Prophet ﷺ said, is hundred percent true. So all belongings were checked. But the letter could not be found. Finally Ali said. If you still refuse to give the letter, we will have to strip you and check . Then she took out the letter that she kept in her hair . They hurried to the Prophet ﷺ with the letter . The Prophet ﷺ summoned Hathwab and Umar. As soon as Umar heard the information, he became angry. Oh Prophet ! leave him here, he has become a hypocrite. Umar said. That I will kill him right now. Hathwib said; ‘ I have not changed from my faith and ideals. It is mistake happened from me as a result of my own thought. There is no one in Mecca who is close to me . All the rest have relatives in Mecca . I did this so that when I reach Mecca, I will get some consideration . Ever since I accepted Islam, I have not left Islam or left my faith. I have to apologize. The Prophet ﷺ heard Hathwib’s explanation completely.

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The Prophet ﷺ listened to the conversation between Umar and Hatwab. When Umar’s reaction became more strong, the Prophet ﷺ intervened. “You know who Hatwab is ?. Isn’t he the one who participated in Badr? Don’t you know that Allah paid special attention to Badr and forgave those who participated in Badr? Are they not given special consideration; that they can do anything? Umar’s anger subsided. He regretted that there was such a conversation. Tears welled up in his eyes . Then, Hatwib came up and said, O Prophet, I was a foreigner among the Quraish . My mother is there with them . I was hoping for some sympathy from them by passing on this information. I have not aimed at anything else. I have never denied you since I accepted Islam.
The Prophet ﷺ spoke again. The greatness of Badr and the Badariyyin . Then verses one to three of the sixtieth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Al-Mumtahina were revealed. The idea can be read as:
“O you who have believed, do not make love with my enemies and your enemies and make them your guardians. They have denied the truth that has come to you. They deported the Messenger of God and you because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you have come down to strive in my way and to gain my favor, do not do so. Would you manifest love to them ? And I know what you conceal and what you manifest. I am well aware of all that they do. Those of you who do so, have certainly gone astray. If you fall into their hands, they are the most hostile to you. They will harm you with their hands and tongues. They wish that you would become disbelievers. Neither your families nor your children will benefit you on the Day of Resurrection. On that day Allah will separate you from one another. And Allah sees what you do”.
Hatwab got the warning that he should receive and the Muslims also received the required guidance. The Prophet ﷺ went ahead with his mission . In the eighth year of Hijra, Ramadan 18. The Prophet ﷺ was about to leave Madinah for Mecca. 700 Muhajirs joined . They had 300 horses. 4000 Ansars also prepared. They had 500 horses with them, 1,000 men and 100 horses from the Musaina tribe. 400 men and 30 horses from Aslam tribe. 800 men and 50 horses from Juhaina tribe. They all flowed to Mecca in one group
Abu Qatada and his team returned from their earlier assigned mission. When they heard that the Prophet ﷺ and his followers had started to Mecca, they also joined. The Prophet ﷺ asked about travel details. When the Prophet ﷺ heard that Aamir was killed even after reciting ‘shahada’, the Prophet ﷺ got angry and asked ; ‘did you open his heart? The Prophet ﷺ convinced them of the seriousness of the matter. The Companions killed him thinking that he might have recited shahada for self-protection . But the Prophet ﷺ taught that it is not appropriate to do so. The explanation was, ‘how do you know that one’s heart has been changed. Abu Qatada apologized. He sought forgiveness from Allah. He requested the Prophet ﷺ to ask forgiveness for him. But the Prophet ﷺ did not respond favorably. Abu Qatada’s eyes filled with tears . By that time, the Holy Qur’an was revealed. This is the idea of ​​the 94th verse of the fourth chapter. “O believers, if you go for war in the way of Allah, you should distinguish between enemies and friends. And make sure, do not say to him who spelt the words of peace that “You are not a believer”, expecting his wealth.With Allah, there is a lot of wealth. You were in the same situation as they are now. And Allah has shown you bounty. So understand things clearly. Allah is All-Knower of all that you do.”

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The Prophet ﷺ started his journey to Mecca with his followers. It was on the 18th of Holy Ramadan. The Prophet ﷺ gave permission for those who are able to fast to observe fasting and those who are not able, to avoid . The group in front was under the leadership of Zubair bin Al-Awam (R). On the way, small groups joined the Prophet ﷺ from many places. All of them were designated separately by the Holy Prophet ﷺ and given specific flags.

The weather was very hot . When reached the region of ‘Araj’, the Prophet ﷺ poured water on his body and cooled down the heat. Again the group moved forward. When he reached between the two provinces of Araj and Talub, the Prophet ﷺ noticed a dog taking care of its children. The Prophet ﷺ insisted that none of our people should disturb the dog and it’s puppies. A Companion named Jameel bin Suraqa (R) was assigned to guard them until the entire army had passed. Accordingly he stood guard near the dog . This was a clear vision of the Holy Prophet ﷺ being mercy to the whole universe.
According to a historical report, Abbas (R) who was the paternal brother of the Holy Prophet ﷺ was going to Madina after declaring his faith. The Holy Prophet ﷺ met them on the way. Informed them that this was the last migration from Mecca. Abbas (R) had not known about the arrival of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions to Mecca. There is an another report that this meeting was at Juhfa.

In any case, the Prophet ﷺ and his group moved on. The group reached Qudayd between Usfan and Qaidid areas. It is also said that it is in a place called Qura’ul Ghameem. The Prophet ﷺ said to his followers who were tired of fasting. “You can skip fasting. Now are the times to have more health and vitality. What is needed now is to leave the fast and move with full vigor. You are about to face your enemies. The Prophet ﷺ conveyed such messages.

At dawn, reached the region called Marru Lahran. The Prophet ﷺ instructed to lighten ten thousand lanterns . Umar (R) was entrusted with its leadership. The Quraish were not aware of the movements. For some reason they were not getting accurate information. The Prophet ﷺ had prayed to Allah many times for that.
A thousand fireballs moved towards Mecca together. By the time they reached the province of Arak, the Quraish came to know about it. Negotiations for persuasion took place under the leadership of Abu Sufiyan. They could not form a comprehensive group or a systematic group. But Abu Sufiyan decided to approach the Prophet ﷺ with the prospect of a favorable talk.

Meanwhile, Abu Bakar (R) had a dream. It was shared with the Prophet ﷺ. This was the content. ‘When were about to reach Mecca with the Prophet ﷺ , a dog came barking. When we reached near it , it was found lying on the ground and feeding milk’ . Then the Prophet ﷺ said; “The dogs disappeared . It started to get milk”. Many of them will approach us expecting favour of family bond. If you meet Abu Sufiyan, do not kill him”.

This was a clear sign and warning. Its content shares the idea that Abu Sufiyan will come and surrender . The idea is also seen in a hadith quoted by Imam Tabrani (R). The Prophet ﷺ said to his followers. “Abu Sufiyan has arrived in Arak. You arrest him and produce here”. Accordingly, the companions brought him.

This is what Ibn Uqba (R) says. We reached near Abu Sufiyan. He was accompanied by many other Quraish notables. They were Hakeem bin Hizam, Budhail bin Warqaa and others. They asked as soon as the Companions entered. who are you? We are the followers of the Prophet ﷺ. ‘We have not yet known that an army has come very close to us’ . Abu Sufiyan responded.

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