The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 9

Admin February 15, 2023 No Comments

The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 9

Mahabba Campaign Part-241/365

The Prophetﷺ responded to Haritha’s mother as follows; Damn you. There is not one heaven, there are many heavens. The highest of them is Firdaus. Harisa will be in that heaven. Laughing happily, mother went back.
There is also such an addition in “Seerat al-Halabi”. The Prophetﷺ asked for a bowl of water and dipped his hands in it. Then rinsed water in to the bowl. That water was given to Harisa’s mother. She drank from it. Then gave it to his sister. She also drank from it. Then, according to the instructions of the Prophetﷺ, the water was sprinkled on the clothes of both of them. They became very happy. There was no one else as happy as them in Madeena that day..

We can also read a reference to the enthusiasm of the Prophet’s followers on the battlefield. Auf bin Al-Harith, the son of Afrau, asked the Prophetﷺ. Oh Messenger of Allah! What will a slave do that Allah will be most pleased with him. The Prophetﷺ said, “When you fight or face your enemy face them without wearing shield.”
Auf took off his shield. He raised his sword and went to the battlefield. He became a martyr.

The battle of Badr marked the brave deeds of the warriors. Badr witnessed for the practical scenes of life beyond words. The equations of victory were rewritten in unparalleled dedication and loyalty. The world knew new weapons of survival. Young Ali alone killed twenty-two enemies.
Hamza, the paternal son of Prophet Muhammadﷺ, was the leader who showed courage and adventure and performed some miracles in Badr. Abdu Rahman bin Auf says. Umayyad bin Khalaf, who was captured by the Muslims, asked ; Who among you was the one who marked his chest with an ostrich feather? It is Abdul Muttalib’s son, Hamza. I said. He is the one who made us like this. Umayyad replied.

An experience related to Hamza is narrated by Ali(R) On the day of Badr, at afternoon, the army lines got together. I was behind one of them. At that time, Sa’ad bin Khaisama and an enemy were fighting on the sand hill. Sa’ad was killed by the enemy’s cut. The enemy on horseback in steel armor recognized me. Immediately he jumped down from his horse. I did not understand him even though he had a sign to recognize him. He called to me. Come to the duel, son of Abu Talib. Then he came towards me. I am a short person. I moved back a little because I did not like him to be in hight than me. He asked. O Abu Talib’s son, are you running back? I told him that I am moving to a comfortable place.

When he came towards me, I stood firmly there . He came forward and tried to attack me. I blocked it with my shield and his sword fell to the ground. When I cut him on the shoulder, he swayed. My sword broke after hitting on his shield. I thought he is killed. Suddenly a flash behind me and a sword saying that ‘I am the son of Abdul Mutalib’. I lowered my head. That sword fell and split my enemy’s head along with his helmet. When I looked back, it was none other than Hamza(R).

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Abu Dujana was another one that Umayyad bin Khalaf sought: his full name was “Sammaq bin Kharsha”. Umayya asked Abdu Rahman Ibn Auf.Who is the person who is short, fat and wearing a red turban?. Auf said that it was Sammaq bin Kharsha who belonged to the Ansars. Umayyah immediately said, “Because of him we are like slaughtered animals.” Abu Dujana fought and defeated and killed eight people. One of the scene can be read as follows.
Quraish ! Get hold of Muhammad ﷺ, who came with a new religion and split the society in two. If that person escapes, then how can I say that ‘I have won . A person came to the scene announcing like this . His name was Asim Abu Auf . Abu Dujana confronted him as he came roaring like a wolf. After a strong fight, Asim fell to the ground. Abu Dujana (R)took off the things or ‘Salab’ from his body. If the enemy is defeated, the slayer is the heir to it. Then Umar (R) said. Leave it there now. If the opponents are defeated in this battle, you can take it later. I am the witness. At this time , Ma’bad bin Wahab came forward and attacked Abu Dujana. Suddenly he went down on one knee. Immediately he got up and killed the enemy and occupied his “Salab”
The followers showed a scene reminiscent of Imam Busuri’s lines, “Ma Zala Yalqahumu…”. The idea of ​​the poem is as follows. They fought in all the battlefields. Like pieces of meat cut in the butcher’s board, they defeated the enemies.
Another picture that emerges from the battle ground of Badr is that of Zubair Binul Awwam (R). The wounds on his body were so deep that hands could enter in to it . He himself shares an experience. I met Ubaidat Bin Saeed Al Azwi at Badr. He came forward saying that I am the father of Datul Kirsh. He came carrying a sickly girl with a big belly, wearing an armor , which shielded the entire body except for the eyes. I poked him in the eye with my iron rod, and he fell to the ground. I kicked him on his cheek and pulled out the rod. The tips of the rod were broken.
The methodology of the battlefield is to outsmart the enemy and defeat him. Courage and prowess to be shown in the battlefield. Not humility and compassion.
These chapters should be read with the preface that Badr witnessed the armed movement for resistance when all possible ways were closed to avert a war.
In any case, the stick that broke the strategy and armor of the enemy on the battlefield, was given to the Prophet ﷺ who asked for it. After his death, it was handed over to Abu Bakr, Umar, and Usman (R). After the assassination of Usman (R), Zubair (R) asked for that rod which had been given to the family of Ali (R). Zubair (R) kept it till he was killed.

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Badr introduced many great men who marked their heroic deeds on the battlefield. A special scene in it is as follows. Abu Burda, a companion came to the Prophet ﷺ with three heads from the battlefield. He said .Two of these heads belong to those whom I killed directly. I had seen one white robust man confronting another. Soon his head rolling on the ground. That is the third. Then the Prophet ﷺ said, “That white man is one of the angels.”
Think about this scene. Only if one have a high level of courage can survive and overcome this. These are the scenes of a great miracle that transformed the groups of disciples who were at the height of spirituality, into powerful warriors at the inevitable stage.
In practice, the followers proved at Badr that relatives, kith and kin and even the father who gave birth, is considered only after Allah and His Messenger. The stance of Abu Ubaidah is very famous. Abu Ubaidah bravely took steps on the battlefield. The enemies saw it and moved away. But only one person came forward to face him. But Abu Ubaidah left him without facing . He repeated this many times. This became an obstacle for Abu Ubaidah. He could not face the enemies at all. Because that man was blocking him, he could not follow others. Finally, Abu Ubaidah’s sword fell on the head of that person who was standing as an obstacle. The head split and fell to the ground. In reality, Abu Ubaidah killed his own father. We read an unparalleled example of giving priority to ideals when ideals and father were in two directions.
Referring to this stance of the Companions, the twenty-second verse of the fifty-eighth chapter of the Holy Qur’an says: “You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him:and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well- pleased with Him. These are Allah’s party: now surely the party of Allah are the sucessful ones.”
Umar (ra) also has a similar experience to share. He killed his uncle Aas bin Wa’il at Badr. Sometimes Umar took it as a matter of pride.
Once Umar passed near Saeed bin Hisham and he turned his face away. Umar immediately asked. Do you think that I am the one who killed your father at Badr? But I had to kill my uncle Aas bin Hisham. Then your father. I had passed by him. He was bellowing . I left him .He was killed directly by Ali.

