The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 11

Admin May 6, 2023 No Comments

The biography of Prophet Muhammad – Month 11

Mahabba Campaign Part-311/365

Another bright picture of Uhud is that of Amr bin Al Jamuh. The noble old man who insisted on entering heaven with a lame leg . He was a prominent citizen of Yathrib in the early times. He was the undisputed leader of the Banu Salma tribe. He was also a famous donator. In Jahiliyyah period all the chieftains used to install idols in their houses… Their custom was to worship the idols at morning and evening, to perform annual sacrifices and to seek refuge in times of crisis.
Amr Ibnul Jamuh’s idol was named Manat. It was built of expensive wood. He was very careful in taking care of Manat. It was always treated with expensive perfumes. It was when Amr Ibnul Jamuh was past sixty that the rays of Islamic faith began to shine in the homes of Yathrib.
It was led by the great man Mus’ab bin Umair (R) who was the first messenger of truth to Madeena . Three sons of Amr Ibnul Jamuh; Mu’awwid, Mua’d and Khallad also became believers through their friend, Mu’ad bin Jabal.
Along with three sons, their mother, Hind also converted to Islam. Amr was unaware of all this.
Amr Ibnul Jamuh’s wife, Hind, was truly aware of the changes taking place in Yathrib. . Now the lion’s share of those natives, both leaders and subjects, have become followers of Islam. She realized that the only remaining polytheists were her husband and a handful of others. She had love and respect for her husband. She sympathized that if he had to die as a non-believer, he would be in hell fire forever. At the same time, Amr was also worried about whether his children would abandon the beliefs of their forefathers and fall into a new religion. Because many people had joined the religion of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in a short period of time through the Islamic preacher, Mus’ab Ibn Umair.
Amr said to his wife: ‘Hind….! We must really keep our children from meeting the one who came with this new religion…I will decide about the things here.” ‘Yes’ she replied. But let me ask one thing; ‘ it seemed to me that your son Mu’ad has heard something from that person. Why don’t you ask him what he had heard !?. Suspicious, Amr asked; ‘if he had changed his religion without my consent?.. Hind said, approaching her husband with compassion. It may not be. But he has heard something from him.
‘Then call Mu’ad, commanded Amr.
When Muadh came, Amr said: What is that man saying?
Son Mu’ad recited Surat al-Fatihah in a beautiful style. Amr, who was listening attentively, said:
‘Oh, it’s good to hear! Are all the words he says beautiful like this…?’
Mu’ad said, “Yes, did you want to hear him directly?” Many people have already joined him. Let me ask my manat! Then decide

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Amr said to his son. ‘Let me consult with my god Manat. Then I can decide’.
The son said: ‘What are you saying my father…! Isn’t it just a piece of wood without intelligence or speech…?’
Amr responded angrily.
Don’t you know that I will not decide anything without asking manat?
Amr Ibnul Jamuh approached his idol. Before speaking to the idol the Arabs would place an old woman behind it. They believed that the answers that woman give considered to be divine revelations.
Accordingly he began to speak to his beloved manat .
‘manat…that person who has come with a new message from Mecca is a man who does no harm to anyone…but he strongly opposes idolatry. I have no doubt that you must have known all this…His words are pleasing to the ear and beautiful…but I did not join him for the time being as I wanted to consult you ….Please let me know what I should do about it.
manat didn’t say anything. Amr continued,
‘Don’t be angry with me for what I asked. I’ll be back in a few days.
The children are well aware of their father’s relationship with manat, but they have realized that his relation to manat suffered a slight decrease recently . Once that relationship is ended completely , he will receive the light of Tawheed. They made an effort.
Amr’s three sons and their friend Mu’ad bin Jabal went at night to the room where manat was sitting. It was shaken from its position and removed…
It was found at the place where the Banusalama tribe used to throw garbage. They returned home without anyone knowing.
The next day, Amr humbly sets out to meet manat and bow down. But is stunned by what he sees there… manat has disappeared…?!
He roared. Where is my god? No one said a word.
He searched inside and outside the house and finally he found the manat lying in the garbage. He picked it up and washed it clean. Anointed with spices and placed in place. He said to manat. ‘By god , if I had known who had done this crime, I would have taken revenge.’
But this was repeated day after day… The youths would take the idol and sink it into the mud…. The old man would pick it up and clean it… Amr bin Jamuh decided to try a new method. The next day he took his sword and tied it around manat’s neck and said:
manat…! I don’t know who is behind this abomination. So if you have any power defend yourself…! Let this sword be in hand…!
The next day passed with great hope, but there was no sword and no god. manat is in the garbage again. And to make matters worse, a dog’s corpse is also lying near there. This time he didn’t take manat… he just left it there singing. ‘Oh manata, have you gone so far astray? There is no meaning in worshipping you as god’. His thought and mind were awakened. Then he did not wait ….He became a member of the religion of Allah:
‘Ashhadu an lailaaha illallah…

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Amr experienced the sweetness of true faith. He was saddened by every moment he spent as a polytheist. He made up his mind to devote the rest of his life to the truth. He devoted his body, wealth and children to Allah and Rasool ﷺ.
It was then that the battle of Uhud took place. Amr saw his sons hurriedly getting ready to participate in it. Father was convinced that everyone was preparing for the much coveted martyrdom. He also had that desire.
But,…the sons unitedly tried to dissuade him from his decision. Because the father is in a combined state of old age and disability. The leg is so lame that he cannot even walk alone. Because of that, he belongs to the group that Allah exempted from participating in the war.
The children said: ‘Father… Allah has said through the holy Qur’an that ; it is not compulsary for the lame to participate in war… Why are you so hard on something that Allah has made easy for you. Hearing their words, the old man was very much worried. He expressed his grief to the Prophet ﷺ:
‘Messenger of Allah… My sons are hindering me from participating in this great event … They say that I am lame… By Allah! … I want to enter Paradise with this lame leg of mine, O Prophet ﷺ…’
The Prophet ﷺ said to the sons of Amr (R): ‘You do not have to stop your father. May Allah grant him the fortune of martyrdom….’
The children accepted the Prophet ﷺ’s advice. They left for war. He bade farewell to his wife. A journey, with no hope to return.
Then he raised both hands to the sky in front of Qiblah and prayed:
‘O Allah…! grand martyrdom to me…don’t send me back to my home disappointed…’
Amr ibnul Jamuh (R) enters the battlefield …surrounded by his three sons and a large group of family members. The scene is heating up. The believers are moving away from the Prophet ﷺ… The great man Amr ibnul Jamuh (R) is in the front line of the army. He moves forward jumping on his his healthy leg. His lips were chanting the words repeatedly as he fought; “I wish heaven” ..
Right behind him is his son Khallad… That’s father and his son fighting to protect the Prophet ﷺ. Before it is too late,…Father and son were martyred on the battlefield.
The battle ended…Rasool ﷺ stood up to bury the martyrs of Uhud…the Prophet ﷺ said to his followers ‘cover the martyrs without bathing them. I am their witness…!’
He further continued: ‘If anyone is wounded in the way of Allah, blood will flow from it on the Day of Judgment… the color of that blood will be that of saffron and the smell of musk…’
. Bury Amr ibnul Jamuh (RA) and Abdullah ibn Amr (R) and Abdullah ibn Amr in the same grave. They loved each other innocently.’
Amr leapt to heaven with his lame leg, leaving behind millions of men, with healthy legs.

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Here let’s read yet another picture of submission, marked by Uhud, following the martyrdom of Amr.Hind, the wife of Amr bin Al Jamuh, observed the battlefield. Her husband Amr, her brother Abdullah and her son Khallad were killed. Normally, a woman would cry and tear her dress , a scene that should be shocking. But Hind showed patience at it’s best. She suffered all pains of bereavement silently. She carried the dead bodies of all three people on her camel and wished to bury them in Madeena. But the camel does not move forward. Ayisha says. I walked through Uhud with some friends. The aim was to give urgent nursing service. Meanwhile, we noticed Hind and her camel. Asked Hind. ‘Whats up’?. What is on the back of the camel? She said, ‘If nothing has happened to the Prophet ﷺ, then everything else is insignificant . Some believers have sacrificed their lives in the way of Allah’. It is by referring to this scene that the Holy Qur’an reveals the twenty-fifth verse of the thirty-third chapter, Al-Ahzab. The idea can be read as follows: “Allah sent back the disbelievers from the battlefield in their anger. They did not succeed. Allah alone is sufficient to fight for the believers. Allah is Mighty and Majestic.”
Ayisha asked Hind? Who are on the camel ? My husband, son and brother. Where are they being taken?. They are being taken to Madeena to bury them there . Ayisha(R) was surprised. In order to move the camel forward, Hind made noise.
Hal …hal …but the camel is not moving forward. Ayisha asked, ‘why the camel is not moving forward? Is it because it is too heavy to bear? No, it it would be because of something else. Again Hind tried to move the camel. But not moving. What could be the reason? When the camel is brought back to the side of Uhud, it moves forward quickly. Finally Hind approached the Prophet ﷺ. He responded. The camel has instructions from Allah. Did Amr say anything before leaving for Uhud? When Amr left for Uhud, he prayed like this, ‘O Allah, give me martyrdom! Don’t return me home disappointed! When the Prophet ﷺ heard Hind’s reply, he said: Yes, that is why the vehicle carrying Amr’s body refuses to return from Uhud. He was a great person whose prayers were answered. If he swore to Allah, it would be fulfilled. I have seen him entering heaven with lame foot. Angels were providing shade to the body of your brother since he was killed. Then the Prophet ﷺ waited until they were buried . He told Hind that they are friends in heaven too. May you pray for me to enter Paradise with them. Hind pleaded.
Jabir bin Abdillah, nephew of Hind, said. My father was the first to be killed in Uhud from the Muslim side. Sufyan bin Abdi Shams, the father of Abul Awar Assulami, killed him.

