The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 10

Admin March 24, 2023 No Comments

The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 10

Mahabba Campaign Part-271/365

Abbas has a very different experience among the hostages of Badr. Abbas, the paternal uncle of the Prophetﷺ, was on the side enemy side at Badr. At the end of the war he was taken prisoner. At night he began to wail. It was difficult for the Prophetﷺ to hear that. Seeing this, one of the followers untied him. Knowing this, the Prophetﷺ ordered to untie other prisoners as well.
Abbas was captured by Ka’ab bin Umair known as Abul Yasr. It was a wonder how the young Abul Yasr could capture the powerful Abbas. Some asked Abbas himself ‘ why he could not subdue that young man’. Then Abbas said. ‘I felt him like the big mountain “Khantama”. The followers asked Abul Yasr, ‘ how he could take the flag from mighty Abbas and subdue him. The reply was that an honourable angel helped him. Abbas also agrees with the same point of reference: “I was taken prisoner by a handsome man on a horse spotted with white and black.”
The Prophetﷺ insisted that even if the captive was the uncle of him, he could not be freed without ransom. And the Prophetﷺ asked Abbas to pay the ransom of the sons of his brothers also, Aqeel bin Abi Talib, Naufal bin Haris, and Utbat bin Amr, who was a member of his ally. But Abbas replied that ‘he had no money with him’.
Some of the Ansars came to know about this and requested that he may be released without ransom. The Prophetﷺ responded that Abbas should not be spared of even a single dirham. Finally, Abbas agreed. There are differences of opinion as to whether he had given only Aqeel’s ransom or everyone’s. He begged the Prophetﷺ to get back the gold that he had given in cash. The Prophetﷺ was firm in his stance that; ‘we have no intention to give him the amount to use against ourselves’. At last, Abbas asked Prophetﷺ; ‘whether he intend to make him the poorest of the Quraish and a begger for the rest of his life’.
The eyes of Prophetﷺ widened with prophetic vision. He wanted to disclose what he has read with his inner vision. Then he asked again to Abbas. ‘Where are the gold bars that you gave to your wife, Ummul Fazl? You said ‘I don’t know what will happen to me. If anything happen to me, In that case, this is for you and your children, Abdullah, Ubaidullah and Fazl. It will be enough for your life time’. Didn’t you say this at the time of handing over the gold bars.!?
Abbas was shocked. What a miracle!. How did Muhammadﷺ know about this top secret conversation and transaction? He asked Prophetﷺ openly; ‘Who gave this information’? “My Lord Allah informed me”. The Prophetﷺ responded. Abbas’s mind was completely convinced of the truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammadﷺ.The conversation that took place between me and my wife was not known by a third person.The transaction that took place in the night in the most secret way, was not known by anyone except Allah. All my doubts are cleared. I declare that you are the messenger of Allah. Ashhadu an la Ilaha illa Allah.. wa annaka RasuluLlah…

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There are many opinions on when Abbas’ conversion to Islam took place. The dominant opinion is that, it was close to the victory over Mecca. However there are different accounts of the conversation and dealings with him at Badr. He tried very hard to get back the ransom given. He said: “I have accepted Islam with my heart early. I set out with the polytheists only in a situation of compulsion”. But the Prophetﷺ did not intend to leave him. He responded. If what you say is true, Allah will reward you. In any case, you were apparently in the anti-Islamic side. Referring to this situation and stance, the seventy and seventy one verses of the eighth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, ‘Al Anfal’, were revealed. The idea can be read as follows: “O Prophet, say to the prisoners of war who are in your possession: If Allah knows that there is any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what He charged you with. And He will forgive you. Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Or if they want to deceive you, then there is no novelty in that. They are the ones who have already betrayed Allah. That is why He made them your subjects. Allah is All-Knowing, and-Wise.”

Abbas himself reviews what happened to him . As Imam Razi wrote in his commentary on the Qur’an. Abbas says: ‘Allah has replaced me with the best. I have twenty slaves now.
The least of them does a business of twenty thousand. Similarly, I have been given the privilege of distributing Zamzam. I see it as better than receiving all the wealth in Mecca. Likewise, I hope for forgiveness from Allah’ . There is a narration also like this; ‘Immediately after the revelation of the above verse in the Qur’an, Abbas said to the Prophetﷺ. O Prophet! I wish I had been charged twice as much as what was charged to me that day, because Allah has blessed me with many blessings’ .

Abbas had an ambition for money. We can also see the scenes where the Prophetﷺ recognized it and approached him accordingly. An example can be read as follows. Once the wealth from Bahrain reached the Prophetﷺ. Till then it was the biggest wealth among the properties that came from different countries. It was displayed in the masjid as per the instructions of the Prophetﷺ. Abbas asked the Prophetﷺ to give him those properties. The Prophet ﷺ agreed. Abbas tried to carry it all in one garment. But it did not succeed. He asked the Prophet ﷺ to tell someone to help him . He refused. Then Abbas told the Prophetﷺ himself to help .But he showed no interest. At last , Abbas left few things there and carried as much as he could carry. The Prophetﷺ watched him until he disappeared from the sight. The Prophetﷺ was surprised in his excessive interest to wealth.

How many lessons are we being taught through aforementioned scenes? The justice and kindness of the Prophetﷺ. Not ready to yield to favouritism. And such like lessons…

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Let us travel a little more with the hostages of Badr. This chapter also imparts to the world the methodology of post-war approaches. Actions were taken realizing the condition and mood of each one. Take a look at one more example. Noual bin Harith bin Abdil Mutalib is a family member of the Prophet‎ﷺ. The Prophetﷺ said him, ‘Give ransom and accept freedom’. He said. ‘I have no means of paying the ransom’. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ said, “Accept money from your relatives in Jeddah”. He was surprised. There was no way one can know such a possibility. There was no possibility behind this information, given by the Prophetﷺ except that Allah has informed him. Immediately Noufal said. ‘I agree that you are the Messenger of Allah’. After paying the ransom, he was set free.
Amr bin Abdullah bin Usman has a different experience . He was a poet known as Abul Issa Ash-Sha’ir. His lines were sharper than swords. He used them well against Islam and the Prophetﷺ. He participated in Badr and was taken prisoner. He begged the Prophetﷺ for release. He said, “O Messenger of Allah! I am a poor man. I have five daughters. I have not reserved anything for them. Be generous to me remembering them.”
The Prophetﷺ accepted this request. He was released on the condition that he would never again fight against the Prophetﷺ or instigate people. Then he composed some lines praising the Prophetﷺ.
“Man Mubligin Anni Rasula Muhammadan
————- ———–
Fa innaka man harabtahu la muharibun
Shaqiyun waman salamtahu la saeedu”
“To convey my message to the prophets
(Who will come as a messenger.
Oh! Noble Prophet, you are the Prophet of truth.
You are an admirable king
With witness from Allah
A beacon that shows the right way
The Almighty gave yourself high places
Allah blessed you with nobility and stability
One who fight against you,
Their defeat is lui
If there is a truce with you,
Victory is certain Victory is certain)
What we can read here is a beautiful picture, where the Prophetﷺ spoke authoritatively at some conditions and approached with with mercy at times. The Prophetﷺ carried out an all-touching intervention that should be from a ruler.
Let us continue to read one more incident that happened to Abu Issa.

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We have to read two levels regarding the distribution of war property or ‘Ganeema’. ONE.”Salab” of the slain, including his armor and weapons, belongs to the slayer. And the ‘salab’ of the captive is claimed by the captor. TWO. Distribution according to the forty-first verse of the eighth chapter of the Holy Qur’an. The idea of ​​the verse is as follows. “Know: Of whatever battle you have won, one-fifth of it belongs to Allah and His Messenger and to the next of kin, the orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; if you believe in Allah and in what We sent down to Our servant on the day of distinction, the day on which the two parties met! And Allah is Able to do all things.”
There are opinions about which of these two methods is adopted in Badr. When the reports are put together, it can be understood that the property was distributed in both ways. A summary of what we can read is that; after the Salabs were given to those who deserve them, the property other than ‘Salab’, was distributed as prescribed by the holy Qur’an. Because there is a reference In the hadith quoted by Imam Bukhari about the camel that the Prophet ﷺ gave to Ali in the Badr as the one fifth share . Similarly, Amr bin Jemuh, Ali, Hamza and others received Salab. It can also be seen in other reports . When these two reports are read together, the above conclusion appears to be the most reasonable.
Some have written that the rule of dividing the war property into five, came in to effect later, and that the property of Badr were divided equally among the participants. For this opinion, there is very little official support. Al-Anfal chapter, which covers the issue of allocation of war property, was revealed entirely in connection with Badr. Scholars have also explained that this is how the pressure force team or “Sariyya” assigned to Nakhla, has been allocated. The share of those killed participating in Badr, was given to their heirs.
We have also seen a picture of how Islam is all-pervasive and marked on a practical level. Here we can get another beauty of reading the Qur’an from the context of revelation.
One day, those who had to leave their native land, have defeated the arrogant group, that expelled them and marked the proud achievement forever. The direction of history itself is going to change. The information of the victory at Badr reached Madeena. The Prophetﷺ appointed two men to the two provinces of Madeena to officially deliver the news. Abdullahi bin Rawaha was appointed to the upper areas or Awali of Madeena and Zaid bin Haritha to the lower areas. They reached Madeena and announced; Oh! Ansars rejoice, that the messenger of Allah is secure and won the battle and the enemy has been either killed,captured or defeated.

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The hypocrites of Madeena could not accept the victory announcement of the Muslims. They started saying nonsenses. Some refused completely. One of them said to Abu Lubaba; The followers of Muhammadﷺ are completely scattered. They will never organize again. Didn’t you see that Zaid Bin Harisa came on Muhammad’s camel and shouted something. Usama asked Abu Lubaba what ‘he’ told you.? Abu Lubaba replied. Immediately Usama gathered all his strength and approached the hypocrite and asked, ‘are you spreading falsehood about the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to provoke the people? Let the Prophetﷺ come here to Madeena. I will bring you to his presence and punish you. Then the hypocrite said that he did not say, ‘what he directly heard’ but he heard what someone else said. Saying this he walked away.
When the names of the Quraish who were killed at Badr were counted, the hypocrites could not believe it. Their leader, Ka’ab bin al-Ashraf, said that if all the leaders were killed, it would be better to go inside than to live on the surface of the earth.
Before the Prophetﷺ reached the Safra Valley on his way to Madeena, the war property had already been distributed. Then the journey continues.