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Abu Bakar (R) was among the great warriors who recorded heroic history on the battlefield of Badr. An overview of the bravery of the great man can be read as follows. Once in the middle of the lecture, Ali(R)asked the followers. Dear people! Who is the bravest among the companions? They said. You are the one. Ali(R) replied. I never let go of anyone who came to duel me. That is true .But I am not the bravest. It is Abu Bakar (R). Because we made a tent for the Prophetﷺ to sit and control the war at Badr. Then we discussed that who would stand as a security guard for the Prophetﷺ if the enemy polytheists target him. By Allah! We didn’t have the courage to do that. Abu Bakar(R) came forward with a drawn sword. Abu Bakar(R) stood near the Prophetﷺ. He was watching to see if any of the opponents were aiming the Prophetﷺ. He was the most courageous.
Then Ali(R) continued. I remember the scene when the enemy surrounded the Prophetﷺ while he was in Mecca. When they confronted him with various kinds of attacks, we could not go near them. Abu Bakar(R) went there alone and asked. ‘Are you killing that person for saying that ‘my Creator is the Almighty One? Damn you! Then he protected the Prophetﷺ by fighting and stopping them.
After saying this, Ali started crying by taking his own robe and wrapping it around him. The tears started falling down his beard. In between, he asked the audience, “Let me ask you making Allah the witness, is the believer of Pharaoh’s family better or Abu Bakar?”
The audience was silent. Ali immediately continued. By Allah! The deeds of Abu Bakar is better than the earth-filling deeds of the believers of Pharaoh’s family. Because they performed deeds in secret. Abu Bakar was declaring his faith publicly.
Abu Bakr’s son Abdur Rahman was on the enemy’s side in the battle of Badr. His name was Abdul Kaaba at that time. Later the Prophetﷺ named him Abdul Rahman. He was an infallible archer and brave.

This is what he said later about his experience at Badr. After I became a Muslim, once I said to my father , ‘You have been in front of me many times on the day of Badr. But all the times I turned away . Then Abu Bakar(R) said ‘If I had got you, I would not have left you alive’.
This is Sidheeq . This is Abu Bakar’s concept and stance . Allah, His Messenger and ideals were all in all for him. He considered nothing beyond that. A narration can also be read like this. On the day of Badr, Abdur Rahman called for a duel from the enemy’s side. Hearing this, Abu Bakar(R) took up arms to face his own son. Immediately the Prophetﷺ intervened and discouraged him . And then said. Now you stay here and make me happy with your presence. You know! You are my eyes and ears.

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By then Abu Jahl’s son Ikrima came and hit me on the shoulder. My hand was cut and hung. I was dragging it and fighting again. The hanging hand was an obstacle, I seperated it and threw it away. Again I saw Ikrima on the battle field but he ran away. Some narrations mention that this severed hand of Mu’ad bin Amr was smeared with saliva and attached to his body by the Prophet ﷺ.
After the war, Abu Jahl’s sword was presented to Mu’ad by the Prophet ﷺ. Mu’ad participated in many battles after Badr and passed away during the time of Uthman(R).
We have seen from Badr the epitome of unparalleled self-sacrifice. History continues to speak of how the spirit of idealism made material motives irrelevant. These are also the moments when the pain and aches of the body are forgotten when a good faith is held in one’s chest. Make up your mind once again that this is not a story or fiction, but a pure historical event.
Another narration about the end of Abu Jahl can be found as follows. Abdurahman bin Auf says. I also joined the army in Badr. Next to me on both sides are two young men who are teenagers. Because they are small, they have their swords tied around their necks. I thought. Am I among teenagers ?
I would have been safer if I had been near some bigger people. When I was standing like that, one of them called me and asked. Uncle, do you know Abu Jahl ?. I said I know. What can you do with him? Immediately the young one said, “I know that he is a slanderer of the Messenger of Allah. Therefore, by Allah, my Lord, if I meet him, I will not retreat until either he or I will die,. This is the agreement that I made in front of Allah.” I was surprised. Then the next one also speaks with the same vigor and emotion. I felt proud then. I thought I was standing between two mountains.
At that time, Abu Jahl was in the middle of the cordon . I pointed to him and said that he is the person you are looking for. Then they kept looking at him. They jumped in front of him through the gap they found. They cut him down and threw him to the ground. Those young men were the sons of Haris, Muawwid and Mu’ad.
Mu’ad, son of Amr cut off Abu Jahl’s leg. Harith’s sons dragged him to the ground and cut off his head and he breathed his last. It was Abdullah ibn Mas’uood who cut off his head.
We know how the epitome of arrogance came to an end. Despite the efforts of the Islamic side and his companions to avoid a bloodshed, Abu Jahl was the one who did not give in even a little. It was his ego that gave him such a despicable end.

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A report in which Abdullah ibn Masuood reviewed the scene of Abu Jahl taking his last breath, can be read as follows. The battle is over. The Prophetﷺ came to where the dead bodies of the slain idolaters were seen. His eyes were searching Abu Jahl, but he did not notice. Disappointment was evident in his eyes. Then he prayed like this. O Allah! Do not disappoint me in the matter of Pharaoh of this community! Then the Prophetﷺ ordered to search for him among those who were killed. Ibn Masuood says. I found him. He was in his last moments. I asked him kicking on his neck.O enemy of Allah! Hasn’t Allah disgraced you?

He immediately said. How can I be ignoble.! How can one be disgraced if he is killed by someone from your group? He responded with an air of pride. Abu Jahl felt shame as Mua’d and Muawwid who defeated him,were from a farming family. He shouted that if someone other than farmers killed him, it would have suited his status. He said to ibn Masu’ood who was trampling on his back, O son of the slave mother, you have climbed a difficult climb” O child! Tell me who has the victory! ‘To Allah and His Messenger’. Ibn Mas’ud retorted.

There is also like this in a report. Ibn Masu’ood says. I said to Abu Jahl, ‘I am going to kill you. You are not the first slave to kill the master. He replied. ‘It is you who kill me, is the greatest sorrow of me today. I could have tolerated if a noble man who was in ally with me, had killed me. These words were an expression of pride and arrogance that filled him even at the last moment. Even at the last moment, he could not avoid the hypocrisy and insolence, that he followed. The Prophetﷺ saw the slave and the owner as the same human being, was ne of the crimes he found in Prophet Muhammadﷺ. Putting the slaves next to each other and eating from the same plate with them,was a crime that he could not understand . It was this alienation and discrimination that made his end so tragic.

Ibn Mas’uood continues . I cut him with my sword .His head fell off. I took his armor, helmet and weapons and went to the Prophetﷺ. Then said. Messenger of Allah! Be happy! Abu Jahl has been killed. Is it true Abdullah! By my Sovereign Allah ! His death is dearer to me than a herd of red camels.

All praise be to Allah who kept His promise and helped His slave. He has killed the Pharaoh of this community. O Lord, fulfill Your promise to me and fulfill Your favors to me!
There are other reports to be read in this chapter with slight variations. Let’s continue reading some interpretations.

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Ibn Masu’ood asked, holding Abu Jahl’s beard, who was hit by Mu’awwid. ‘Aren’t you Abu Jahl’? Then he tried to cut his throat with the old sword in his hand but it did not cut. Immediately Abu Jahl asked to take his sharp sword and cut from the side of his neck and separate his head. I put it in front of the Prophetﷺ. Then said. O Messenger of Allah! Here is the head of Abu Jahl, the enemy of Allah.
The Prophetﷺ asked. Is it you who killed him? “Yes, I am. By Allah! There is no one to be worshiped but Him.” Then he praised Allah. He prostrated to Allah in gratitude and performed two rak’ahs of prayer.

It can be read as follows in the statement quoted by Imam Haisami. I met Abu Jahl who was injured in Badr and fell to the ground. I said O enemy of Allah ! May Allah despise you. Are you saying that those who were killed by your hands are despicable? I tried to cut him with my sword but it didn’t succeed. Because what I had was an old sword. He had a good sword in his hand. I cut his hand. Then his sword fell to the ground. I took that sword and cut off his head. I ran to the Prophetﷺ and informed. Then Prophetﷺ said. There is none to be worshipped other than Allah. Is it true? I said, yes! By Allah!.
Then the Prophetﷺ said. You go there once more and Make sure that he is killed. I went swiftly there and came back quickly. Yes Prophet! By Allah! Then he told me. But come, let’s go there. So I went along with him. He reached the place where Abu Jahl was killed. The Prophetﷺ said. “He is the pharaoh of this community.’