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Hamza the paternal uncle of the Prophet ﷺ and a great companion who marked his fighting spirit at Uhud. He is two years older than the Prophet ﷺ. He is also the foster brother of the Prophet ﷺ. We have read the personal history of honourable Hamza and his presence and fighting at Badr. Hamza was the flag bearer in Ghazwat Wuddan, the first military operation led by the Prophet ﷺ.
Hamza’s daring presence was a key factor in the advancement of the Muslims in the early stages of Uhud. He was the epitome of courage and made remarkable interventions.
The relatives of those who were killed by Hamza in Uhud, were eagerly waiting to take revenge. Prominent among them were Jubair bin Mut’im, the brother-nephew of Tuaima bin Adiyy, who was killed at Badr, and Hind, the daughter of Utba. They promised to free the Absinian slave Vahsi, who was an expert in the use of chisels, if he kill Hamza. Vahshi came to Uhud dreaming of liberation. He himself explains those scenes later. About forty years later, during the reign of Muawiya, the Tabiee, Ubaidullah bin Adiy and his friend approached Hamza at “Hims”. They expressed interest in hearing scenes from Uhud. Due to the dust storm in the desert, Ubaid came in front of Vahshi with his face covered and only his eyes visible. Ubaid asked the old man, “Do you understand who I am?” Immediately Vahshi said, seeing your leg, I understand that you are Adiy’s son. That assessment was accurate. This was also a proof of Vahshi’s observation skills even in his old age. He was also a “khaif” or an expert in recognizing foot prints.
In response to Ubaid’s question, Vahshi began to say. Once the Prophet ﷺ asked; ‘Can you explain the scene in which you killed Hamza? I will tell you the same thing that I said then. I came to the battlefield. I had only one goal. To kill Hamza. Because that way I will be freed from slavery. I will be free. I started watching Hamza from the beginning. He was seen in all sides of the field. I waited for an opportunity to face him. I hid behind a ledge and watched his movements. He killed several men. While, while he was rising after killing a man, I lunged at him from behind with all my strength. It broke through his body and came forward through the navel. Yet he turned straight to me. But by then he had fallen. I did not have the courage to go to him. Though he was lying on the ground seriously injured, he was frightening than many a perfectly healthy one. I walked away with my mission accomplished. I had no other goals in the battle of Uhud. I was freed when I returned to Mecca .

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After Hamza was killed, Hind approached the body. She expressed her unquenchable grudge and revenge on his body for killing her father at Badr. His abdomen was pierced and liver was taken out and bitten. His limbs were cut off and and made garlands out of it . She danced wearing the garland.(The Prophet ﷺ pardoned Hind at the time of victory over Mecca and she became an ideal believer and follower).
When the Prophet ﷺ visited the battlefield, after the Battle of Uhud, the picture of Hamza very much troubled his mind. The body of his paternal uncle and foster brother that had been cut open and mutilated. The Prophet ﷺ wept bitterly. He said with uncontrollable grief; ” I will do the same with 30 of the enemies”. Immediately Gibreel (A) appeared. The Holy Qur’an, the sixteenth chapter, the one twenty-sixth verse of “Annahl” was recited. The idea can be read like this. “And If you retaliate, retaliate with the like of that which you were afflicted. But if you are patient, it will certainly be best to those who are patient”.
What a wonderful lesson this intervention of the holy Qur’an conveys. You can do a similar reaction if you want revenge for killing someone. Better than that is a compromise attitude. In a context of such brutality that it is prima facie reasonable to think thirty to one, promotes the idea of ​​tolerance for the victims. And look at the next verse emphasizing one more reason to forgive. The idea of ​​the one hundred and twenty-seventh verse can be read as follows: ” And be patient and your patience not but by (the assistance of Allah), and grieve not for them, and do not distress yourself at what they plan”.
Following this, the Prophet ﷺ spoke to his followers about patience. It was determined that no one should be mutilated in this way. How important the value of this moral lecture given at battlefield, should be presented to time.
The Prophet ﷺ approached the body of Hamza. A mercy prayer was offered for him. Then he said, Oh Hamza, you were ahead in tying family relations and doing good deeds! If It would not have been difficult for the Swafiyyah or his sister and had there been no fear that my action would be imitated as a custom , I would have left your body here, so that this body would have reached the wild animals and birds. (Tomorrow in the hereafter, Hamza could be resurrected from many places.It means that he will get big status hereafter.)
The Prophet ﷺ told Zubair bin Awwam, son of Swafiyyah, to block her from seeing the body. But Swafiyyah came straight to the battlefield after hearing about the death of her brother Hamza. She was carrying two shrouds in her hand. Seeing her, the son stopped the mother. Zubair informed his mother that it is the instruction from the Prophet ﷺ, to block her from seeing Hamza in this condition. After hearing this, Swafiyyah did not take a single step forward.

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Swafiyya then said to her son, “I know all that happened toHamza. I also know the cruelties done by the enemies to that body.” But I forgive because he was in the way of Allah. I don’t care. The Prophet ﷺ said to Zubair who saw her faith and endurance. Let Swafiya go ahead now. No need to stop her from seeing Hamza. She went ahead. She came near the body of his beloved brother. For a long time she prayed for his brother’s success in the hereafter. I expect blessings from Allah in return for this patience. Then Hamza was covered with one of the shrouds kept with her. The Prophet ﷺ covered the second cloth they had with a nearby Ansari with her permission. Then the Prophet ﷺ prayed Janazah over Hamza with many takbirs contrary to the usual practice . The Prophet ﷺ addressed him as “Sayyidushuhada” or the leader of those who sacrificed their lives in the way of Allah. He was buried in Uhud itself . Since then, millions of people have been visiting that tomb continuously.
Let’s travel a little further with the story of Vahsi. When the Prophet ﷺ and his followers came to Mecca in triumph, he moved to Twaif, but the spread of the Muslim community was in a rapid level . Soon Hunain also won. Vahshi began to feel that the earth was shortening in front of him day by day. Now he thought sincerely that there is a way ahead of him. He himself says. “I thought about crossing into Syria or Yemen or some other place . A neighbor of mine came to know about this and said to me. Damn you! Why are you struggling like this? Don’t you see that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ forgives everyone? It is better for you to think that way and join Islam. Then I thought it was right! And it wasn’t too late. I went out wearing a veil so that no one can recognize me. I came to the Prophet ﷺ. Aren’t you Vahshi ? I said, yes! Didn’t you kill Hamza ? Yes, It happened like that.Tell me about yourself, how did you do that? I have explained all the scenes. I looked at Prophet’s ﷺ face, his cheeks are wet. His beard is soaked.
After a while, Vahsi announced his acceptance of Islam and asked for forgiveness from the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ pardoned him and requested him to hide from the Prophet’s ﷺ eyes because he couldn’t bear the picture of Hamza lying in Uhud, mutilated.
Those who accuse terrorism in Islam by naming the battles, if they read the history directly, they will realize the facts.

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Later, Vahsi led a spiritual life. It was during the reign of Abu Bakr that the battle of Yamama took place. The said campaign was against Musailima, who falsely claimed prophethood: Al-Kaddab. Vahsi participated in campaign from the Muslim side. He polished the same weapon that he had used to kill Hamza . Vahshi came to Yamama aiming at Musailima himself in the same way as he had aimed Hamza in Uhud. He took all his strength and used his weapon against that false prophet. His chest was split open and he was killed. Vahsi performed this task as an atonement for killing Hamza. He himself said. ‘I first killed a supreme personality or Hamza. Then I brought about a vile and false one, to his end’.
Vahsi is a symbol that indicate Allah can forgive anyone who has repented and attained spirituality after accepting Islam. The thirty-ninth chapter of the Holy Qur’an, the fifty-third verse of Azumar conveys this theme. Let’s read the idea. “Say: My servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of Allah’s mercy. Do not doubt. Allah forgives the faults Altogether, surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful”.
Vahsi died in Hims in 39 Hijri. His grave is situated near the grave of the follower ‘Tauban’, who was especially known for his love for the Prophet ﷺ.
Imam Bukhari narrates a hadeeth in which Hamza and Vahsi can be read together. Abu Huraira says. The Prophet ﷺ said. Allah expresses His happiness seeing two people. One is the one who is killed in the way of Allah. The second person is his killer. But the latter came to the right path and became a martyr in the way of Allah. Or the Hadeeth mentioned the importance of the scene where the killer and the victim meet in the paradise.
Devotion to truth. Broad mindedness to forgive in Allah’s way. The change of course where the worshipers of evil are changed to the guardians of good. So far we have traveled through the chapters of history.
Anas bin Nazr is the one to read from the history of Uhud. Anas came to Uhud as if to fulfill a promise.
Anas bin Malik (R) says: “My uncle Anas Ibn Nazr (R) was not able to participate in the special battle of Badr in which the Muslims fought with their enemies. He was haunted by the hardships of losing that reward and position. He said: “O Messenger of Allah! I was not there when you first fought the polytheists at Badr. But if an opportunity is given in my life to fight with the enemies of Allah, I will surely show Allah how I will use it. So he attended Uhud. During the battle of Uhud, there was some confusion due to a lapse on the part of the Muslims. Many turned back and became disillusioned. He was disappointed with their actions and prayed to Allah:
‘O Allah, I ask Your forgiveness for the actions of these Muslims, and I submit before You my innocence for the actions of these polytheists.’
Then he moved forward. On the way he met Sa’ad bin Mu’ad (R). Then it is said to him: ‘O Sa’ad bin Mu’ad! The Lord of Nazr or by Allah ! The fragrance of heaven! I am smelling the fragrance of heaven from the valley of Uhud.
Then he fought fiercely with his enemies on the battlefield and attained martyrdom in the way of Allah.
Then Sa’ad (R) says: “O Messenger of Allah! I could not do what he (Anas Ibn Nazr) did or achieve what he achieved! When the battle ended, he was found with more than eighty wounds by swords and spears. No one recognized him as he was severely crippled; Finally his sister recognized him through his fingertip.’ Imam al-Bukhari said that the twenty-third verse of the thirty-third chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Al-Ahzab, refers to Anas bin Nazr and the like. The idea is: “Among the believers, there are some who are honest about the agreement they made with Allah. Among them are those who have fulfilled their pledge. There are also those who have had the opportunity to do so. They have not changed that agreement.”