When the Prophetﷺ left for Badr, his daughter Ruqiyyah was on her sick bed. Uthman was asked to stay in Madeena to take care of his wife, Ruqiyya. In the meantime, the disease worsened and she left this world. When Uthman was burying Ruqiyya, he heard the sound of Takbir ‘Allahu Akbar’ from many parts of Madeena. Uthman asked what he was hearing? Usama enquired and said. Zaid bin Hariza has arrived with the news of the victory of the believers at Badr and the fervour is heard.
The ecstacy of the same day when the Prophetﷺ reached migrating from Mecca to Madeena. Madeena sings welcome songs. The children recited the lines of the solemn welcome song “Twala’al Badru Alayna”. The people of Madeena praised Allah that the leader Prophet Muhammadﷺ had returned in triumph without even a scratch. They were very happy and joyful.

Mentioning the defeat of the Quraish and the helplessness of those who had been killed from the Quraish, Salamat bin Salama began to rebuke .He also said like this: “We saw there some aged women like tied camels. We slaughtered them easily”. When the Prophetﷺ heard this, he laughed. He said, “O nephew! They are all leaders and prominent from the Quraish.” Salam felt ashamed when he heard this response. He said, “No, O Messenger of Allah.”! Doesn’t it seem that you are not satisfied with me? The Prophet ﷺ said, recalling the expressions from Salama earlier.” I often compromised thinking that you would be right”.

When the Muslims came to Madeena shouting triumph , the captives behind them were also brought to Madeena.

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The hostages were brought to Madeena in shackles. The great leaders of Mecca came to Badr with pride. They thought that they could eliminate the Prophetﷺ and his followers. They had all the necessary material equipments for that. They came relying on the power of weapons. But the chemistry of Badr overtook all material arrangements. All the egoists fell to the ground there. They were either killed, captured or defeated.
Souda was witness to the scene when the captives brought to Madeena. She was in agony because the sons of Afrau, Muawwid and Mu’ad, were killed. But in the meantime, the helplessness of the captives influenced her . Since it was before the Hijab law came into effect, later she shared her experiences of meeting the captives.

Souda says. ‘When I came to the Prophetﷺ, there was Abu Yazid standing in a corner. He was standing with his hand tied to his neck with a rope. Suhail bin Amr was standing in the next corner. At that time, I could not control myself. I asked Abu Yazeed, did you hold out your hands to them saying, “Here, tie them up?” Wasn’t dying better than this? The Prophet ﷺ rose from there and asked her; ‘Are you instigating him against Allah and His Messenger?

Messenger of Allah! By Allah!Who appointed you as the messenger ! When I saw Abu Yazeed with his hands tied around his neck, I could not control myself. That’s why I said.
Each was a sight that clarified the extent of the glory that the side of the truth achieved and the depth of the defeat that the opposition faced. The energy accumulated through the victory encouraged Muslims. At the same time foreign countries also discussed the political changes in the Arabian Peninsula . Jafar and his friends who had become refugees in Ethiopia, were invited by the ruler Najjashi to his palace. When they reached there, they found him sitting on the ground wearing crumpled clothes. He was very humble. While Jafar and his group were wondering, the king began to say, “I have called you to inform you a good news. My messenger from your country has come with good news. The news is that Allah has helped His messenger and defeated the enemies. Many opponents have been killed. Many of them have been captured. The battle took place in the area called Badr, where Arrack trees grow abundantly.
Ja’far and his team praised Allah. They were delighted. In the meantime, they asked the king. ‘Why are you sitting like this on the ground?. ‘Prophet Jesus (A) taught that if Allah blesses His servant with something, he should be humble and grateful. I humbly thank Allah for this blessing that Allah has given to His Messenger’. The king responded.

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Part of the greatness of Badr is the greatness of those who participated in Badr. Allah has bestowed high status to the believers who participated in Badr. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also agreed it and gave it to the Badriyyeen. Once Gibreel asked the Prophet ﷺ. How do you see the Badriyyeen ? The Prophet ﷺ responded, “They are the best among the believers.” And so are we, the angels who participated in Badr are the highest among us” .Gibreel responded.
The most remarkable mention of the honors that Allah gave to Badriyyeen, is as follows. Allah specifically appeared to Badr and said. “Heaven is obligatory for you. Live as you wish. I have forgiven you”. Let us read the approach taken by the Prophet ﷺ in accordance with this statement.
Ali says. The Prophet ﷺ called me and Abu Marzad, who was skilled in horse riding, and entrusted us with a mission and said, “Go straight to the garden of ‘Khaq’. There you will see a woman. She is one of the polytheists. She will have a letter from Hatab bin Abi Baltwa’ to deliver to Mecca .”
We are on our way. We came with her who was traveling on a camel. Immediately we asked. ‘Where is the letter ? She denied that she had no letter. Then we behaved a bit seriously. But couldn’t find the letter.
Then we said each other, ” However the Prophet ﷺ do not lie”. Then we said to her. ‘Get the letter quickly or we will have to strip you and check . When she realized that we will not leave her, she took out the letter from inside her hair. We took it and started to the Prophet ﷺ. Her name was Sarah, a beautiful woman doing spy work for the polytheists.
We reached the Holy Prophet ﷺ with the letter. Immediately, the Prophet ﷺ called Hatab, the companion who had sent the letter, and inquired about it. He said . ‘I had no malice in sending this letter. It was done to protect my family and property in Mecca. Because I have no relatives in Mecca like others . Apart from that, there has been no change in my belief or attitude. The Prophet ﷺ was satisfied with Hatab’s explanation. He immediately said, “What Hatab said is true, so no one should blame him.”
But when the seriousness of the matter and Umar’s nature came together, he said, “O Prophet, he has betrayed Allah, His Messenger and the believers. Therefore, let me punish him. At this point the Prophet ﷺ intervened. O Umar, what do you know about Badriyyeen ? He then said, Allah said to them “Do what you like, Heaven has made it obligatory for you.” Hearing this, Umar burst into tears. His cheeks became wet and he said, ” It is Allah and His Messenger know best.”
Here the glory of being one who participated in Badr, is reiterated and considered.

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We have read the history of Badr and related subjects. How does the holy Qur’an observe the incident which changed the world order.? What are the benefits by such resistance? The reading about Badr comes to a completeness when we also know the answers to some of the questions. Take a look at the idea of the second half of the forty-first verse and the forty-second verse of the eighth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Al-Anfal. “If you are the ones who believe in Allah and in what We presented to Our servant, on the day of distinction, the day on which the two parties met; and Allah has power over all things”. “When you were on the nearer side (of the valley)and they were on the farthest side, while the caravan was in a lower place than you, and if you have mutually made an appointment, you would certainly have broken away from the appointment, but- in order that Allah might bring about a matter which was to be done, that he who would perish might perish by clear proof and he who would live might live by clear proof, and most surely Allah is Hearing, Knowing”.
We have understood the actions that resulted in Badr and the importance of the battle of Badr in differentiating the truth and falsehood. The holy Qur’an reminds the duel at the beginning of the battle and it’s result. The idea of ​​the verses from nineteen to twenty-two of twenty-second chapter of the Holy Qur’an can be understood in this way.
“These are the two parties who have disputed about their Lord, then (as to) those who disbelieve, for them are cut out garments of fire, boiling water shall be poured over their heads . This will melt their stomach and skin. And for them are whips of Iron. Whenever they intend to leave that hellfire because of the grief, they shall be sent back to it and suffer the burning punishment.”
About this Qur’anic verse, Abu Dar, a leading follower says: The characters in this verse are Utbah, Shaiba and Waleed, who were the first to fight in duel at Badr, and Hamza, Ali and Ubaidah who faced them. The material failure faced by the polytheists here and the loss they have to face hereafter, were also mentioned.
Abu Jahl often asked about the Prophetﷺ: whether this person was appointed by Allah as a prophet ?. The answer given at that time was the forty- one and forty-two verses of the twenty-fifth chapter of the Holy Qur’an. The idea is, “These people scorn whenever they see you . They ask: “Is this one whom God has sent as His Messenger? If we had not been steadfast in our faith in our gods, this Prophet would have led us astray from them.” (Allah says) “And they will know when they see the punishment, who is straying farther off from the path”
Commentators of the Holy Qur’an explain that the fulfilment of the punishment referred to here, was at Badr. Likewise, Imam Qatada observes that the fulfilment of the eleventh verse of the Qur’an chapter thirty-eight, ‘Swad’, was also at Badr. The idea is “Here is a military array. A weak group from various parties as well, that is going to lose”.

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In the war, it’s spear that matters
There is nothing else to do but draw the sword
Wounds inflicted and split heads
What else is the news in the battle field?!
The wayward Utba was cut and thrown to the ground
Shaiba was dragged into the abandoned well
Amr came to rescue and died.
Lamenting women with torn dress
People who lost their way cut the flag.
Iblees led the bearers of darkness
And left them in the lurch and cheated
When danger neared , Iblees said,
No way to help you,
I see angels too
come to us as a punishment.
Indeed, he cheated those who trusted,
When he knew what he don’t know.
We are three hundred, like the shining stars
And the thousand of them in the filthy pit.
For us wherever we can remember
Allah’s army is ready to help
Gibreel came with them as the leader
And poured strength into us.

In this poem, Hamza expressed the scenes of Badr and the course of the battle. Let’s get acquainted with the idea of some lines written by Ka’ab Bin Malik.
Allah’s decision is a miracle
If He wishes something , it will happen for sure
A group that leads people astray
met their fate on the day of Badr
Come with friends in group
Aamir also came with Ka’ab
Allah’s Messenger is among us
The Aws are like a fort standing around
Najjar tribe came in steel armour
The Prophet’s flag was hoisted
And there is no God but Allah
Witness that Prophetﷺ won .
Seeing the lightening swords
they scattered
Those who have seen the terrible end
Abu Jahl fell face down on the ground
Utba also fell when I left him
Shaiba and Taimi have fallen in the field
They also denied the Lord of the ‘Arsh’.