Some other narrations are summarized as follows. I came to Abu Jahl whose leg was cut. He was blocking the people with his sword. I praised Allah when I saw the scene. I cut his hand with my old sword. His hand was injured. The sword which he was holding, fell on the ground. I took that sword. After taking off his helmet, I killed him.The matter was told to the Prophetﷺ. The Prophetﷺ asked to swear me three times. Then he took me with him and approached his dead body. Then he said, “This is the pharaoh of this community.” Then the Prophetﷺ presented me with his sword.

There is also like this in a report. Ibn Masuood says. when I informed the Prophetﷺ the fate of Abu Jahl, there was Aqeel bin Abi Talib, who was captured by the Muslims. He told me. You are lying. You did not kill Abu Jahl.

You are a liar and a bad person. By Allah, I say I have killed him. Then Aqeel asked. Can you tell me an identification mark? He has a mark on his thigh like the circle of a camel’s chain. I replied. Then what you said must be true. Aqeel said.

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While reading Abu Jahl of Badr, one can see an interesting narration like this. The Prophetﷺ said to those who were looking for the dead body of Abu Jahl among the scattered dead bodies of the polytheists. I will tell you a sign to recognize him among the headless bodies. When he and I were young, we both jostled together near the utensil and he fell down. His knee still bears the mark of that injury. He is younger than me in age.

The sign mentioned by Ibn Mas’uood and the one mentioned in the above narration may be one and the same.

There is a famous narration of Abdur Rahman bin Awf related to the killing of Abu Jahl. Two young men came to the Prophetﷺ saying that each had killed Abu Jahl. Both of them said it was ‘me’. Then the Prophetﷺ asked did they wipe their swords? Both of them said, ‘no’. The Prophetﷺ said after examining the two swords, it was you two who killed him.

Those two young men were Mu’awwid and Mu’ad. They are the sons of Haris, an Ansari from the tribe of Khazraj. His son Awf also participated in Badr.
Awf and Muawwid were killed in Badr itself. History mentions different opinions that Mu’ad was wounded in Badr and died in Madeena, but in another narration that he lived until the time of Uthman (R).

Earlier we read the opinion that Abu Jahl was stricken first by Muad, the son of Amr bin Al Jamuh. Different opinions are seen in history that he was martyred in Uhd. There is another opinion that he lived until the time of Uthman (R).

Similarity of names etc. can also be the reason for difference in reports.
Dr. Muhammad Abdu Yamani explained the differences in the quotes after studying them. “Mu’ad bin Amr and the two sons of ‘Afrau cut Abu Jahl to the ground. Then Ibn Mas’uood cut his neck off and completed the task. This is the opinion of the majority of hadeeth scholars. “When the two sons of ‘Afrau, were killed in Badr, the Prophetﷺ said. May Allah have mercy on them!.They participated in the killing of Abu Jahl, the pharaoh of this community, the leader of the disbelievers.Then someone asked. O Messenger of Allah! Who else took part with them in killing? He said. The angels and Ibn Masu’ood…

There are opinions as to whether Abu Jahl’s armor and weapons or ‘salab’ were given to Mu’ad bin Amr or Abdullah bin Mas’uood.

When the top leadership of the Quraish fell to the ground in a very disgraceful manner, they lost their confidence and unity. The Quraish were thrown from one difficulty to another.

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Nawfal bin Quwailid was the one who had to be killed like the Umayyad at Badr. He was the one who shouted at the beginning of the battle, “O Quraish, this is the day of victory and glory.” At that time, the Prophetﷺ prayed: “O Allah, subdue Nawfal bin Quwailid to me .”
He enthusiastically participated in the battle. When he saw the polytheists being killed, he became panicky. He screamed. He called the Ansars. “Why do you want our blood? Don’t you see that we are being slaughtered? Do you want camels as ransom?
Abbaru bin Sakhr immediately took him as a hostage. Ali (R) noticed this scene. When he saw Ali, Quwailid’s feet began to tremble. He shouted. By lata and uzza, he aims at me. Who is he, brother? He only got the answer that it was Ali, by which time Ali came near swinging his sword. He cut off his legs and killed him.
Then the Prophetﷺ asked: Is there any information about Nawfal? Ali said; ‘I have killed him. Immediately the Prophetﷺ uttered the Takbeer and praised Allah for answering his prayers.
There is a special picture in front of us where prayer and work are equal. On the one hand, will encourage by saying the importance of effort and reward, and we will continue to seek Allah’s help through prayer. Some will admit defeat without a fight. Some will face defeat through a ferocious battle. Others will be killed as a result of the struggle. Yet others will get the light of faith and reach the right path. Whatever happens , Allah will be praised. It will be said that it is His generosity. All these things are combined in our faith.

When hearing this today, some may ask, if it was Allah’s generosity, would He have made all those who came to fight, believe in Allah? Sovereign Allah could eliminate all the enemies of Islam without making arena for a bloody war in His name? Shouldn’t Allah has created people like Abu Jahl?

For those who have consciously evaluated Islam and Islamic approaches to faith, there are no worries, no doubts, because there are some points that need to be understood.

One is that Allah is the Sovereign and He can do or not do anything when that happens. No one has the right to ask Him. He has His own judgments.

Along with that, He has set certain rhythms and order to the world, which is His creation. It’s sovereignty is with Him. Sometimes. He accomplishes needs according to that system, then praise be to Allah. We say ‘Alhamdulillah’ when we drink water and quench our thirst. Sometimes he slakes our thirst by abnormal ways and still He is the One who is to be praised.

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Let us come to Badr itself. The leaders of the Quraish were killed one by one. The morale of the group was lost. People scattered in many directions. Some of them retreated and by noon the result was against the Quraish. Among the leaders of the polytheists, in addition to those mentioned above, the names of some of the slain can be read as follows. Rabeeatu bin Al Aswad, Aamil bin Al Hazrami, Ubaida bin Saeed, Asw bin Al Munabbih, Nabeeh bin Al Hajjaj, Aamir bin Al Ka’ab, Masu’ood bin Al Umayya, Harith bin Rabeeah, Aqeel bin Aswad, Umair bin Uthman.

Many nobles and non-prominent people surrendered and became hostages. The fighting ended. The Prophet ﷺ entrusted his followers to collect the acquired property. Abdullah bin Ka’ab supervised that task . After praying Aswar at Badr, the Muslims traveled through the Aswiz valley. Camped in a convenient place before sunset. Although there is great victory and morale, many followers are seriously injured. It was not easy for them to travel. So decided to camp there at the night.Then the Prophet ﷺ asked his followers, “Who will guard this group tonight? If we all fall asleep, what if any of the enemies follow and endanger us ?” It’s a question that is part of a careful observation. No one immediately responded. After a few minutes, someone stood up. The person was not clear in the dim light. The Prophet ﷺ asked who?
He said ; Dakwan bin Qais . The Prophet ﷺ asked him to sit down. The next person stood up. And the Prophet ﷺ asked who is he? Ibnu Abdi khais. Also asked to sit down. The third person stood up. Who is? Abu Saba’u. Asked him to sit down. After a while the Prophet ﷺ said. You three men keep watch tonight. Dakwan stood up. The Prophetﷺ asked where are the other two people ? . Then he said, “O Prophetﷺ, I was the one who got up when you asked three times.” Each time I was mentioning each of my names.
Dakwan’s willingness to serve the group was allowed by the Prophetﷺ. He was appointed as the group’s night watcher . Dakwan guarded with the benedictory prayer from the Prophetﷺ ; “May Allah protect you”.
How many beautiful scenes of self-sacrifice were seen at Badr. Incomparable scenes of life, property and assets being surrendered to the path of Allah. Followers who guard their leader at any cost. A unique and unparalleled leadership that the world cannot match. Leadership that receives decisions from celestial world. Badar is the winning name of survival given by the Lord of the universe to this special group. Badar became a synonym of progress apart from the name of a region. The word Badar means full moon. Beloved Prophet, the full moon of men, is the true winner of Badr.