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Abdullahib Jahsh is one of the great personality who attained glory from the battlefield of Uhud. Abdullahi bin Jahsh is one among those converted to Islam who had a family relationship with the Prophet ﷺ. His mother was Umaima, the daughter of Abdul Mutalib. He was also the brother of Zainab, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ. He was fortunate enough to be with the Prophet ﷺ during his private preaching. He was the first to receive the flag from the Prophet ﷺ and was called Ameerul Mu’mineen. He was also in the first group that migrated to Ethiopia. He reached Madeena along with his family just after Abu Salama reached there. Abdullah’s house was one of the beautiful houses in Mecca . After Abdullah and his family left Mecca for Madeena, Abu Jahl, the leader of the polytheists, and his group arrived there. They misused the household things. Abdullah could not bear it when he came to know about it. He expressed his grief to the Prophet ﷺ. Abdullah! ‘Would you like to have a house in heaven for this damage ? He said, ‘yes’. The Prophet ﷺ gave the good news that he had received it right then.Abdullah’s eyes filled with tears of joy.
He passed through the first proud days with the Prophet ﷺ in Madeena . It was then that the Prophet ﷺ entrusted Abdullah with the leadership of a diplomatic move. It was a reconnaissance mission that preceded Badr. He was assigned with a victory flag and a written message to be opened after traveling a distance of two days. After opening the letter on the way, he led a brave advance.
The days of Uhud have come. Ibn Jahsh also became a part of the military expedition . On the battlefield he met Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas. Abdullah asked him. Oh, you don’t pray? Then both of them stood aside and prayed. Sa’ad was the first to pray, “O Allah! Give me a strong and powerful opponent in this battle! Give me the opportunity to defeat him and take possession of his belongings “. Abdullah said “Ameen”. Then he prayed. Oh Allah! Give me a strong and powerful opponent in this fight! Let him subdue me and cut off my nose and ears! When I will be asked in the hereafter, ‘how my limbs were amputated, I hope to say “in the way of You and Your Messenger” I wish that Allah would accept it.
Sa’ad says . Abdullah’s prayer was better than mine. It was evening. I went to look for him. The result of that prayer has been seen. The body with its ears and nose cut off is lying there. The ears and nose are stuck in the nearby tree. Finally, the great man was buried along with his uncle, Hamza. When the bodies were taken to the graves, the eyes of the Prophet ﷺ were filled with uncontrollable tears .

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Khaithama is a great figure who marked a unique image among the warriors of Uhud, who sacrificed their lives for the truth. At the time of Badr, a conversation took place between Khaithama and his son Sa’ad. That conversation took place when only his son was given chance to participate in the war. Khaithama said, “My dear son, send me away for the war and you rest at home. Will you honor my request? I am not your father ?” My father, it is right, but I’m sorry. It’s the matter of heaven . Khaithama sent his son away.Sa’ad attended Badr and attained heaven.
Khaithama waited for the next opportunity. That’s when the call to Uhud was heard . His heart woke up. On the day of Uhud, he approached the Prophet ﷺ and said, “Messenger of Allah! I missed Badr. I wished so much. But my son Sa’ad had the luck. He participated in Badr and became a martyr. I saw him in a dream last night. Beautiful. walking among the rivers and fruits of the heaven. He said to me. I have received what Allah promised me. Come, let us gather in heaven. Messenger of Allah! By Allah I earnestly desire to be with my son in heaven. You may pray for me to achieve that boon. . The Messenger of Allah prayed. He was killed in Uhud.
Khaitama was a member of the Banu Hanam family who helped the Prophet ﷺ. It was this family that prepared the groundwork for the Second Aqaba Treaty. Khaithama’s son Sa’ad was one of the twelve observers or Naqeebs assigned to Madeena after the treaty.
Misa’b bin Umair, is one of the first follower who comes to mind our mind when we hear the name ‘Uhud’ and he is greeted by name always by the visitors even today. Misa’b bin Umair. He was a blessed young man of Mecca. He was born in the cradle of wealth. He grew up in the excessive care of his rich parents. They described the young man as ‘the perfume of Mecca’. When the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the new movement entered Mecca, the thoughtful Misa’b was naturally attracted to it.
Freed from the evil deeds of the natives. Misa’b (R) came to know that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his followers used to gather in the house of Arqam. One evening he entered Arqam’s house without anyone knowing. A burning desire to know the truth was shining on that face. The Prophet ﷺ was reciting the Holy Qur’an to his companions. Misa’b (R) was listening to it attentively. The magic of the Holy Qur’an emanating from the Holy Prophet, further captivated his heart. A new spiritual feeling enveloped Misa’b (R). What a joy! Rasool ﷺ had just stroked his chest with his right hand and Misa’b had fully embraced Islam!

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Misab’s mother, Khunasa, was a woman of good personality and splendor. Misab (R) was worried about how he would convince his mother . He was firm-minded and had no problem even if the leaders and elites of Mecca opposed him. Because of that, Misa’b (R) wanted to keep his mother from knowing about his faith . He went to Darul Arqam without his mother’s knowledge and kept listening to the teachings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The eyes and ears of the Meccans were alert against Islam. So Misa’b (R) could not hide the secret for long.A man named Uthman bin Twalha saw
Misa’b (R) walking home from Dar al-Arqam and another time praying with the Muslims. He told the said incident to Khunasa. And with that the secret was revealed. The mother became very worried when she found out that her son had deviated from the ways of his ancestors. The beloved mother advised lovingly. It didn’t work. Threatened. Misa’b (R) once advised his mother and family members. He was reciting the Holy Quran. The angry mother rised her hand and jumped towards her son fiercely. Misab’s (R) cheerful face extinguished the bravery of her . Misa’b was chained in a room of the house. Deployed security men. Contact with believers was prevented. Misa’b (R) became a prisoner in the darkness of the room. But iron fists could not erase the light of the faith. Misa’b (R) heard the news that the followers of the Prophet ﷺ were about to flee to Abyssinia for the sake of their belief.
He evaded the eyes of his mother and fled to Absinia with his friends. The mother decided to arrest Misa’b (R) who returned from there. Tried to arrest him using mercenaries. Distraught, Misab (R) had to run away, he said Oh mother! ” if you attack me again, I swear I will kill all your mercenaries!” His mother had to yield. Finally she said, “Oh Misa’b, from now on I am not yours. You can go anywhere with your religion. You are not my heir.” Misa’b (R) said: “mother, I wish you will be in good condition. I wish that mother be saved from hell. So accept Allah and the Prophet ﷺ.” In a fiery manner, mother responded: “Go away , by my gods, I don’t need your religion.” Misa’b (R) renounced that garden of material blessings. He came down seeking the pleasure of Allah. Since then, Misa’b (R) lived with torn clothes, hunger and poverty. The young man who lived frolicking in the cradle of pleasures surprised everyone with the poverty he took upon himself in the name of faith. Seeing him coming, the people bowed their heads. Once, with tears in his eyes, the Prophet ﷺ said, “Misa’b renounced everything for the sake of Allah.’What a prosperous life he lived in Mecca that day.”

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As the first person with the mission of Islamic propagation , the Prophet ﷺ appointed Misa’b bin Umair (R), known as Mis’abul Khair, to Madeena . Misa’b (R) taught the first lessons of Islam to the faithful Ansars who signed a contract with the Prophet ﷺ in the historic Treaty of Aqaba. The role of Misa’b (R) was important in changing Madeena as shelter to Islam.
Misa’b (R) received the honor of being the first flag bearer of Islam at Badr. The Muslim army was victorious in Badr and the enemies prepared for revenge the next year. Misa’b (R) was fighting like a tiger on the battlefield of Uhud with a flag in one hand. Muslims are on the brink of defeat. The enemy army surrounded the Prophet ﷺ. Misa’b (R) raised the flag and sounded the takbeer at the top of his voice in the face of impending crisis. “Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.” It was spreading around. The purpose of Misa’b (R) was to divert the attention of the enemies who surrounded the Prophet ﷺ. In the meantime, that brave companion was surrounded by the enemies. Ibn Khumayya cut off the right hand of Misa’b (R) and threw him down. However, he regained his courage and carried the flag in his left hand. Yet that brave soldier did not give up the flag. He held the flag close to his chest with his cut hands. Misa’b (R) again received a fatal blow from Ibn Khumayya. He fell to the ground saying ; “Just like the messengers of Allah, Muhammad ﷺ is also the Messenger of Allah,” He was holding the flag close to his body.
The last words he uttered were later revealed as the opening verse of the 144th verse of Aal-Imran, the third chapter of the Holy Qur’an. (“Wama Muhammadun illa Rasoolun… “) The war ended. The Prophetﷺ and followers began to search for those who are killed. They found the mutilated body of Umair on the ground. Tears rolled down through Prophet’s ﷺ cheeks. The Prophet ﷺ looked at the cloth covering the dead body of Misa’b (R) and said: “Misab, how beautiful you were when I saw you in Mecca. How beautiful your costume were. Today you are wrapped in a dusty blanket with matted hair. You sacrificed everything for the sake of Allah. You are among the believers who fulfilled their promise to Allah.” Khabbab (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say: “We migrated for the sake of Allah in His way. Suffered. We experienced some of it’s rewards from the world itself. People like Misa’b (R) have already left this world. They did not get any reward from here. Misa’b (R) was martyred in Uhud. There was not even enough cloth to wrap his body. Wrapped in a small blanket. If the head was covered, the leg would be exposed and if the leg was covered, the head would be exposed. The Prophet ﷺ ordered to wrap the head with a blanket and the legs with Idkhir grass.
Misa’b has evolved into unique name of self-sacrifice, unmatched in history. Even today this name is resounding in the memory paths of the peaks as the voice of faith.