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How can the chapter Badr and poetry be complete without mentioning the poetry of Hassan bin Thabit. A few lines from the long poem of Hassan(R) can be read like this.
“Mustash iri hilakhal maziya yakhdumuhum
Jaladunnaheedati Mazin Ghairi Ra’adeedi”
Strong leaders leading from the front
The followers stand in steel armor
The leader I mentioned is beloved Prophetﷺ , merciful and most pious.
You thought we won’t get water to drink in Badr , But !
We didn’t hear a reply at Badr
We drank as much as we want
We are those who hold fast to the Lord’s ‘path’ (Deen)
It is the way of Allah
For we have the truth and the Messenger.
And the time of triumphant death
Guard his group as the fighting rages on
The Prophet ﷺ protect the group
Shining star and full bright moon
Prophet ﷺ,the final decision in words
You have shown displeasure against the Prophetﷺ.
You instigated Kinana against the Prophet ﷺ.
Those who did not know the strength of the enemy, were defeated
They were dumb at the death.
Death and Hell overtook them;
Joined together regardless of relationship or kinship
The leaders of untruth have deceived.
Learn from Allah’s army.
When we saw the enemy group in the well
With and without blood money
How many people have we let go!
It would not be fair to go without quoting the lines of Ubaidatu bin Al Harith. Ubaidah was one of the three men from the Muslim side when the mushriks fought a duel on the battlefield: The following are the lines he sang when he returned from the battlefield with a cut leg and forgot his injury.
“Satab lugu anna ahla Maeccatha waq’atan. ….”
A tragic news to reach Mecca
Even the non-partisans will tremble
Bin Shaiba was disgusted by the tragic news,
Came when Utba and Shaiba left the world
No anguish about the cut foot
Be rewarded for being a believer
The good things of the hereafter are my concern
I have sold this worldly life for tomorrow.

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This military move is known as Gazvatu Saveeq or the ‘Grain War’. It was named so because Abu Sufyan’s group left sacks of grain along the road to prevent the Prophet ﷺ and his group from reaching them. Stayed in Medina for five days. The Prophetﷺ appointed Basheer bin Abdul Mundir, as his representative in Madeena for five days .
An important diplomatic intervention of this period was the Ghatfan operation. The Muharib and Sa’laba tribes of Ghatfan, under the leadership of Duahsur bin Harith bin Muharib, planned to attack Madeena. The Prophetﷺ decided to go there and face them before they reach Madeena . Entrusting the charge of Madeena to Uthman bin Affan, the Prophetﷺ went to Ghatfan with a group of four hundred and fifty men. When the Muslim army arrived, Ghatfan climbed up the hill and escaped. The Muslim group came to the area called Du Amar and prepared to rest in various places. Meanwhile, Duasur, the leader of the enemy camp, came near the Prophet ﷺ . He took possession of the sword of the Prophet ﷺ which was hung on the near by tree. Then he stood facing the Prophet ﷺ and asked; Who will save you from this? The Prophet ﷺ replied without flinching in front of the threat, “Allah” will save me. It’s not too late. The sword fell from his hand to the ground. Immediately the Prophetﷺ took hold of the sword and asked him.
Who will save you from me ?. He said helplessly that there is no one else to save him . The Prophetﷺ relented to him. With that he accepted Islam, remembering this situation. The eleventh verse of the fifth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Al Ma’idah revealed. The concept can be read as: .“O you who believe, remember the favor of Allah upon you: a group was preparing to lay hands on you. Then Allah withheld their hands from you. So be pious to Allah. Let the believers submit everything to Allah alone “.After fifteen days the Prophetﷺ returned to Madeena.
Before long the Prophetﷺ knew that a large group gathered in Abu Sulaim bin Mansur . Immediately the Prophetﷺ left for Abu Sulaim with a group of three hundred people. Ibn Ummi Makthum was put in charge of Madeena . He spent two months there and returned peacefully.
All events which history introduces as military movements, were actually moves towards peace. Wars were avoided by going there and preparing to face those who intended military movements towards Madeena. It also prevented the forming of further enemy alliances . Chances of major clash are gone. Self-confidence increased among the believers and Madeena became an impenetrable stronghold for the enemies.

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Let’s move on to another chapter in the eventful journey of the beloved Prophetﷺ. An incident happened in the middle of Shawwal, the twentieth month of the migration. History has marked it as Banu Qainukha’s military campaign or war. The tribe of Banu Qainuqa was the bravest of the Jews and the people of Abdullah bin Sallam. Their profession was jewelry making.

After the Hijra, the approach of the non-believers to the Prophetﷺ was mainly in three methods. A group of people made an agreement that they would not fight the Muslims and would not stand with those who come against the Muslims. The three Jewish tribes of Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nalir and Banu Quraila were of this attitude. The second group was in strong hostility. The same stance as the Quraish’s. The third group was of the opinion that ‘to act upon the context’. Arab tribes other than the Quraish adopted this approach. Among this group there were people who wished the victory of Islam. There are those who apparently stood with Islam. The Quza’a were in the first category and the Banu bakar were in the second category. The munafiqs or hypocrites were those who pretended to be Muslims and were implicitly hostile.

Banu Qainuqa’a were the first of the Jewish tribes who violated the peace treaty which was signed when the Prophetﷺ came to Madeena. They showed open hatred and jealousy.
The Prophetﷺ called them together in their own market and convinced them the truth. He spoke like this. ‘O Jewish community, submit to Allah. Do you know clearly that I am an appointed messenger from Allah? By Allah ! Beware of the calamity that befell the Quraish from Allah. Obey Allah. Do you not know that I am the Messenger of Allah? It is said in the book that you have. Banu Qainuqa responded like this. O Muhammad! Do you think that we are like the ignorant people of Mecca?, Who don’t know war. Don’t be fooled by their defeat. Fight with us and you will know who we are. Ibn Abbas says that twelfth and thirteenth verses of the Holy Qur’an, the third chapter of Al-Imran, were revealed on this context . The idea reads as follows, “Say to the disbelievers: Soon you will be conquered and led en masse to the Hellfire. What a bad place it is ! You have a good lesson in two groups that clashed with each other. A group was fighting in the way of Allah. The other was the disbelievers. In the eyes of the unbelievers, the believers seemed to be their double. Allah strengthens whom He wills with His help. Indeed, there is a great lesson in this for those who have insight.

These verses were revealed reminding Badr and inviting to think. There was one more incident in the market during this period…

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Even though it has been a year since Badr, the wounds inflicted to the Meccans, have not healed. The thirst for revenge that formed in them was not quenched. Abdullahi bin Rabi’ah, Ikrimat bin Abijahal, Haris bin Hisham, Huwaithib bin Abdul Uzzah, and Safwan bin Umayya (all of them accepted Islam later) approached the Quraish leader, Abu Sufyan. All of their relatives were killed in Badr. Their wealth was in the trading group. They said. ‘Muhammad (ﷺ)has killed our leaders and defeated us. So we must use our resources and make a counter-move . Abu Sufyan agreed. According to another report , Abu Sufyan himself took the initiative to take revenge and approached others to ask for cooperation. A business of one thousand camels and fifty thousand dinars was done in that season . The capital was returned to the owners of this property and the entire profit was earmarked for the war against the Muslims. Referring to this occasion, the Holy Qur’an revealed the thirty-sixth verse of the eighth chapter of Al-Anfal. The idea is like this: “The unbelievers spend their wealth only to prevent people from the way of Allah. And they will continue to spend it. In the end, it will be the cause of their own suffering. Such will be the ultimate losers. Finally, these unbelievers will be gathered together in the Hellfire.”
The Quraish decided to fight against the Muslims. The Quraish were organized under the leadership of Amrubin al-Aas and Abdullahi Assyabari (both of them later converted to Islam.) Hubairah bin Abi Wahhab, Musafiubin Abdi Manaf and Amr bin Abdillah al-Jumahi. 3000 soldiers including 200 cavalry and 700 armored soldiers were assembled. Or three times more troops as had marched to Badr.
All the information was conveyed to the Prophetﷺ by paternal uncle, Abbas through a man from the tribe of Ghifar. The messenger who came, met the Prophet ﷺ at Quba in Madeena and conveyed the message. The Prophet ﷺ asked Ubayu bin Ka’ab to read the message. After learning the information, the Prophet ﷺ asked Ubayy to keep the matter a secret. After that the Prophet ﷺ went to Sa’ad Bin Rabeeu. Also told him not to share the information in the letter and keep the information confidential. The Prophetﷺ walked away. Then a woman came in there and asked Sa’ad ‘what the Prophetﷺ had talked to him’?. Sa’ad said; ‘What nonsense she was asking? Then the woman disclosed the information in the letter. She had overheard the conversation. Sa’ad feared that if this information spread, he would be a regarded as a criminal in front of the Prophetﷺ. He went to the Prophetﷺ and informed about that woman. After hearing the matter, the Prophetﷺ said; Never mind, let her have her way.
Preparations are being made in Mecca and information is being received in Madeena. The Quraish are marching towards the next great war…

Mahabba Campaign Part-291/365

It was the fifth of Shawwal. The Quraish left Mecca . The leaders took their wives with them. Hind bint Utba, wife of Abu Sufiyan was also there . They were accompanied by a Daff team commemorating those killed at Badr. They sang laments. Jubair bin Mutim called his Ethiopian slave Wahshi. (Both later converted to Islam). He was infallible in using harpoon .Jubair told him. ‘If you kill Hamza, you will be free. Whenever Hind sees Vahshi, she would say, ‘O Abu Dasma, if you relieve our sorrow, that is, if you kill Hamza , you will be relieved or freed. That, by giving comfort get comfort.
At the same time Amr bin Saifi, the leader of the hypocrites in Madeena , left Madeena for Mecca with fifty men. The goal was to incite the Quraish to fight. They promised to help the polytheists if they reached Madeena .
The Quraish marched ahead. When they reached Abawa, they thought of destroying the grave of Amina (R), the mother of the Prophet ﷺ, but Allah stopped them. A group said, “If we destroy this grave, the Banu Zahra will not leave the graves of our people.”
Abul Waleed Al Azraqi says. When the Quraish marched towards Uhd, they reached Abawa. They thought of destroying the grave of Amina (R). Hind was specially urged to find the grave and destroy it and offered a high ransom if anyone was imprisoned for it. So what’s the profit ? Grave digging is not suitable for men. So we should turn away from that endeavor.” Others said; “No punishment can be wrong to those who killed our fathers, brothers and leaders at Badr. It is not wrong to do any evil. We must destroy this grave.”