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The valley of Badr also tells the story of the supernatural glories of the Prophetﷺ. It was also a factor that gave courage to the great Companions. Ukkasha went forward as a brave warrior in Badr. He went bravely into the enemy side. He cut off the heads of many of them but his sword broke during the battle. There was no time to retreat or worry. He immediately ran to the Prophetﷺ. He quickly took a piece of wood and gave it in his hand. Then he said ‘Ukasha, fight with this.’ Ukasha accepted it. He was not worried about what would happen to him. He took it as a sword. He flashed it as a sword. It turned into a sharp, shiny and long steel sword. He kept it after the battle of Badr. He carried it with him in all his military operations, until the battle against the apostates.
He was martyred in the said war. Ukasha was a companion who received the good news of the Prophetﷺ. Once the Prophetﷺ said. Seventy thousand people from my community will enter heaven with faces like full bright moon. There will be no trial for them. They are those who do not chant themselves or ask others to perform un-Islamic chants .”As soon as the Prophetﷺ has just finished speaking, Ukasha said. O Messenger of Allah! ‘Would you please pray to include me in that group. O Allah, include Ukasha to them. There is another report that the Prophetﷺ said like this ; ‘you are among them ‘.
Another person who heard this said to the Prophetﷺ. Please include me too. He then responded, “Sabakaka Biha Ukasha” Or Ukasha has passed before you.”
This is another scene marked as the supernatural power of the Prophetﷺ. Rifa’at bin Malik’s eye was broken by an arrow during the battle. Prophetﷺ applied his saliva and prayed for healing. Miraculously the injury disappeared. After that the eye was never affected by any disease.
The head of Qubaib, the grandfather of Khubaib bin Abdu Rahman, was cut in Badr and was hanging like a flesh.The wound was smeared with the saliva of the Prophetﷺ. The wound was healed .
Salamat bin Aslam’s sword broke during the fight. He approached the Prophetﷺ and pleaded. The Prophetﷺ presented him a palm stick. It became a good, shining sword. He fought bravely guarding the Prophet ﷺ.
Qatadat bin Nu’aman was shot in the eye by an arrow. The eye fell out and hung. Immediately he reached near the Prophetﷺ. He placed it in it’s place. That eye became more powerful and beautiful than before.

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Badr can only be understood by spiritual thoughts and meanings. Something special has happened here beyond material fighting methods. The answer to the question that ‘what made the Muslim side victorious’, is that only when it is accepted that a spiritual force capable of overcoming physical force and armed force entered the battlefield, where force determines the course. Only the leader of the victorious side can say ‘how it was’. That only the Prophetﷺ can say that. He can’t speak according to his whims and fancies. He speak according to the will of the Ruler of the universe. The Holy Qur’an is the word revealed to the world by the Almighty Allah through the prophet Muhammad ﷺ, whom He appointed. The Qur’an tells about the power that controlled the course at Badr and the interventions that defeated the worshipers of darkness. Let us go through the contents of some verses.
Look at the meaning of the one hundred and twenty-third verse of the Holy Qur’an, Chapter III, Al-Imran: “Allah helped you at Badr when you were very weak. So be pious to Allah. That you may be grateful.”
The Qur’an tells us that Allah helped us through His special creation, the angels. Angels are only the messengers of Allah. Angels are able to move only according to His command. This is what the Qur’an says about helping groups from among them at Badr.
Chapter Eight Al-Anfal .Look at the idea of verses nine and ten “When they sought help from their Lord; then He said to you, “I will help you by sending a thousand angels in succession. And Allah only gave it as a good news and that your hearts might be at ease thereby ; and victory is only from Allah ; surely Allah is Mighty , Wise.”
Here the news is about reinforcing the Muslim group by sending a thousand angels, then the one hundred and twenty-fourth verse of the third chapter of Alu Imran says this. “When you said to believers: Does it not suffice you that your Sustainer assist you with three thousand angels to help you?”
One more advanced help is mentioned in the next verse or the third chapter one hundred and twenty five. “Yea ! if you remain patient and are on your guard, and they come upon you in a headlong manner, your Lord will assist you with five thousand of the havoc-making angels”.
Believers could feel the presence and help of angels. They got that strength and hope. The Prophet ﷺ saw the angels directly . The devil, the arch enemy of Islam, knew their presence . He ran away. The followers of the Prophet ﷺcontinued to receive their support as needed.
Some people have raised a question as to why there were so many angels, when great things can be done by one angel. The answer to them is that it is because of the greatness that Allah has given to the Badr.

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A famous Hadeeth conveying the greatness and the importance of the presence of the angels can be read like this. The Prophet ﷺ said. “The devil was seen most angry at Arafa and then at Badr. It is because of the shower of Allah’s mercy and forgiveness of sins”. Someone asked the Prophetﷺ. What did the devil see that day? He saw Gibreel lining up the angels for battle . The Prophetﷺ said when the battle started. “Behold, Gibreel has appeared in the form of Dihyat al-Kalbi. Drives the wind. I was helped by the east wind. The people of Aad were destroyed by the west wind.”
A narration of Ibn Abbas can be seen as follows. On the day of Badr, a man in the Muslim army was running after an enemy. Suddenly there was a sound of ‘Hyzoom’ or Go forward and a banging of a whip from above. The man sees the enemy fallen in the ground. He has a whiplash wound, a green mark and a hole in the nose. The followers immediately came to the Holy Prophetﷺ and told the matter. He responded like this. “What you said is true, it is help from the third world”
A testimony of the extraordinary military presence experienced at Badr, is as quoted by Ibn Katheer. Abu Rahm, of the tribe of Ghifar, with his uncle’s son, climbed a hill near Badr and watched the scene of battle.
The objective of the observation was to see which side would fail and then to steal their property. Looking at the battlefield, we noticed very few people in the army of Muhammadﷺ and a good number of members on the other side. Then they said themselves; ‘ let’s target the group of Muhammad ﷺ. And so they stood there. Abu Rahm says. We moved towards the left column of the Muslim army. That this is not even a quarter of the Quraish. Saying that, we moved to the next area and suddenly a cloud came. We were covered.We heard the sound of weapons and warriors. One of the man in the group is telling his horse; ‘Hyzoom’ or go forward. Then the others say ‘go slowly’… Let those behind come too. They joined the right flank of the Muslim army. Then another group also came and stood with the Prophetﷺ. Later on, the Muslim army appeared to be twice the size of the enemy. Seeing this scene, my paternal uncle’s son suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. I also had a heart attack but survived. Later I shared this information with the Prophetﷺ.
Hyzoom is the name of Gibreel’s horse. There are some mentions in the books that Prophet Moses(A) was taken to Mount Sinai on this horse.
Let us travel a little further with the angels of Badr. Suhail bin Amr says. On the Day of Badr, I saw a scene where white men with special markings were fighting between the heavens and the earth on black and white horses.
Suhail bin Amr used to say. ‘If you had come with me to Badr before I lost my sight, I would have shown you exactly the path through which the angels came.