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Uhud was the historical moment of many events and messages. We have read the stories of the sacrifices of many prominent followers . The common characteristics they all had was firm faith and immense love for the Prophet ﷺ..They sincerely believed in heaven. They yearned for heaven and strived till their last breath. They flew to the heights without waiting for a moment of taste of this world.
But in the meantime, some hypocrites and materialistic interests came to the battlefield and even though they were apparently fighters, the Prophet ﷺ knew their secrets. One of them was Khuzman. He was a rich and noble man. The Prophet ﷺ said about him that he was the inheritor of Hell. He performed a wonderful performance. He penetrated the enemy line. He fought till their last row. When this happened, the companions said that he is the heir of Paradise. Still the Prophet ﷺ said that he is the heir of Hell. In the evening, the enemy’s weapon hit Khusman’s body. He received a fatal wound. He could not bear it. He drew his own sword. The tip of the blade reached his back. He committed suicide. A companion named Aktam, who saw this, came to the Prophet ﷺ. Aktam said. ‘Once again he was convinced that the Prophet ﷺ was a true messenger. Imam Bukhari also quoted this incident.
He came to the battlefield aiming at some vested interests ..not for the protection of truth.
Islam put forward the protection of a good was for the good of the was for the well-being of mankind..we should read the events of Islam knowing such background.
Uhud did not only give a few martyrs, but also a lot of good messages and ideas. Although the Muslim side had some losses in military terms and so on, the final victory was for the Muslim side. The retreat of Abu Sufiyan in the last stage and the discussions held by the polytheists after the war, are proof of this.
The question, ‘why Abu Sufyan did not complete the victory, remains in history.. He was returning home halfway through the victory. Seeing that he was going back, the Prophet ﷺ suspected that he was going to plunder Madeena.. Immediately he sent one or two men after the enemy army.. If the army used camels for the journey, they would have gone to Mecca. Because it is a long journey. If horses are used it will be a short journey. Or maybe to Madeena. The Prophet ﷺ instructed them to evaluate the matter in this way. Then he returned to Madeena. The Prophet ﷺ observed that Madeena could be attacked at any moment. Moreover, the Prophet entrusted the responsibility of protecting Madeena to those who participated in Uhud. The Prophet ﷺ knew that they would pay any price for their defeat at Uhud. With these chosen soldiers, the Prophet ﷺ pursued Abu Sufyan’s army to the south of Madeena .

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This is how Ibn Ishaq describes the scene of the polytheists returning from Uhud to Mecca. When the two groups separated from the battlefield , Abu Sufyan mounted on his horse and reached the mountain. Then he called out and asked. ‘Is Muhammad ﷺ among you’? Hearing this, the Prophet ﷺ said to his followers that they do not need to reply. Abu Sufyan repeated the same question three times. He continued to ask. Is there among you the son of Abu Quhafa or Abu Bakr? Still the Prophet ﷺ said. There is no need to answer him. The latter asked. Is there Khattab’s son or Umar among you? The Prophet ﷺ said that need not reply.
The enemies know that these three are the heroes of the existence of the Islamic society. When he did not get an answer, Abu Sufiyan went to his followers and said. All three of them have been killed. If they were alive they would have answered my question. Especially, Umar would not have hesitated to reply.
According to the narration of Imam Ahmad, Ibn Abbas said a continuation of this. Finally, Umar asked the Prophet ﷺ, ‘can I reply’? The Prophet ﷺ agreed. According to the explanation given by ‘Fathul Bari’, the Prophet ﷺ gave consent to Umar for the third time. According to that, Umar began to answer; “All those whom you have enumerated are alive here. All those who defeated you, are here. Immediately Abu Sufiyan called out to his god. Long live hubul. Make your religion win. Then the Prophet ﷺ said to Umar, get up and answer him! Umar said, Allah is the Glorious and the Exalted. Abu Sufiyan called Hubul again and said. One day for another day. That’s how days are. Badr victory for you while Uhud victory for us.
Abu Sufyan’s son Hanzala was killed at Badr. Instead, Hanzala bin Abi Amir from the Muslim side was killed at Uhud. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ said, “Umar, tell him that it will not be equal! Those who were killed from our group will be in Paradise and those killed from them will be in Hell. Abu Sufiyan asked: Do you then say that we are losers and despicable? We have our God ‘Uzza’. Don’t you have ‘Uzza’? The Prophet ﷺ said, “Umar, say, Allah is our Savior. You do not have a savior. Then Abu Sufyan said, ‘ Umar would you come here! The Prophet ﷺ said. Umar, go and see what! Umar went to him. He asked. I ask by Allah. ‘Have we killed Muhammad ﷺ’? Umar said. ” By Allah, you have not been able to kill the Prophet ﷺ. He is still alive and listening to this talk of yours. Then Abu Sufiyan said. Umar! I understand that you are more truthful than Ibn Khamia, who said that he killed Muhammad ﷺ. Then Abu Sufiyan shouted loudly and said, “I am not satisfied. Let’s try again at the beginning of next year.” The Prophet ﷺ said yes, let us fix a time between us.
After Abu Sufiyan left. The Prophet ﷺ was worried that Abu Sufiyan might attack Madeena.
Abu Sufiyan went straight to Mecca. He bowed down before hubul. Then he said. ‘You helped me and saved me from the hands of Muhammad ﷺ and his followers. Then he shaved his head and went home.

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When the battle was over, the believers went to their loved ones and started preparing to bury the martyrs .The sight of each dead body pained them. Because the bodies of all the martyrs, except Hanzala, were mutilated by the polytheists . Zaid bin Thabit says. The Prophet ﷺ asked those who went to the battlefield of Uhud in search of the slain, “Look what happened to Sa’ad bin Rabee’u. I saw twelve arrows flying towards him.” Who will inquire whether he is alive or dead? Sa’ad says Muhammad bin Maslama went in search Sa’ad bin Rabeeu . It is also reported that it was Ubayy bin Ka’ab who went in search .Called three times. No response from Sa’ad. When it was said that the messenger was sent by the Prophet ﷺ, Sa’ad bin Rabeeu responded in a low voice .
A statement of Zaid bin Tabit is as follows. The Prophet ﷺ assigned me to find Sa’ad bin Rabeea on the day of Uhud. Told me to say ‘salaam’ and ask for his welfare if I meet him . I found Sa’ad breathing his last . I told him that I was sent to find out whether he was alive or dead. He said, ‘I am among the dead’. That, his death is sure . He want to convey his salutations to the Prophet ﷺ. And tell the Prophet ﷺ that may Allah grand the Prophet ﷺ the best which a Prophet get from his people. I should also inform the Prophet ﷺ that Sa’ad gets fragrance of heaven. Sa’ad also asked to convey his greetings to Muslim community. He also admonished Muslims not to leave the Prophet ﷺ alone as long as they live . And it was not too late, Sa’ad bid farewell to this world. I immediately informed the Prophet ﷺ.
Sa’ad traveled to the heights. Among the followers , Sa’ad’s name was held in high esteem. Abu Bakr Azubairi says. Once a man came to Abu Bakar Sidheeq . Then Abu Bakar was rocking a baby girl. When the visitor asked who that child was, Sidheeq replied that that was the daughter of someone much better than him. Yes, it was the daughter of Sa’ad bin Rabeea. He was the special representative or Nuqaba member of the Treaty of Aqaba. Participated at Badr. Martyred in Uhud.
Ibn Abbas says. The Prophet ﷺ ordered to remove the weapons and armors of those killed in Uhud and bury themselves in the clothes they were wearing without even washing the blood. According to the narration of Imam Ahmad, it is also like this.
The Prophet ﷺ ordered to dig the grave in depth and width . And to put two or three people in the same grave and to consider first the person who has more Qur’an in his heart .
Ka’abu bin Malik says. The Prophet ﷺ came near those killed in Uhud. He stood among them and said, ‘I am a good witness for them. Bury them with this blood. Do not bathe them or pray over them. Narrated Ibn Ishaq. The Prophet ﷺ said, Look where Amr bin al-Jamuh and Abdullah ibn Amr bin Al-Haram are. They were great friends, let them be buried in the same grave. People prepared to carry the killed and take them to Madeena and bury them there . But the Prophet ﷺ ordered to bury the martyrs of Uhud in the ground of Uhud itself.