With this, the Quraish became two parties. In this context, Abu Sufyan intervened and said; “You are already starting to divide. It is obvious, the wounds we got at Badr are still not healed. It happened because of our disunity. If we still divide, there is no doubt that our end is near. Do not allow division to rise anywhere. The issue is not whether to dig the grave or not. So there is no benefit. Unity is the problem. Hold on to it. Move forward together to destroy the enemy.That is what is needed now.”
With this, the program of digging the grave was cancelled. The army rested at ‘Abawa. The sounds of war filled the air. Soldiers danced after sipping liquor.
When the Quraish left, the Jews and the hypocrites in Madeena were alarmed. Amr bin Quzai and his group, who had traveled with the Quraish as far as Dutuwa, came to the Prophet ﷺ and shared the information. Immediately, the Prophet ﷺ sent Fulala’s sons, Anas and Mu’anis, as spies to the Mecca route. Hubab bin Al Mundir was appointed as an observer to monitor. He accurately assessed the group of Quraish . He understood their number, and strength and conveyed the information to the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ told him to keep the available information a secret. The Prophet ﷺwent on to say that we rely on Allah and you watch our way and through you we will reach them.
On the following Thursday night, the Companions armed themselves and secured Madeena.

Mahabba Campaign Part-292/365

We are reading the true timeline of the moral struggles in the history of Islam.The importance of these interventions in social construction can be realized only when we evaluate the emerging situations and the goodness achieved through defence .
Enemies marched from Mecca to Madeena to attack Muslims after traveling 50 kms. Here the Muslims are discussing how to prevent them . It was at this time that the Prophet ﷺ had a dream. This is the summary of the dream: ‘I migrated from Mecca to a land full of dates. I thought it was Yamama or Hajar. But it was Madeena .My sword got damaged.
The traumas faced by Muslims, some were killed and victory at last. The Muslims organizing strongly. It was a dream indicating all these.
When Abu Sufyan and his group reached Madeena , the Prophet ﷺ said to the followers. I’ve had a dream; ‘ my sword was damaged. It was an indication of a danger. An animal is slaughtered . It is also a warning of danger. I live in a fort. There the enemy cannot enter. I think that it is Madeena.
Following this dream on Friday night, the Prophetﷺ addressed the followers early in the morning. Started the conversation by praising Allah. Gave them a description of the dream. How should we face them? If you want to resist them from Madeena itself, then get our women and children settled in hill sides. Confront them on the way. Use weapons from the top. The opinion of many prominent among the followers, was also similar. Then some of the young followers who had not got the chance to participate in Badr said, we must face them before they reach Madeena . We are ready and willing to become martyrs.
Hamza, Sa’ad bin Ubada and Nu’aman bin Malik said to the Prophetﷺ. The enemies may think that we are cowards because we did not defend them before entering Madeena .We were only 300 in Badr. Then Allah helped us. Now we have strong and more members. We must face them. No need of worry.
With great enthusiasm, they armed. Iyas bin Aus said, we the Banul Ashal tribe are ready to be killed. Some of them said ‘ either victory or martyrdom, whatever it may be we are ready’. ‘I will not eat without defending the enemy before entering Madeena’. Said Hamza.
We are reading a discussion defending the army of Abu Sufiyan who came from Mecca to attack Madeena. Or the discussions of self- defense.

Mahabba Campaign Part-293/365

The followers are standing enthusiastically in front of the Prophet ﷺ. ‘Do not let us miss the opportunity to attain heaven, Oh Prophet ﷺ. Nu’amanu bin Malik said.Prophet ‎ﷺ asked, why? ‘I believe in Allah and Prophet ﷺ. I love Allah and his Prophet ﷺ. I will not run back from the battle no matter what happens. The Prophet ﷺ agreed.He sacrificed his life in the path of Allah.
When the leaders of the followers reached the opinion of defending outside Madeena. The Prophet (ﷺ) accepted it. A good number of people watched this departure with apprehension. Anyway, on Friday after prayer, the Prophet (ﷺ) addressed them. Taught them the lessons of effort and endurance. By the time Asar or evening prayer was over, people came ready . The women and children were settled on the hill areas. Those who live in upper provinces also reached.The Prophetﷺ along with Abu Bakr and Umar ﷺ went home. They put on the clothes and headgear of the Prophet ﷺ. Expecting the arrival of the Prophet ﷺ, people walked from their homes to the pulpit of the mosque. Then Sa’ad bin Mu’ad and Usaid bin Hulair came to the fore. They requested people ‘not to compel the Prophetﷺ for anything. Obey his order. He receives revelation from Allah’. It didn’t take long. The Prophet (ﷺ) came out wearing armor . Some followers said; we had insisted to you. Now what you say is our decision.
We will sit if you ask to sit . Then the Prophet ﷺ said. I have inspired you earlier to say this. Now the time has passed. If the prophets wear armor, they won’t remove it until get a result. Let us move forward. May Allah help us. Be patient. Surely we will get Allah’s help.
Three spears were brought. Three flags were tied on them. The flag of the Muhajirs was handed over to Ali (R) and thae flag of the Ous tribe was handed over to Usaid bin Hulair and the flag of the Khazraj was handed over to Hubab bin Al Mundir. Abdullah bin Ummi Makhtoom was entrusted with leadership of those who stay in Madeena. The Prophet ‎ﷺ mounted on his horse, “Sabaq” with bow and arrow. The army consisting of hundreds of armed men also joined . Two Sa’ads or Sa’ad bin Mu’ad and Sa’ad bin Ubad went ahead as observers. The Prophet (ﷺ) moved forward flanked by the two wings of the army. Reached the hill or Saniyy. There was a group making noise. The Prophet ﷺ asked who are they!? Immediately the reply came. They are the Jews who have contract with Abdullaha ibn Sabau. The Prophet (ﷺ) said them; ‘come to the right path’. They said that ‘we will not help the polytheists who come against the polytheists’. Gave permission to those who have fifteen.
The group of Prophet (ﷺ) reached between two rocks. The Prophet (ﷺ) inspected all the members together and sent back some minors. Imam Shafie (R) says that the Prophetﷺ sent back about 17 who were below fourteen.

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By the time the Prophet ﷺ finished observing the army, it was dusk. Bilal performed Azan for Maghrib prayer. The Prophet ﷺ led the Maghrib prayer. Later, when it was time for Isha, Bilal performed the azan and the Prophet ﷺ led the prayer. Then spent the night there. Muhammad bin Maslama and a group of fifty men stood as guards for the army. When the Prophet ﷺ fell asleep, Daqwan bin Abdiqais kept watch near him. The Prophet ﷺ performed the morning prayer. Than asked ‘Where are our information seekers ? Then Abu Khaizama came into the fore and shared the information.
As the Prophet ﷺ stepped forward, Abdullah bin Ubayy came into the scene. He made rift among the army . He called out and said. This travel is obeying to the demand of youngsters without making a firm decision. On what grounds we are fighting now ! . He left for war without obeying me. I am going back. Some hypocrites and those who have doubt, returned to Madeena with him. Immediately Abdullah ibn Haram addressed the people . “O people! Maligning the prophet ﷺ and the believers when the enemy is standing in front? You come to the scene, come to the battlefield. Stand firm in the line of defense”. Reminding the stance of the hypocrites , look at the discussion of the Holy Qur’an, chapter three, Alu Imran, verse one hundred and seventy-nine. “Allah will not allow the believers to remain where they are today without distinguishing evil from good.”
The idea of ​​the one hundred and sixty-seventh verse should also be read here. “And that He might know the hypocrites ; and it was said to them: “You come! Fight in the way of Allah; “Or at least resist,” they said: “Had we known that there would be war, we would have followed you.” “Then they were closer to disbelief than to belief. Their tongues say what they do not believe . And Allah is well aware of what they conceal.”
When Abdullah bin Ubayy returned, Banusalama and Banuharitha thought of joining him. But Allah gave them good sense. This matter is also mentioned in the Qur’an. The idea of ​​the hundred and twenty-second verse of Alu Imran is as follows. “Remember: There are two groups among you; Allah is the Guardian of both of them. And yet they wanted to show fear . Let the believers put their trust in Allah.”
The Muslim army survived the division and threats raised by the hypocrites. Now, what if we seek the help of the Jews in Madeena? When some people asked, the Prophet ﷺ discouraged it. The Prophet ﷺ and his followers camped in Uhad. On Saturday morning prayers were held at Uhad under the leadership of the Prophet ﷺ. The polytheists also camped not far away.
The believers came to the war front with the horse of the Prophet ﷺ, seven hundred followers and another horse of Abu Burda.