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There is more to read about the angels’ participation in Badr. Ali(R) says. ‘I was walking near the well. There was a strong wind. It blew three times one after the other. A thousand angels descended with Michaeel(A) and stood on the right side of the Prophetﷺ. Abu Bakar was also there. Israfeel(A) also came in accompanied by a thousand angels and joined the group. I joined them. By that time, Gibreel had also arrived with a thousand angels. According to another report, there were five hundred Angels each with both Gibreel and Michaeel (A). It can be read that the angels were involved in fighting and capturing enemies.
Saibu bin Abi Hubaisul Asadi was one of the then-polytheists who took part in Badr. He was captured in the battlefield. This is what he said about it in the past; ‘It was definitely not a human being who held me hostage. Someone asked, “By whom do you think that you were taken hostage ?” Then he continued. ‘I was also among the losers, the Quraish. Then there was a white man on a black and white horse among the heavens and the earth. He caught me and imprisoned me. Abdu -Rahmanu bin Awf came to me. He asked the soldiers; who had imprisoned this man’?.
None of them took responsibility for it. Or they weren’t. At last I was brought to the Prophetﷺ. Then he asked me.” Who made you a prisoner”. I said I don’t know. Rather I am not interested in telling the scene I saw. But the Prophetﷺ then said that this man was taken hostage by a respected angel. The Prophetﷺ said. ‘Ibn Awf, take the captive you brought with you’. The words of the Prophetﷺ remained in my mind. But I came to Islam too late.
He had these words during the time of Umar (R). Umamat bin Sahl narrated that his grandfather said: “One of us pursued an enemy and finally swung his sword at him. But before his sword struck the enemy’s head, it was cut off. This is the scene I witnessed” .
If those killed in Badr have burns on their necks and hands, it is considered that they were killed by angels.

Hakeem bin Hizam says: “I saw swarms of ants descending on the day of Badr, filling the upper sphere and overflowing the valley. I knew that it was the help sent from heaven to help the Prophetﷺ” .
Jubair bin Mutim says. “At peak hour of the battle, before the enemy faction was defeated, a thing like a striped garment was seen descending from the upper world. Indeed, it was a group of angels. Immediately the enemies were defeated”.

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Angels came to each of the followers on the battlefield in the form of their acquaintances, thereby infusing them with more strength. The angels had special marks. They came to Badr wearing black turbans. The angels appeared in Uhud wearing red turbans. There are different reports about the color of the turbans worn by the angels. There are opinions such as red, black and yellow. Turbans with tail. Judging by the fact that different groups wore on different colours, there is no contradiction between the statements. It is also quoted that the angels approached Zubair wearing a yellow turban in the same manner.
Hamza an ostrich feather, Zubair yellow turban, Abu Dujana turban and Ali white roma, were adopted as symbols.
The horses of the angels also had a special mark. The mark was white fur or red cotton on the foretop and tail. The Prophetﷺ said to the followers, “Imitate the angels and mark the horses.” According to records, the method of using mark was started at Badr.
When the presence and help of angels are mentioned, it is good to add a related authentic reading. The holy Qur’an itself testifies that the angels provide presence and comfort to believers in addition to prophets. Look at the idea that thirty and thirty-one verses of the chapter forty one conveys. “To those who declare, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then stand firm in it, the angels will surely descend and say: “Fear not, and grieve not.Rejoice in the good news of heaven that has been promised to you. We are your best friends in this world and the hereafter. You can get there whatever you desire. You can find there anything you need” .
The presence of the angels at Badr was more of a consideration and comfort to the believers than a military intervention. Badr was paving the way for the Prophet ﷺ and his followers to receive the favor of Allah and the reward for helping His religion. The supreme authority of all execution belongs to Allah alone. Sometimes an entire nation is destroyed by an angel. Only one wing of Gibreel was used to destroy the people of Prophet Lut(A) with seven cities and everything in them. That was the decision of Allah.
It is not fair to ask; ‘ why it was not done here like that’ . Because it can only be answered that Allah has decreed according to His supreme power and timeless wisdom.
This is how Dr. Abdu Yamani writes about the place where the angels appeared at Badr. ‘I visited the battlefield of Badr and its surroundings. Then there is a long mountain on the left side of those who travel to Madeena . There is a valley named Al Mass .From here Abu Sufian escaped with his caravan . Shaikh Baki Shamil mentioned this mountain as the mountain where the angels descended. Many scholars have followed the same idea. But there is an acceptable statement that it was on the hill on the right side of the battlefield. It may be because of this the mountain is called, ‘the mountain of Angels’. Or the place where a man from the tribe of Gifar and his relative watched the angels coming from within the cloud.

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The roars of the battlefield subsided. The side of truth won the battle. Badr changed the equation of most wars in the world. Here the slain from one side and the survived, have succeeded. On the other side, the slain and the survivors have been defeated. Those who were killed among the believers flew to heaven. Their relatives and friends were proud to say that ‘I am the relative of the one who was martyred in the way of Allah’.Those who martyred in Badr were marked for the eternal heroic memory. Read the words of the Holy Qur’an, chapter three, Aalu Imran, one hundred and sixty-nine and hundred and seventy verses, proclaiming the glory of those who sacrificed their lives in the way of Allah. Ibn Abbas(R).says
“Do not think that those who are martyred in the way of Allah are dead. Verily they are living. They are provided with resources of life freely from their Lord. Rejoicing in what Allah has given them out of His grace and they rejoice for the sake of those who, (being left ) behind them, have not yet joined them, that they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve “.
Here is a description given by the Prophetﷺ describing the greatness and status of those who were killed in the way of Allah. Ibn Abbas(R) says that the Prophetﷺ said. ‘When your brothers lost their lives at Uhud, Allah placed their souls in green birds. They fly from near the heavenly streams and play in the gardens of heaven and enter to the lamps that hang beneath the “Arsh”.
When the Martyrs knew the taste of the food and drink they had received and the pleasure of the abode, they asked; What if our brothers in the earth knew what we received? In another report, it is as follows? Then they would have been able to remain enthusiastic in the struggle without being lethargic.”
Immediately Allah informed them that, “I will tell them”. That is how the Qur’anic verse quoted earlier was revealed.
Here is a narration of the practical side of their desire. The Prophetﷺ met Jabir, the son of Abu Jabir, who was martyred in the way of Allah. At that time Jabir was sad. Then he said. Messenger of Allah, my father sacrificed his life in the way of Allah and became a martyr. Debt and family are left behind.
Immediately the Prophetﷺ asked, ‘do you know how Allah accepted your father? I will tell you something. Then the Prophet ﷺ explained. Allah does not converse with anyone except from behind a curtain. But without that, Allah spoke to your father. Then Allah asked, O my servant.. what do you want now? I will implement it. Then Abu Jabir said?’ If you grand me rebirth, I want to be a martyr in your path again’. Then Allah informed..

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Allah said that the dead will not be brought back to the earth. Then Abu Jabir said: O Allah, tell those who are behind us about our present life. That is how the above quoted verse was revealed.

Allah has given martyrs a different but special life after their martyrdom. This is what we need to know and understand. It is not the right view to overestimate this or to deny such a unique life.
Sixteen people were martyred in Badr from the Muslim side. But the famous opinion says that there are fourteen.
Let us first know six people from the Muhajirs.
1. Du Shimalaini bin Amr: His real name is Umair bin Abdu Amr. He became a Muslim in Mecca. Banu Zahra was an ally of Bin Kilab. Later he migrated to Madeena and came to Zaid bin Khaysama. His ideal brother in Madeena was Yazeed bin Harith bin Fushum. He got the name Dushimalaini, meaning double-handed person, because he worked with both hands at the same time. It is not clear who killed him in Badr. He was then thirty-two years old.
2. Swafwan bin Wahab: Also known as Ibn al-Baizau or son of Baizau in addition to his mother’s name. He was also appointed by the Prophetﷺ in the Abawa military campaign along with Abdullah ibn Jaish. His ideal brother in Madeena was Rafi bin Al Mualla, from tha Ansars. He was killed by Tuaimat bin Adiy at Badr. But it is said that he was not killed in Badr and later he died of plague of Ammawas in Jordan.
3. Aqey6el and his brothers Amir, Iyas and Khalid were those who took pledge with the the Prophetﷺ first at Dar al-Arqam in Mecca . Khalid’s name then was Ghafil, meaning careless. The name ‘Aqeel’, which means wise, was given by the Prophetﷺ. He migrated to Madeena and reached near Rifa bin Abdul Mundir. But it was with Mubashir bin Abdul Mundir that he joined as the ideal brother. It is also said that he was with Mujassar bin Ziyad. He was thirty-four years old when he was killed at Badr. It was Malik Bin Zuhair Al Jushamik who killed this noble man.
4. Ubaidah bin al-Harith: Ubaidah accepted Islam before the Prophetﷺ concentrated in Dar al-Arqam. He was ten years older than the Prophetﷺ. He migrated to Madeena with his brothers, Tufail and Husain. The Prophetﷺ made Bilal his ideal brother. It is also said that it was Umair bin Al Humam who was his ideal brother. It was Ubaida who led a military expedition to Rabagh consisting of sixty Muhajirs. At Badr, he engaged in a duel with Shaibat bin Rabeea and was injured. Immediately, Hamza and Ali intervened and killed Shaiba. Ubaida died at Safrau on his way back to Madeena. He was sixty-three years old.