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The Prophet ﷺ returned to Madeena after burying the great followers who were martyred at Uhud. The Prophet ﷺ met daughter of Jahsh, Hana on the way. Then told her, ‘expect great reward from Allah’. She exclaimed!What Prophet ﷺ was saying. And about whom? In the case of your uncle, Hamza. He was killed. The gist of what the Prophet ﷺsaid was to be patient and expect a reward from Allah . She said; Inna Lillah. May Allah have mercy on him . ..May he get the rewarded of martyrdom. Again the Prophet ﷺ said. Expect reward from Allah , dear. ..still she asked who? In the case of your brother Abdullah ibn Jahsh. ..still responded as before. Again the Prophet ﷺ said, “O my dear, expect reward from Allah” and still asked, ‘about whom’. He said. Your husband, Misabu bin Umair. Suddenly Hana cried. Expressed panic. Then the Prophet ﷺ said, in any case, a woman’s husband is in a different position! Then inquired about her. What is the sudden change of behavior after hearing about her husband? Then she said. When she heard the sudden news, his children, Orphans! Or that she cried because of the orphanhood of his children. She explained. The Prophet ﷺ immediately performed a special prayer for the wellbeing of those children.
This incident has been narrated by other Imams with some variations.
The women of Madeena cried for their dead husbands and others. The Prophet ﷺ said upon knowing this. ‘I have no one to cry for my dear Hamza’. After hearing this, several women cried for Hamza until morning . In the morning, the Prophet ﷺ forbade such weeping for the dead.
When the Prophet ﷺ and his followers returned to Madeena, another background was formed. In front of the damage suffered by the Muslim army at Uhud, the hypocrites began to blame Islam and the Prophet ﷺ. Ubayy, the leader of the hypocrites came to the scene . He blamed his son, Abdulla the companion. Then he said, “The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not obey me, but obeyed the children. All these sufferings and losses happened because of that .” The Sahabi immediately responded, “Everything that happened to the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims is for good.” In this group, the Jews also came forward. They said that the goal of Muhammad ﷺ is power. That’s why all this happened. No prophet had to face problems like this. Did you not see that Muhammad ﷺ had to face loss of body, group and wealth? None of these slain would have been killed if they had stayed with us.
The Jews and the hypocrites made widespread bad propaganda. Hearing this, Umar came to the scene and approached the Prophet ﷺ and asked. O Prophet, let me deal with those who accuse us. The Prophet ﷺ did not agree to it. Then the Prophet ﷺ explained.Umar, they are the ones who declared their faith and accepted the messengers of Allah. Then Umar asked. O Prophet, are they not hypocrites? Don’t they recite the ‘Shahada’ ? Yes, they say Lailaha illallah. But they say it for saving their life . I know all that, but safety is the order of Allah for those who say the truth. O Umar, son of Khatab! The Quraish will continue to do this until we safely kiss the corner of the holy Ka’aba.

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When the polytheists left Uhud and reached the place called Rawhau, they said among themselves; Why didn’t you kill Muhammad ( ﷺ). What you did was, very bad. So return to Madeena again. Thus they reached a place called Hamraul Asad. The Prophet ﷺ received this information. At dawn, after the Subah prayer, the Prophet ﷺ said to Bilal رضي الله عنه: ‘Announce that the Prophet ﷺ commands everyone to go out in search of the enemies. The Prophet ﷺ specifically commanded that no one should take part today except those who participated in the battle yesterday. On this occasion, Jabir came and asked the Prophet ﷺ permission. He did not attend Uhud because his father entrusted him to look after his brothers.
Then the Prophet ﷺ gave him permission. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul, the leader of the hypocrites, also came to the Prophet ﷺ for permission. But the Prophet ﷺ did not give permission and sent him back. Ali ibn Abi talib was the flag bearer of the Muslims. The Prophet ﷺ left for Hamra’ul Asad. His face and forehead were injured. The molar teeth was broken. His right shoulder was injured in Uhud by Ibn Qam’a’s blow. He also had a wound on his knee due to falling into a trench dug by the enemy. Abu Amir, an evil person, made this pit in the field of Uhud. All those who took part in the battle of Uhud, bearing wounds and pains, went with the Prophet ﷺ to Hamra’ul Asad. This scene is based on the verses of the Holy Qur’an, the third chapter, and the hundred and forty and forty one of the Al-Imran. The idea goes like this. “If you are harmed now, they were harmed before. We will change those days among the people. It is for Allah to separate the believers and to create martyrs from among you. Allah does not like the wrongdoers. It is for Allah to purge the believers and deprive the disbelievers of blessings “.
The Prophet ﷺ left after Subah prayer. A person named Sabit Binu Lahaq Al Khazraj was accepted as a guide. Reached Hamraul Asad. Camped there for three days. Every night followers used to light fire. Even people looking from far away could see it. At this place, the Prophet ﷺ found Ma’bad bin Ma’bad, who belonged to the tribe of Quza’a . He was a polytheist . There were Muslims and polytheists in the tribe of Khuza’a. Ma’bad said: ‘O Muhammad, we are sorry for the hardships you have suffered by placing yourself among your followers. We hope that Allah will heal you. Then the Prophet ﷺ asked Ma’bad to go and see Abu Sufyian. Ma’bad went back and approached Abu Sufiyan and his companions in Rauhau. They were preparing to go to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Abu Sufiyan asked Ma’bad. What information has Ma’bad come with? Ma’bad said: Muhammad has set out in search of you with his followers. I have never seen such a large army before. They will rout you. Many who were not with Muhammad( ﷺ) before, have gathered against you today. Abu Sufiyan said: Woe to you!. What are you saying?! Ma’bad said: I don’t think it is good for you to go there now.

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Then Abu Sufiyan said. By Allah , we have decided together to destroy the rest of the people with them. Ma’bad said: But now I do not agree with that. After hearing this, Abu Sufiyan and those who were with him felt something wrong. They were about to return to Mecca in great haste. While Abu Sufiyan and his army were returning to Mecca, they saw a traveling party from the tribe of Abdul Qais aiming for Madeena. Abu Sufiyan entrusted them a letter to hand over to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. And also told them to inform the Prophet ﷺ that; “We will come again to Madeena and destroy your entire people”. This group met the Prophet ﷺ when the Prophet ﷺ was in Hamraul Asad. Then the Prophet ﷺ said: *Allah is enough for us. He is so Good to rely upon . Referring to this occasion, the Holy Qur’an revealed verses from one hundred seventy two to seventy four of the third chapter .The holy Qur’an put it like this. “There are those who answered the call of Allah and His Messenger even after being wounded in battle. From among them those who do good deeds and guard against evil, will have a great reward. Those to whom the people said: surely men have gathered against you, therefore fear them, but this increased their faith, and they said Allah is sufficient for us and excellent is the Protector . By the grace and bounty of Allah, they returned without any difficulty. And they followed the pleasure of Allah. Allah is the Lord of the greatest bounty”. ‎
It can also be read in the hadeeth quoted by Imam Bukhari. Ibn Abbas says: Allah is Sufficient for us today. Ibraheem(A) has said when he was put in the fire that He is good enough to be trusted. When the Prophet ﷺ was told that the people have gathered together against you, therefore fear them, their faith increased and they said: Allah is sufficient for us to trust. On Wednesday, the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions returned to Madeena. They stayed at Hamraul Asad for three nights. The fear which affected the Muslims in Uhud, was removed with this. Many people died in the third year of Hijra. However, prominent people were Hamza, Mis’ab Ibn Umair, Abdullahi Haram, Amr ibnul Jamuh, Anasubin Nazr and others. Sixty four of the Ansars and six of the Muhajirs were martyred in Uhud.
This move was a day after the battle of Uhud. The battle of Uhud took place on Saturday, the fifteenth of the month of Shawwal. Then the Hamraul Asad incident happened on Sunday, the sixteenth of Shawwal.

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We have read the chapters of Badr and Uhud. Now we need to know some chapters related to the personal life of the Prophet ﷺ.
The most important one is the marriage of the Prophet’s daughter. We have already talked about the married lives of Zainab, Ruqiya and Ummu Kulthoom. The fourth daughter of the Prophet ﷺ is Fatima (R). The Prophet ﷺ had a special affection and relationship with Fatima right from her young age.When the Prophet ﷺ called his close relatives to the faith by the command of Allah, he called them by name and conveyed the message only to Fatima and his aunt Swafiyya. The Prophet ﷺ has made many references to the greatness and closeness with his daughter, like ‘Fatima is a piece of my liver’. Fatima lived until the departure of the Prophet ﷺ and continued to follow the Prophet ﷺ through her offsprings . She witnessed the crisis of the Prophet ﷺ. All that time, Fatima was with the Prophet ﷺ in the role of comforting mother, friend and daughter. Fatima had the most close resemblance with the Prophet ﷺ.
Naturally, many wanted Fatima as wife. Sidheeque and Umarul Farooq revealed their desire. The Prophet ﷺ replied to all of them that Allah’s decision will come. It was during this time that Ali, the son of Abu Talib, the paternal brother of the Prophet ﷺ, heard the news of the marriage proposal to Fatimah. Ali was in his youth. Although he was with the Prophet ﷺ before, now lives in another house in Madeena . Ali got the information from an elderly woman. She herself asked him, “Why don’t you propose Fatima?” How can do I?.What do I have for the wedding expense ? We hear that great people have already proposed her. Ali responded. The woman was not in a hurry to leave Ali. The lady told Ali that, it doesn’t matter. You must go there and it will be okay anyway. She encouraged Ali. ‘After much insistence, left for the beloved Prophet’s ﷺ house.
When he reached the doorstep, he was embarrassed. Although he entered Prophet’s ﷺ house , he could not speak anything. When the Prophet ﷺ saw this extraordinary shame asked; ‘Did Ali come with some need? Ali raised his head thinking he could respond, but no words came out. He was a brave warrior on the battlefield and eloquent on the pulpit, but now his words and looks eluded him . The Prophet ﷺ, who sought information from Ali three times, got hold of Ali’s intention and the secret of his arrival. The Prophetﷺ asked. Did you propose to Fatima? Ali nodded ‘yes’. The Prophetﷺ immediately asked, ‘what do you have to give as “Mahar”. Ali said. ‘I have nothing’. The Prophetﷺ asked. Don’t you have the armors that you received from Badr ? Ali said, ‘yes’, Sell it in the market and come back with the amount. Ali returned enthusiastically. Immediately, the Prophetﷺ approached daughter, Fatima. Talked about Ali’s marriage proposal . The Prophet explained Ali’s greatness, his knowledge, patience and courage. He talked about Ali’s qualifications. He was applying the teaching of seeking consent to his daughter. The Prophetﷺ understood the consent of Fathima from the eloquent silence. It was also a psychological realization that ‘the virgin’s consent lies in her silence’. A comprehensive study of marriage concepts can also be read from here.