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The Prophet ﷺ addressed the army. “Oh people ! What Allah has instructed me, I also instruct you. Do what He commands and stay away from what He forbids. You are in a day where you can reap the rewards and benefits. The Prophet ﷺ made a vow to himself to be determined and patient. Then it continued like this. Fighting the enemy is not a pleasant and easy task. It is a big and difficult task. Only those whom Allah guides can survive. Allah’s help is for those who obey Him. He who ignores Him, is with the devil. Be patient and enter into the righteous struggle seeking reward. Obey Allah’s commands. Internal strife and disharmony is weakness. Allah does not like that .That way you will be without help from Allah.
Oh people! I remind you once again. If a person aims at something that Allah has forbidden , then Allah will keep him away from him . If someone sends a “salat” or greeting to me, then Allah and the angels will shower ten salats or blessings upon him. If a person does good to another, whether a believer or an unbeliever, then Allah will reward him. He will receive it in this world and in the Hereafter. Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, must attend Jumu’ah or Friday prayer . Children, women, slaves and the sick are exempted from this commandment . I have not concealed from you anything that would lead you to heaven . I have not failed to warn you of anything that will bring you closer to hell. No one will die until he eats the food, Allah arranged for him. Fear Allah. You take the right path in earning. Do not earn by wrong means thinking that resources from Allah are delayed. It is clear what is allowed and what is prohibited. Meanwhile there are things which are not clear to many. He who keep away from such things, saves his religion and his dignity. He who does not pay attention to it, is like the one who feed his goat on the border of the forbidden zone and may be in danger of entering that zone at any moment. If one indulges in what Allah has forbidden, it is as if one has entered the forbidden zone, set by the king. If there is any problem in the head, the whole body will be affected. Like that, for believers, another believer is like head in his body . Assalamu Alaikum “
Then the Prophet ﷺ instilled fighting energy in them . And then said. ‘Let no one prepare for battle except by our command’ .
We are reading from the Prophet ﷺ that he is a military leader who mobilizes his army strategically. He equips his own followers with self-belief. Accurately evaluates the geological possibilities. Part of it was the place ‘Shaykhain’ chosen to rest the night before the battle . A masjid with that name is still there today and it is also called Masjid Dir’ah. It was his wife Ummu Salama who brought food to the Prophet ﷺ.

Mahabba Campaign Part-296/365

The army of the Prophet ﷺ had to think about the Jews too. According to the agreement made with them earlier, they have to stand with the Muslims to protect the city of Madeena . But the majority of them refused to fight. They refused to take part in the battle, as the setting out was decided on saturday, which was their holy day, they would not fight on that day, but some of the Jewish tribes came forward to protect Madeena . The Prophet ﷺ was unwilling to include them in the Muslim army because he was suspicious of their intentions. The Prophetﷺ faced the cavalry of two hundred men and three thousand enemy soldiers with only seven hundred men . The war strategy of Prophet ﷺ was very efficient. It did the intended effect. The enemy’s cavalry was divided into two. Half of it was with the infantry; It was standing there motionless. The second half of the cavalry ran a long distance around Mount Uhud and tried to attack the Muslims from behind. But Muslim archers stationed on a nearby strategic hill stopped them from advancing.
The Prophet ﷺ gave some specific instructions while deploying the army. Fifty archers in white uniforms were deployed at the diplomatic post under the leadership of Abdullah ibn Jubair. Then instructed them. ‘You must not move from here under any circumstances. No matter what happens on the battlefield, you must not move. No matter what happens in the valley, you should not come down the hill to help us or to make merry with us on our achievement.
Then the Prophet ﷺ asked. Who is the bearer of the flag in the enemy camp? Twalhat bin Abitwalha: Someone replied. Immediately, the Prophet ﷺ took the flag of Islam from Ali’s hand and gave it to Mis’ab bin Umair . Twalhat bin Ubaidillahi says. The Prophet ﷺ appeared wearing two armors. ‘Amith’ ‘Amith’ was the code of the Muslim
The polytheists on the other side lined up in the ‘Sabqa’. Speeches that strengthened the spirit of war, took place. The right wing force was led by Khalid bin Waleed and the left wing force was led by Ikirimat bin Abi Jahal.
The clouds rolled in. Weapons were raised on both sides of the battlefield. Waiting for a spark to burn. Then Abu Amir Abdu Amr came to the scene and challenged the Ansars. The Ansars replied . Hind, daughter of Utba, started singing with duff.
Wayhan Bani Abdiddar
Wayhan humatal adbar
Larban bi kulli Bathar
Hearing this, the Prophet ﷺ began to pray to Allah. O Allah, I am going out for Your pleasure. I am entering to the battlefield. Allah is enough to give me everything..

Mahabba Campaign Part-297/365

Then the Prophet ﷺ took out a sword . The followers standing next to him, extended their hands . He immediately asked. ‘Who will recieve this fulfilling it’s duty’? Then all of them withdrew their hands. The Prophet ﷺ did not give it to anyone. When the sword was displayed, Umar and Zubair asked for it. The Prophet ﷺ did not give it to them. When Ali asked, he asked Ali to sit there. He asked again. Who will take this fulfilling it’s function ? Immediately Abu Dujana got up and asked, O Messenger of Allah! What is the mission ? ‘Fight with it until the enemy is defeated’. Immediately he said, I will take care of it. The Prophet ﷺ gave him the sword and said. ‘If I give it to you, you will fight till the last line’.
Abu Dujana was a brave warrior and stood bravely on the battlefield. If he come to the battlefield with a red ribbon on his head, everyone would say that; ‘this is a kind of entry’ . When he entered to battlefield receiving the sword from the Prophet ﷺ, and a red ribbon , the Ansars said, Abu Dujana has come down with the knot of death.
When he saw Abu Dujana walking towards the enemy’s camp with a little pride, the Prophet ﷺ said. ‘ If not in such a situation like this, this is a walk that Allah does not like’.
Zubair felt a kind of unpleasantness as the Prophet ﷺ handed over the sword to Abu Dujana without giving it to him . Zubair himself says. ‘How could this be! I am the son of Safiyya, the daughter of the Prophet’s ﷺ paternal uncle. I asked the sword but he gave it to Abu Dujana. Let me follow him and see what he is doing. I walked behind him reciting a poem. ‘Analladi Aahadani Khaleeli…I am the one who made a contract with my soul friend.—Abu Dujana moved forward smashing all the way..Then one of the enemies tried to strike Abu Dujana. He blocked it with great skill. Then he turned towards him. There the enemy was lying dead ! .
The war was raging. Ali, Hamza and Zubair faced many hardships. And ofcourse the preparations of the enemy were not small? Unlike Badr, Abu Sufyan succeeded in keeping the soldiers together. He was cunning and was looking for every loophole to penetrate in to the Muslims army.
For the Meccans, this is a battle of pride. They are waiting to use their utmost strength of revenge. A chance to retaliate for the losses they received at Badr. For the believers, this is the second step of survival. A golden opportunity to achieve the desired paradise that was not able to achieve in Badr. Fulfillment of the desire to experience Badr, heard by those who could not participate in it.

Mahabba Campaign Part-298/365

A fierce battle took place at the foothills of Mount Uhud. As per the instructions of the Prophet ﷺ, Ali moved forward with the flag. Twalhath bin Abi Twalha, the flag-bearer of the polytheists shouted; ‘Who is there to come to the scene? No one responded.. Again he shouted loudly. Followers of Muhammad ﷺ! Did you not say that if one of you is killed, he will be in heaven, and if one of us is killed, he will be in hell. If what you say is true, will any of you face me? Immediately Ali came to the scene and confronted him face to face. It was not long before Twalha fell to the ground. By his death, the prophecy of the Prophetﷺ came true. The believers glorified the Creator. Takbeer was sounded . Believers rushed to the enemy camp. Abu Shaiba Uthman bin Abitwalha: took the flag of the polytheists. He was killed in a fight with Hamza. Immediately Abu Sa’ad bin Abitwalha took the flag. He was also killed by the arrow of Sa’adbin Abiwaqas. Later the flag was carried by Musafiu bin Talha. Aswim bin Thabit targetted him with his arrow. The arrow did not miss and he fell to the ground. Immediately Haris bin Talha took the flag and Azwim’s arrow knocked him to the ground. Haris and Musafi’s mother realized the opponent of her children. She vowed that she would live only by drinking alcohol in Aswim’s skull. She announced a reward of 100 camels on his head. Her name was Sulafa.
Later it was Kilab bin Talha who carried the flag. When confronted by Quzman or Zubair, Kilab was killed . Then the flag reached Julasin’s hand. He also fell to the ground in defense of Twalhat. Later, Arthat bin Sharhabil, Shuraih bin Qariz, Abuzaid bin Umair, and Qaswit bin Shurahbil became the flag bearers. Each of them reached the hereafter in the defense of Ali and Quzman. Finally, Amrat bint Alqama took the flag.
As the flag bearers fell to the ground one by one, the polytheists lost their morale. They scattered here and there. When they did not know what to do, their women began to wail and cry “damn, woe”.
We are reading an overview of the primary scene in the battle of Uhud.
We have seen the plight of the army that marched hundreds of miles from Mecca to rout the Prophetﷺ and believers. The the people of Madeena are warriors came to, the battlefield for an inevitable resistance. Neither an organized army nor a king’s infantry. Only the believers who took the ideal to heart and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to it’s protection. The Muslim army was not trained army or soldiers which mastered the art of martial arts…only a group of volunteers who have vowed to endure anything for the protection of the faith that they carry on their chests.
By the time, the direction of the wind in Uhad had changed. Let’s read on

Mahabba Campaign Part-299/365

The archers led by Abdullahibu Jubair watched as the polytheists dispersed from the battlefield. They thought the war was over. Some called out; Oh people! collect the wealth, Allah has defeated the enemies anyway.
Our brothers have performed well. There is no need for us to stay here. The enemy has retreated, so let us join our friends and collect the wealth from the battlefield. Then Jubair and some others said; , “Didn’t the Prophet ﷺ say?” ‘ You protect the rear of the battlefield..don’t move away from there, even if you see the army in the valley getting injured or winning and collecting the wealth , don’t you remember’.Then the others said. We should look at what the Prophet ﷺ intended. That was at the time of war. Now the war is almost over. Are the enemies retreating? Everyone went down except the leader of the group, Abdullah ibnu Jubair and about ten people.
Khalid bin Waleed and his group looked back to the direction of the archers from the side of the polytheists who were retreating from the battlefield. They realised that there are only a few people on that side, and thought of going back to that small group of the Muslims. He entered the diplomatic area with his group. Seeing this, Ikrimat bin Abi Jahl and his group also joined with him. (These two leaders later embraced Islam) and they routed the archers who were on guard. Abdullah bin Jubair resisted till the end. An arrow of the enemy came out through his stomach and entrails came out. He was killed. The returning Meccan army attacked the Muslim side well.
The Muslims, who were engaged in collecting the booty, were shattered by the unexpected blow. Many people were killed. Many more people were injured. Another group was scattered in many places. The devil came out with a shout.
The wind in the morning was in favor of the Muslims. By the evening, the course changed. By narrating these scenes and thoughts, the Holy Qur’an says the 3rd chapter, 152nd verse. Look.
“Allah has fulfilled His promise to you. At first you were killing them by His permission. Then, you became weak and argued with each other over the affair . After Allah showed you that which is dearest to you, you disobeyed. There are among you those who have worldly interests and there are those who long for the Hereafter. Then Allah turned you back from them, to test you. Certainly Allah has pardoned you. He is the Most Generous to the believers.”
The devil tried to make them believe that that was the day of Lata and Uzza, or the gods worshiped by the Meccan polytheists. It is then in such a condition that the believers overcome the devil and come to a new awakening.