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5. Mihjau bin Salih: Came to Islam in the early days. He was a slave of Umar(R). Umar released him freely. Mihjau migrated to Madeena in the first stage. He attended Badr with the Prophetﷺ. While he was standing between two ranks of the followers, an arrow shot by Amir Bin Al Halrami hit him and killed him. Mihjau was the first martyr at Badr.
6. Umair bin Abi Waqqas, the brother of the prominent companion Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas migrated to Madeena early. Lived as the ideal brother of Amr bin Al Mu’ad, brother of Sa’ad bin Al Muad. When he came to take part in Badr, the Prophetﷺ did not allow him due to his younger age. Then he burst into tears. The Prophetﷺ allowed him . He was Martyred after a brave fight. Amr bin Abdu Wudd Al Amiri killed this sixteen year old. Now we have to read ten martyrs who are from the Ansars.
7. Rafi’u bin Al Mu’alla: Rafi’u was also known as Abu Sa’eed, who was of the Khazraj descent. Safwan bin Bailau was his ideal brother. He and his brother Hilal participated in Badr. Killed by the hands of Ikrimat bin Abi Jahal. Martyred at Badr.
8. Haritha bin Suraqat bin Malik bin Amir: Son of Anas’ aunt, Rabiyyah. While acting as an observer in the Battle of Badr, he came to the reservoir to drink water. Hibban bin Al Arqa from the enemy’s side shot him with arrow when the cup was close to his lips to drink water. It hit Haritha’s heart. He was martyred. Haritha was the first of the Ansars to be martyred at Badr. We have already read that Haritha’s mother decided to cry on the death of her son and asked permission from the beloved Prophetﷺ.
9. Umair bin Al Humam. Ansari follower from the Khazrajs. The ideal brother of Ubaidat bin Al Harith. A warrior who rushed to heaven entering the battlefield without even waiting for the time to eat. Martyred by the hands of Khalid bin Aalam.
10. Sa’ad bin Khaisamatu bin Al Haris. An Ansari follower from the tribe of Aws. One of those who pledged allegiance to the Prophetﷺ in the second Aqaba treaty. A member of the twelve-member advisory committee of the Ansars. When the Prophetﷺ came to Madeena, he used to sit in the house of Sa’ad to receive the people. Abu Salama was his ideal brother. Sa’ad’s house was a shelter for Muhajirs coming from Mecca. Participated in Badr bravely. He was killed by the hands of Amr bin Abdwud. It is also said that it was Tuaimat bin Adiyy who killed Sa’ad. The father, Khaysama was martyred in Uhud. The father and his son drew lots to participate in Badr. The lot was in favour of the son. Father said, ‘give me this turn’. Then his son Sa’ad said the famous remark, “I would have done so if it were not for heaven’s sake.” It was a proof of Sa’ad’s ardent faith.

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11. Mubashir bin Abd al-Mundhir was a companion from Banu Ummayya of Aws. Aqeel bin Bukhair’s ideal brother. He attended Badr along with his brothers Abu Lubaba and Rifa’at. Blessed with martyrdom.
12. Awf Bin Al Haris. Ansari follower from Banu Ghanam. At Badr, stood with Abd al-Rahman bin Awf. His brother Muawvid was also with him. After attacking Abu Jahl, he was killed.
13. Muawwid Bin Al Harith. Brother of Awf bin Al Harith. He was also killed after confronting Abu Jahl. Awf and Muawwid are involved in the Treaty of Aqaba.
14. Mu’ad bin Al Harith, brother of Mu’awwid and Awf. These three are better known as sons of Afra’u. Mother’s name is Afrau.
15. Yazeed bin Al Harith. Companion from Harith bin Khazraj. His ideal brother was Du Shimalaini. Martyred by the hands of Naufal bin Muawiyah. It is also believed that he was killed by Tuaimatu bin Adiyy.
16, Hilal bin Al Mualla. Ansari follower from Banu Jusham bin Khazraj. He participated in Badr along with his brother Rafiu and became a martyr.
Those who were martyred in Badr were buried at Badr itself. From this community, the first to be invited to the gate of heaven would be Mihjau, who was martyred at Badr. It is on his case that the first and second verses of the twenty-ninth chapter of the Holy Qur’an were revealed. The idea is; .
“Do people think that they will be left alone on saying, “We believe.” Without them being tested”.
Even today, thousands of believers visit the shrines of Badr . The place is also a public cemetery where local people are also buried. In the current reform, more foreigners will be able to come and perform Ziyara easily. The Muslims are about to leave with their war property after wishing those who are martyred in Allah’s way to heaven.
After every battle, the Prophetﷺ would visit the battlefield. Followers will be instructed to bury all human beings regardless of whether they are believers or unbelievers. But since the number of people who were killed in the enemy side, was more, it was not so easy to bury each one of them. So their bodies were piled together in a disused well and covered with earth. We have already read the speech of the Prophetﷺ standing there after burying them. “I am blessed with the victory promised by Allah”. The gist of the conversation was, ‘whether you did not remember the warning given to you’.
The enemy group, unable to bear the pain of failure, went to Mecca gloomy… They had to leave the beloved persons of Mecca in an abandoned well at Badr . They returned home in an unbearable sorrow, having lost all their pride , dignity, property and life. Those who came with bugles, lutes and merrymaking , are returning with uncontrollable sobs…

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The people of Mecca, who thought that their leaders would arrive with triumphant shouts, received sad news from Badr. The first to reach Mecca with sad news was Haizamanu bin Iyas bin Abdilla. He was one of the leaders of the community and a person who accepted Islam later. When he returned from Badr, the people of Mecca asked him. ‘What news do you have’? He began to say. Abul Hakam bin Hisham, Utbat bin Rabeea , Shaibat bin Rabeea, Sam’at bin Aswad, Umayyad bin Khalaf, Nabih Munabbih, and Abul Bukhtiri have been killed. The Meccans could not believe this. Hearing the names of all the leading leaders, they wondered. What Haizaman had lost his sanity!. Safwan bin Umayyah, who was hearing the news, could not believe it. He said, “O Quraish! ‘What is he saying?. Ask him ‘where is Safwan’? Then they asked Haizaman; ‘where is Safawan bin Umayyah? Haizaman immediately said, “He is near the Ka’aba. I am returning from Badr seeing his father and brother being killed.”

The whole of Mecca was shocked. The women cried out. There was mourning by shaving heads and slaughtering animals. In front of the horses and camels returning from Badr, the weeping women gathered. The Quraish leaders were having a hard time without any means to comfort the army. Finally, they said, “Let us take revenge. We cannot leave them like that.” We must take revenge anyway. But don’t cry. Muhammadﷺ and his companions will be happy if they know that the Meccans are crying all the day. So stop crying. Don’t rush to release the captives from their hands, because Muhammad‎ﷺ and his companions will demand a huge ransom. The hearts of the Meccans were fuming, unable to weep over their grief or recover their captives immediately. Many people who insulted the Prophet Muhammad‎ﷺ the bygone days, are now bowing their heads. As-Wad bin Sama’ was one of those who used to make fun of the companions by saying, “Who is there to conquer Kisra and Qaiser? Here are the kings of the earth.” His sight has been lost. All three of his sons have been killed in Badr. He broke down and wept. When the Quraish leaders told him not to weep, his heart began to burn, thinking that he could not weep. Occasionally he would call his slave and ask if he was allowed to cry. Finally, he would take the slave’s hand and go to the mountainside and cry. Then one night he heard the cry of a woman and immediately called the slave and said. Go and see if they permitted to cry. The slave went and came back saying that she is not crying because her loved ones were killed, but because she lost her camel. Aswad’s heart burnt like furnace. Then he recited a poem.
She cries because the camel is gone!
Don’t cry without sleeping
Remembering the lost camel
Mourn for Badr which has lost.
And remember the kind group of Abul Waleed
You remember the children of Makhzoom Hazeez
You mourn for the lion, Haris
And Abu Aqeel too
Don’t count the deceased
But Abul Hakam is unique
Some wanted to become leaders;
But it is Badr which gave them a chance.