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By the time the beloved Prophetﷺ was talking to Fathima, Ali left for the market with the military jacket. First he met Uthman, who was also the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. Although Uthman knew the course of affairs, he sought information from Ali. Four hundred and seventy dirhams were paid as the price. Uthman said, “You are a good warrior, this jacket will be more useful for you than me , so I am giving it to you as a gift.” Thus not only Ali did not lose his uniform but also got enough money . He returned to the Prophet ﷺ joyfully and explained everything to the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ was very happy. Specially prayed for Usman. Ali says; ‘I don’t know much about shopping. I called Bilal for help. Bilal and Ali went to the market after handing over some amount of money to Ummu Salama. Aisha and Ummu Salama arranged the house. Brought some mud and the wall was waxed. The Prophet ﷺ summoned Sidheeq and Ammar bin Yasir. Asked them to buy wedding clothes.
The whole of Madeena knew the news. Everyone was happy. Many people came to the Prophet ﷺ with gifts. Madeena sang auspicious song for the wedding of the beloved daughter of the Prophet ﷺ. Daff and Arabana sounded in the hearts of Madeena people .
Ali, the groom, is to prepare the walima or wedding feast. But Ali does not have enough money for that. Walima was sponsored by the Ansari follower, Sa’ad bin Mu’ad.
It’s the wedding day. The Prophet ﷺ delivered the khutbah, or pre-marriage sermon in a simple ceremony. Madeena filled with celebration and joy. After the nikah, the marriage agreement was concluded and the guests parted. Then the Prophet ﷺ called Ummu Salamah. The bride was dressed up to send off ti Ali’s house. The Prophet ﷺ told Ummu Salama to tell Ali and Fatimah to go to sleep only after he reached there. Accordingly, after Isha, the night prayer, the Prophet ﷺ reached the house of Ali. A bowl of water was brought and the Prophet ﷺ performed ablution. That water was sprinkled on Ali’s body. Then called Fatima. She wept because of the grief of leaving the beloved Prophet ﷺ. To Fatima, the Prophet ﷺ is father and mother. Fatima is not only the daughter of the Prophet ﷺ, but also in the position of mother and friend. Fathima is the daughter known as ‘Ummu Abiha’ because she took care of her father like a mother. The beloved Prophet ﷺ embraced and comforted her saying that ‘I have entrusted my beloved daughter to the one who has the most care, knowledge and ability. A special prayer was offered for a blessed life. After that, prayers and best wishes were offered to the couple for a prosperous life and noble children.
. We have read the chapter on how the most exalted father in the world married off the most glorious daughter. It is also a great lesson for parents on what to look for when looking for a mate for their daughters.

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The battle of Uhud takes place on the third of Shawwal . But an event that took place on the 4th of Rabi’ul Awwal in the same year, is a remarkable chapter in the Seerah. That is the killing of Ka’ab bin Al-Ashraf.The enemies of Islam use this incident to criticize the Prophet ﷺ and Islam. But a proper reading of reviews will convince us of the truth.
Ka’b bin al-Ashraf belongs to the Banu Nabhan tribe, a branch of the Banu Twayy tribe. Banu Nabhan is a tribe far away from Madeena .Ka’ab’s father Ashraf left the country and settled in Madeena as he killed one of his tribe’sman . Banu Nadeer the Jewish tribe protected him and considered him as one among them. He married Aqeela, a Jewish woman and the offspring born was Ka’ab. According to it, Kaab’s father was of Arab origin and his mother was from a Jewish family. When the beauty of both races came together, Ka’ab had a beauty that was noticed in Madeena itself. According to Judaism, genealogy is considered through the mother, so Ka’ab grew up and was known as a part of the Jewish community. He was rich with his own castle, surroundings and retinue. In addition to all this, he was also a poet who composed beautiful poems.
Ever since the Prophet ﷺ arrived in Madeena , Ka’ab had an enmity with the Prophet ﷺ. He expressed it in many ways. He interfered unnecessarily in the affairs of the Muslims. The Prophet used to address a large congregation in Madeena . It was by reserving their rights for all faith groups. Ka’ab’s intervention destroyed the social security. The Qur’an itself is against this unnecessary intervention . Mentioned in many places. An example can be seen when he intervened in the matter of the Qibla direction. It was then that the hundred and forty-second verse of the second chapter of the Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara was revealed. The idea goes like this. “The fools ask: “What caused them to deviate from the Qiblah to which they were facing until then?” Say: “To Allah belong the east and the west. Allah guides whom He wills.”
When he stopped the people from giving charity, this is what the Qur’an said in the thirty-seventh verse of the fourth chapter of Al Nisa. “They are those who are miserly and encourage people to be miserly; And those who hide the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them out of His bounty. We have prepared for those ungrateful people a most despicable punishment”.

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The surprising victory of the Muslims at Badr further irritated Ka’ab . When he heard the names of the Quraish leaders who were killed at Badr, he could not believe it. If Muhammad had defeated them all, it would be better to go inside the earth than to live above it. In other words, it is better to die.
He then confirmed once again that the news was true. His interventions led to the public repudiation of the covenants the Prophet ﷺ had made with the Jews in Madeena. He secretly went to Mecca and met the Quraish leader Abu Sufyan. Made a concerted effort to turn him against the Muslims. We have read about “Ghazwat Saweeq” or the grain war and the events that followed. Ka’ab was the reason for Abu Sufyan’s alliance with the Jewish tribes of Madeena at that time.
He recited many poems to inflame Quraish against Muslims and to increase thirst for vengeance. The poems had the influence of the media in the modern world order. In modern terms, Ka’abu was then doing the work of leaking the secrets of his own country to the enemy country and stirring up the enemy country militarily. How can a country and an administrative system justify this? What would be the punishment for such a crime of treason. Abu Sufyan asked Ka’ab after the conversation. Which religion, the religion of the prophet
Muhammad ﷺ or our religion is better? . Abu Sufyan asked this particular question putting in mind a notion that which says that ‘the Jews and the people of Vedas are the upper class’ . If Ka’ab considers his faith, he should say that the faith of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is better than the Meccans. Because the Jews also basically claim to believe in one God. The Meccan polytheists are the opposite of that. But in order to satisfy Abu Sufiyan, Ka’abu replied like this,. “Antum Ahda Minhum Sabila”. … You are better guided than they. This very private conversation between Ka’ab and Abu Sufiyan is mentioned in the holy Qur’an using the same words . That is the content of the Fifty-first verse of the Holy Qur’an, Chapter IV, ‘Al Nisau’. The concept can be read as: “Have you not seen those who have received a share of Vedic knowledge? They believe in occultism and demonic powers. And they say of the disbelievers, “They are more on the right path than the believers.”
Another crime Ka’ab committed was to compose obscene poems. He wrote poems insulting the honourable Muslim women and insulting them by mentioning their names and organs. It was an unbearable for the believers. Politically and culturally, it became the task of any ruler to bring Ka’ab, the unforgivable criminal, to the punishment that time demands.