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The devil in the form of Jual bin Suraqah shouted from the side of Mount Ainain, ‘Muhammad ﷺ has been killed’ and he repeated the same.Jual was a person who fought hard in the battlefield. Since devil came in his form and said , there was no reason for those who heard and saw, not to believe. After hearing this, all the believers panicked. What if the Prophet ﷺ was killed? Why should we stay here? Why stay on the battlefield? They turned in many ways in anguish. In the meantime, the hypocrites tried to take advantage. They praised their leader, Abdullah ibn Ubayy. They called out that ‘only he can defend Abu Sufyan. Muhammad ﷺ was killed by the Meccans. They will also kill you. So escape from here’.
The battle scene has completely lost. Some ran and reached Madeena. Some were injured and fell to the ground. Some ran here and there not knowing what to do. The Prophet ﷺ and some of his followers were isolated in one area without contact with others. They bravely climbed up the mountain. Those who were with him forgot themselves and stood for the safety of the Prophet ﷺ. Some of them fell dead, while others remained close by despite mortal wounds.
The Prophet ﷺ faced the battle in any crisis. He didn’t even think of turning back. He stood facing the enemy. The Prophetﷺ directly took the bow. Abu Talha, who was standing near, stood like a shield in front of the Prophet ﷺ. When the arrows ran out, the stones became weapons. By that time, Qatadatu bin Nu’aman stood protecting the Prophet ﷺ. He shot arrows for the Prophet ﷺ and repelled the oncoming attacks. Fifteen people from the Muhajirs stationed themselves at the front of the battle with the Prophet ﷺ: Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali, Talhat, Zubair, Abdul Rahman bin Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Abu Ubaydah, Abu Ubaydah Al Jarrah. Hubab, Abu Dujana, and Azint bin Thabit. Haris bin Swamma, Sahl bin Hunaif and Sa’d bin Mu’ad were among the Ansar. The names of Sa’ad bin Ubadah and Muhammad bin Maslama can also be seen in some narrations. It can also be read in some other narrations that there were thirty people who dedicated themselves to the Prophetﷺ saying that ‘my face is a shield for his face and my body is a shield for his body’.
Historical moments marked by enchanting images of sincerity and love for the Prophetﷺ, were staged in Uhad. There are also moments here to read how the followers accepted the beloved Prophet ﷺ despite the trials. Uhud composes extraordinary scenes in which struggle, love, war, intimacy, endurance and submission all come together.
Ibn Abbas says; ‘Ibn Masuood told me. On that day of Uhad companions scattered in many ways. I was with the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ called the followers who were passing through the vicinity of the him (ﷺ); “Here I am, the Messenger of Allah, come here”.

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The Prophet ﷺ stood on the battlefield miraculously till the end of the war. Nafiu bin Jubair says that one of the Muhajirs said; ‘I witnessed the battle of Uhud . Arrows were coming straight at the Prophetﷺ but nothing was touching him..
An armed person passes right in front of the Prophet ﷺ, saying that if Muhammad ﷺ is saved, it will be my time of trouble. But he could not see the Prophet ﷺ . Safwan bin Umayyah asked him. What ! don’t you see? He said ‘no’. Swafwan was also surprised. He was saying, “No matter, whatever the case, we will kill the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.” Four of us swore an oath and reached Uhud, but we were not able to do it.
Sahriq bin Abdillahi’s paternal grandfather says: I participated in Uhud with the polytheists. I shot five times and only one shot hit the target. I observed the Prophet ﷺ . The followers surrounded him . Every arrow that goes towards him, takes turns to other directions. Then Allah showed me the straight path. More than ten cuts of the sword came directly to the Prophet ﷺ’s face. Not a single one touched him. At the beginning of Uhud, there were eight people who pledged to sacrifice their lives to the Prophet ﷺ. Ali, Zubair Talha, the three Muhajirs, Abu Dujana, Harith bin Swamma:, Hubab bin Mundir, Azwim bin Thabit, Sahil bin Hunaif. But none of them were killed.
We are reading the scenes of the crisis that the Prophet ﷺ faced on the battlefield. The highest leadership stands directly at the front. Even in the face of death in the heat of the moment, he does not retreat even a step. Such a picture is unparalleled in history. No parallels can be seen in any survival history.
But in the way of Allah, there were situations to get the reward and glory of being injured and experienced. The unfaithful Utbat bin Abiwaqqas stoned the Prophet ﷺ four times. One of them injured the Prophet ﷺ’s wisdom teeth. His lip was injured and his front tooth was broken. Utba who attacked the Prophet ﷺ, died as an infidel within an year. According to Imam Hakim’s report, Hatwab bin Abi Balta’a, a follower , killed him . There is a report Suhaili that the children of Utba were known for having cut front teeth and bad breath. Muhammad bin Yusuf Al Firyabi narrates that the children of Utba had no front teeth atall .
This is another experience that the Prophet ﷺ had to face in Uhud. The Prophet ﷺ fell into one of the pits made by Abu Amir Alfasiq to trap the Muslims. At that time, the Prophet ﷺ was wearing two armors and two helmets. Part of the hook of the cap cut the Prophet ﷺ’s cheek. Blood oozed from the wound. The Prophet ﷺ became unconscious for some time. By that time, Ali and Talha lifted the Prophet ﷺ . Again he remained at battlefield . In the meantime, a man named Ibn Khamiya targeted the Prophet ﷺ.

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Here are some narrations that describe the fierce scene in Uhud. The Prophet ﷺ did not move from his position. Those who were with the Prophet ﷺ, remained steadfast. The Prophet ﷺ gathered the believers who are scattered. ‘Oh the slaves of Allah ! I am the Messenger of Allah, come to me’ . Hearing this, the enemies noticed the presence of the Prophet ﷺ. They turned towards him. Then there were only two of the Muhajirs and seven from the Ansars with the Prophet ﷺ. Talha and Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas were among them. Anas says that on the day of Uhud, the Prophet ﷺ was isolated among the Ansars. The two Quraish who were nearby started insulting the Prophet ﷺ. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ asked; ‘who will drive them away from here ?. They will get heaven or they will be in heaven with me’. Hearing this, one of the Ansars came forward. He fought the enemies until he was killed. Again the Quraish repeated accusation. Then also the Prophet ﷺ repeated the question. Who will remove them from here? They will have heaven or they will be in heaven with me. Hearing this, one of the Ansars came forward. He fought the enemy until he was martyred .This repeated seven times until seven of the Ansars attained martyrdom.
With the death of these seven, the enemies unleashed more violence against the Prophet ﷺ. They thought that the Prophet ﷺ could be killed there. Utubat bin Abi Waqas threw a stone at the Prophet ﷺ. The stone fell on the Prophet’s lower lip and the lower right tooth was broken . His armor was broken . Ibn Shihab rushed to the Prophet ﷺ and wounded him on the forehead. Ibn Qama’ raised his sword towards the Prophet ﷺ and inflicted a severe injury on his shoulder. The Prophet ﷺ had difficulty of this attack for more than a month. Ibn Qama’a tried to slap the Prophet ﷺ on his cheek saying that ‘I am Ibn Qama’a’. ? The nail of the armor was driven into the cheek. Then the Prophet ﷺ said; ‘May Allah insult you’. What happened later was that he was hit by a goat and fell down in pieces from the mountain top.
The beloved Prophet ﷺ himself pushed away the enemies who came towards him. Meanwhile, the Prophet ﷺ fell into the pit dug by Aamir. Ali immediately picked him up. Then the Prophet ﷺ pointed to the wounded lip and said. “Allah was angry with those who did so much to the appointed prophet” Talha and Sa’ad came to the Prophet ﷺ. Thalha and Sa’ad were blocking the arrows that were targetted to the Prophet ﷺ . Talha had to block the arrows so much that his hands were paralyzed. In the hadeeth narrated by Imam Bukhari, we can also see that the Prophet ﷺ took an arrow from his own quiver and handed over to Sa’ad telling that; ‘my father and mother are at your service’ . Imam Bukhari has also narrated that angels descended on Uhud to help the Prophet ﷺ.

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Imam Bukhari reports that Ali said; the Prophetﷺ did not say to anyone the words; ‘my parents are at your service’, except to Sa’ad. The Prophet ﷺ would pray for Sa’ad everytime when Sa’ad shoot with arrow. ‘O Allah, make this arrow reach the target and accept the prayer of Sa’ad’. There are reports that Sa’ad shot a thousand arrows on the day of Uhud.
Hibanu bin Araqa and Abu Usamatul Jushami had come down to hunt and shoot the Muslims. Among them, one of his arrows struck Umm Aiman, the Sahabi woman, in the back. She was giving water to the wounded on the battlefield. Her dress moved when the arrow hit her. Seeing that Hibban laughed . The Prophetﷺ could not bear this. He told Sa’ad to confront him. Sa’ad’s arrow hit hibban’s body and he fell down. The Prophetﷺ smiled seeing the accuracy of Sa’ad. Abu Usama also fell down through an arrow shot by Sa’ad.
The history also recorded the fighting spirit of female tigers in Uhud. The most notable name among the group is that of Naseeba or Ummu Umara. Women traveled with the army to provide water to the thirsty, to tend the wounded, and perform other duties. Naseeba is the daughter of Ka’ab bin Amr and Rabab bint Abdillah of the Masin tribe. She was an example of a good believer and was present at the Treaty of Aqaba and other important historical stages. There is a report of her experience in the battle of Uhud. Saeed bin Saeed reports. Ummu Saad, the daughter of Sa’ad bin Rabeeu, says. ‘I asked Ummu Umara;
Can you tell me your story my aunt? Then she started saying. I set out early in the morning to find out the condition of the people. I went with drinking water in a pot. I reached the place of the Prophet ﷺ. He was among the followers . The course of the war in the morning was completely in favor of the Muslims. Later the course changed. In the end had to take arms for self defense. Although blocked the arrows, but was wounded by the enemy.
Seeing the deep wound on Naseeba’s shoulder, Ummu Sa’ad asked what it was. It is an injury inflicted by Ibn Qama’ with his spearhead. May Allah despise him! When the people dispersed from near the Prophet ﷺ, he came to the Holy Prophetﷺ . He came forward saying ; ‘If Muhammad (ﷺ) escaped, I will not succeed’ . Then Musa’b bin Umair and a few companions who were nearby, stopped him. He attacked me. I didn’t let him go. I stroke him many times but he was wearing a double armor. So his body was not cut.
Ummu Umara had a deep wound on her shoulder .The Prophet ﷺ told her son, praising her brave presence in the face of violence, ignoring all the hurdles. ‘May Allah shower special blessings on your family . The status of your mother is higher than others’. Then she said, If the Prophetﷺ would pray to Allah for being close with the Prophet ﷺ in heaven. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ prayed. O Allah! Make them my friends in Paradise! Ummu Umara said that, it doesn’t matter what happens to her after this great blessing ..