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Many of the top leaders of the Quraish participated and were killed at Badr. But there is one more remarkable thing to be read in between. Abu Lahab, the most prominent leader of the Quraish, did not go to Badr. Instead, Aas bin Hisham was sent according to the decision that those who did not go to war should send a representative. He was sent to Badr after taking four thousand dirhams. He was killed by the hands of Saeed bin Aas. But the condition of Abu Lahab was very troublesome. Abu Rafiu, the servant Abbas(R) says. ‘The Meccans were all shocked by the news from Badr. We were making arrows for the Meccans in a room near the Zamzam well. But the news of Badr made us happy because of the inner faith we have. There was no favourable condition to reveal our faith.
In any case, the news from Badr worried Abu Lahab too. Abu Lahab came into the room where we were making arrows. He sat on a rope used to tie the tent.He was sitting facing me. Then someone called out and said, “Here is Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith.” Immediately Abu Lahab asked him. What’s the news? Abu Sufyan started talking sitting near Abu Lahab. What a pity!. The army we faced, was a formidable group. It’s like we just stood there to be killed and taken hostages as they like. By Allah!. We can’t blame our people either. Because among the heavens and the earth there were many white and black horses with some warriors on them. What can our people do but surrender before them?
Abu Rafiu continues. At this point, I intervened and said, “By Allah! Those who were on the horse must be the angels.” Abu Lahab did not like my remark. He jumped on me and started beating me. I was weak and helpless. And Abbas’s wife Ummul Fazl did not tolerate this attack. Shouting that the servant was being assaulted when the householder was away. She jumped up and gave Abu Lahab blows on the head.

Abu Lahab who was insulted, stood up silently. A week passed under the combined trauma of pain, and an unbearable defeat at Badr. He died of smallpox. Even his offsprings did not come near him for fear of infection. They were not even ready to cremate the body. Finally, the body swelled up. The stench was unbearable. The depressed sons splashed water on the dead body from a distance, moved the dead body with wooden legs and pushed it into the pit and inhumed.

When the Prophet proclaimed the message of truth, he who shouted ‘Tabban’ or Decay, became a stench to Mecca.. Like the hundred and eleventh chapter of the Holy Qur’an reverberates in the air…”

A large group of people who stood strongly against the Prophetﷺ, ended up at Badr. Those who were afraid that something would happen if they go to Badr, did not escape even though they stayed at home. We are moving through the days of revenge of the age.

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The Prophetﷺ heard the opinions of Abu Bakar and Umar. But there was no response. Next, Abdullahi bin Rawaha began to say, “Find a valley with more firewood and burn them all”. His opinion was a little bit strong. Upon hearing this, Ibn Abbas intervened and said. ‘When all your relatives have been killed then you may live in sorrow’.
At this point , the companions were of different opinions and some of them supported Abu Bakar. While some others agreed with Umar’s opinion. Ibn Rawah was also not without supporters.
The Prophetﷺ entered the hut without proclaiming a decision. He was with the opinion of Abu Bakar. The Prophetﷺ came out of the hut and asked Umar, O Abu Hafs, do you want me to kill Abbas? As soon as Umar heard this response, he became aware of the seriousness of his opinion. He lamented like this. ‘What a sorrow!Let Umar feel the sorrow of bereavement’. Then Prophetﷺ said.’ Allah will soften the hearts of some, then they will be softer than milk..He will harden the hearts of others, then they will be harder than stone.’
Then the Prophetﷺ addressed Sidheeq. Oh Abu Bakar! ‘You are like Michael from the angels, who comes with mercy . You are like Ibraheem(A) among the prophets. Because he said to Allah. ‘Those who follow me are of me or my followers. O Allah, those who do not follow me or disobey, but you have mercy and forgive them!
Oh Abu Bakr! The position you have taken is the position taken by Prophet Isa (A) towards the people. He said to Allah, O Lord, if You punish them, they are Your slaves or You have authority over them. But if You forgive them, surely You are Wise and Glorious.The meaning is that, ‘I desire your generosity’.
Oh Umar! You are like Gibreel(A) among the angels. Gibreel will appear as punishment and calamity against the enemies of Allah.
In the same way, you are like Prophet Nuh (A)among the Prophets. Prophet Nuh (A) prayed: “Lord! Do not leave any of these disbelievers on the face of the earth! If you leave them alone, they will lead your servants astray. They will not give birth to anything but rogues and disbelievers.” This is the meaning of the verses twenty six and twenty seven of the chapter ‘Nuh'(71) of the holy Qur’an.
You are also like Prophet Moses (A) who said, ‘Destroy their wealth. Harden their minds so that they will not believe until they see severe punishment.”

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Prophet Muhammad ﷺ considered the views of Abu Bakar and Umar and discussed it. He analyzed the differences in views of both of them and took its examples from history and said. Finally, he said to his companions, “If both of you had agreed, I would not have disagreed.” Now reached at the view that he may be freed or executed by accepting a ransom. There is a reading that this opinion was put forward by Jibreel. In any case, no hostage should be let go. And according to the number of these captives, men of ours shall be martyred; And it dawned in Uhd.

The ransom was determined according to the financial status and quality of the hostages. The amount was four thousand dirhams, three thousand, two thousand, thousand…. The ransom for some was to teach ten Muslim children how to read and write. This would be the first time in history that such a constructive and different step was applied here. In addition to all this, some were sympathetically released without ransom.

Ibn Mas’ud requested the Prophet ﷺ to exclude Suhail bin Baila from the general decision regarding the hostages. Ibn Mas’ud later mentioned that the Prophet ﷺ was silent for a while. At that time, Ibn Mas’ud mentioned that what he experienced at that time was like a stone falling from the sky on his head. After the silence, the Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Except for Suhail bin Baila’, and I was relieved.

The Qur’an observes that neither hostages nor ransom should be the goal, and in the struggle for survival one should not turn to temporary gains. Look at the idea of verses sixty-seven to sixty-nine in Chapter Eight Al Anfal.

“There shall be no prisoners of war under any Prophet until he subdues his adversaries in the land and establishes the supremacy of power or truth. You desire this worldly gain. Allah aims at the Hereafter. Allah is Majestic and Wise. If the judgment from Allah had not been recorded beforehand, a severe punishment would have befallen you for what you have taken. However, since the battle you have won, feel it as permissible and good. Have devotion to Allah. Allah is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful. ”

The Prophet ﷺ was saddened by the decision to release the captives instead of the liquidation. Abu Bakr also felt difficulty in making such an opinion. He addressed Umar (RA) and said, “If all of us are punished in this matter, only you will be saved, Umar!

Prisoners, freed or killed are not the goal of religion. The truth should be established and hard work should be done for it. In order to defend oneself, one should stand bravely if the enemy comes to the battlefield. This was the essence of the Qur’anic messages and the Holy Prophet’s response.