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There are opinions as to the chronological order in which legal action was taken against Ka’abu bin Ashraf. We are reading on the basis that it was before Uhud. Ibnu Hisham, Waqidi, and Ibnu Kazeer and others are of this opinion. But the opinions that it was after Uhud, are also important. They are Imam Bagawi, the author of Subulul -Huda, Imam Shami, the Qur’anic commentator, Imam Suyutwi. They also have a historical justification. It is after Uhud that the Prophet ﷺ expelled Banu Naleer tribe from Madeena . It also coincides with the chronological order that Ka’ab was the main mastermind of the assassination attempt made by the Jews against the Prophet ﷺ.
The Prophet ﷺ asked his followers when every crime committed by Ka’ab bin Ashraf was punishable. ‘Who will carry out the mission? Then Muhammad bin Maslama responded positively. The Prophet ﷺ agreed . Muhammad bin Maslama was a person from the tribe of Aus: Aus was on good terms with the tribe of Banu Naleer represented by Ka’ab. On the other hand, if someone from the tribe of Khazraj took up this task, Banu Naleer would have been their opponent from a tribal point of view. Or this decision was also influenced by diplomatic considerations.
Muhammad bin Maslama took up the mission voluntarily . He began to ponder over it for days . Avoided food for many days. The Prophet ﷺ inquired.
He said that the task he had undertaken was difficult and that he was worried that he might not succeed. The Prophet ﷺ consoled him by saying that it is enough for him to try. Then Bin Maslama asked the Prophet ﷺ permission to talk to Ka’ab ? The Prophet ﷺ agreed to it. Because the Prophet ﷺ knew that when there is a war, some tactics will be necessary. Bin Maslama was ready to carry out the mission. He selected two more people to his group. Those two people were Haris bin Aus and Abu Naila, known as Salkan bin Salama. Salkan was the foster brother of Ka’ab bin Ashraf and a member of the tribe of Aws. All three of them took permission to see Ka’ab and came in front of him . Bin Maslama began to speak; ‘After coming to Madeena , that person asks us for a righteous share of wealth’ . Maslama spoke referring to the Prophet ﷺ. Earlier permission was sought for some of these talks. Bin Maslama continued. Asking share of wealth makes us difficult. All our possessions are gone and now you have to help us. Ka’ab was happy after hearing the conversation. What made him happy was that at least one Muslim started speaking against the Prophet ﷺ. But he did not know that this was a strategic conversation with the consent of the beloved Prophet ﷺ. Ka’abu said ‘I will give the amount. But you must deny that prophet (ﷺ). How can we deny the Prophet ﷺ ? It will not be sensible . Bin Maslama responded, Anyway, you should lend money and help. Then Ka’ab said. ‘I will give loan but for some kind of security’ . What kind of security do you mean? . Bin Maslama asked for clarification. If you mortgage your women to me I will lend you money. Ka’ab replied.

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How can we hand over our women as guarantee to a handsome man like you you. Then mortgage your children . He said. It’s not easy either. They don’t have a good future, don’t talk about them as pawns. And what to do? . ‘Our weapon is very precious to us and always need it. What if we pawn it off for you? Ibn Maslama asked. Ka’ab agreed . The aim of bin Maslama was to skillfully achieve the consent to enter Ka’ab’s fort with weapons. It was done.
On a clear moonlit night the trio set out for Ka’ab’s fort. They met the Prophet ﷺ near ‘Baqeeu Grave’ in Madeena. He prayed specially for them. They reached the gate of Ka’ab’s fort after receiving blessings from the Prophetﷺ. Abu Naila called Ka’ab. Immediately he replied and prepared to come out. Imam Ibn Hisham narrates. At that time he told his new wife . He was in the palace with the bride. She asked, “Where are you going at this time? Aren’t you at war with others?” He said that he is going to meet Abu Naila, his foster brother, for a matter that had been decided earlier. Once again she warned him , as she could hear the sound of blood trickling .It is not good for you to go outside now . But he didn’t head . He came out wearing expensive perfume. Bin Maslam, Abu Naila and others were waiting at the gate of the fort. Their plan was to carry out the mission cunningly .
Anyway, Ka’ab came out. Abu Naila received him . A beautiful moonlit night. Good fragrance of perfume. Ka’ab said, yes I am coming from the palace of my beautiful new bride. I have also applied good perfume . Again and again Abu Na’ila praised the fragrance. It seems that the fragrance comes from your head. If you don’t mind let me kiss your head. He Agreed. Abu Naila asked for permission to kiss again. By the time he was about to kiss for the second time, Muhammad bin Maslama and his companion jumped on Ka’ab’s back and used their weapons. And that’s the end of Ka’ab. The trio successfully completed the mission. A member of the group , Haris, was injured in this moonlight operation. But after applying the blessed saliva of the Prophet ﷺ, the wound healed completely.
An enemy turned against Islam and the country ended up with this. With this, many hostile snakes which had unleashed attacks against Islam earlier, returned to their burrows . After reading the passages, you would have been convinced that Ka’ab Bin Al Ashraf was a person who should be punished as a heinous criminal even in the modern justice system. That’s why the disagreements raised by critics about this death sentence are irrelevant. The most respectable method of punishment was adopted at that time. It is not relevant to say that the punishment should be according to the advanced ideas of the new era.

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Uhud takes place on third of Shawwal of the Hijra year. But when we read from the personal life of the Prophet ﷺ, the marriage with Hafsa is an important event that happened in Sha’ban in the same year. Hafsa, the daughter of Umar, was the fourth wife of the Prophet ﷺ. She was a widow following the death her husband Khunais bin Hudafa, who accepted Islam at an early stage and participated in two Hijras and Badr. Hafsa became a widow at the age of twenty-five. Widowhood of his daughter made Umar very grief- stricken . He thought a lot about his daughter’s remarriage. Usman bin Affan came to mind immediately. Because Uthman was a widower after the death of his beloved wife Ruqiya, the daughter of the Prophet ﷺ. Abdallah, an orphan child, was also there, and Umar approached Usman with high hopes and proposed marriage for his daughter. Usman replied that he will think about it. This did not satisfy Umar, but he waited for days for a reply. When asked again, he said that he does not want to marry . Usman politely rejected that proposal. But this became difficult for Umar. Umar then approached his dear friend Abu Bakr. If you are interested, I will marry my daughter, Hafsa to you. Abu Bakr did not say anything for or against. This hurt Umar more. Umar said, “It was the silence of Sidheeq that hurt me more than Usman’s rejection.” Umar approached the Prophet ﷺ with this grief.
The Prophet ﷺ smiled upon hearing the information and responded as follows. “Hafza will get a better husband than Uthman. Uthman will also get a wife better than Hafsa”. Umar was very relieved to hear this. He was overjoyed to know that the Prophet ﷺ was interested in accepting his daughter. The attitude of Umar towards Uthman and Sidheeq changed when he understood that both of them knew the intention of the Prophet ﷺ before. All tensions disappeared. Soon Sidheeq reached there and asked Umar. Did my response bother you? Umar said, ‘yes’. I knew Prophet ﷺ’s interest, so I responded like that. I also did not want to reveal the intention of the Prophet ﷺ without his consent. If the Prophet ﷺ changes his decision for any reason, I will accept her. Sidheeq added. Umar was very happy. The marriage between the Prophet ﷺ and Hafsa took place. Thus, new dimensions were formed and strengthened for the relationship of the Prophet ﷺ with Umar. It was very helpful in the later developments and precise implementations of the Khilafat.
It also came true that Uthman would get a better wife than Hafsa. Life with Uthman and the Prophet’s daughter Ruqiyya was short-lived. The pain of her departure had made Uthman very sad. Sadness had been on his face for months. Seeing that, the Prophet ﷺ even had to comfort him. Once Uthman said like this . What bothers me the most is that the relationship with the Prophet ﷺ has decreased with Ruqiya’s death.

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Prophet ﷺ understood the sorrow of Uthman. Considering the love and respect that Uthman had for being the son-in-law, the Prophet ﷺ married Ummu Kultum off to Uthman. Thus, he got a golden chance to marry two daughters of a prophet. Nothing like this happened before in history. Historian Ibn Katheer records after his analysis that there are no parallels in the history of earlier prophets. Usman has got the great name of “Du Nnurain” meaning twin-lighted But that marriage lasted only for seven years. Soon after the marriage was over, Abdulla, the son born to Uthman in Ruqiya, also departed. Ummu Kulthum passed away in the ninth year of Hijra. At that time, the Prophet ﷺ realised the sorrows that poured out on Uthman. The Prophet ﷺ told. Oh ! Uthman. If I had had forty daughters , I would have married off to you each one of them one after the other . Uthman was the man adorned with such a good character. Uthman did not marry another till the demise of the Prophet ﷺ. That’s why even though there were fourteen children in the marriages after the demise of the Prophet ﷺ , no one was a follower. There were nine sons and five daughters . But among them there were prominent Thabiee scholars. Aban bin Uthman is important among them.
The chapters will be confusing when we read in the order adopted by the biographers . In between the chapters of joy and celebration, the chapters of separation and sorrow will also enter. We are now entering one such reading.
A sad incident that happened during this period itself is the demise of the prominent follower, Uthman bin Maz’uon. We have already told about this follower who was the leader of the first migration to Abyssinia. His wife Khaula bint Hakeem was a pious woman who approached the Prophet ﷺ with the marriage proposal of Ayisha. So their family was in close connection with the family of the Prophet ﷺ. After reaching Madeena, He turned to a more spiritual devotion. The way of maximum material renunciation. Sometimes there were instances of swearing to abstain from all kind of pleasures and the Prophet (ﷺ) restrained him . Forgetting even his wife, he was engrossed in worship. Ayisha recognized his renunciation from Kahaula’s dress. The matter was reported to the Prophet ﷺ. Soon the Prophet ﷺ adviced Uthman. Reminded the importance of duty towards wife. He was a man who led a simple life. Seeing his simplicity in clothes other followers were often surprised.
In this way, the name of Uthman is the name that frequently appears in the life of the Prophet ﷺ.

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Once the Prophet ﷺ was resting in the courtyard Uthman bin Mazuoon passed by . The Prophet ﷺ noticed and called him. They talked to each other. Meanwhile, the Prophet ﷺ looked up at the sky and then looked down through right side . Uthman, who was surprised by this unusual action of the Prophet ﷺ, who usually speak with complete consideration for the person in front of him, inquired the Prophet ﷺ. He asked back. Did you hear me? What did you see Uthman ? He described what he had seen. Then the Prophet ﷺ told me. Gibreel, the Messenger of Allah, came to me and presented a verse from the Holy Qur’an. He recited the ninetieth verse of chapter Al Nahl, the sixteenth chapter of the Holy Qur’an. The idea can be read as: “Allah commands to do justice, to do good (to others) and to help the kindred, and He forbids indecency and the evil and rebellion; He admonishes you that you may be mindful” . “This verse has the importance of being a verse that comprehensively mentions the basic values ​​of human beings. Uthman said that after hearing this, my love for the Prophet ﷺ and the joy of faith increased.