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We can also read the continuation of Beevi Nuzaiba’s life . The presence of Nusaiba was notable in many critical situations. The letter inviting Musailima to Islam, was given to Habeeb, the son of Nusaiba. Musailima hacked him to pieces and killed him. Nusaiba accepted the news with great poise. She stood strong by the strength of faith and decided to take revenge from Musailima either dying in front of him or till he is killed. When Khalid bin Waleed made a military move against Musailima, the decision took wing. Nusaiba along with her son Abdullah left for Yamama. A fierce battle ensued. Musailima’s army, who had over-expected in the first step, unleashed more violence. Khalid’s army responded strategically. Infiltrating the enemy’s army, began to disintegrate them.. Knowing that the scene was changing, the false prophet’s group stormed in their fort for self-defense. The fort was closed. Khalid’s army, besieging the fort, opened the door by admitting a companion in to the fort. Then they boldly entered. Nusaiba also joined the group and entered in to the fort . She started looking for Musailima everywhere and finally found him. Musalima fell to the ground when her son Abdullah’s sword worked and Vahsi’s spear came together. Nusaiba praised Allah and prostrated to Him in gratitude.
When she returned to Madeena, there were twelve wounds on her body. Her hand had been cut off. After hearing the information, Khalifa Abu Bakar came home to visit Nusaiba .
Musa bin Lamrah narrates on the authority of his father that once Umar brought some valuable fur clothes. He took out a wide one from among the clothes . Then someone said, “Shall we give this to Swafiyyah, wife Abdulla bin Umar.Then Umar said. Give it to someone more need than her . It is none other than Nusaiba bint Ka’ab. I heard the Prophet ﷺ say about her. “On the day of Uhud , whenever I turned to the right or to the left, I could see Nusaiba fighting for my protection”.
Uhud is the land of struggle marked by self-sacrifice. This is not a simple verbal expression that ‘you are more dearer to me than my life’ . On the contrary, we can see glimpses of Uhud literally sacrificing her life for her beloved leader. We are not reading about a woman who has received military training. We met a noble woman, who saw the beloved prophet ﷺ standing in the middle of the enemy in the middle of the storm, and came to protect the Prophet ﷺ with only love in her hand. We are the shining images of understanding Allah and His messengers in the experiential levels of spirituality.
Let us come again to Uhud and Twalha itself. The Prophet ﷺ was isolated in one part of the fierce battleground. He climbed to a slightly higher place. The polytheists are nearby. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ asked. Who is there to face them? ‘I am here to block them’ ; said Thalha. The Prophet ﷺ repeated the question. An Ansari follower came forward . He was killed while fighting . Whenever the Prophet ﷺ asked a question, Talha was the first to answer the Prophet ﷺ. Finally, Talha’s hand was injured. Immediately he uttered a ‘hiss’ or a whistling sound. Hearing that, the Prophet ﷺ said. ‘If Twalha had recited ‘Bismillah’ instead, the people would have seen the angels lift him up to heaven . Talha would have been respected as a person who has seen the heavenly home right from this world.

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Imam Ibn Ishaq records that when the enemies surrounded the Prophet ﷺ, he asked. Who is ready for self-sacrifice with me. Then Ziyad bin Al Sakan came forward with five Ansars. He fought joining with the five . Finally, he fell to the ground with wounds. By that time, a group of followers reached near him. The Prophet ﷺ asked to bring him . He laid down with the Prophet ﷺ’s holy feet as pillow. Within seconds, he left this world . There were fourteen deep wounds on his body. There is also an opinion that this was Umar, the son of Yazid bin Sakan.
Ali, Abu Dujana, and Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas defended in three areas . Ali entered the enemy’s side and fought and reached the end of the enemy’s camp and returned as well. Ikirima, son of Abu Jahl, was in the front line of the opponent group . Hubab bin Al Mundir penetrated to enemy side like a sheep. At last the enemy surrounded and attacked him. They followed him until they thought ‘that he was killed’.
Allah blessed the followers even midst of trials with a snooze so that they have confidence. It took the enemies by surprise.Ibn Mas’uood says.
‘Drowsiness on the battlefield is security from Allah and drowsiness in prayer is from Satan’. Referring to this blessing received at Uhud, the holy Qur’an mentions the hundred and fifty-fourth verse of the third chapter, Aal-Imran. “Then, after that sorrow, Allah sent down a peace where you can forget everything and fall asleep. A group of you felt the calmness of that drowsiness . Another group was upset thinking only about themselves. They held a false un-Islamic understanding of Allah. They say : “We have no hand in the affair”. Say: “All things belong to Allah.” Know: They are hiding something in their minds that they are not revealing to you. They say: “If we had had a hand in deciding things, we would not have perished here.” Say: “Even if you had been in your houses, those who were destined to be killed, would have gone to their place of death by themselves. All that has happened now is for Allah to test what is in your heart and to purge what is in your mind. And Allah knows best what is in the heart.” ‎
Trial after first breakthrough. Survival after trial. Through it hope and paths to ultimate success, are revealed. Moments marked by passion and dedication. Allah’s bounty to the faithful.
Part of this was the presence and help of the angels. Sa’ad bin Abi waqas says. On the right and left of the Prophet ﷺ there were two handsome men fighting fiercely in the battlefield of Uhud. They were Gibreel and Mikael.

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There are other narrations that mention the presence of angels in Uhud. Imam Tabrani narrated on the authority of Harith bin Aswimma. Harith says, The Prophet ﷺ sought Abdur Rahman bin Awf. I said, “He is there on that side of the mountain.” I came to him. At that time, seven enemies were lying on the ground. I asked. Did you kill them all? No, I killed only those two people. The rest were killed by invisible persons. I said, How true is what Allah and His Messenger said!
The flag of the Muslim side of Uhud was given to Misa’b bin Umair by the Prophet ﷺ. When Misa’b was martyred, the flag was taken by one, who came in the same form as Misa’b. The Prophet immediately said ; Oh Misa’b go ahead quickly!. The angel looked at the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ realized that this was an angel assigned to strengthen our army. This is what Muhammad bin Thabit says. ‘I asked. Wasn’t Misa’b killed, oh Prophet! ‘Yes’ but this is an angel came down in his form and name’.
Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas says. When I was shooting arms in Uhud, a handsome young man gave me arrows. Then I realized that it was an angel.Urwath says interpreting the 152nd verse of Al-Imran, the third chapter of the Holy Qur’an ; the passage that begins with the idea, “Allah has fulfilled His promise to you.” Allah promised to help you with five thousand recognizable angels if you maintain patience and discernment. When some of the people in the group saw the instructions of the Prophet ﷺ carelessly, Allah raised His help. Then He returned His help.
Uhud was also awakened to teach the world how to strictly follow the instructions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
The battlefield of Uhud recorded many different pictures. It also introduced many great men who composed independent chapters of sacrifice . Ka’ab bin Malik says. ‘I was the first to find the Prophet ﷺ after he was isolated among the enemies . I immediately called out and said, “Here is the Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “Keep silent.” Don’t shout. Then I put on the armor and weapons of the Prophet ﷺ. Mine was also put on by the Prophet ﷺ. The enemy then turned against me and I sustained more than 20 injuries. They attacked me thinking that I was the Prophet ﷺ.
The news that the Prophet ﷺ had been killed, caused panic among the believers in Uhud. Umar says. The news that the Prophet ﷺ had been killed, was beyond my comprehension. Then I had a mood to kill the person who said that, ‘the Prophet had been killed’. It was then that I came to the people who found the Prophet ﷺ.
Abbas bin Ubadah, Kharijat bin Saeed and Aus bin Arqam raised their voices. Abbas shouted. ‘Allah and His Messenger are witnesses. All this happened to us because we did not take seriously an instruction of the Prophet ﷺ. As long as you forbear, We will get help. What will we say to Allah if something happens to the Messenger of Allah if there is still life left for us to move, Abbas asked. Kharijat said, .’We have no choice. No excuses to make’ .