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Next we have to read the chapters on dealings with the hostages. At first the Quraish not showed enthusiasm in releasing those concerned by paying ransom. It was to prevent the Muslims from taking ransom or putting forward conditions.
Mutalib bin Abi Wada’a was the first to come to Madeena with this request. The trip was very secret for fear of criticism from the Quraish. He released his father by paying four thousand dirhams. Then each one started coming.
In the meantime, Jubair bin Mut’im came to Madeena to intervene in the matter of hostages and talk to the Prophetﷺ. The Prophetﷺ said to him: ‘I would have released the captives if your father had been alive and had spoken to me on this matter’. The Prophetﷺ said so remembering an obligation of the past. That is when the Prophetﷺ was returning from Ta’if. It was Mut’im who gave protection to the Prophetﷺ and nullified an agreement which was unnecessarily imposed on him .
Those who were freed, started coming to Mecca. One son of the Quraish leader Abu Sufyan, Hanlala, was killed at Badr and another son, Amr, was taken prisoner by Ali. ‘A son gave blood by being killed. After that, do I give money for the next son?. Abu Sufyan thought like this. His pride did not allow it. He used a trick instead. He captured Sa’ad bin Nu’man, who came to Mecca to perform Umra. According to the agreement with the Quraysh, Umrah pilgrims were not to be captured like that. But he broke the contract. Finally as from the instructions from the Prophetﷺ, Amr was released and thus Sa’ad was saved.

Among those captured was Abu Aas,the husband of Zainab, the daughter of the Prophet ﷺ. He was on the enemy’s side at that time. To free him,his wife, Zainab, sent her gold necklace to the Prophetﷺ. It was the necklace worn by Khadeeja, the beloved wife of the Prophet ﷺ. As soon the Prophetﷺ saw it, memories of his beloved wife, who was also the first believer, were awakened.Her patience and desire to see Islam grow, came to his mind. He made a request to the audience who were his followers.”Can we free Abul Aas without accepting this necklace if you don’t mind”. They accepted it unanimously.Abul Aas was released on the condition that Zainab, a faithful woman, should be allowed to go to Madeena.
This incident was a great example of the sense of justice and consultation policy shown by the Prophetﷺ. In the case of his own son-in-law, he could have used his sovereign power to decide. No one would have criticized the Prophetﷺ in that regard. The Prophetﷺ had so much freedom, authority and recognition. But it was not used.
Here is another important matter to remember. Even when he was in the position of highest leadership, the Prophetﷺ did not keep the memories of his loving wife away. Even though other wives came into his life, there was room in his mind to remember his wife emotionally, who died after her sixties. The power of that love was so strong that the Prophetﷺ was able to absorb all the love of Khadeeja(R) from the jewelry she wore.

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Abul Aas reached Mecca seeking release. He accepted Islam after sending Zainab to Madeena. But before it was too long, Zainab left this world. A detailed reading has been over.

An important chapter in the reading about the hostages from Badr, is that of Suhail bin Amr al-Amiri. Suhail was a well-known speaker and informant among the Quraish. That is why his anti-Islamic lectures and anti-Prophet conversations were a nuisance in the preaching path. That is why Umar asked permission from the Prophetﷺ to knock his teeth out. The Prophetﷺ said. “If I mutilate him, even if I am prophet, I will be mutilated because of it. So any man should not be mutilated. Perhaps tomorrow he will reach a position where he will not be criticized.”

A Quraish leader and poet named Mukarras Bin Hafs came to free Suhail and offered a huge sum of money. Till the amount collected, Mukarras was held hostage as a surety for Suhail. Suhail was released. Time waited for the dawn of the blissful prophecy of the Prophetﷺ. He came to Islam after the victory over Mecca. Suhail’s lecture took new dimensions. The lecture was helpful for the protection of the belief of many people, who were on the verge of apostasy.

The acceptance of Islam later by those captured as prisoners, is a picture of the humanistic approach, that Islam promoted. It is also an answer to the question of ‘how Islam treated captives’. There another one who declared Islam in the same way. Read on.
It is none than Waleed bin al Waleed. His brothers, Hisham and Khalid came forward to release him. He was freed after paying ransom. He declared his faith as soon as he was freed. He came to Islam only after paying ransom, to avoid a possible allegation that; ‘he became a Muslim because of fear’. After reaching Mecca as a believer, when he was about to migrate to Madeena, the polytheists tried to stop him. The Prophetﷺ prayed specially for him in Qunut.

It can be seen that historians have recorded a beautiful event in the news about the captives of Badr. It is like this. Umair bin Wahhab told his friend, Safwan bin Umayyah that his father was killed in Badr and so on. In the conversation near the holy Ka’aba, the discussion was also about ‘revenge’. Then Safwan said. ‘By god, there is no meaning in life after the beloved ones are killed. Umair immediately responded. ‘I have a big sum of debt. And if something happens to me, family will also suffer. Otherwise I would have gone to Madeena and killed Muhammad. My sons are also captives there. This remark of Umayyah encouraged Safwan. He was a person who had an uncontrollable grudge against the Prophetﷺ. Immediately he told Umair. ‘I have taken over your debt and family. You go to Madeena and accomplish the mission’.

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Umair told Tufail. ‘This conversation must be top secret’. It should not be shared with any one else. Tufail agreed and Umair prepared to leave. The weapon was poisoned. Taking the poisoned and sharpened sword in his hand, he left in secret. He got off the vehicle near Masjid in Madeena. Umar bin Al-Khatab, who was talking about the affairs of Badr with his friends, noticed Umair’s arrival. He observed an armed man coming down from the masjid side. “The enemy of Allah, Umair bin-ul-Wahhab, has not come for good. He is the one who stirred people up against us. He is the one who informed the enemies of the number of the Muslim side.” Umar could not stay there any longer. He went quickly to the Prophetﷺ and informed. Oh Prophetﷺ the enemy of Allah Umair bin Wahab has come taking sword. What we should do?. The Prophetﷺ asked to let him in. At the same time Umar told his Ansari friends to give protection to the Prophetﷺ. Then Umar brought Umair to the Prophetﷺ putting the sword around Umair’s neck. The beloved Prophetﷺ saw the scene and told Umar to leave him and let him come freely!
Umair walked in. He greeted the Prophetﷺwith ‘Good morning’. Then Prophetﷺ said, “Allah has blessed us with a beautiful greeting, or the greeting of Assalamu Alaikum, which is the first greeting of the inhabitants of the Paradise.” Anyway, why did you come here now?. I have come for our relatives who are captives with you; You should treat them well. Umair responded. Immediately the Prophetﷺ asked; Why did he come with a sword?
Swords! curse to them , may god disgrace them. Then he said bearing in mind their failure in Badr; ‘Did swords do us any good? Immediately the Prophetﷺ intervened and said. ‘Tell me truly, why did you come? Still he hid the truth and said that, ‘I have come only for that’. But the Prophetﷺ was not ready to leave him. The Prophetﷺ received special information from Allah about ‘why he came there’. He asked. Didn’t you and Safwan talk about the matter of Badr near the Ka’aba?. Then you said like this ; ´If I had no debt and family duties, I would have gone to Madeena and killed the Prophetﷺ’. Didn’t you say?. Then you were sent for this purpose after Safwan taking all your responsibilities.? By this time Umair was surprised. What a wonder! The conversation between me and Safwan was so secret that no one knew it. If it is supposed that someone had heard our conversation, there was no time for him to reach here and inform the Prophetﷺ. How did he know this? Umair thought.
When all ways of denial were closed, he was forced to agree. He said openly. ‘I agree that you are the Messenger of Allah’. Hitherto I had denied the celestial news. I am convinced that there is only Allah can inform about the conversation that Safwan and I had. Umair proclaimed his belief wholeheartedly. The Prophetﷺ immediately said his followers to teach him the holy Qur’an and religious principles and to release the hostages he demanded.
Then he asked the Prophetﷺ permission to go to Mecca and preach. He came to Mecca saying that instead of what he had done ‘before’ against Islam, he wished to guide the people to the right path. Many people including his son, Wahab came to ISLAM.

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