In the third year of Hijra, Uthman fell ill and the disease worsened gradually. When the Prophet ﷺ heard the news, immediately went to Uthman. In the presence of the Prophet ﷺ, Uthman bin Mazuoon bid farewell to the world. The Prophet ﷺ’s eyes were filled with tears. The Prophet ﷺ kissed Janaza and tears fell on his face. The followers witnessed the scene emotionally. The Prophet ﷺ accompanied the funeral procession and reached Jannat al-Baqwee where Uthman was buried . Uthman bin Mazuoon was the first Muhajir follower to be buried in Madeena . The Prophet ﷺ himself descended into the grave and completed the burial . The Prophet ﷺ pointed to a stone and ordered a follower to bring it. Because of the size of the stone the follower could not lift it. Then the Prophet ﷺ himself went and took the stone and placed it on head side of the grave. He informed the companions that ‘this is my brother’s grave and adviced them to bury those who die from this family near his grave . The Prophet ﷺ praised Uthman bin Mazuoon after his death and said: “Oh Uthman! May Allah have mercy on you. You have not earned anything from the world. You have done nothing to the world”.
Kharijatubun Saeed (R) says that we were young people during the time of Uthman (R). The greatest jumpers among us were those who jumped over the grave of Uthman ibn Mazuoon (Bukhari, 4/364). Ibn Hajar says that this Hadith proves the permissibility of raising tombs.
(‘Fathul Bari 4/365.)

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An important move during this period is the ‘Sariyattu Za’id bin Haritha. The Quraish preparing for their trade journey. The two trade trips of the year are the most important source of income and means of resource for the Meccans. When they prepared to travel the present year, many of the Quraish said that it was not safe for them to travel on the normal route. They remembered the journey of the last year under the leadership of Abu Sufiyan and the battle of Badr and the defeat. This year’s leader is Safwan bin Umayya. He called a meeting of the Quraish leaders and said that neither the route they usually take nor the coastal route traveled by Abu Sufiyan last year is safe for them. So we have to find a new way. They agreed. Because in many places on the way we are going to pass, the one who follows the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are more now . Many tribes have become their supporters today. The Quraish were actually identifying a course of Islamic growth .
However, according to Aswad bin Abdil Mutalib, they planned to travel through Iraq and reach their destination. They appointed Furat bin Hayyan as their guide. They chose a very difficult path. They were careful not to let this secret out in any way. They traveled in secret. But the Prophet ﷺ received the news. Because a Quraish leader named Naeem bin Masuood was drinking with his friend Saliyat bin Nu’man.
Said Naeem when they drunk. ‘This year the Quraish could not lead the trade group in the usual way. Anti-Quraish people spread across the route. Even if you travel along the beach, there are many problems. Many of the tribes along the way are in good terms with Islam and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Therefore, we intend to find a new route and travel through Iraq. Saliyat bin Nu’uman was a Muslim who had not disclosed his faith . They came together to drink because it was before the prohibition of alcohol. When he got the information, he passed the information to Madeena .
The Messenger of Allah knew very easily the plan which the Quraish kept in secret. Immediately, the Prophet ﷺ set up a diplomatic team under the leadership of a beloved Swahabi named Za’id bin Haritha. They set out in search of the Quraish trading group. It was a group of a hundred people. They met the Quraish at a region called Kharada. This unexpected encounter terrified them. They threw away all the property and ran away, there was no fighting . Zaid and his group gathered the assets of the Quraish and returned. When the Muslims migrated to Madeena, left their properties there. The pride of the Quraish was on the property left behind by the Muslims. The feeling of retrieval of their property also influenced the Swahabis.
They reached Madeena with the money they got and the guide they captured. The guide accepted Islam. Assets were distributed.

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We are going through some of the important events in the third year of the Hijra. We have mentioned the two weddings solemnised this year. Hafsa was the fourth wife who came into the life of the Prophet’s ﷺ . Khadeeja, Souda and Ayisha were the first three. There are more stories to be read in the life of Hafsa and the Prophet ﷺ . Eagerness of Hafsa to win the Prophet’s ﷺ favor caused some troubles . Just like the matter of honey pot and so on. This is mentioned in the first part of the sixty-sixth chapter, Al Tahrim. Once the Prophet ﷺ had to pronounce a talaq. Umar was very sad. But before the time “Iddah” was over, Gibreel came and told the Prophet ﷺ. ‘ Take back Hafsa . She is steadfast in performing prayer and fasting. She will be your wife in the heaven’. With that, the Prophet ﷺ took back Hafsa . Later, until the death of the Prophet ﷺ, she had a completely contented life. Her great presence and service during the compilation of the holy Qur’an after the demise of the Prophet ﷺ, was notable.
This chapter also conveys to us how harmony and strife should be in marriage life of the Prophet ﷺ. He taught the greatness of married life and the importance of securing the ties. Islam is a complete way of life that gives right to the bride and groom to divorce with dignity and start a new life instead of ruining their lives with a mind that is so far apart that they can never join again.
The birth of Hasan, the beloved son of Fathima was the main event that brought happiness in the life of the Prophet ﷺ during this same period. It was during Ramadan. The Prophet ﷺ came to the house of Ali. Asked to bring the newborn baby. Ali brought the first child, a handsome son. The Prophet ﷺ accepted the baby with blessings. Then the Prophet ﷺ asked Ali. ‘What do you plan to name this this son? ‘Harb’ . Said Ali. Ali, being a brave warrior, chose the name ‘Harb’, which means war. Immediately the Prophet ﷺ said. ‘No’. I name this baby ‘Hasan’ which means ‘good and better’. Ali accepted the name joyfully . The Prophet ﷺ, Ali and Fathima were very happy. When seven days passed, arrangements were made to shave off the hair and Aqeeqah, etc. Hasan had most resemblance with the Prophet ﷺ. Once Sidheeq himself told Ali. ‘Hasan is not like you. Instead resembles more to the Prophet ﷺ than you . Ali was very happy when he heard that.
Hassan’s presence gave the Prophet ﷺ more pleasure. Every now and then the Prophet ﷺ come to take care of the son. Fathima also got more time to spend with the father. In the hadith quoted by Imam Muslim. Aqra’u bin Habis says. When the Prophet ﷺ was rushing along with a group of deligates , he stopped at the house of his daughter Fatimah. He called her and took Hasan and kissed. Then said, Oh Allah, I love this son , You should also love this son too ! Aqrau was surprised to see this. He said. ‘O Prophet! ﷺ I have ten children. I have never kissed or caressed anyone of them like this’ . The Prophet ﷺ told him the greatness of mercy. There are in the hadith texts many examples of children being considered in prayer.

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At the end of the third year of Hijra, another noble woman entered the life of the Prophet ﷺ . It was Zainab bint Khuzaima Al Hilaliyah. Another wife named Zainab bint Jahsh comes later. There are more references about her in the chapters of Seera . Will read it later.
This is Zainab, daughter of Khuzaima. She lived with the Prophet ﷺ for a short time. The name of her mother was Hind bint Auf. She was known as the luckiest woman in the world. Because the six girls they got in their three marriages were married to the best people. Zainab was one of them. After the death of Zainab, the Prophet ﷺ married another daughter, Maimuna bint Al-Haritha. Another daughter, Salma bint Umaisa, was married to Hamza, the paternal brother of the Prophet ﷺ.Umm al-Fazl Lubaba Al-Kubra another daughter was married by the half-brother of the Prophet ﷺ, Abbas. The fifth daughter, Lubaba Asugra, was married to a Quraish leader named Waleed bin Al Mugheera. She gave birth to Khalid bin Al Waleed. The sixth is Asmau bint Umais. She was married to Ja’far bin Abi Talib , a prominent Swahabi. After he was killed in the battle of Mu’atah, Abu Bakr married her . Ali also married Asma after Abu Bakr’s demise. Thus Hind bint Auf gets the title ‘the most luckiest mother’.
Let’s come to Zainab. The Prophet ﷺ married after her widowhood by the death of Tufail bin Harith bin Abdil Mutalib. But that life did not last long. The second husband was Ubaidullahi bin Harith.
Ubaidullahi was one of the three men who entered the battlefield for duel in the first phase of the Badr. Following the fatal wound he left this world after Badr. Some have also recorded that a companion named Abdullahi bin Jahsh also married Zainab. He too was martyred in Uhud. She came into the life of the Prophet ﷺ when she was a widow and very old.
In the social order of that day, widows in particular were quickly taken care of by someone else. The wives of those who were killed in war would have marriage proposals by the time the “Idda” period was over. Even though today’s world order claims many changes culturally, thousands of widows are languishing in their houses without getting married .
History speaks to us in such a way that it can be read that it was an honor that the Prophet ﷺ gave the title of wife to the widowed and elderly Zainab. She was a generous woman who earned the title of ‘Ummul Masakin’ or protector of the poor at a young age. The marriage that lasted for five to eight months, was an example of grace and greatness.She died in Madeena. During the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ, only two wives died in this world. The first one was Khadeeja in Mecca and Zainab bint Khuzaimah in Madeena . Among the wives of the Prophet ﷺ, she was buried in Jannat al-Baqee, a special graveyard in Madeena. The Prophet ﷺ himself led the funeral prayers and burial. Her is the first grave that we can visit among the graves of the wives of the Prophet ﷺ in Baqeeu.

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