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It is on the side of the Mount Uhud that the Prophet ﷺ is now. This area has an important story to tell. It is related to Ubayy bin Khalaf. Once in the early days when the Quraish had a grudge against the Prophet ﷺ, Ubayy came in front of the Prophet ﷺ and said. ‘I am raising this camel well-nourished to come upon it and kill you’. The Prophet ﷺ bravely responded to this insolent behavior. “Insha Allah I will kill you”. This response scared him. Even those who criticized the Prophet ﷺ, knew the seriousness of his words. They were convinced that the response and statement of the Prophet ﷺ, who never uttered a bad word, was not in vain. It is after a long time Ubayy came to Uhud without leaving behind the old arrogance and timidity . He demonstrated his skill in Uhud saying , “If Muhammad ﷺ is saved, I will not be saved.” And at the same time the words of the Prophet ﷺ were troubling in his mind. That’s why he came to Uhud with his whole body covered in armor.
Arrogantly, he got into the vehicle and came to meet the Prophet ﷺ. Mis’ab defended him. But Misa’b was killed by him. Immediately some other followers tried to stop him. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Leave him alone.” Then he turned to the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ asked him, “Where are you going, O disbeliever?” Then the Prophet ﷺ took the weapon from the hand of Haris bin Swimmah or Zubair bin Al Awwam. The Prophet just twirled his weapon . Ubayy bellowed like the bellowing of a bull and said, ‘Muhammad ﷺ has killed me’. He was deeply wounded by a thread gap where his helmet and armor join. Pride and egoism ended. He said, ‘Where are Lata and Uzzah? I am suffering so much pain that if all the people of Rabi’a and Mular tribes were to share this pain, they would die. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had warned that , he would kill me. It has come true now. If he just spat on me, I would have died’. He died at Zarif on his way back.
Ubayy owns the name of the only unfortunate person killed by the hands of the Leader of the Prophets ﷺ. Hassan expresses the depth of Ubayy’s misfortune through poetry.
“Laqad warisa llalalata: an abihi
Ubayyun Yauma Barazahu Rasulu”
The scriptures also mention the scene where Ubayy, who was crying out of thirst at Rabag during the rainy season. Some one addressed him; ‘oh the unfortunate one who was wounded by the Prophet’s weapon’.”
From a partial reading of Uhud, those who wrote that Uhud was a failure, miss the pictures of glory that Uhud recorded.

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In the same valley, Uthman bin Abdillah ibn al-Mughira rushed forward saying that if Muhammad ﷺ escapes, I will not escape, just like Ubayy had called out before. Armed and riding his black and white horse, he entered threatening. Suddenly Uthman and his horse fell into a pit. His horse came out. Haris bin Swimma came close to him. They engaged in a sword fight for an hour. Finally Harris’s sword cut Usman’s leg. He fell to the ground and Harris took off his weapons and armor. In Uhad a warrior’s possessions were obtained from him alone.
The fighting in the valley was over. Water was brought from the rock-cut water tank or Mihras and given to the Prophet ﷺ to drink. But the Prophet ﷺ did not like the smell of the water.. He did not drink the water, but washed the blood from the wound with it and wet his head. The Prophet ﷺ kept saying that, ‘Allah is very angry with the one who injured the Messenger of Allah’. Muhammad bin Maslama went searching water to the side where women camped. But he did not get water there either. He realized that the Prophet ﷺ was very thirsty and went to Khanathwi or the nearby Khanatwa Valley to fetch water. The Prophet ﷺ quenched his thirst with that pure water and prayed for blessings.
Imam Baihaqi narrates that Sahl bin Sa’ad says. ‘When the women came to know that the Prophet ﷺ was injured, they came to the Prophet ﷺ. His daughter Fathima was also in the group. As soon as she saw her father, she hugged him . Fathima washed away the blood stains. Seeing that the blood did not stop with the pouring of water, she burnt the part of the mat and made ash and applied on the wound. With that the blood stopped. On that day the Prophet ﷺ prayed Zuhar sitting. His Companions also prayed behind him like that . Masjid-ul-Fash is the masjid at this place. In this prayer, the Companions crowded to get a place in the less comfortable masjid . Prophet Muhammad ﷺ instructed his companions to make room in the audience. Soon after mentioning this, the Qur’an was revealed.
This is the idea of ​​the eleventh verse of the fifty-eighth chapter, Al-Mujadila: “O you who believe, if you are told to make room in the audience, then you should make ample space, then Allah will also make it convenient for you.” The remains of the Masjid al-Fash where the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions performed prayers, are still there in the valley of Uhud.
The presence of Twalha during these events, is very important and noteworthy. When the Prophet ﷺ was about to go up to a slightly higher place, he could not go there. Twalha immediately sat down like a lift. The Prophet ﷺ happily informed that because of this intervention on behalf of the Messenger of Allah, Twalha has become an inhabitant of the heaven.
Khalid bin Waleed and his group took the opportunity to come back and increased the damage in Uhud. The Prophet ﷺ prayed to Allah in view of the scenes he was witnessing on the battlefield. ‘Oh Allah! If this small group fails, there will be no worshippers, please help us’. Imam Ibn Juraij says. It was in this context that the Holy Qur’an revealed the 139th verse of the third chapter. The concept can be read as follows. “And be not infirm and be not grieving . And you shall have the upper hand if you are believers”.

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We are now reading a chapter of some special dedications that Uhud witnessed . These lessons convey the depth of faith and the influence of the great personality of the Prophet ﷺ. The father of the prominent Companion Hudaifatu bin al-Yaman, Husail and Thabit bin Waqsh were elderly. At the time of Uhud, they were settled in the hill area with women and children. They both said to each other, “What if we take our swords and leave for battle ?” Why are we staying away? Let us quickly become fighters on the side of truth with the Prophet ﷺ. Let’s leave to reach heaven. Thinking that permission would be denied if they went straight to the Muslim side, they entered the battlefield through the side of the enemy. Thabit was killed by the Mushriks . Husail reached the Muslim side, but the Muslim fighters did not recognize him. Husail was killed by the hands of the Muslims themselves.
Husail was killed by Urwat bin Masuood’s sword . Immediately Hudaifah called out and said.
This is my father ! Immediately the people nearby said, “Oh, we didn’t know, may Allah forgive you.” Prophet ﷺ asked to give Hudaifa his father’s blood money , but Hudaifa donated it for public welfare. This action made Prophet ﷺ very happy.
Another story of dedication to read further is that of Muqairiqunalri al-Isra’ili. He was one of the most knowledgeable of the Jewish rabbis. He recognized the Prophet ﷺ from the scriptures and sympathized with Islam. At that time the Prophet ﷺ left for Uhud, he immediately addressed the Jews. O Jews! Don’t you know that it is our responsibility to help Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ? Then they asked, isn’t today Saturday? Muqairiq responded, “What is the problem if it is saturday ?” Then he left for the battlefield. He told his heirs. ‘If I am killed in the battle, you should give all my wealth to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Let him do as he wishes’ !. He advanced armed and fought till he was killed. The Prophet ﷺ said. Muqairiq is the best of the Jews.
Ibn Sa’ad narrated that Zubair said. Muqairiq was a leader from the Jews, Salman was from the Persians and Bilal was from the Coptics.
The story of Uqaish or Al Uswairim Amr bin Thabit Waqsh is also to be read here. His mentor during the Jahiliyyah period prevented him from embracing Islam. Later he reached in Madeena. In those days the companions of the Prophet ﷺ were also in Uhud. Uqaish inquired. Where is Sa’ad bin Mu’adh? People said ‘in Uhud’.Where are his nephews? ‘They are also in Uhad’. Immediately Uqaish declared Islam and left for Uhud. When he came to the battlefield on horseback armed with weapons, the Muslims asked where are you going? Stay away? He said, I have become a believer. He stood firm and fought till he was injured. Some people asked. Oh, Uzairim, did you come to the scene because of hate or is it because you accepted Islam? He said, I have come with interest in Islam. I believed in Allah and His Messenger and went to the battlefield with weapons and got injuries like you see’ . He died soon after. The Companions informed the Prophet ﷺ. He said. He is an inhabitant of Paradise. Abu Huraira used to say. Can you tell me one of you who entered Paradise without even performing the first prayer? If you ask who it is, say it is Uzwairi of Abdul Ashhal.

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Hanzalat bin Abi Amir is a name that is curiously heard from the battlefield of Uhud. He was one of the companions who had a close relationship with the Prophet ﷺ. “Nafaqa Hanzala ” or ‘Hanzala became a hypocrite’ is a widely read quote from him. It was a self-described expression of his own spiritual fear because he found that the spiritual awakening of being in the presence of the Prophet ﷺ was not obtained when he left there . This expression of Hanzala also pondered Abu Bakr. Both of them came together to the presence of the Prophet ﷺ and attained peace of mind.
Hanzala was the bridegroom on the day when the announcement of Uhud was sounded. That is why he was exempted from going to Uhud . The bride was Jameela bint Ubayy bin Salul. Hanzala who was in bridal chamber, felt no ease. He went straight to the battlefield. He directly faced Abu Sufyan, the leader of the enemy. He fought with him. His horse’s leg was cut off and he was thrown to the ground. Abu Sufian cried out and sought help. Aswad bin Shaddad speared Hanzala who was raising his sword towards Abu Sufian. Aswad gave another blow and killed him. The information was conveyed to the Prophet ﷺ. He immediately said, “I saw him being bathed by angels in the midst of the heavens and the earth.” Bathed him with cloud water in a silver pot. Normally, martyrs are not bathed. They are buried in the same condition as they are martyred. It is to bring them in the same way in the Hereafter.
The followers heard the extraordinary story of Hanzala and paid attention to his body. At that time, water was falling from his head. They asked Prophet ﷺ for the reason. The Prophet ﷺ asked them to enquire his wife. ‘We had sex. Before he had bathed, when he heard the war trumpet, he set out for battle’ .His wife responded.
Muhammad bin Umar narrates that on the night of Uhud, Hanzala met his wife, Jameela in bridal chamber . He had obtained permission from the Prophet ﷺ for that. He was about to leave for the battlefield immediately after the morning prayer. Then Jameela hugged him .They had sex. Then Hanzala set out for the battle.After a while, four members of her family arrived as Jameela had previously arranged.
Later Jamila was asked why did she call four representatives. ‘If there is a dispute over our relation , they will be witnesses that we lived together. Because I had a dream last night. The sky split and he passed through it. Then it stopped. Then I thought, wasn’t this martyrdom?. Jameela responded. Abdullahibn Hanzala was born in that intercourse. Later he was known as the son of the person who was bathed by the angels, or ‘Ghazeel-ul-Malaika’.
What curiosities marked these lives. In which script should the chapter on faith and steadfastness of faith by Jameela be written , a woman follower?.
Hanzala’s father, Abu Amir, was a close friend of Abu Sufyan, the leader of the enemy in the same battle. He came near his son, who was killed and introduced him to others. At the same time, he blamed his son’s belief’

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